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Fandom PLA: Aftermath


The voice echoing within your mind
Perhaps the rift opens once again sending more from the present to the past? Perhaps new strange yet familiar pokemon appear in Hisui..! So let us begin the story..!

Human Character Sheet:
Partner: (If you want another player could ve your partner)

Pokemon Character Sheet:
Pokemon: (What are you are you a alpha (lord or lady)? are you a shiny? etc.)
Wild or Partnered: (And partnered with who)

(I really hope people aren't bored of PLA yet!)
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Nickname: none yet.
Age/Level: 37
Pokemon: (What are you are you a alpha (lord or lady)? are you a shiny? etc.) Sneasler
Personality: Calm, Orderly, Motherly
Apperance: FMAKXfwXoAAs_0i.jpeg
Wild or Partnered: Wild
Backstory: Born into this work in eternal darkness, completely blind, She'd have grown up wandering and climbing as she now wanders Alibaster Isles alone.
Excuse me, are you looking for a human or pokemon to go with your character?
ah think i would try a human for this then if you dont mind
Name: Andy Richter
Gender: Male
Age: (16-19) 18
Partner: Azurill

Backstory: Born into a quaint, moderately sized house in Mahogany Town Andy was an introvert at the start of his childhood, clinging mainly to his parents, Bob and Martha Richter for protection due to extreme shyness. This led to him being homeschooled and learning basic reading, writing, and math from them. The parents wanted him to make some friends with any other kids at their favorite spot, which also happens to be where the parents met, Corsola Cove, around Mt Mortar, dubbed that due to the abundance of Corsola present. However, if they tried to help him he would run away without saying a word with a very scared expression on his face, thus leading the local kids in Mahogany to label him an oddball.

This continued until age 6 during one routine day at Andy's now favorite area. He was busy making little designs in the sand, with his parents watching him while they were lounging around. That is until a Water Ball pokémon popped its head out of the water. The Azurill, as identified by Mr. and Mrs. Richter who still carried pokèdexes just in case, merrily bounced up to the trio with a squeak. This was Andy's first encounter with a pokémon so initially, he recoiled away from it. The Aqua Mouse Pokémon just waved its bouncy tail at him, smiled and squeaked once more which made Andy more cautious now more than afraid as he reached out to pet the Marill of which it took full comfort in. Bob and Martha saw this occur and became overjoyed that their bundle of nerves seemed to have taken a shine to a pokémon and potential new friend. After a whole day of play by Andy and his new found poké-friend, Azurill, the Richters got ready to return to Mahogany Town. Before they left, she squeaked again, waved using that tail of hers and walked back into the lake.

From then on, Andy slowly became more outgoing. By age 10 thanks to repeated visits to see Azurill, he was at least being more vocal with the Mahogany Town locals, unless it was the first time meeting a person, in that case, he would start out timid but warm up to him or her after a few minutes of conversation. Andy's homeschooling was going well too, he was learning Middle School levels of reading, writing, and math. Though he was homeschooling well, he wasn't as interested as much. His love of nature though never really diminished, still wanting to go to places along Johto such as Corsola Cove, Ecruteak City, and Olivine City, as well as keeping an eye on his neighbor's potted plants.

During the year before his 16th birthday, Andy’s adventurous side started showing up. He would sneak out during the night to explore the areas around Mahogany; not going too much farther than that because he didn't want to worry his mom and dad, he was very respectful of them after all. He yearned to head to rest of the Johto region learning about the many cultures and pokémon present throughout with his own pokémon, little did he know they both were planning quite a surprise for him. One being he was headed to a new region to pursue his current aspiration to be a pokemon nurse, perhaps thanks to the visits with the mouse. The other would be revealed on his 18th birthday, the parents letting him have a chance at his own adventure, before all that though, was the usual happy birthday Andy followed by the birthday cake and presents which included a backpack, a flashlight as well as a very special, secret surprise that Andy's parents decided to keep secret from him, a certain blue mouse. The soon-to-be nurse was very excited about all the goodies until he remembered he still needed a pokémon. Suddenly, he heard a familiar sounding squeak. He lit up like a Blitzle charging up a Thunder attack. He picked up the Aqua Mouse and paraded around the house and hugged it followed by the parents for getting his first real friend. Andy became ecstatic, he now had everything he needed to start his adventure; with that, he bolted out the door headed for Sinnoh with all the gifts and Aquamarine, an affectionate name for his first pokémon, in tow after one last goodbye hug from his parents, at least till that rift opened he was sucked in. Seems fate had a different idea in store for him, instead of Sinnoh, that rift would have him ending up in Jubilife Village well in the past. That brought a major problem of getting back to his present timeline.

to think this all started upon meeting a tiny little blue mouse

Goals: Right now this would be to become a pokenurse, but along the way he would like to make a few friends. Maybe even opening up a pokcenter or a bakery as that is another interest of his though it started thanks to nearly torching his house. Perhaps he may also look to be a Pokemon Ranger

Personality: Andy is eager to observe the world around him and somewhat inquisitive. That inquisitiveness has made him very bright in terms of knowledge of nature but has also led to an unhealthy sense of danger because of it. Due to still being young, he is still a little naive, which results in him falling for pranks, such as April Fools pranks. However, when this does happen, he will see it as a learning experience and, in fact, occasionally going along with it knowing full well that it’s a prank for the sake of humor. One example of this comes from Ratattas or other prankster pokémon hiding his items all over Mahogany Town, the pokémon themselves belonging to other trainers. The scavenger hunts don't bother him as he sees the pokémon as being playful or silly. Andy has high morals and won't allow anything to happen to his friends, going out of his way to try and settle disputes between other locals, even though it's clearly none of his business, telling the truth whenever he does something wrong, or just being around for people that have had bad days. This does lead to him getting into some sticky situations, however, such as people ignoring Andy during a dispute, at which point he will leave them alone.

Andy will start out shy to any person or pokèmon but will gradually warm up to them as time goes on and strive above most things to keep his friends happy, beware he will run away from anyone that lashes out at him. Battle-wise Andy favors being more on the defensive side, envisioning pokémon battles to be more like chess matches rather than matches of power preferring to pick his opponents apart with strategy instead


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(Do keep in mind this is happening in Hisui if you would include how they got there where they end up etc It would be appreciated.)

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