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Marira is approved. I don't mind if you want want one but you should choose an element

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: 2nd General Kamika Alkens.

Animals and appearance: snow leapard and ferret only 3 ft tall

Age:19 as is in human years.

Element: Snow/Ice and Wind.

Family and background: Born into a simple family in Isel Kamika trained day and night to become the head of his family. One day when he was 10 bandits came and destroyed his home and family. He was forced to move to Arkadia to make a living. Using his strength he was scouted by the king and made a General in a matter of a few years. He is one of the youngest ever in maturity to become a General.

Tech items: He wears powerful armor along his back and a sharp tailed weapon. He also uses a scythe weapon with a very sharp edge.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Sei Elky (1st Vice General under General Kamika)

Animals and appearance: a pure wolf. one of the last few pure breeds of his kind.

Age: 9 young.

Element: Sand.

Family and background: Born in Sianika and raised without a family he was a well known bandit leader until one day 2nd General Kamika defeated him and enlisted him into his Vice Generals. He is a little scowly but deep down shares the good thoughts of the others and feels at home with them.

Tech items and weapons: He uses many sorts of bladed weapons. He mastered many different martial arts and weaponized combat techniques.
Name: Lilica ; The Warrior Hidden in the Mist

Animals: Iriomote Wildcat/ Lionshead Rabit

Appearance: She has shorter legs than most iriomote cats, but also has better hearing due to her ears. Despite her short legs she is very fast, perhaps due to her rabbit genes. Lilica has two different colores eyes, one green and one blue, though she is partially blind in her blue eye.

Age: 4 yrs. (32 in cat years)

Element: Water & Ice

Family & Bio: Lilica has been alone for practically all of her life, only briefly recalling a mother for the first few months of her life. While she may not know of her birth parents she recalls living in the land of Raze. Due to her small size she was initially taken advantage of and at times hunted by the large animals. Eventually Lilica taught herself to fight if only to protect herself and became a force to recon with within Raze. Her decision to leave Raze to go to Aurora came not too long after the discovery of her imminent blindness.

Tech: For the most part Lilica chooses not to wear any armor because it slows her down and speed is very vital for her. She sometimes fights with the aid of a rusted dagger which she keeps in a leather pouch on her side.
Name: Jicade Corochilus

Animal and appearance: Galápagos tortoise / rhesus macaque; he has the fur and general skeleton (tail-inclusive) of a rhesus macaque, but the flesh, shell, and typical peaceful behavior of a Galápagos tortoise. He has blonde fur and yellow eyes and is rougly 4'3" tall.

Age: 71 (getting pretty old, considering that the average of the average life span of a rhesus macaque and one possible average life span of a Galápagos tortoise (actual data is unavailable) is around 80 or so)

Element: Wood

Family and background: Jicade was brought to Raze as a child in response to recent attacks by predators in Aurora. The predators weren't after them for the obvious reasons, however; they were being chased for another reason, one that Jicade never knew but that had something to do with some sort of terrible crime. His mother, a rhesus macaque, was mauled shortly after depositing him in Raze. Jicade did not see his father, a Galápagos tortoise, again, and by now, he is long gone. Jicade spent most of the rest of his life in Raze, observing things with critical thought, attempting to raise himself using his observations. He developed a hobby of carving staffs from different kinds wood and, fearing the fate of his mother for himself, taught himself a simple form of self-defense. Having a natural enjoyment of carpentry, he found it not only practical but enjoyable to build himself a small wooden treehouse, complete with simple and unsophisticated (but nonetheless moderately comfortable) furniture, in what appeared to be an unclaimed tree near a river. As Jicade grew older and wiser, assisted heavily by the wisdom of his father (which he found in a book in the bag with which he was left), his simple, childish form of self-defense gradually developed into a nameless but effective martial art. He soon met up with his brother, Skorp, who, like Jicade, was deposited in another land (specifically Arkadia) for his own safety, and the two shared some enjoyable experiences together and had a few arguments. Like most other things in his life, Jicade's visits with his brother grew more mature and less energetic with age and occurrence, and soon the two had become less like brothers and more like old friends. Skorp is going to remain out of the picture for the time being, because I don't feel prepared to play two characters at once yet. I'll just say the two have both been busy and haven't had a chance to visit one another lately. Jicade is now very old and uses his favorite staff from his childhood, one with a vine flowing from the top end, attached to it by a golden band, as a walking stick as well as for its original purpose. Jicade is agile despite his old age due to the physical effects of the development and frequent enjoyment of the nameless martial art he practices, not to mention simply because he is closely related to a rhesus macaque, which is a kind of monkey and therefore naturally agile.


  • Jicade wears a white coat to keep himself warm when it's cold out. It has no pockets and is made of a soft, thick material. When it's not cold out, Jicade usually sees no reason to wear this coat and puts it in his bag; the front of his shell allows him to maintain sufficient dignity for most situations.
  • Jicade carries with him a long wooden staff that doubles as a walking stick (when he does choose to travel bipedally, that is). Attached to the top end by a golden band is a vine, allowing Jicade to use it as a fishing rod when he sees fit. Jicade will only catch nonsentient fish; if a fish displays emotion, he will release it back into the water. The staff is thick and made of strong wood, and it is therefore not easily broken, but like most wood, it is fairly flammable and will most likely cease functionality if it were set on fire and Jicade could not put the fire out in time to save it.
  • Being related to a Galápagos tortoise, Jicade carries with him an unremovable shell on his back. The shell is very, very hard, but could conceivably be broken by a very heavy weapon, such as a sledgehammer. This course of action would result in severe injury that would most likely require immediate medical attention if Jacob were to remain alive. If the shell were not completely broken but merely fractured, however, and Jacob were able to escape whatever caused the injury before it got any worse, the shell would heal itself over the course of several days.
  • On long trips, Jicade carries on the end of his staff his cloth bag with which he was left; otherwise, it remains at home, in his treehouse, on his wooden table. The bag contains:
    A stone carving knife with which to carve wooden things. It can also be used as a melee weapon if necessary.
  • A carved wooden base on which to carve wooden things. It can also be used as a rudimentary shield if necessary.
  • Five of his best staffs that he's developed in the past, kept not for any practical purpose but simply because he enjoys having them and they help him reminisce about the old days. It can also be used for double-handed combat or to replace burnt staffs. There are only five of them because he put a lot of love and effort into carving them and would only even try when he felt up to it, so despite his long life, he hasn't had the opportunity to carve too many.
  • A book of his father's wisdom. It used to help him understand life; now, it helps him make minor spiritual contact with his dead father. I'm not talking about summoning the dead or any hardcore magic or anything; I'm just talking about how sometimes when you're far away from someone or they've passed on, you feel like you can still share emotions with them when you meditate, especially if you have something that belongs to them. It can be used as a ranged weapon if absolutely necessary, but Jicade really doesn't want to do that, and it probably wouldn't be very effective, anyway.
  • Three large stones between which to sharpen his carving knife or with which to start small fires to cook and provide warmth. They can be used as throwing weapons, seeing as how they are of no value to Jicade other than pragmatic and can easily be replaced if they are lost. They would most likely be considerably more effective than the book. They can also be used to set the tips of sticks on fire. Jicade can then, when necessary, use the sticks as weapons or (more commonly) to serve as candles in the dark.
  • Some fish in a separate smaller cloth bag with which to prepare cooked fish using at least two of the three large stones. They can also be used as melee or ranged weapons. That would be pretty funny. "Why are you slapping me with a fish?" "Because you won't get off my back!" "Yeah, but why a fish?" "Well, 'cause... Shaddup and take it like a man! -slap slap-"
  • A great deal of uniform leaves in the same separate smaller cloth bag as the fish. The leaves serve to keep the fish fresh and to help start small fires to cook things and provide warmth.
  • A great deal of assorted leaves, flowers, and other edible plant parts in a different separate smaller cloth bag than the fish. These plant parts serve to prepare salad and/or tea. They can also be used to bait the end of the vine attached to Jicade's primary staff.
  • A stone flask in which to heat and boil liquids for purification, administration as medicine, and/or tea-making. This flask can be used as a melee weapon, and the liquid inside it can be used as a ranged weapon. Both get their effectiveness from being scaldingly hot; if they have had time to cool, they will most likely be incredibly ineffective.
  • A small, thick cloth with which to lift the stone flask without burning one's hand.
  • Two wooden cups from which to drink. Jicade does not heat and boil liquids in these cups because wood is flammable, and he does not drink from the stone flask because stone that's been sitting on a fire is often very hot. Jicade always keeps two of these in case he has a traveling companion, and he has one marked with an engraved circle as his own to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Two large, flat rocks from which to eat. Jicade always keeps two of these in case he has a traveling companion. They can also be used as ranged weapons.
  • Spare vines and golden bands, in case a vine slips loose from Jicade's primary rod due to the efforts of a large, overexcited fish. They can also be used to assist in climbing to high ledges or moving heavy things if necessary. If Jicade's equipped staff is set on fire, he can also attach a spare vine to another staff and use that one as his fishing rod from that point on.
  • Yet another separate smaller cloth bag, in which he keeps miscellaneous things he's collected that look like they may be either useful, worth something, or both.
Name: jumbu

Animal: rinorilla (rhino and gorilla)

Age:10 years

Element: earth

Family and background:doesnt share his history all that is know is that stark met him during the one year time skip

weapons he carrys around a giant axe

Name: Dunes of the Sianika.

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look:
Wolf/African wild dog. wolf african wild dog/tigersnakeyy/African_Wild_Dog_by_dolphy.jpg (Except she has blue eyes.)

Age: 5 mature.

Element: Sand

Family and background (how you got to the village): Born and raised in Sianika, Dunes was loved by her parents, and they did all they could to feed and protect her in the harsh world. For she was the only pup left from their litter. But their efforts eventually cost them their lives, as they died hunting for food. Dunes continued to live on half eaten foods, fighting for the last scraps. But she soon started hunting for herself, and could fend for herself. Reaching contentment, she roams the desert alone.

tech/weapons and armor: She uses two daggers, strapped to her front legs, and carries hundreds of needles, drenched in poison.
Name: Ano (white) 2nd vice General and Ona (Black) 1st vice General under 3rd General Orion.

Animal: Doveling Rabbit and battling rabbit.

Age:8 and 8 twins

Element: Fire (Ona) Water (Ano)

Family and background: no one knows how they came to be or how old they truly are. they have been with Arkadia for 8 years and havnt aged a bit. now they are known as traitors and ranks of the Rising Flames of Sianika.

weapons: Red and Blue staffs to go with their elements they are twice the size of them and have orbs on the top.
Name: Anko Red Second vice General under 2nd General Kamika

Animal: deer and poodle

Age: 16 middle aged.

Element: Earth and plants.

Family and background: A simple and kind woman who lived in Arkadia and joined the ranks of the military as a career choice. She climbed the ranks as a promising and talented soldier but soon after being posted at Second vice General she turned Traitor to the king.

weapons: She wields steel plates on her hoofs and can use medium length swords.

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