Planet Aeon RP (Sign Up)


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(A little about the village and planet: Think of the country like it was our world we are generally the size of America and Canada. The animals act much like humans and have developed language and clothing there will be some animals that stay with natural instinct witch causes conflict with the animals who want to progress. some are poor and live in hardship and some live in wealth. (wealth is valued as how much and how rich the land you control is with natural resource. the exchange rate is what ever you have to trade being herbs, metals and tech things even.)

The village known as Aurora is basically a mix of huts and wood buildings. Its no bigger then a football field but there are many elemental animals that take refuge here. its lush on the side of Mt. Kana in the middle of the country. With lots of forest surrounding it and the tech mixed you will see many types or armor weapons and items being used around the village. The Country is divided into a few things.

Metal tech the city of Arkadia (guns are not invented but chemicals and electronics have been studied highly) this is a large modern looking city. the general weapons are low density bladed weapons. Elements that come from there are fire and earth, the city is in the lower left of the country in the heat around 30-40 degrees on average.

Bandit desert the land of Sianika. This land is to the right of Arkadia with more heat and sand then it.the general inhabitants are strong but have little supply, they generaly practice in bladed combat. the elements that are in this region are fire, air, sand, and magma in some rarer places.

In the top right is a land is called Raze. A lush and watery land much like a rain forest. Here creatures are well trained to move around objects such as trees and plant life. its technology is limited but they have crafts that ride on the water and many tools to help them work better. the elemental creatures around this land are water, air, wood, and the occasional ice.

The last area to the top left is mountains of ice called Isel. Not many creatures live in this area but the ones that do are generally strong and tend to be arrogant to others. this area is under many storms of rain and snow the tech in these parts is low but the armor is some of the best in the world. the elements in this area are water, ice, and air.)

Name: any name you would like. (first and last)

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: you can choose from basically any animal you want ex. giraffe, bunny, snake... anything really and you can mix and match the DNA between 2 animals (no more then 2) like you could have a bunny with wings if you wanted. (keep a note that the animals would have to be about the same general size to mate I won't except something like an elephant squirrel if you understand what i mean)

Age: try to choose an age related to the animal you have as well. like turtles love for huge amounts of time so they would be 50 and only a teenager.

Element: fire, water, air, earth, or any sub elements such as ice, magma, wood, or sand.

things along those lines. (light and dark are not elements to be used)

Family and background (how you got to the village): your family that is with you or w.e they are. remember this is a commoner village of many races so nothing noble just interesting to average families.

tech/weapons and armor: choose the weapons or armor that you carry with you and the tech that is generally in your home or by your sleeping area (being a mixed village the tech is mild but you can find the rare good things. many different creatures use different items for battle or normal living. in this country their are parts that use lots of tech and some that don't have a single piece of electronics.)


Name: Twisted of the claw clan

Animals and appearance: Pure red wolf with Eagle wings as large as his body. average sized wolf with a hooded shirt on his front with a bag strapped on the side and bands around his ankles.

Age: 7 mature

Element: Fire

Family and background: born and raised in Arkadia he moved out into the middle of the country when he was 5 traveling on his own. his family is one of the larger manufacturing clans in Arkadia so he takes new weapons and items to be used in bounty hunting for a living. He is also trained in medical science and can operate medium sergury. he recently ended up in a small village not a few weeks ago for some relaxation from work.

Tech items: he has some chemicals and bladed on his back and hidden weapons within his clothes

to help him with his work. he keeps a sound pendant around his neck that works with many levels of sound.
Name: Roy Suda (Blademaster clan)

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: Wolf/monkey

((he has a wolf tail))

Age: 8

Element: magma

Family: Born in Sianika, while traveling with his parents to Isel, his sister, Shinku was born. A year later, they returned to Sianika and reopened their blacksmith shop for the village, since they were known to be master blacksmiths. 3 years later, a sudden illness killed the parents. Roy spends everyday working in the shop and protecting his sister, since she can not use her element because she does not know what it is.

Sister: Shinku (see below)

Father: Jaygo (Deceased)

Mother: Rose (Deceased)

tech/weapons and armor:

Weapons: Large sword, 2 kodachi (hidden)

tech: Blacksmith tools (hammers, anvil, furnace)

armor: Body plate, arm guard (left arm), shoulder plates (see picture)

Name: Shinku Suda (Blademaster clan)

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: Wolf/monkey

Age: 6

Element: Ice

Family: (see above)

Ever since she was born, Shinku loved watching snow fall, she was always lost in a trance whenever she looked at it. Every day in Sianika she dreams about the snow, wishing to see it again. (Same backround as Roy after this)

tech/weapons and armor:

Weapon: katana

Tech: (same as above)

Armor: None
Name: Ferum of Arkadia

Animal: Uuum...Bobcat/Lion? That's my out of armour appearance.

Age: Ten

Elemental Affinities: Fire

Family: Parents are deceased. Estranged from siblings.

Technology and Battle Gear

Weapons: This guy's sword: and napalm firebombs.

Technology (Personal): A mobile phone which he uses to call people he knows.

Technology (Issued): His armour system which includes a biometrics readout,NavHUD,IF/F display and radio. Anything else issued to him.

Armour: See linked picture for weapons. That guy's armour,with Ferum's mane poking out from under the helmet.

Background: Ferum was born in Arkadia,where his parents worked as researchers. His siblings,all fifteen of them,joined seperate science related fields. Ferum was always the oddball of the family,and joined the Arkadia Defense Army. His siblings hated him for this choice,and disowned him,while his parents understood perfectly;the nation needed people to protect its future and interests. When he was seven,his parents passed away,and he continued his work in the ADA to honour their memory and work.
Riddle Approved for rp!

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Sungazer I like it except for the picture. it must be an animal preferably a quadruped
Name: Jak

animal: monkey / snake

Animal trait: Taipans venom, causes paralysis in one hour

element: sand

age: 5 (twenty in monkey years)

family: abandoned at birth, grew up in a gang of thieves

weapons: Knife and fangs, small pouch of sand

Armor:leather cup and spiked collar

Tech: iphone


History, abandoned at birth Jak was raised as a member of gang of thieves in Sianika. He is very sneaky and deceptive. he has come to this village to start anew after he killed a fellow gang member in a dispute over the phone he now carries.
Name: stark titanus

Animal giant wolf

Age:5 young

Element: lighting

Family: his parents still live in isel with his 2 brothers and 3 sisters they are middle class there

background: starks father and two brothers became mercenaries to support the family so they have travelled around abit stark decided to go out on his own after awhile because he was bored of isel relizing it was a big world and he wanted to see it for himself so on his fifth birhtday he snuck away and left isel in search of his own version of home

tech/weapons and armor:armor that covers his chest and sides and most of his legs its made of a special metal that conducts the lightning around it making it like an electric fence anything that touches it gets zapt. he has no tech because he is right now a wonderer. for his weapons he has his teeth and claws

Name: Orion 3rd General of Arkadia

Animals and appearance: A mix between a larger wolf and rhino. Thick armour on the fronts of his legs and along his back. Strong blue eyes. thick blue fur white undercoat.

tusks on his snout.

Age: 7 mature.

Element: Fire.

Family and background: Born and raised in Arkadia he was raised to be the leader of his clan since his brother didn't take his heritage. All he ever wanted was to be better then his brother, he didnt care about heritage as long as he could accomplish that goal. He trained most of his time growing up and now he is General of the military.

Tech items: weaponized wrist claws.
Name: Rose (female)

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look:

Age: 2 years old (14 years old in dog years)

Element: Earth (more like plants)

Family and background (how you got to the village): Pack was eaten by lions when she was 1 1/2 years old. She has a brother named Flame and another little wolf that she saved from the pack named Selene. While they were walking, they stumbled down a hill and into Raze.

tech/weapons and armor: All their electronics were taken away when they were in the lion attack.

Name: Aleu

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: This image, but smaller

Age: 9 1/2 months

Element: Ice

Family and background (how you got to the village): See Rose's Family and Background. The only difference was that Aleu was 4 months old at the time.

tech/weapons and armor: Same as Rose's tech/weapons

Name: Cameron

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look:

Age: 2 years old (14 years in dog years)

Element: water, but wants to be fire

Family and background (how you got to the village): Same as Rose's

tech/weapons and armor: Same as Rose's
Name: Ark

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: Wolf/Primate

in mecha-gear:

(but without the human skeleton on the right of the pic)

Age: 7 - 33 in dog-years

Element: water and ice

Family and background (how you got to the village): used to be a cop in the big city, but soon tired of the constand corruption.

he finally had a serial child-rapist "in the bag" but the rapist's rich father paid off his boss and let him go free.

and so, he now covers this city as the regional commander of law enforcement.

tech/weapons and armor: Physical enhancement suit Mark-4 standard issue for regional commanders, from the CBD of the city to small villages like this one.

although, it is rarely used, unless there is a report of a disturbed individual.

the armour is ex-military grade, and now a common sight in ghettos and other dangerous areas.
not approved! mechs are not invented. also your char follows a story all in its own and does not follow the kind of story i hope to have. please remake your char. rid and myself probably have the best i would allow in weapons/ armor. also the population

isnt that large so a militarized forse with that kind of equipment would not be formed yet.

military force would probly be best described as a clan or large group of ppl given a title or job of protecting a surtain area.
Name: Flecker of the Sky

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: Swallow and a Baird's Rat Snake. Photos_files/swallow.jpg
<- like that, with white snake scales throughout the underbelly and around the beak

Age: A little over 2 years old.

Element: Air

Family and background (how you got to the village): Doesn't remember how she got there. Just woke up there with a thorn in her wing around the time she was 4 months old and was taken in by the "sky" clan, a group of hawnehs (hawk and large scorpains mix) despite not fitting in, and grew to know them as family. Growing up there, Flecker became a bit of a musical entertainer for people around the village, otherwise still looks around for something of use to be and has found nothing of interest.

tech/weapons and armor: The scales naturally on the stomach tend to be sharp in the edges. Naturally sharp claws and beak. Carries a small pouch of crushed up poisonous leaves and berries. Most tech too large to carry outside of a personally made calling horn, meant to amplify the sounds of her calls. As far as armour goes, it's too heavy to fly with so she goes without.
Esme is approved. I like your background and reasons for no tech xD good thinking, you may now post in the rp.
Name: Sky Clan

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: Hawkens. A mix between a hawk and a large scorpian, with scaled skin and a hidden stinger in their tails, they take the shape of the hawk, and the feriosity of both creatures.

Age: Elders are about 15 years. Children range from 1-4 years, depending on maturity, teens are generally 2-7, adults are 8+

Element: The clan is mostly neutral, with the occasional air element gifted Hawken (if there was a hundred, you'd have about two)

Family and background (how you got to the village): A hawken has been in the village since the day it was actually considered a village, over just someone staying there for a while. And through the years, they have adopted a hollowed tree as their home, often called the Home Tree where they lived. As the hawkens grew in numbers, they became known as the Sky clan, and, as more people settled in, they began to do shows which often told the story of the village in them. From droughts and storms, to wonderous tails of those who left for Arkadia, it became what they did best.

tech/weapons and armor: Members of the family have various tech and weapons, but very few wear armour. Those that do are exceptionally strong flyers. Though, all have a stinger of poision, tallons and a sharp beak to naturally defend themselves with.

A general Clan thing for a reference.
Name: Swai (transport animal)

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: like that but its green and the neck and body are usually straight. Very large about 12 feet.

Ages: 1-5 years old are infant birds that cant fly, 6-10 are teen and adults are 11-30 depending on maturity, 31+ are generally elders but they can live on to be 50 or so.

Elements: Air, and sand.

Family and background: A trained bird used by nobles and military that is used for transportation over long distance. They were first used about 150 years ago by some bandits and were adopted by the people of Arkadia. They are proud animals and wont let just anyone use them. They are properly trained and used by the higher ups and they are perfectly fine with the way they live.

tech/weapons and armor: military Swai will generally have breastplates and head guards they fight with there pure power or elements for the gifted.
Name: King Zenith the 2nd

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: A dragon's wings and scales on a lions muscular body. this image is probly the best i could probly find that fits the image in my head.

Age: 78

Element: Fire, Air, and sand. Rare but the strongest of leaders can learn to manipulate more then one element but three is his alone as the mightiest king of Arkadia.

Family and background: His family one side of the powerful and mythic scaled beasts and the other powerful and proud lions. The king took throne when he became 23 and his father died in battle. He has lived a proud and strong life taking care of his people, many believe in him to be the best king that has ever been.

tech/weapons and armor: The king does not need armor and weapons. His body is one of the most finest and strongest ever born he will use a headpiece in war time and some shoulder armor.
Name: Rhys Aaric

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: A mix of a artic fox and a wolf

Age: 6

Element: Fire

Family and background (how you got to the village): Is a simple jewelry maker that travels from village to village and has been since age 3, making an average living in creating pretty things for the women of the villages that could afford to purchase, or trade for them. Despite having very cheap prices on anything she makes, she rarely have a steady business, and is used to leaving villages with zero orders, as she has had for the last 6 months, so she set up shop in Arkadia for a while, hoping to get some business soon or she would have to find a solid work in something.

tech/weapons and armor: Claws and teeth, along with front leg bands, a small band like forehead protecter (all three look like this Also carries a pouch full of jewels, metals, a few hammers and crafting tools, along with a cloak like thing to hid it all when traveling
Name: Oki leader of the Alobear bandits and member of the rising flames.

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: A bear and Alligator. Alobears usually walk on all fours but the leaders walk on two legs to be higher up. it would generally look like this but it would have all alligator scales and some fur in between the scales.

Oki has a scar on his eye and small scars around his body he is slightly larger than average. (they are the size of this ones shoulder. this picture would represent the tallest an Alobear could ever get.)


Age: 38 mature old.

Element: Earth.

Background: Raised in the slums he worked his way up with his power. He then made his own bandit camp around 20 years old. The bears of the camp were like his family. One day he was noticed for his power and the rising flames added him as a member.

Armor: He uses a helmet and his earth armor the most often.
Name: Sedina Jedu

Animal/how it looks: Dhole

Age: 1.2 Years (still young, but biologically mature, if you know what I mean)

Element: Wood

Family/ Background: Born and raised in Raze,she ran away because she was almost forced into an arranged harem. She didn't understand why she should have a group of mates when many animals are happy with one, and the didn't fancy any of the males so much.

Tech Items: None whatsoever. She is VERY strong for her size, a great swimmer, and an excellent climber, and she has gained enough knowledge to work with the items around her.
Name: Flynt Anogi (First Vice General under 1st General)

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: bunny and snow fox

Age: 15 mature young adult.

Element: Fire and lightning

Background: A very intelligent creature that studied very hard in the source and manipulation of elements through the body. She joined the military research department after finishing school. Flynt quickly became head of the department and eventually the 1st Vice General. Her power and smarts are known well throughout the country.

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Name: 1st General Bromley Adits

Animal/ mix of Animal and how you look: horse and coyote a little smaller then a normal horse.

Age: 28 older mature.

Element: Water and Ice.

Background: A Proud noble from a strong family. He quickly became top of his class at everything in School and then he was scouted by the king himself. He was put into special Training and finally given the title of High General (1st General).

Working with the king for many years he has gained the trust and support of all in the kingdom.

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