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Fandom Piyo town [ A Rune Factory rp] (open)


Crimson Rose

Elder Member
No song yet
Piyo town
Season: Mid Spring
Weather: Sunny with a touch of clouds
Tags: @.Player

The charming village was bathed in sunlight, with birds chirping sweet melodies. Trees danced gracefully in the gentle breeze, and the smog from the nearby factory seemed to be not as strong today. It was a picture-perfect day for the residents of Piyo town, some crossing their fingers that nothing would spoil their day of fun. Unbeknownst of the impending disaster heading straight towards them.

The entire town was gathering together on top of Piyo Hill just on the outskirts of town, along with some of the now rare out-of-towners that occasionally still traveled this way. Such a once lovely green hill that has since seen better days. Flowers no longer grew there as much, and the once soft grass filled with clovers and all sorts of plants was now looking a bit dull sporting a now yellowish tint. Though despite the hills look it was still an important part to Piyo town, having held quite a few festivals there in the past. Such as today which is why everyone was joining together.

The highly anticipated yearly cheese race took place today, a cherished event that filled the air with joy and thrill as contenders dashed down the slope to chase after a wheel of cheese and claim the prestigious top prize. Amidst the ongoing chaos of war, and the ever-growing resource crisis as what use to be an abundance of fresh food dwindled too almost nothing. This festival served as a refreshing break from reality, lifting spirits and bringing a sense of much-needed cheer to brighten their days by running after cheese. Chatting with friends and enjoying some delicious safely prepared food catered by a few selected individuals in town. As not many locals were skilled in the culinary arts or even had the certification to successfully use a knife.

It was a common staple in town to order catering for large events, from one of the town's limited but delicious food options as it was the safest choice to go for. Seeing as many of the locals weren't particularly skilled in the culinary arts. They really didn't need another outbreak of food poisoning going around, or the chance of fire breaking out again.

Air ship-----

Far above in the atmosphere, a moderately sized airship drifted lazily among the clouds. What had begun as a peaceful journey had taken a turn for the worse as the patchy balloon supporting the airship began to lose air, gradually shrinking with each passing minute. The engine didn't sound much better, with the propellers rattling at an alarming rate, instilling a deep sense of unease in those on board.

The Pilot of the ship suspiciously wasn’t much help in ensuring the passengers that it would be okay; dismissing their questions about the longevity of the ship. Anyone aboard this ship surely would be late to their targeted destination.

Especially for the young Earthmate who’s luck seemingly wasn't going the best. Having been mistaken for the royal Princess of the whole Kingdom of Norad. The whole front of the ship was quickly overrun by a group of sly Sechs soldiers cleverly disguised as ordinary passengers. Surrounding the Earthmate, blades in hands and a convenient bundle of rope ready to tie their target up.

These soldiers not knowing what exactly they were getting into as fists came swinging.

“We have the hostage sir, it’s only a matter of time before we reach the Empire Sir!” The Sechs soldiers boasted. Seemingly not paying attention to any of the other passengers on board.

“Excellent! Now-” a large screech came from the propeller smoke arising in the air, as the blade seemingly collapsed in on itself. Before the whole thing blasted off the ship to a cluster of trees down below.


The top of Piyo Hill was a pretty big walk from the bathhouse, but Esvedra was dedicated to making the trip for the Cheese Festival, eager to get to the food stand reserved for her. On her back was her turtleshell shield, which, rather than defense, was helping to hold the mesh net of fresh fish she had caught. Being a mermaid, Esvedra wasn't the best at moving quickly on land, so she wanted to take precautions to make sure the fish wouldn't be in the sun too long. The last thing they needed at the cheese festival was the smell of semi-rotting fish.

Once she got to the stand she was home free. There was a cooler full of ice underneath and a miniature stove on top, the idea being that Esvedra was going to be able to give people food as they wanted on order, instead of the more preserved focus dishes she sold at the bathhouse in the morning. She was fashionably late, as the other caterers hadn't seemed to have picked up a large backlog of orders, but they had certainly seemed to be more in their groove by this point. Esvedra focused on the sound of other townspeople chattering and with a PLUNK, chopped the head off the first fish.


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  • IMG_1814.jpg

    Interacting With/Mentions:
    No one unless they wanna

    ~ Airship // Medical Bay ~

    Hina's CS || The Shrouded Belostain

    From the inner rooms of the airship, little could be discerned. It wasn’t often this mattered but he knew as they got closer to the empire that their “guest” would soon have an awful time. The closer they got the more sure he was they were carrying hostages on their ship. Still, it wasn’t his place to question. He was to nurse people to health and keep his head down. He did one last look over at the soldier he was treating before getting up to stretch his legs.

    It was his break time, something he cherished when he could. If he managed to make some food and squirrel away for some rest he’d consider it a success. The less he knew about what was going on above the better. He snuck into the dining area hoping he didn’t have anyone bother him and had just managed to grasp an apple when he felt the first shake.

    Yeah, somehow he wasn’t surprised in the slightest.

    The goddess must be mocking his cowardly nature for looking the other way. Okay so either everything would be fine, or it wouldn’t. He’d bet money on this damn piece of junk falling from the sky, it was just the way the world went. Well if he was going down he was going to do his damn best to survive it. He passed people running for the engine room going in the opposite direction. He had no skills to stop the descent so instead he would prepare for the landing by grabbing as much medical supplies as he could and hunkering down.

    As soon as he returned to the medical bay he worked on getting his patient safely under a sturdy surface. Then he started on his own shelter moving anything that would be a hazard far from the room. He’d seen some confused and called for them to hunker down as well with him. Another jerk of the airship told him his paranoia was justified.

    “In here!”

    If he could manage to get one or two more to take safety he’d at least be able to believe he’d done all he could.


  • ~ Piyo Town Hill // Esv's Stand ~

    Sunday's CS || Vim

    The festival was underway. The permits were all collected long before. No paperwork in sight. All in all, she should be in a position to relax and simply kick back but these types of things always require a host. She wore a brightly colored yellow sundress paired with her deep purple blazer as she watched over people approaching the hill with joy in her one visible eye. At her side like usual was Grimsby who seemed to be having a ball flying back and forth looking at the various cheeses prepared for the day.

    Grimbsy had unmanifested the scythe he usually carried thanks to Sunday’s request. She wasn’t aiming to scare kids in town. Though they may have grown used to the ghost’s presence himself a dangerous weapon was an entirely different story. For today the weapons were away. She had to lead by example, and besides, there were enough officers on standby that she should only need magic if anything.

    She more felt than heard Grimsby, their bond grown from kindness and time, and she could tell he was trying to get her attention as another approached the fields. Ah Esvedra! She made her way closer seeing the woman letting Grimsby stay on alert and greeting people as they approached. It took little time before the Ghost was in some weird game of the opposite of tag as one person ran from a group of children led by Grimsby.

    Oh, nice the woman was already setting up shop.

    “Morning. How’s setting up shop going?”


    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Esvedra ( The Beebz The Beebz )
» Nomi
『 TAGGED 』 Brii as Sunday
"I'm late! I'm late!!!"

Nomi’s voice was shrill, the sound piercing and bouncing through the halls of the Royal Manor, followed by an abundance of frantic sounding steps. Her crimson eyes scanned across the home, accessing each discrepancy in her cleaning. Various butterflies of different hues floated near her, some holding strands of her hair so her vision wouldn’t be impaired. Nomi’s breath was heavy, disappointment written all over the girl's face. Broken dishes that she had meant to organize, a pile of dust that she forgot to sweep. More and more problems than before, all because Nomi wanted to surprise her new employer with a clean home. Now, it was about time for the festival, but she was nowhere near ready.

“Guys, I need a favor,” Nomi bashfully started playing with her apron, eyes blinking as she stared at her various insects that followed her every move. “Do you think you can help me with this? The Princess could be here at any point and I’m supposed to be at the festival-”

Before Nomi could even finish her sentence, the butterflies fluttered to work. They helped sweep up all the dust, and even helped Nomi put back together some broken dishes. It wasn’t long until the place was truly clean, with just a few hidden piles of dust under some carpets.


Nomi rushed past a group of townsfolk, feet bounding up the hill in record time. Panting as she finally reached the top, her eyes turned to the many festival stands that were already up. Nostrils flailing from smell, Nomi glared as her eyes came upon the stand that was selling fish. Evil. But at least the fish were dead, right?

Ignoring the evil that was fish, Nomi instead chose to block it all out by cloud watching. Her eyes fixated on the clouds, able to see every little detail that shaped the fluffy things. Soon, however, something came into view. It wasn’t a bird, that was for sure. Looking closer, Nomi’s eyes widened slightly. It was an airship, and it was very smokey…

Turning towards the mayor, Nomi pointed up at the ship in the sky. She didn’t know if others could see it just yet, her eyes were always much better than the other townsfolk. “Ms. Clement! Ms! Are they supposed to do that?” She asked, tilting her head to the side, ignoring Esvedra completely.

code by Nano Nano

"Thank you for coming on such short notice...I..I just don't know what to do."

"Eh..don't worry about it Ms. Evergreen....err I mean Shalom, salutations from the dragon or something; after all, it's not like it's a big day or anything...I don't mind doing this." Nathalia said while taking a long drag of her cigarette. She took a quick scan of the house, very clean.

"Well actually...t-the cheese race is today. I was supposed to participate in it, but my child..."

"OH...so that IS today. Whaddya know....well I'm here now. So, is he being an ass-...ahem *cough cough* a conduit of the demons that was once held back by the dragon of old."

"So you've seen it before?"

"Seen it? This town is littered with those little demons. (Every parent calls them an angel though)" Nathalia put out her cigarette before adjusting her priest attire. "I'll need a few minutes. The ummm demonic spirit can jump into nearby people during exorcisms...so uhhhh trust me unconditionally with your kid and stay out here...dragon's orders. Yeah...yeah he definitely said that."

"Uh...y-yeah of course."

"Actually...you might need to stand outside. This one is particularly dangerous."

The worried mother did as instructed, even to Nathalia's surprise, so all that was left was to finish the "exorcism". Nathalia opened the door only to immediately have to dodge a rather aerodynamic toy.


Nathalia took a deep breath before speaking, doing her best to hold a geniune smile. Just what kind of herbs was this kid on? "Hello my child. I am Priestess Albryte. You have such a wonderful-"

"Shut up old hag! I'm not listening to your patronizing words! BLAH BLAH BLAH!"

"Okay you spoiled little shit I tried to reason with you. Whaddya wanna do punk? Huhhhh, huhhhhhh? I'm missing out on some gourmet level shit because of you." At this point Nathalia's false smile was gone and her infamous scowl was in its place. "Go develop you autonomy at another time or kill your hopes and dreams like the rest of us normal folks."

"Y-you can't talk like that! I-I'm going to tell everyone you're not a real priest!"

Nathalia stood still for a moment before laughing in a low tone until it cresendod to borderline hysteria. "Really? That's all?! Go ahead feeble child! BUT, if I'm going to hell you're coming with me! If you snitch....I will tell all the children I saw you eat boogers for breakfast with a smile!"

"*GASP* You're bluffing! You wouldn't....."

"WOULD! Remember Jimmy "the unicorn"? Who do you think let it slip that he had pink unicorns painted in his bedroom. He will forever be the artistic outcast destined for greatness after this adolescent hell that he will never be able to truly escape even after success!"

"Y-you monster."

"So what's it going to be? Are you going to straighten up, or are you going to be a booger connoisseur."

"I...I don't even know what a conasewer is!?"

"Want to find out...fufufufufuf!! BWAHAHAHAHAH!"


After a few dull minutes the young man ran out to hug his mom, apologizing with tears rolling down his cheeks. Nathalia walked out nonchalantly with her hands in her pockets, cigarette relit, eyeing the child carefully.

"Oh my," the mom started. "I..I have to admit I had my doubts originally. Some people in the town had some....less than unsavory things to say about you. However, it really is true. My little Eric seems like an entirely different person. You truly are a priestess of the dragon of old!"

"Thank you. The Dragon loves us all so please pray and all that jazz."

" I have to repay you Priestess!"

"No...no, seeing Eric return to normal is all the repayment I need."

"No I insist!"



And long story short, that is how Nathalia came to replace a gullible mother in the cheese race. This worked out for young Eric as well since he never wanted to go to the event anyway, so in a sense...Nathalia was just doing God's work. Everything was simply perfect. Nothing could ruin this day, not even the ominous smoking ship in the not so far off distance

"Ah finally," Nathalia said with outstretched arms. "Freshly baked bread, grapes right off the vine, and the glue of the gods...cheese. I made it...I made it to Eden. If there is a dragon watching over us then I pray for many more days like this! Let us all give thanks, let us all be merry. I am one lucky bastard!"

Amnesia free atm

Well, well, well, what do we have here?” The woman's eyes lit up with wonder as she peered at the tiny, wild mushroom peeking out from the tree stump.

A unique little gem, aren't you? Perhaps you’re still growing?” Mira grinned, as she knelt down in front of the fungus, admiring its brownish-orange hue from a distance. Truly was a sight to behold, especially in the serene setting of the tranquil forest, where the only melody was the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze. At that moment, all her attention was fixated on the minuscule fungus.

To some, it might appear as just another plain old potentially hazardous mushroom. But to Mirage, it was a precious find, a hidden treasure waiting to be uncovered amidst her journey through the woods. The thrill of stumbling upon something so unique and unexpected filled her with joy and excitement. It was moments like these that made her long endearing adventures in nature truly special and rewarding.

It may not have been as appetizing as her preferred variety of grass, nothing could surpass that crunchy, toxic goodness except perhaps some fresh croquettes, and maybe some French toast. Nevertheless, it was a viable option for a quick meal.

Especially considering she hadn't come across one in the past three weeks of her journey, as the terrain wasn't the most conducive to fungal growth. Those mountains did yield some delicious berries with some intriguing side effects, though.

Shifting her bag to the side, the dark-haired girl carefully searched through the various side pockets until she eventually found a tattered pencil that had clearly seen better days. With delicate precision, she prodded the tiny mushroom, inspecting it for any loose spores. Her excitement grew as none came off of it.

She tossed her pencil back in the bag before scooping up the mushroom with her bare hands. With a grin, she lifted it into the air and exclaimed, "That's a good sign, buddy! Looks like your lunch!" her hands turning a little red unbeknownst to her.

The earthmate was just about to sink her teeth into the delicious meal she had stumbled upon, completely captivated by its appearance. Lost in the moment, she failed to notice the massive metal propeller soaring fast in the sky above her. It wasn't until the deafening crash echoed in the distance that Mira snapped back to reality as she dropped the unfortunate mushroom. Its delicate top smashing as it hit the ground.

Aww, my lunch” she said very disappointed, letting out a sigh as she gazed at the ruined mushroom, now nothing more than a mess of broken pieces. The earthmate's stomach growled in protest, and she coughed at the pungent odor coming from the crushed mushroom.

"You were a liar too!?" Mirage exclaimed, her eyes reflecting a sense of defeat and betrayal as she covered her face with her arm. Securing her bag with her free hand, she got up and began moving away from the fraudulent mushroom. This was a moment that Mira surely would never forget.

For knows how long it’d take her something else in this season, and growing stuff would take too long. The next town could be ages away, and the weeds around here were all underdeveloped at the moment! They definitely wouldn’t be as sustainable right now! She thought not paying attention, as she unbeknownst walked right into a sign just on the edge of town. Maybe she wasn’t as deep in the forest as she thought she was?

Mira stood in front of the sign; her eyes fixed on the jumble of words that seemed to mock her. With a puzzled expression, she furrowed her eyebrows, trying to decipher the cryptic message. That said, ‘Welcome to Piyo Town’. The words seemingly trying to mock her, daring her to make sense of them.

"it's like trying to solve a puzzle without any clues," she muttered under her breath, a hint of frustration evident in her voice. It was as if the sign was purposely designed to confuse and confound anyone who dared to read it.

Glancing towards the town, Mira noticed the few people walking in the distance, all seemingly heading in the same direction. Without much thought, she decided to follow them, doing her best not to get too close to them. As it would feel a bit awkward if she were to be caught.

Ooo cheese!” was the only thing to come to mind as she neared the town’s people gathering at the hill.
Code Resource - ~Pyo's Coding Corner (∩✧v✧)⊃━☆゚.*
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» Cliff Burrow
There was a touch of sadness accompanying the warmth of nostalgia that washed over him as he watched the ongoing festivities. Being here brought back a lot of pleasant memories of the times he spent chasing after cheese and going stall to stall with his parents. They were some of the happiest moments of his life. However, those flashes of the past reminded him of how much the land had suffered since then.

The fields of flowers his mother once loved had dwindled, their beautiful stretch now lessened to small clusters that would only occasionally catch his eye. The land seemed almost sick, losing its color and much of its growing life. It was a shame to see how it had been worn down by time and other hardships, and it was his hope that the town and its people could make it through this rough patch sooner rather than later. Thankfully, those very same people also served as a reminder that things weren't all bad.

Even if the surroundings had changed, the festival and the townsfolk who participated were the same as ever. The lively atmosphere was contagious, and the stands were just as effective at satisfying cravings for good food at good times. It was enough to put a small smile on his face.

"Cliffy, are you listening?"

The familiar voice quickly pulled him out of his thoughts, and his gaze flitted from the gathering crowds to the young girl looking up at him with bright amber eyes. He then looked to the boy at her side, eyes the same color as his sister's, but his unkempt chestnut hair contrasting her reddish braids. Just from a quick look at him, Cliff could already see several grass stains that promised to make laundry duty tougher than usual.

Scratching at the back of his neck, Cliff turned his body to face the kids directly."Sorry, I was a little distracted. What were you guys saying?"

"We asked when the cheese race is! It's been forever! I wanna race!" Clyde was as excited as he was impatient, running a quick lap around Cliff's body as if trying to get the urge out of his system.

"I'll still probably win, though. I'm a lot faster than you." Clover was quick to chime in, crossing her arms over her puffed out chest as she looked back at her younger twin with a self-satisfied smirk.

"You're not! Your legs are just longer than mine! Just like your big head!" Clyde spoke as if he was just stating a fact instead of trying to get in a quick comeback, but it seemed to affect the older twin all the same. If her reddening cheeks were anything to go by.

"It's not big! Yours is just small because there's no brain in there!" Her hands quickly reached for her forehead as she fired back, fussing with her bangs in an attempt to cover up as much as possible.

"Alright, let's settle down." Interrupting the sibling squabble, Cliff placed a hand on each of their heads, bringing them to an immediate silence as if he found their hidden off switches. He knelt down, addressing them one at a time as his voice took on a soft yet firm tone.

"Clyde, it's not nice to poke fun at things people are sensitive about, even if you're upset. Okay?"

The normally rowdy boy said nothing in response, but his remorse was evident as he gave a silent nod.

"And Clover, it's okay to be confident, but you don't have to put others down too, right?" Just like her brother, her reply was a silent gesture, eyes glued to her feet.

There was a quiet mutter of "sorry" that left their lips, and he figured that would do for now. He didn't want to scold them too harshly, and it wasn't like this was the first or last time an argument would happen. There was a big age gap between him and them, so he was never really involved in things like that, but he figured that it was just a normal thing for siblings. He just wanted to be sure those kinds of habits didn't leak outside their family and get them in trouble with others.

Wanting to quickly lighten the mood, he brushed away the hastily constructed curtain of bangs covering Clover's forehead, tucking loose stands behind her ear before quickly picking up Clyde and placing him on his shoulders. "It'll probably still be a while before the race, so how about we get some food? There's still a lot of stalls to check out."

As their faces brightened, their energy returned in full force. The yelling was quick to follow, as both started arguing in favor of their own choices.

"Oh, I want fish!"

"No way! I want meat!"

"Fish is meat!"

"I want better meat!"

More than used to this kind of thing, Cliff simply let the banter continue, keeping Clyde stable with one hand and holding onto Clover's with the other as they walked. Like always, they were a handful, but he preferred the way things were now to a dreary silence. It wasn't often he got to spend time with them like this.

He made a promise to the kids and himself to keep his mind away from work for today. It was supposed to be a celebration, and he wanted to enjoy it with family, focusing on quality time. It wasn't an easy task, considering his usual responsibilities, but he didn't want to miss out on rekindling old memories while making new ones.


Once again, a call from one of his younger siblings pulled him away from his thoughts as Clyde gave a sudden shout. Looking up, Cliff could immediately see the blip in the sky his brother pointed at from atop his shoulders. Sure enough, it was a ship. Or at least what remained of one.

The metal beast belched smoke as a piece flew from its body, shooting off into the forest as the rest of it continued to descend at a.frightening pace and in a concerning direction. It was heading in the for town, and with its speed, it was likely to crash at any moment.

The smile quickly fell from his face, and guilt crept in to replace a portion of the joy that filled his heart. It looked like he wouldn't be able to keep his promise, and he felt terrible about it. However, if anything threatened the Piyo Town, he'd feel even worse about not making an attempt to stop it. Everyone's safety was top priority. He'd rather his brother and sister be upset than injured.

Letting go of Clover's hand, Clint reached up to grab Clyde and set him back on the grass. "Sorry, but I have to go for a bit. Stay with the adults, okay? Don't wander too far." He'd been living in the town his entire life, so he knew he could trust the other residents to keep an eye on the kids and keep them safe in case things went wrong.

While Cliff didn't give too much away about his reason for leaving in order to keep his siblings from panicking, the look on his face made it clear that it was important. It was upsetting for both children, but even at their young age, they knew when not to argue and listen to his words. He'd been sure to run through things like this with them before.

"I'll be back as soon as possible. I still want to see you two race." Giving the two of them a final, quick smile, Cliff took off in the other direction. It seemed like someone else was already making the mayor aware of the situation, so he decided it would be best to head straight to his destination.

With the speed and trajectory of the damaged ship, his guess was that it would probably end up crashing near the lake. A lot of smoke was being spewed, so the chances of a safe landing probably weren't very high. He could only imagine how it sustained that kind of damage.

Unclipping his axe from his belt, he ran as quickly as his fleet steps could carry him. With the war still ongoing, he couldn't afford to be too careful. If he was lucky, using it wouldn't be necessary.
code by Nano Nano
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A Town with an Ocean View
Joe Hisaishi
From a bird’s eye view, the merrymaking on the edge of the town was the picture of a joyful festival — all worries about war and wildlife and wealth forgotten in the wake of cheese — save for the quickly growing streak of grey smoke scrawling across the surface of the image. It appeared as if whoever was in the middle of painting the image had forgotten where they placed their water cup and knocked it over, ruining the piece forevermore.

Piyo town’s favourite (and only) bartender had set up her stall earlier in the day, but had only just finished dragging barrels of beer and mead down to the stand. Vignette didn’t mind the exercise, and work wasn’t particularly strenuous, but she had nowhere near enough ice to keep three barrels at cellar temperatures. It was a bit of unneeded perfectionism from her, knowing that the temperature change wouldn’t make that much of a difference in taste and that the barrels likely would be finished on the day anyway.

At the moment though, her mind wasn’t on matters of liquor. She stared at the sky and paused her counter wiping motions. There was a black dot that looked suspiciously like a Sech airship drawing lines of smoke and fire in the air and the distant sound of thunder. If not for that strangely clumsy maid yelling about the incident to the mayor a couple seconds prior, she would have wondered if she had gotten enough sleep. Resting was never easy for her, but for today especially, she’d closed Night Owl early to be up at these hours and was still more than a bit drowsy, so it wouldn’t have surprised her if she was seeing hallucinations.

As the idea of an airship crashing in her town finally settled as a fact and not imagination, her heart clenched. Fears that the war had finally razed any notions of neutrality bubbled to the surface of her syrup-slow thoughts, and the sudden jolt of adrenaline made her drop her cleaning cloth in exchange for moving away from her stall and towards someone, anyone — there. Her fingers twisted anxiously around the spoon in her pocket as she stopped beside the sole dragon priest in town.

On a normal day, she wouldn’t have chosen to go to Nathalia for any sort of reassurance. It was clear to her that she cared little for her position or her tasks, yet somehow the rest of the townsfolk came away with their problems solved and a stronger belief in the dragons every time they asked her for help. If her brain was more awake, she would have noticed that there was an unusual amount of seemingly incompetent yet competent people in Piyo town, but it unfortunately wasn’t.

Now that she stood beside Nathalia, she realized her blunder and tried to still her beating heart. It wouldn’t do to show a less than put-together presence — a bartender was supposed to be the unshakable listener, not the one crying out their pain. Instead of starting off with a panicked “has the war reached our town? Do you fear the passengers and crew surviving?”, she smoothed out the tense expression on her face.

“What an unexpected highlight to this year’s cheese race.”
She tilted her head towards the trail behind the airship.
“I do hope the passengers are alright, but I see our peacekeeper has already gone to aid them.”

The bartender was already regretting her decision to talk to the dragon priestess — it was only partially because of the person herself — and the other hadn’t even started speaking. It wasn’t as if the smoker was a customer at the moment, even if she did frequent her bar, so there was no requirement to stay and chat. Tapping her chin as if she was deep in thought, Vignette made to excuse herself with a
“Perhaps my ice will come in handy in the case of burns. It would be good to ask Julian about it, wouldn’t it?”

Interactions }}
LazyDaze LazyDaze 🝯 Nathalia
Mentions }}
morbidity morbidity 🝯 Nomi, BriiAngelic BriiAngelic 🝯 Sunday, Lucem Lucem 🝯 Cliff, The Prophet The Prophet 🝯 Julian

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Julian Margaux
Overworked Doctor of Piyo Town

A tall man sat in the shade offside of the base of the hill, watching the gathering with a sigh. Crossing his legs the raven haired man set down a glass of water, musing to no one in particular. "If this town would stop doing things like this, I'd hardly have people complaining about my prices."

When Julian first heard of this event, he had thought it an odd joke. Rolling wheels of cheese down a hill in order to catch it? In the capital this would be ridiculed at best and considered an insurance scam at worst. Yet it was a genuine game, and an expensive one at that. Even while sourcing local ingredients, much of his free time was spent in his chemistry lab mixing salves and potions for this event alone. Though at least people were more careful about their health leading up to today, save a few particular edge cases. He still needed to speak with the contestants; inform them of the risks inherent and advise on what to do in case of a fall. Or in Nathalia’s case, as the doctor’s eyes landed on the unique priest, not to kick anyone on the way down.

Leaving his coat hanging off a chair and stepping out from under the umbrella he had set up, Julian moved to do just that, however stepped as something metal impacted the ground nearby. Crouching down to pick it up, his brow furrowed. “A warped bolt? What on….oh, that.” An airship, sech colors by the looks of it in the sky, heading for the ground at frightening speed. The fact one was out here in the first place was alarming to be sure, but what was more concerning was the potential forest fire and injured individuals. Would he heal an empire soldier? Evidently, as the man picked up a large medical bag, he would. Checking to make sure he still kept his needle in his coat in case, Julian called out towards the mayor. “I will be following the peacekeeper to potentially administer aid. Please do not start the event until I can return, I do not trust any of you to set a broken bone properly.”

And with that, the good doctor set off after Cliff at a slower pace than the trained fighter, heading for where he guessed the touchdown would occur. If they sent prisoners back to the capital it would mean a commendation for the town, but he doubted they wanted to get involved with the war. Neither did he. Worst case scenario, a prick of poison would end any mortal life. Perhaps there was a survivor, which in that event the precious minutes saved by tagging along could potentially be their salvation. He’d never dealt with crash victims in practice, but it couldn’t be too hard. And it would make for a good manual to write.

Calling ahead to the peacekeeper Julian waved “I doubt there will be many survivors, but call out any you see. I will focus on keeping them alive.”

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Lucem Lucem Mentions: LazyDaze LazyDaze (and everyone at the event technically)

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Mermaid Bathhouse Keeper

Esvedra looked up at the person for a brief moment, starting to scale the fish she had decapitated while chatting. She was so used to the process that she didn't need to much focus to be able to do it well, even when she was in a rush like this.

"Hiya! Ah well, I just got here because the bathhouse is so far away from here, but I'll be ready with some yummy dishes soon." said Esvedra with an encouraging smile.

She held up the scaled fish by its tail, wiggling it back and forth in what was intended to be an inviting gesture.

"Did'ja want first dibs? These guys are really tasty pan-fried with some rice, and they cook quick!"

Recalling that she hadn't preheated the mini stove or pan, she sprinkled some oil into a heavy pan and turned on the burner to a low flame.

"Or if you're really impatient, I could always just salt it up sashimi style." she offered, picking at the fish with a curved knife and deboning in a swift, if not mildly gruesome gesture, dropping the bones into a compost bin beneath the stall.


Sunday BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
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» Lottie
『 TAGGED 』 Julian and Cliff

Hot tendrils of purple vapor rose from a cauldron in front of a relatively tall woman, shielding her face for a few brief moments as a loud chortle escaped her lips. Swirling an unknown substance with a ladle, Lottie Little sat making yet another new concoction of… Something. She seemed pleased with herself, barely able to keep her excitement contained. If this worked, it could speed up the healing process of a wound exponentially. If it didn’t work, well, who knows what could happen if it didn't work.

“Lottie, I swear to every God out there, if you’re still working on that stupid potion, I’ll start throwing things!” Gertrude’s shaky but deafening voice filled the workshop, her tiny and decrepit frame barely noticeable from all the colored smoke in the air. Letting out a loud cough, if not only to be dramatic, the old lady continued, “You’re supposed to be doing magic tricks for the kids, not mucking around here-”

“It’s quite demeaning to call my magic, ‘tricks’, Gerts-”

“Oh get over yourself, it’s for the kids!” A small slipper flew across the room, slapping Lottie in the chest with a small HUMPH.

“It’s for the kids!” Lottie mocked, letting the slipper drop to the ground as she moved to continue her potion. “I’m almost done. Just one more…” Lottie ignored any mutters of protest that came from Gertrude, her hands moving to the final ingredients. “Close your eyes,” she grinned, before plopping them into the cauldron with a dramatic flair.

A small sizzle started to sound and Lottie’s eyes widened, looking over to see Gertrude do the same. Lottie jumped across the room, making sure to cover Gertrude’s body with hers as a small but loud explosion went off inside the pot. Even more smoke filled the room as Lottie rushed Gertrude out of the shop, first checking in on her before going back inside to check the results.


Lottie stood halfway up the hill, letting out a small, dejected sigh as she looked down at the odd purple crystal that sat in her palm. Why did it crystallize? Did I not use the right amount? Was it because of the time of day? So many factors… She pouted to herself, distracted by the many reasons why her potion would turn into a shoddily made gem that proved utterly useless. At least it’s pretty… She mused, thumbing over the stone before slipping it back into her pouch.


Lottie heard faintly in the distance, and her eyes migrated to the sky. Expecting to see just a simple airship puttering in the sky, Lottie’s eyebrows perked up at the dark smoke gushing from the vessel. Before she could even react, Cliff barrelled down the hill, in his usual ‘save the day’ fashion, followed by Julian whom Lottie assumed was going to do the same. Letting out yet another sigh, Lottie gathered up the bottom fabric of her dress and moved to follow suit, jutting out after the boys. “Don’t forget me fellas~!” Lottie shouted, her pace slowed by the heels she told herself she needed to wear.

This is far more interesting than some cheese race and entertaining some kiddies. Besides, they could actually use my help with this.
code by Nano Nano
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ELKE | The False Royal
Crimson Rose Crimson Rose Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Lucem Lucem

It all started when someone had the bright idea of making her take a public transportation. Elke could feel all the eyes on her the moment she strutted into the creaking airship full of Noradic commoners and guests from afar, sticking out like a sore thumb with her sleek black uniform and scarlet cape both lined with shimmering gold. Some stared with awe, some glared with disdain, and a curious group kept their scrutinizing gaze on her for almost the entirety of the trip until they finally decided to approach. In hindsight, she should've known better when the big burly men began walking towards her menacingly with suspicious bulges on their bags that looked a lot like the outlines of blunt weapons.

The next thing she knew, a hand has grabbed her by the collar and raised her until only the tips of her toes were touching the deck. This seemed to be the cue of as all the misfits unsheathed their weapons synchronously and pointed them at her and everyone else on board that posed a threat. "Hey, what are you doing!? Get your hands off me!" She struggled against the stranger's hold, kicking her feet in the process until a particular parchment slipped out of her coat's pocket. One of the hooligans picked it up, unfurling the letter just enough to see the sender's name.

"A missive from the King of Norad! She really is the princess! Boys, tie her up!"

"You're making a big mistake, I'm NOT the princess!"
Elke piped up, wondering if the clown even skimmed the content of the letter. Not wanting to be kidnapped, she placed a gloved hand against her perpetrator's arm and called upon the power of the Earth. Blue lightning crackled from the palm of her hand, ripping through cloth and electrocuting the man until he let go of her with a high-pitched scream. Meanwhile, Elke used the momentum to land on a low crouch and swipe a kick towards his ankles, outbalancing him until he hit the floor with a thud that knocked him unconscious.

There was brief silence in the airship as everyone stared at one another in disbelief before one of the criminals finally issued a command. "GET HER!" Chaos ensued as the armed men and the accused royalty fought amongst one another. Different colored lights flashed throughout the deck as steel clashed against magic in formidable feats befitting a stage play.

Amidst the flashy discord, Elke took notice of a wooden club hurling its way to a random citizen. In a swift motion of heroism, the Earthmate propelled herself to the object's line of trajectory and braced herself for what was coming.


With a thud, Elke fell face first into the floor as the people released dramatic gasps as though they've been watching an action movie the entire time, the criminals included. Eventually, one of them came to check on her and deem her unconscious, prompting the others to tie her up.

“We have the hostage sir, it’s only a matter of time before we reach the Empire, Sir!”

"Excellent, now-"

But before the now-revealed spies could continue, a loud screeching noise permeated from the ship's propeller, followed by the groans and clanging of metal as the part disintegrated and fell off the sky. As thick smoke began billowing from the engines, panic once again gripped the ship and everyone stirred for a crash. Very soon, fire roared from beneath the deck and into the ship's wooden surface, devouring every structures in its way until it set the sail ablaze. Like a jigsaw losing all of its pieces one by one, the ship began to collapse and nosedive into the verdant forest below.

Meanwhile, the Sech soldiers seemed to have forgotten their job as they all joined the panic in getting emergency parachutes and completely forgot the so-called royalty currently unconscious and bounded on the disintegrating floor. With the ship tilted forward, Elke's body rolled throughout the deck and off the ship like a wheel of cheese. With her bright red cape flowing against the wind, she almost looked like a flaming piece of space rock crashing onto a future crater at a dramatic speed. Although, if one were to squint their eyes at her falling form, they would notice three shiny objects branching off her trajectory and landing elsewhere in the vastness of the forest.

Eilshan Beylier

Eilene Shania Beylier

"You're brother is gone. It's up to you to fulfill his duties, Eilene." The king, Elyodor said to his child. His voice was mournful and exhausted. He dragged himself to the throne, he looked like a puppet whose strings were the sense of responsibility he held as the King of Norad. Eilene started to protest but her father wanted to hear none of it. "You will do as told because you are the Princess of Norad and I am its King!"

That was how she ended up in the Airship. She raised her brow at the pilot's words, she rolled her eyes the moment his excuses ended. "The balloon is shrinking and the pilot is doing nothing about it," Eilene stated angrily, despite her reluctance to become Queen a part of her could not help but think about the best for her people, and right at that moment it was the people aboard the ship. "I should talk with the pilot; maybe even have them replaced for being careless and have the ship fixed!" She mumbled to herself, just beside her only companion and knight, Luke.

She turned to Luke, wanting his opinion on the matter. "How long do you think until-"

"Hey, what are you doing!? Get your hands off me!" Eilene heard from the other side of the deck. She wondered what the heck was happening in such a shabby airship. "A missive from the King of Norad! She really is the princess! Boys, tie her up!" Another spoke up, a big burly man this time. Eilene pointed to herself questioningly, peasant clothes and dressing herself up as a man had become second nature that she forgot that it would be nearly impossible to recognize her as the princess.

The Sechs Spies were celebrating, far too much to the point that they started claiming the ship to be theirs. They even got rid of the Norad Kingdom logo by replacing it with a Sechs Empire banner.

"We have to help her!" Eilene said to Luke, a finger pointed to the now-hostage woman. She wasn't about to let someone get in danger because they mistook someone else to be the princess. She started running, despite the clanging metal and the groans of the ship. despite the chaos of the civilians and Sech Spies. It only took her a few steps, just halfway across the deck when the airship tilted to the side. Left with no other choice, Eilene jumped for the unconscious woman.

She pushed through the clouds as the air slowly left her lungs. Eilene's arm reached for the woman but no matter how much she stretched her arm and fingers, none of it could grab onto the stranger but she was far out of reach, very much out of reach. "I guess I'm about to die today or have a very serious injury." Eilene thought to herself as she found herself falling far, far away from the person she wanted to save.

Mention: . D O V E . D O V E Lucem Lucem

Color: #ffbf00
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Town Handyman
Piyo Hill

It was a good day.

Rather, it was one of the days when Cana felt like she had enough power left in her to be able to wander around in the town without getting immediately tired. It was the annual cheese race— an event that had been passed down from one generation to the next. She could vaguely remember when it had first started among a group of young townsfolk who were so bored that they decided to play a game that garnered more and more traction until it had become a beloved tradition. She used to watch in her other form, allowing some people to sit on her back to get a vantage point while they cheered.

The hills had been green back then with flowers aplenty. It was Spring, after all. There was plenty of food to go around due to the bountiful harvests. A couple of the townsfolk would prepare a giant feast for the dragon to present their gratitude for her continued protection of the town. There were much more people around back then but maybe she was misremembering. Nostalgia often made something far better than what it really was.

She blinked back to the reality of the situation. The air was not as fresh as it had been, polluted as it was, and the rolling green hills were now blotted yellow. And then there was her, reduced to the form of a human to even have a chance to mingle with those she protected. She watched as the townsfolk mingled with each other, excited about the upcoming event. At the very least, the preparations were going well and she could smell the scent of fish wafting from Esvedra's shop. And smoke.


Cana turned her eyes to the sky as more and more people began to point out the airship above them. A Norad airship appeared to be malfunctioning and falling apart at the seams. It was a good day but it was not good enough for her to be able to turn back into a dragon so fast as to be able to carry the airship safely to the ground. Cliff, ever so responsible, was already heading to the scene of the crime with Julian and Lottie following soon after them both. There was no doubt that more would come to help.

She let out a deep sigh. Indeed, she was still a protector of Piyo Town and, as such, had many responsibilities. This included. So, she decided to follow the witch. Gertrude's apprentice was still young but she was powerful enough— which meant she could cover Cana's own usage of magic. Once she caught up with the younger ones, a bit tiring yet the handyman seemed far more focused on the current problem at hand rather than the aches of her muscles and bones.

Cana leaned down and lowered her voice. "I will assist you with your magic." It was only a matter of the witch, or anyone else, to begin casting some form of wind magic for her to take the cue and assist. Then she turned to the other two and gave them a thin-lipped smile. "Doctor, Mr. Cliff! Ideally, the magic users will be able to guide any fallen victims to the ground in a slower manner but that cannot ensure that they will be uninjured! I will aid in however you see fit!"

Mentions: morbidity morbidity The Prophet The Prophet Lucem Lucem

End of Post
Luke Fischer
Chin resting on his leather-clad palm, Luke let out an exaggerated yawn as his mistress's complaints reached his deaf ears. "Yes, yes. I'm sure he'll be thrilled." His half-lidded gaze refused to shift in her direction as he replied through post-nap grumbles, sounding as if he might drift off again at any moment.

He brushed off her concerns rather quickly, seemingly more focused on his sleep being cut dreadfully short than anything else. However, he still kept her worries in mind, even if his apathy-laced words gave the opposite impression. He didn't travel by airship very often, and he was certainly no pilot, but he could spot a red flag easily enough when it was right in front of his face. This clearly wasn't a normal descent, and the machinery's cry of anguish definitely wasn't putting anyone at ease.

Of all the times to get stuck on a potential ticking time bomb of a ship, it just so happened to be when he was escorting the princess of Norad to a neutral territory with no other guards or support for hundreds of miles. With a setup like that, it reeked of conspiracy, but with his track record, a case of bad luck was just as likely.

Even if he ignored the first twenty or so years of his life and only focused on the last few months, he'd been on quite the losing streak. His relatively cushy job of being an armed babysitter took a sour turn when Norad's prince vanished without a trace, leaving Eilene as heir apparent to the entire kingdom. As for him, it was a very unwanted promotion to the future queen's personal guard, an occupation that carried with it far too many risks and headaches for his liking.

In addition to the mountain of future responsibilities he was expected to undertake, he also had the absolute privilege of accompanying her future majesty to some backwater town. He'd been forced to leave behind his family and all of his favorite comforts, deprived of all company aside from the princess and whoever called his unfortunate destination home. A cruel fate indeed, one he didn't expect to be upstaged by potentially dying via fiery explosion.

He'd been lax about the airship situation until now, not wanting to incite any sort of panic. However, the chances of the issues being resolved shrank as time marched on. Being crushed and engulfed in flame wasn't very high on his list of preferred ways to die, and he certainly didn't want to risk his current charge accompanying him to the afterlife, so he figured it was about time to take a more direct approach and sort the mess out.

Before he could rise from his seat, both his movement and the words of the princess were cut short by a sudden shout from the other side of the vessel. At first, he took the victorious cry as a threat, and his hand was on the hilt of his sword in a flash. However, the cold expression that instantly fell over his face faded along with his sharp, predatory gaze when he discovered the call was not directed at Eilene.

Confusion had completely replaced all other emotion, or rather lack thereof. The same seemed to go for Eilene. As she pointed to herself with a quizzical expression, Luke looked back and forth between her and the group of men with a similar countenance. He also heard something about a missive from the king. Was that enough evidence to identify a royal? Did they even open it? Were they dumb?

Unless the last few years of life had been a complete lie, he knew for a fact that whoever the men were confronting was not the princess. Who else could it have been? Why did they have a letter from the king? Wasn't he meant to be the only one accompanying Eilene?

He quickly shook the thoughts from his head, deeming them as unimportant for the moment. The priority was eliminating the threat, assisting the person of interest, and gathering information from both in the aftermath. That was proper procedure in a case like this. And while he never abandoned that procedure and his training, both certainly took a bit of a backseat when he got a better look at the false princess.

He felt his heart beat faster, pumping warm blood through his entire body. His temperature rose in tandem with his motivation, spiking by the second as he took mental snapshots of the captivating beauty. A confident, energized smile stretched across his face, and his blade had already been drawn by time Eilene raised her voice.

"You are correct, my lady!" He may have missed out on the 'we' part, but aside from that, he was in complete agreement. He had to assist this mysterious woman at all costs. Those disposable brutes needed to be dispatched forthwith. Only the most vile ruffians were capable of bringing harm to a lady. Unforgivable!

Just as he prepared to dash in with the speed and strength of Norad's finest, the ship entered its death throes without warning. The unexpected, violent tug and pull of the vessel threw him off balance, forcing him to grip one of the nearby structures that slowly became fuel for the blackening fires. The worst of it all was that Eilene was moving ahead, straight into danger.

"Wai-!" Before he could get the words out, he was forced to quickly sheath his blade as he noticed the rapid, unintentional approach of a young man who had lost his footing. With one hand gripping weakened wood, he wrapped a protective arm around the passenger and pulled him to safer location

There were still citizens on the airship who needed help. While his duty was to keep the princess safe, he refused to forsake several lives for the sake of one. But that didn't mean he was willing to abandon Eilene either.

After bringing the young man out of his state of shock, Luke moved swiftly, grabbing and directing passengers as needed. As smoke burned his eyes and filled lungs, he kept a count to ensure all were accounted for. Even the pilot who bore some of the responsibility for the current situation.

Thankfully, it did not take long for him to locate an emergency supply of parachutes, the nearby crate barely managing to avoid being consumed by the spreading flames. Even in their frazzled state, the civilians seemed aware enough to recognize what was in front of them as the keys to their survival, and they were quick to put them to use.

As much as he would've liked to stick around to help with their descent, it wasn't a luxury he could afford. He sped off once again, trying to get eyes on Eilene. His worry that she'd been knocked overboard or burned alive was quickly quelled when he spotted her within the thickening, toxic fumes. However, it was only replaced by an entirely new concern when he arrived just to see the princess dive straight to her death of her own volition.

If not for the risk of inhaling even more smoke, he would've released a string of curses then and there. Instead, he settled for just taking his own leap of stupidity and chased after the royal. At the very least, his detour netted him a life-preserving prize.

As he fell through the sky, wind running through his hair and aggravating fresh burn wounds, he scanned frantically for any sign off his target. Unexpectedly, he ended up getting more than he bargained for when he laid eyes on two figures instead of one. He could only assume it was the mysterious woman that was previously unaccounted for, but knowing she was alive was of little comfort given the current predicament.

The second figure was too far, well beyond his reach. It was regrettable, and he lamented that he had not been born with wings. However, lament was all there was. That and a prayer for a miracle, followed by an unspoken apology for not being able to do more. He couldn't afford to let other thoughts cloud his mind, so he focused entirely on the woman who could still be saved. He extended his arms as far as possible, stretching until they felt like they'd snap. Then he pulled, forcing the body into a tight grasp as he looked down in a mix of relief and annoyance.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" is what he mean to say in that moment, but with the rushing wind drowning out all sound and causing his smoke-stained cheeks to flap about, something much different came out. "AEOAWAWA RUWAWA?!" His distorted expression of irritation probably got most of that across.

Carefully shifting the new weight in his arms to one hand, he quickly pulled the cord. As the canopy filled with air and yanked the two upwards, Luke returned to his two-handed hold. Despite a small part of him believing he'd be justified in dropping her right then and there for putting him through such an experience, his grasp remained firm.

With their descent slowed, he looked down one more time. There were several things he wanted to say, but after a very heavy sigh, he settled for just one. "Don't squirm."

Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum . D O V E . D O V E BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
Code by Serobliss
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  • ~ Piyo Town Hill ~

    Sunday's CS || Alien Blues

    To say the day was peaceful was all she wanted, but to actually do so was a fucking lie. Thank god for her background in wrangling kids because the collective maturity of a mob could be considered roughly equivalent. She managed to get the chance to peruse Esvedra’s stall just long enough to come to the conclusion that she would indeed love to order a plate of sashimi. Yet she wouldn’t get to order it as she heard a familiar voice shouting down to her. She turned to look at what Nomi was referencing but it took her a moment before her eyes could lock in on what the other saw.

    “Is what supposed to do-”

    When she saw it the idea of denying her eyes came to her before she realized they would all get flattened like a pancake should she do so. That airship wasn’t going to just magically catch itself, so any disbelief in what was happening would have to take a backseat. She called out to Grimsby with a shout and a wave of the hand in hopes of getting them moving.

    “Grimsby DIVERT THE CROWD!”

    But her call came a little too late as some civilians had already heard Nomi’s question and began to look themselves. The collective had reacted with both freezing up and panicking and neither was good for their or her health. She gave Grimsby a whistle to summon his scythe, it would scare some but that might be what they need to get their asses in gear. She looked around for anyone carrying rune books.

    “Nomi, Esverda! We need to get as many wind rune books going as possible! Check the judging stand, Grimsby should have been directing everyone to drop their things there.”

    Without heeding what they would do next she focused on the wind hitting her cheeks and reached her hand out willing the runes in the surrounding land to shift. The runes of water could call forth a storm so she would need to feed them. Suppress the grass, feed the water the spirits of the rocks. Focus the vapor up and into the breeze. VOILA!

    Yet feeding the winds would only work so much with one person. No she knew exactly what was needed but to get them all working together she would need to quell the fear. She ran to the highest point of the hill, each and everyone of them would have a vested interest in stopping an airship from crashing into their town. Every person adding to the winds was another building that would escape the impact so with all her might she pleaded with a shout out to the townsmen gathered.

    “EVERYONE! REMAIN CALM! Remember above all else the strength in our town! Those who know how to use rune books gather and grab a wind tome! We cannot sit back when our self-preservation can be in our own hands!”

    Grimsby roared a shout as he was doing his part to round up the children away from any potential squash zone. The town had not quite faced something like this before but if she had given up when the going got tough she would have never become their mayor in the first place. With a sudden realization that for a ship to fall it needed to have someone who brought it here she addressed the crowd once more.

    “Those of you who cannot use rune books prepare for survivors! Get together something that can work as a gurney! Julian will need all the help he can get.”


    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Esvedra ( The Beebz The Beebz ) Nomi ( morbidity morbidity ) Nathalia ( LazyDaze LazyDaze ) Vignette ( Ambiloquous Ambiloquous ) Julian [Mention only] ( The Prophet The Prophet )
Emma & Miyuki
The Innkeepers Collab with Ineptitude Ineptitude
Piyo Hill



One wrong move and it'd set them back for who knows how long.

Miyuki gripped the knife with a steady hand, the cool metal resting against their cheek like a mockery of a lover's kiss. The blade's edge, sharp enough to slice through bone, hovered mere millimeters from their eye—certainly close enough to gouge if they ever slipped up.

With practiced ease, they dipped their eyeliner brush into inky black pigment, then delicately traced the line across the edge of the blade. The wing was perfect—crisp, clean, and symmetrical. A pleased smile tugged at the corners of their mouth as they pulled the knife away, inspecting their reflection in the mirror.


Emma sat up from their bed with a few of her hair perking out like a sore thumb. She was cocooned in a thick blanket hugging it for warmth, her eyes still barely awake to take in her surroundings. Understandably so, the couple’s body was taxed with how late they were able to close up the Inn last night. She gently rubbed her eyes before noticing her hubby who was sitting in front of the vanity.

Still wrapped in a blanket with half of her face buried in it, she took a few steps close and peeked at Yuki’s reflection.

“Good morning Yuki,”

The wife was planning to give them a peck on the cheek, but that plan was quickly put into a halt when she got the whole vision of Yuki’s antics. She did a few steps back and watched her spouse draw the perfect winged line with the knife as their guide. Emma was internally screaming through the whole process, but damn they looked good no matter what they did.

She neared them again and finally landed a kiss on Yuki’s cheeks before huddling them for warmth.

“Yukiii, let’s eat breakfast, I'm hungry.”

“Just a second, I’m almost done.” Miyuki pressed a kiss back onto their wife’s cheek.

Setting the knife aside, they rushed through the rest of their routine. A dab of rouge on the cheeks, a swipe of color on the lips, and a brush through their lashes. Each moment was efficient, deliberate—the movements of someone who had gone through the motions countless times before.

When they were done, they took one last look in the mirror before nodding in satisfaction. Miyuki stood up from their vanity before flashing their wife a brilliant smile.

“Alright, now we just have to get you ready and we can go!”

She answered with a pondered look, wondering for a while as to why her spouse seems to be too dressed up for a normal day. And suddenly the realization hits. With how drained Emma was these past few days, her mind was swerved from the current festivities happening in their town.

“Oh my, I forgot about the Cheese race! That’s today?”

“I tried to wake you up earlier, you know!”

She quickly peeled away from the blanket and hurried to the bathroom to freshen up and groom her stubborn bed hairs. She ran back and forth through different rooms and ended her course with her wardrobe opened widely before her. Immediately, her hands dived to rummage for clothes, grabbing a few outfits and dresses that she can wear for the day.

After ransacking her closet, Emma laid the clothes on their bed and presented them one by one to Yuki.

“Okay, should I wear this… or this?”

“Hmm…” Miyuki hummed, eyeing the selection of clothing with a critical gaze. “This one, definitely. Now let’s get you dressed so I can get started on your makeup!”

One whirlwind later and Miyuki had Emma sit down in front of the vanity, several products laid out across the surface reminiscent of the way a surgeon might set up their tools. It was as reassuring as it was incredibly intimidating, how seriously the hunter seemed to take the task at hand.

“Now,” Miyuki smiled. It was a cold comfort, considering the knife still gleaming atop the dresser. “Hold still for me.”

“... and we’re done!” Miyuki clapped their hands in delight. “How does it look?”

Emma’s eyes glinted at the transformation presented before her. Her previous wearied look was now flawlessly covered with a few touches of warm colors here and there—making her face look youthful and livelier. Even her dark circles seemed to have been magically erased!

“Omg I’m so pretty now!” She sat there in awe as she complimented herself.

The wife couldn’t stop herself from grinning as she admired the youthful beauty that she thought would never come back. With Yuki’s eye for fashion and artistic skills, nothing could ever go wrong. To finish the fit, she reached for the handkerchief folded on top of the vanity and used it to tie her hair in a bow. It was her signature look that has always been part of her fashion routine.

“You’re the best! Thank youuu hubby,” Emma replied happily. “Ok, let me just prepare some food before we set off. Oh and feed Poncho while you’re at it!”

Without hesitation, she bolted out of the room with her voice trailing off as she headed downstairs to prepare for some grub. She reached for a basket and grabbed some bread, fillings—anything that could go well with cheese, and assembled them inside along with some bottled nourishments to fight the heat of the day.

“Now while she’s doing that,”

Miyuki unceremoniously tosses aside the blanket atop their bed to reveal a small, furry figure. Their pet fox, Poncho, stares up at them with inquisitive eyes. As he got scooped up into the hunter’s arms, he seemed content to allow his owner to maneuver him around however they wished.

“Come on, baby, let’s get you something to eat. How does chicken sound?” Poncho’s ears perked up at the mention of food.

Heading downstairs into the kitchen, Miyuki carefully placed Poncho on the ground so they could prepare his meal. The fox circled their legs in anticipation as they shredded the raw chicken, occasionally even pawing at their pants. Internalizing their cute aggression, when they finally finished, they stared down at Poncho with a faux stern expression.

“Don’t eat too fast,” Miyuki warned, placing down the bowl.

Of course, as was the case every mealtime, Poncho suddenly lost the ability to understand basic instructions. Not even a minute later and the bowl was polished clean.

“Well, I don’t know what I was expecting.”

Emma chuckled at the scene, amused by the simple interactions happening in their home. This little bundle of joy never fails to lift her spirits and numbs her life’s concerns... Like the ongoing war outside their homeland. She walked close to them and kneeled to Poncho’s level, petting the adorable creature with her hands.

“Our boy’s got an appetite, what can I say?” She gave him one last stroke before standing back up and reaching for a picnic blanket to cover their prepped meal. “Alright, time to get that top prize! You ready?”

“I’m more than ready.” Miyuki scoffed, flipping their hair. “If Cliff wins again, it’ll be an embarrassment—”


Bright red eyes flew open in shock. They slammed the doors open just to see billows of smoke beyond the horizon. No doubt the crash of an airship.


Emma was quick to grab Poncho and followed after her spouse who darted off towards the door. She hugged the fox tightly when she got a glimpse of the smoke rising not too far off. Just when she thought this would be a peaceful day, the Piyofolks never get a break. She met Yuki’s eyes with a worried expression, and without a word, they nodded and rushed their legs to the site.

They pass by a few peeps in town who seem to be also on their way to the same direction. And with a few steps more, they arrive at the area with a bunch of curious folks already crowding the site. With Emma still catching her breath, the fox jumps out of her grasp and quickly scurries towards the ship.

“Poncho wait!” She tried to chase the little fella but her worn out knees betrayed her body. .

“I’ll go after him,” Miyuki was quick to help their wife up, worry tugging their lips into a frown. “You stay and rest up a bit.”

After making sure that Emma wasn’t hurt from the fall, Miyuki rushed after Poncho. Luckily the fox didn’t run directly into the danger zone, having stopped a couple meters away from the crash site. Even from this distance, they could feel the heat from the smoke and the flames lick at their skin. A couple of the other townsfolk were already at the site, preparing for an impromptu rescue operation.

“Got you!” Miyuki snagged the beast up as he let out a surprised yelp. “Don’t go running off like that!”

Mentions: Lucem Lucem The Prophet The Prophet AI10100 AI10100 morbidity morbidity

End of Post

  • IMG_1814.jpg

    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Calliope ( A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight )

    ~ Airship // Medical Bay ~

    Hina's CS || Lunam

    The idea of abandoning his post was both tempting and revolting at the same time. Yet for all the mixed feelings he’d have it seemed as though the rest of his coworkers had less discerning feelings about it as he saw Sechs soldiers pass the window with parachutes upon their backs. Lovely to know that they had as little courage as he did.

    Still, there wouldn’t be nearly enough parachutes with the civilians they’d picked up. He heard the sound of feet hitting the ground and then a large crash as the ship did another jerk down as though the hull had been hit with something on its side. He kept low to the floor as he approached the doorway.

    Shit that was feet he heard. Worse yet that crash had clearly knocked someone to the floor. He doubted they were conscious as he wasn’t hearing any cries for help. The ones in the medical bay were secure… and it was unlikely if they crash-landed that the person would be okay given they were already piled under crates.

    With a bravado that clearly couldn’t have belonged to him, he found himself clinging to the wall as he approached the other. He put two fingers to the person’s ankle checking for a pulse. Good, they were alive. Now it was his job to keep it that way. He used the full weight he could using his own horns as a crowbar to raise the crate enough to pull the woman out from below it.

    “For the love of god, don’t die on me.”

    He pulled the woman out before snapping his head back and releasing his horns. The crate came falling down and cracked as the ship jolted once more. The situation wasn’t getting any safer so he dragged her back into the safety of the barricade.

    “Okay I don’t know your name but now would be the time to wake up. Unconsciousness should only last a few moments, any longer and I’m going to have to consider you may have brain damage.”

    He put her down as he pulled his medical kit out. He found the closest thing he could find to smelling salts. He held what was in reality a rag soaked in isopropyl alcohol and hoped that the gross scent would be enough to work like proper smelling salts.

    “Hinata, Sir! We’re going to hit water!”

    He didn’t want to see what it would look like trying to carry out an injured soldier and an unconscious civilian while trying to wade through water. The ship tilted more as it fell and he did his best to cover the two he had managed to hide away.

    “Wake up miss wake up!”

Piyo Hill → Crash Site
Everyone on scene
The quaint act of chasing cheese down a hill never failed to raise a few brows or garner criticism. Had Yongye been a newcomer to Piyo Town, he too might have looked upon the festival with a look of horror at the waste of a rather handsome wheel of cheese. However, in their little corner of the world between two war torn nations, it was often the levity of these seemingly meaningless festivals that allowed them to breathe a bit easier. Sure, Piyo Hill looked quite a bit different from how they did in the memories of his childhood, but he didn’t allow its gradual deterioration sully his moments of nostalgia.

It was a beautiful day, sunny but with just the right balance of wind and cloud cover to prevent the onlookers and participants from baking under the intense rays due in a few weeks’ time. Perfect for a festival, and a small part of his brain argued that it was the perfect weather for a saunter in the wilderness in search of interesting ingredients. Alas, duty and business called, gluing him firmly in line with the few other hands in town capable of delivering a hearty dish without killing someone.

According to a handful of testimonials and formal complaints, he barely qualified for that last bit which was quite the exaggeration. He ought to sue them for defamation!

Despite Yongye’s remarks on the accusations against him, each food item that had passed through his hands was carefully inspected. One particularly vigilant volunteer had even observed him in the kitchen earlier that morning, practically breathing down his neck the entire time.

“Tsk tsk. You’re acting like I poison people on purpose,”
Yongye shook his head as if disappointed while placing down the last of the trays, this one being filled with a variety of sandwiches for those who preferred handheld food.

“I’m sorry, remind me again what happened on Monday?” came the inevitable, pointed response. The were-animal laughed sheepishly, though before he could make any moves to refute the other, a sharp screech and the sound of an explosion sounded from above.

It didn’t take long for the villagers of Piyo Town to realize that the sound originated from the airship that had been seemingly flying quietly ahead.

The sharp grin on Yongye’s face instantly pressed into a frown. Panicked calls for action were thrown about, while Clement yelled out a more organized set of orders. Wasting no further time, he grabbed the spare tablecloth and rope he’d brought along to the festival as well as whatever else looked useful in his immediate surroundings. He supposed the town’s doctor or someone more qualified for administering first aid would likely bring along something more appropriate, but it didn’t hurt to bring backup. Plus, the cloth was still clean. If a makeshift stretcher didn’t work, it wouldn’t be difficult to repurpose it for some other use.

Yongye broke into a swift run, cutting through the village and observing whatever he could make out of the situation from the ground. Fortunately, the ship had seemingly been equipped with emergency gear based on the small figures in the distance supported by what he assumed were parachutes. The falling airship itself was headed away from the town and its buildings thanks to the mayor’s quick thinking, but ice filled his veins the moment he realized the ship was headed towards the water.

Yongye ran his tongue over his fangs nervously. This wasn’t the time to be getting cold feet.
code by Nano Nano
Under the dim but cozy lighting of the cargo/cabin area, eager dark pink eyes seemed to almost gleam red as the pink haired woman gazed out one of the windows.

With the skies calm and blue, Calli was content with perching herself on one of the piles tied down crates that happened to be by a window to watch the scenery serenely pass by. Though at some point earlier during the trip a crew member suggested to her to go on the deck to get a better view, Calli politely declined the suggestion but thanked him regardless. Airships were relatively safe, yes. But the half-nine tailed fox disliked the feeling of the sporadic gusts of wind going up her nose or ears. Instead, with a relaxed fluffy tail curled over her lap, she comfortably sat on the crates, and leaned against the wrapped spear that was hugged against her body.

Just as she was about to doze a little under the patch of sunlight that had filtered through the window, her ears flicked up as she heard a commotion starting from above on the deck. Concerned, she had unwrapped her spear and hopped off the pile of crates to take a look at what was going on when the airship made a shrill screeching sound that made her flatten her ears against her head. Soon after the scent of smoke and fire reached her sensitive nose before the whole airship jerked and shook violently.

With a loud SNAP, the ropes that had been tying down the crates she had been previously sitting on snapped from one of the sharp corners of the crates. They whipped out and hit the back of her knees, causing her to stumble and catch herself on the crates.

Almost a blink of time after, there was a crash, pain and sudden darkness.

“For the love of god, don’t die on me.”

“Okay I don’t know your name but now would be the time to wake up. Unconsciousness should only last a few moments, any longer and I’m going to have to consider you may have brain damage.”

…What was that foul smell?

“Hinata, Sir! We’re going to hit water!”

…What was that ringing sound? It was so heavy…

“Wake up miss
…wake up!”

The pink haired woman jerked awake with a startled gasp which was followed by a gasp of pain. Something clattered out of her grasp, as she dropped it to hold her head that felt as if it got stomped on by a golem. Fur on her ears and tail bristling, her pupils that were dilated were now mere slits that made her look almost feral as she stared up at the individual that was holding her and someone else next to her down.

Though her puffed up tail lashed in aggravation, she still took a deep breath and fought against the instinct to snap and bite the “threat”. Especially when she didn’t have a single clue as to what was going on. Instead, she closed her eyes against the pain in her head that was lingering. The threatening growl that she didn’t even realize she was the source of slowly died down.

“Where…What happened–”

Before she should ask anything further, whatever they were currently on, gave another nauseating violent jerk.


NAME. Calliope Blumenthal
OBJECTIVE. The objective wasn’t amnesia but we got it unwanted anyway c:
MOOD. In pain and doesn’t know what is going on. She doesn’t know if she’s pissed.
TAGGED. BriiAngelic BriiAngelic (Hinata)

  • IMG_1814.jpeg

    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Calliope ( A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight )

    ~ Airship // Medical Bay ~

    Hina's CS || Ditto

    If there was something he learned in his years studying and then practicing medicine it was how to spot signs of distress. Sure you could mean all the good in the world and still poke at just the right place to make someone hurt and scared lash out. The moment he heard the growl and saw the puffing up of the tail his hands were off the woman.

    Every part of him screamed to back up but he didn’t want to seem even more suspicious than he must already. Besides it would be his luck to potentially get knocked out by his own patient, at this point he just had to get used to this being the way life went. As the ship made another hard jerk he planted his feet as well as he could while awkwardly holding his arms out like he expected the woman to somehow fall again from the floor.

    “Ehhh well we’re in the medical bay, which we should be trying to leave by the way, preferably as soon as possible. Falling out of the sky too, that’s kinda important I guess. As for why, I don’t know uh engine failure probably. But like from what I could see pretty much everyone who would know what to do about that took a swan dive off the top deck with parachutes.”

    He didn’t really know what he was saying at this point as parts of his own internal pessimism started to leak into his words. He should be keeping a cool head, but considering they’d soon either be drowned in a lake or well he didn’t have an alternative but it wasn’t likely to be good, he figured he had the right to a moment of panic before his inevitable end.

    “Right oh yeah also going to hit water because why wouldn’t we. Couldn’t be fortunate enough to not land in the one damn lake in the area. Hope you know how to swim cause I’ll be too busy trying to make sure our injuried friend here doesn’t drown or open the injuries I spent all morning treating. I’m this place’s nurse by the way probably should have led with that.”

    He was yapping for real wasn’t he. Hey, maybe she’d kick him in the head and he wouldn’t even need to worry about the drowning.

    “I’m Hinata Miyake. I’d say let me try this again but honestly can we just not die first?”
Though this Hinata Miyake left her with more questions than answers, the way that he seemed to almost vomit out words as if he was afraid that she was going to skewer him if he didn’t answer fast enough left her with very little room for irritation. Instead, she took a deep breath to both scent him (in case she needed to track him down later) and center herself…maybe even wish the pain away?

“Okay. …Okay, not dying sounds fair…Let’s get out of here first,” she said more to herself as she rolled and managed to drag herself to sit up next to the two men. The spear next to her clattered back against her foot as the apparently freefalling ship rocked again. She was not sure if it was hers but when she picked it up it at least felt familiar. So she braced herself with the butt of the spear against the wooden floor to stand up.

With a quick glance around, she realized there was no easy quick way out of the ship in the medical bay. It would most likely be safe up until, if Hinata was right, they hit the water and there was a chance they could get trapped in.

A glance out the window closest to them showed her that they would be close…closer to land on this side of the ship at least. With a pensive sigh and an instinctive lash of her tail to get rid of nervous energy, the pink haired woman turned back to the nurse.

“If there are parachutes down here, I would be able to break the window and the wall around it to get out. If not, we…should probably let it crash into the lake first and brace for impact. If I’m understanding our situation correctly, this is still a ship correct?”


NAME. Calliope Blumenthal
OBJECTIVE. Will tell Hina her name once she has time to think but for now let’s bust outta here
MOOD. Confused, ignoring the headache, but trying to stay calm
TAGGED. BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

Mermaid Bathhouse Keeper

The cries of everyone's shock and fear hadn't yet been processed by Esvedra until Sunday had noticed the gravity of the situation. Whipped out of her focus by the sudden call to action, Esvedra turned off the burner of her stove with a *click* and kicked off her clunky sandals so she could run across the grass to the judging stand with Nomi, who Esvedra had barely registered until Sunday said her name.

Esvedra took another fearful fleeting look at the airship, her stomach tightening from just how much smoke had filled the air. Having been a denizen of the sea, the skies were a realm she knew even less about than the interesting lives of land dwelling humans. In fact, she was fairly certain this was the first time she had had seen one. Books certainly hadn't allowed her to appreciate how massive they were. It felt antithetical to the idea of being airborne in itself.

Esvedra dropped to her knees, half out of exhaustion of walking - which she wasnt good at to begin with compared to swimming - and half to be able to search through the storage underneath the stand to see what they had to work with. Esvedra hurriedly started pulling the books out, blue and green emblems catching her eyes.

She started to grab one handful of the books, the water ones, and half of the wind rune books under her arm, as much as she could carry without slowing down, but even as she ran up to Sunday back at the crest, her waning adrenaline caused her to drop a couple now and then in her wake.

Sweating and panting, Esvedra breathlessly sank to her knees again and put down the books in a unceremonious pile, keeping one water one for herself, it was one of her best skills when it came to such things afterall, even though her ability there didnt hold a candle to her more domestic skills.

"With that much smoke-! *Ha-...ha-* There must be a fire, *-ha-* right?!" She exclaimed in concern. Suddenly- a painful but ambitious idea struck her. "Wait! What if we could try to push it back as close to the lake? The water could absorb a lot of the impact and squash the fire!" As a mermaid, Esvedra would more than anyone how much of a horrible impact that could have on the lake's ecosystem, but lives were at stake, both for strangers and friends.


Sunday BriiAngelic BriiAngelic | Nomi morbidity morbidity
Johan had made himself comfortable beneath the shade of a tree near the base of the hill. He was enjoying a flask of...something alcoholic, he admittedly had forgotten what he had put in the thing in a drunken stupor a few nights prior. Whatever it was it made for a nice pregame before he headed up the hill to buy something else from Vignette. And while he still found the idea of a cheese race to be absurd even after nearly a decade in Piyo Town, he supposed it fit the town's eccentric residents like a glove.

As Johan relaxed, he noticed something trailing smoke seemingly headed straight for the lake. "What in Sam Hill...?" His initial thoughts were that his drink might have been spiked but the general panic spreading among the townsfolk and the few visitors suggested otherwise. He got up with a sigh that quickly devolved into a cough before picking his hat up off the ground and setting it atop his head. Analyzing the situation, he figured he would be most useful helping the town's doctor take care of any suriviors.

He moved after said doctor and the witch who was right on his heels . "Julian," Johan began as he caught up, "Let me lend you a hand."

"I may not be able to be trusted to set a bone properly,"
he continued with a teasing smirk "But I can suture wounds with the best of 'em."

"I trust we can also count on your assistance as well Lottie,
" He said acknowledging the Elven witch, who was struggling to keep pace with the two taller and more appropriately shod men, with a nod.

It was at that point he noticed the town's handyman, Cana, bringing up the rear. "And uh...I'm not sure what you can do to assist, but I'm sure we'll find some use for you."

Interactions: The Prophet The Prophet (Julian), morbidity morbidity (Lottie), & AI10100 AI10100 (Cana)

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