"Plague" Sign up and character sheet!


New Member
Hey there! :smile 2: So here are some rules for your character sheet:

Information to provide:

  • Physical appearance (size, hair and eye color, etc.)
  • Personality
  • Age
  • Career - if old enough to have one
  • Close/loved ones

You don't have to provide a picture. (I'm not!)

So I'll start out, I guess! :smile 2:


Maddie is 16 years old and is a shy, sweet girl. She is very intuitive and cares deeply about people. She's small for her age with wavy blond hair and blue eyes, and works out a lot to keep a slim figure. She lives with her mom, (her dad died of cancer before she was born) who is 45 and has the same personality as Maddie.

I'll approve you as soon as possible! :smile 2:
  • Name: Marisa
  • Physical appearance: Short brown hair, green eyes, short
  • Personality: She's Calm and friendly, very emotional. she doesn't like to show when she's angry though and prefers to hide if she want to cry. She hate crying in front of people
  • Age: 18
  • Career - Babysitter (for now)
  • Close/loved ones: She only has her mother cause her father ran away when she was little.
  • Name: Josaphina (Josi) Rutger
  • Age: 26
  • Height: 5'8''
  • Weight: 145 lbs.
  • Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde/Red
  • Eye Color: Blue-Green
  • Complexion: Fair skinned with light freckles dabbled along the bridge of her nose and bulbs of her cheeks.
  • Career: Bartender
  • Personality: Josi is a complex character who tends to be stubborn and mouthy, and honestly has a hard time showing compassion despite her desire to do just that. She rarely shows her true emotions and usually puts on a 'tough-girl' facade. Her past haunts her in the form nightmares that bring back vivid memories. This transcends into her physical life by way of distrust for those she is not yet well acquainted with. (There's more, I just need to actually play her to feel her out.)
  • Close/Loved ones: Open for anyone who wants to fill the void. Maybe her boss at the bar, a regular she gets to know, or a roommate of some sort. The possibilities are endless! :)
Name: Rui

Physical appearance:


Age: 16

Personality and whatnot: Rui is has a very "cool-guy" type personality. He is generally very quiet but can sometimes be a bit of a playboy. He has a part time job at a local coffee shop and lives with his mom and younger sisters Miyu who is 12 and Suki who is 5. He's very protective about his family. His family is kind poor and so Rui spends a lot of time doing odd-jobs for people. (Some of which involve being thug/hitman/whateveryouwannacallit so Rui had to learn to be tough and how to fight). Most people who know about his extra jobs fear him but also like to gossip about him. It makes him a subject to bullying but he tries not to care. He has two loyal friends but still the most important thing to him is his family.

(If anyone wants to play as one of his sisters or his friends that's totally cool with me ^-^ )
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  • Physical appearance (size, hair and eye color, etc.) Green eyes, Shaggy brown hair, hes 6'3

  • Personality: Hes laid back and rather quiet, he minds his own business and rarely gets involved with drama.
  • Age 18
  • Career - He works at a ice cream shop in the summer.
  • Close/loved ones: Mother~
  • Name: Jackson
  • Amanda Starcain
  • Physical appearance (size, hair and eye color, etc.): Very skinny and slender for her age. Only weighs about 68 pounds. Also is kinda short at five foot. Silky blue hair that tumbles to her hips. Sparkling light blue eyes.
  • Personality: Amanda is an extremely caring and kind person who will always put others before herself especially animals. She doesn't care if she was on her own death bed for she'd rather die than let someone suffer. She loves making friends but in school she is quite shy and is bullied a lot, making it hard for her to. She is very sweet and lovable though once she breaks through her little shell she puts up in school. Once you get to know her you will also see how bubbly, bouncy and very oblivious she is. Even though Amanda is oblivious, it doesn't mean that she's stupid. She's actually very smart, though most think she is not for her common sense is not soo high. She is quite energetic and childish as well and she always loves to run around and play games. She is REALLY connected with music for her parents were singers and taught her much about that and she always carries her guitar and music/lyric book around in it's case. She looks like she is weak and frail, but if you were to ever anger her, you will regret it. She's very tough and strong despite her tiny appearance. Luckily she only gets angry if you were to hurt something or someone she cares for like her friends, guitar, or locket. However if needed by her friends she can activate a survival mode, in which all her instincts are on high alert. She is protective that way, but most do not get to see her like this and are usually shocked when they see it. She usually hides her past for she does not want anyone worrying about her even though it is secretly killing her on the inside that she has to keep all these emotions and secrets from her friends
  • Age: 13
  • Career - if old enough to have one: She sings on the street with her guitar
  • Close/loved ones: Naomi(Twin)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb0df6d5_cuteanimegirl5.jpg.84da5aaf3044ed452954d075efde7611.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb0df6d5_cuteanimegirl5.jpg.84da5aaf3044ed452954d075efde7611.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • cute anime girl 5.jpg
    cute anime girl 5.jpg
    11.6 KB · Views: 40
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  • Name: Naomi Starcain xD
  • Physical appearance: Naomi has choppy, short dirty blonde hair. Her hair has streaks of bleach blonde and pale blonde that are from ze sun. She is 5' 2" and wears black hipster glasses. She is very pale, and burns easily. Her eyes are a gray-blue and she has very light eyebrows and lashes. She weighs about 95 pounds, and has a bit of muscle from she wrestling. Her legs are very long, and she has a very flat chest. She has short side bangs pushed to her left and others right. She always wears jeans and a t-shirt, with sneakers or moccasins.
  • History: Naomi is a bit more shy then Amanda, and sings less and more quietly. She prefers to read and write, and can be very loud and annoying. (AmandaSkittles bio for about parents...) Naomi is tough, and always worries about Amanda. Naomi published one of her books, which brings in a little money and will, on occasion, sing with Amanda. Naomi's the more mature one, and helps to handle their money better. She can be goofy and stuff, but is a bit nevous to show dat side of her.
  • Personality: Naomi is a 'sweet little angel' who 'could never hurt anyone'. She is very cynical and suspicious, as well as protective. She loves everyone, but goes rabid on occasion and may try to kill them. When she gets mad, shes a rabid beast. When shes happy, shes a sweet little angel. She's also a bit shy, especially with singing and such.
  • Age: 13
  • Career: Amateur Author
  • Close/loved ones: AmandaSkittles = Twinnn

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  • Castor Othello
Personality: He is kind of a d*ck, but everyone loves him! He is very charismatic. He is naturally slim and is unable to gain weight. He likes when people compliment his work.
Age: 17
Career: He draws fanart for girls, who then give him money.
Close/loved ones: {To be revealed.}
Whoa! I should have checked back in sooner. :big grin: All of you guys are accepted, and I'm reserving two spots, so we're no longer accepting.
Sorry about that, I just changed it. Kotomi, I posted something describing it, you can find it on my profile.:smile 2: 
Okay, so here's the big update for everyone:

Can I just say that this is awesome? Sorry :big grin: I just didn't think I'd get this many people! I'm so sorry I haven't replied sooner, I've been very busy, but I'm going to try to stay online often this weekend. From here on out, I kind of want this thread to be about the last-minute things before we get started. Like I said, there are still two reserved spots, so we'll wait for those people for a while (not too long though, don't worry! :tongue:).

What I mean by "organized": Well, basically, I'm hoping to get this show on the road by tomorrow afternoon/evening. It would really help me out if everyone could check in with me and just say that they're ready to begin and have no further questions, or if you do ask me! :smile 2: I'd prefer if you did that by just messaging me. Post any questions that you have more for the group here! I'm signing off right now, (I'd prefer it if everyone notified the rest of us when they'll no longer be online.) but I'll probably be up and on here pretty early - I'm an early bird. :tongue:
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Charles L. Jeansonne




Biological Containment First Response




Intelligent and quick witted he's a genuinely nice guy. He has an easy calmness when the situation allows. In the end though he is a solider and will make any difficult decision if needed.

+Close/Loved Ones+


Nirvana said:
  • Physical appearance: Naomi has choppy, short dirty blonde hair. Her hair has streaks of bleach blonde and pale blonde that are from ze sun. She is 5' 2" and wears black hipster glasses. She is very pale, and burns easily. Her eyes are a gray-blue and she has very light eyebrows and lashes. She weighs about 95 pounds, and has a bit of muscle from she wrestling. Her legs are very long, and she has a very flat chest. She has short side bangs pushed to her left and others right. She always wears jeans and a t-shirt, with sneakers or moccasins.
  • Personality: Naomi is a 'sweet little angel' who 'could never hurt anyone'. She is very cynical and suspicious, as well as protective. She loves everyone, but goes rabid on occasion and may try to kill them. When she gets mad, shes a rabid beast. When shes happy, shes a sweet little angel.
  • Age: 13
  • Career: Amateur Author
  • Close/loved ones: AmandaSkittles???
Sisters??? (If so we'd probably have to be twins)
AmandaSkittles said:
Ok!!! Now I'm glad there was no bio...we'd never figure that out!!!!
lol! i tagged uu check it outtt 

AmandaSkittles said:
Ok!!! Now I'm glad there was no bio...we'd never figure that out!!!!
Wait... there wasn;t? -goes back- Holy $h*t! Thats all your personality? o_O
AmandaSkittles said:
I noticed you did!!!!
:( :mad: :confused: :eek: :banghead: :face palm: :sorry: :tongue: 

AmandaSkittles said:
I noticed you did!!!! 
If you want me to, I can finish the parents part for you
I reffered it to yours... im gouda. :big grin: 
Wait... I just realized; We actually look enough alike to be twins in actuality. :big grin:
So, I totally slipped out of the loop somehow. My alerts weren't letting me know when people posted. I'm behind, but if you're okay with it, I'll jump into the RP thread sometime tomorrow.
I'm so sorry guys!!!! :( I haven't logged on in forever. If everyone wants to go ahead and try to keep the rp going, I'm cool with that, but if not, I totally understand. Sorry for being such a terrible rp host :sorry:

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