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Realistic or Modern Pirates !


Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check
{Art Picture}

[SIZE=24px]Taking A Swim[/SIZE]

Full Name:






Rank: {Captain, Quartermaster, First Mate, Second Mate, Third Mate, Boatswain, Cabin Boy, Navigator, Helmsman, Cook, Member}

[SIZE=24px]Diving Into The Water[/SIZE]

Statistics: {You can spend 15 points.}














Experience: …/10 {If you just joined the Marines/Pirates, you will start at 0.}

[SIZE=24px]Reaching The Bottom[/SIZE]

Personality: {1 paragraph}

History: {1 paragraph}
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Aidan Byrne


no slide
no slide
Diving Into The Water

Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
4/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 3/5

Experience: 8/10.

Reaching The Bottom
Personality: He lives in the moment and dives into the action – he is the eye of the storm. He enjoys drama, passion, and pleasure, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to his logical mind. He is forced to make critical decisions based on factual, immediate reality in a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response. It makes more sense to use his own moral compass than someone else’s. If he is not careful though, he may get too caught in the moment, takes things too far, and runs roughshod over more sensitive people, or forgets to take care of his own health and safety. He is full of passion and energy, complimented by a rational, if sometimes distracted, mind.

History: Aidan had joined one of the pirate crews when he was around the age of 15. Being a kind of errand boy and doing the minor jobs of the pirates which they did not want to do at all. It was interesting to learn the ropes of the field and it was truly an eye-opener for him. The job was a lot harder than he thought it would have been but not in a bad way at all. Some of the crew members were nicer than the other ones which was probably only normal. Not everybody was the same. Years went by and he went up in the ranks. The only thing that he was banned from was the kitchen since he was a really bad cook. On his twenty-fourth birthday the captain decided to make Aidan the new captain. The reason why was because he was already getting old and he wanted to live with his wife on land for the rest of the days that he was left with.

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Taking A Swim

Full Name: John Christopher Alexander

Alias:The Hangman

Gender: Male


Nationality: British

Ship: HMS Interceptor

Rank: Captain

Diving Into The Water

Statistics: {You can spend 15 points.}

Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
2/5 2/5 4/5 1/5 4/5 2/5


Reaching The Bottom

Personality: John is driven by his desire to succeed, and rid the New World of cancerous pirates, but he is also a cautious man. Given the opportunity to pursue a pirate crew into a storm, he will often say no, believing that in the long run, the pirates will have nowhere to run, and he will end them later. John is also fervently loyal to his crew, shielding them from the often unforgiving bureaucracy of Royal Navy high command. Despite his loyalty, he is a hard task master and will push his crew to their limits for maximum reward and effect.The greatest thrill for him is seeing a pirate he has caught being hung, that and pursuing a pirate crew.

History: John Alexander was born the son of a carpenter in Portsmouth, England, at age 13 his parents migrated to the New World, and to the colony of Philadelphia. At age 15, six months after arriving, John joined his majesties royal navy. Once there he began a long career, facing off against pirates, the Spanish, French, Dutch and Portugese. At age 37 he was promoted to Lieutenant, after having lead several ships in the successful hunt for the once infamous Captain Irving Rogers. Three years later, and after having hunted two dozen pirate crews down, he was promoted to captain, and colloquially bestowed the title of "the Hangman".



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Taking A Swim

Full Name

Cornelius Carlisle Atticus Gray


"Sage Attic"


"Ah good question. Sometimes my 'natural feminine charms' may confuse some"





Dec. 21st


Most assume he's British, some say he's Irish. If you ask him he fancies himself as both.


Queen Anne's Revenge


"Hello, I'm a Pirate Lord, and you are?"

Captain of the Ship

Diving Into The Water



Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
2/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 1/5

Experience: 7/10


Can roll almost anything over his fingers.

Incredible dead shot (although he does tend to favor his right side)

Master of the blade

Photographic memory

Fast Learner


Calm disposition (long fuse, does not get provoked easily)

Rather persuasive speaker



A wild card

Danger seeker

Blunt at all the wrong moments

Complete disregard of own safety when it comes to others

Reaching The Bottom



With a head of dirty blonde hair, shocking
green eyes, and lean but muscular body build its not a mystery why he is such a popularity among the brothels and noblewoman alike. His overall height may be on the short side of 5'9 but the way he carries himself seems to add just about two more inches of intimidation. Aside from his appearance many tend to be captivated by the mischievous spark in his eyes and the calming atmosphere that all but tumbles off his confident frame in waves. Although his usual attire is compromised of dashing red coats, Sage really is a man of simplicity and most if not all his 'accessory' choices have been picked specifically by his 'daughter' as an attempt to at least make him look like (,and I quote,) "a Pirate Lord instead of an over watered cabin boy".

There are times however where blending in is that of a necessity and Sage more than gladly dawns on a raggedy brown and black coat instead. Although he does admit that the gaudy red cloth has grown on him.


A defiant, free willed albeit steady footed and calm individual. Sage is without a doubt the most "curious" person you will ever come across, if not a bit perplexing. He has a mindset that basically rather than focusing on one certain perspective, he sees everything through a kaleidoscope of colors. His belief is that there are many sides of life and its up to us to see them. Rather than focusing on unpredictabilities, Sage prefers to lead a more carefree and fulfilling life. Keeping a fairly relaxed and playful attitude tends to make him exude a tranquil aurora. Then there's his abnormally large patience and capacity to understand others points view. Nothing is ever too good or bad just like nothing is ever just black and white.


Travels, Escapades, (Mis)adventures

Sailing & Flying

The subtle swaying of a moving ship

Birds in general

Sarcastic & witty individuals

Romantic Endeavors

Freedom (and all its vague sense)

Anything particularly sweet


Dishonest bilge rats

Slave Traders

Interrupted Sleep

Threats (especially when aimed towards his people)

Inevitable deaths


Playing with long hair or loose articles of clothing

Taking naps in often inopportune or just plain dangerous locations

Physically direct and often breaks others personal space


All his secrets will be divulged.

The death of any of his crew mates.

Lisle's explosive temper.


Not much is known about this enigmatic man's past affairs. Only snippets of rumors and fools talk circulate among the curious sailors and gossiping nobles. The only way to obtain accurate albeit vague answers would be to ask Sage himself. It seems to be a touchy subject however and he tends to skirt over such inquiries with a witty tongue and surrounding distractions. What one can be sure of is that he had grown up in an orphanage in the slums of London. Sage himself had let it slip in a drunken stupor before Lisle dragged him away to his quarters.

Coming Up for Air



Sage was raised in an orphanage. The whereabouts of his parents are unknown or at least he goes to great lengths in order to keep their identities hidden.

Lisle Gray ~ "Adopted Daughter"


"Of course there's only you~"

Several girls from every port and every town they've come across. Reputed as a well-known Pirate Lord, Sage is also an infamous playboy. Although he does hold a surprising amount of respect towards women despite his actions.


"Ever so curious aren't we?"

Pansexual, Bisexual, Homosexual call him anything you like! He won't care as much anyways.


The black eye patch he is usually seen wearing is only really for decoration and a private joke that he seems to be the only receiver.

Sage does not explode nor does he ever raise his voice in anger. Although his way of expressing irritation is far more...unnerving in a sense. An enraged but calm gentleman is far more terrifying than a screaming monkey.

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Taking A Swim

Full Name: Rhoslyn Rhae Sabille

Alias: Vex - a nickname given to her by her father, and one she answers to almost always now. She gained that nickname because of the frustration she often caused her father with her strong-willed personality, and he chose to call her 'Vex' in a fond sense.

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 4th of August

Age: Twenty three years of age

Nationality: Born in the states, however her father was originally British.

Ship: Queen Anne's Revenge - it's open to join right? xD @UnsightlyTEAstain

Rank: Third Mate


Diving Into The Water


Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
1/5 3/5 4/5 2/5 3/5 2/5

Experience: 6/10

Reaching The Bottom

Personality: Vex is a highly mirthful woman, with cynical elements to her personality as well. She enjoys teasing and poking fun at others, however she doesn't usually do so in a spiteful manner. The brunette drinks as much as a man when offered alcohol.

Vex is also very stubborn. Her stubbornness is probably what lead her to work so hard to get to the rank she is in now, even if she still often has to prove her worth anyway. Her temper is quite frightening too, like any woman's really. But most of the time, Vex is pretty calm. She is that sort of person who is easy to talk to in a comfortable manner.

History: Vex's father, the former First Mate of the Queen Anne's Revenge, wasn't one to involve himself in brothels too often. He preferred the idea of finding a woman and sticking with her, even if that would be quite difficult when most of his life was spent on a ship. On one trip to America however, he did find a girl he fancied, whether or not it had been on a whim - and ended up getting her pregnant. It wasn't until Vex was about four years old that her mother managed to contact her father. She was very ill, and needed someone to care for their daughter.

A pirate ship certainly wasn't the place for a young girl to grow up, but her father managed it. She was pretty much raised as a lad in some respects, and has developed a hardiness that most women back on land lack. When she was seven until fifteen or sixteen, Vex mainly worked as a cabin boy and helped the ship's cook. Her father trained her in combat in his spare time, leaving the brunette quite skilled with a blade. She lacks the brute strength of the male gender, and uses her smaller size and speed to her advantage instead.

Vex, as an older teenager, started setting her eyes on higher ranks after her father was wounded in battle and later passed away. This new ambition lead to her constantly needing to prove herself, as many of the more superstitious men onboard still felt that having a woman on the ship was bad luck, or that she wasn't as capable. She did manage to reach the rank of Third Mate, but even then she doesn't always get the amount of authority she deserves. Her womanly temper is one of the only things that aids her in controlling lower ranking crew members.


Khaiser Alec Leighton - Good friends

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Taking A Swim

Full Name: Tom Arlin

Alias: None, he's kinda new to this piracy thing.

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Nationality: Irish

Ship: The Black Pearl

Rank: Cabin Boy

Diving Into The Water

Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
2/5 3/5 2/5 0/5 4/5 3/5

Experience: 0/10

Reaching The Bottom


Despite wanting to be a pirate for the better part of his life, Tom's not really cut out for the job. He's shy, a little timid and while he is quite smart, he lacks the experience to do most ship-specific tasks unaided. The only real reason why he's kept around is because he's a stubborn little guy, willing to pursue a given task 'til the end, even if it takes him all day. Because of this, most other crew see him either as an investment, or, at the very least, a kid who can be dumped with deck-swabbing duty.


Originally coming from Ireland, he got a job helping the cook on a fishing vessel. Unfortunately, the defenseless vessel got attacked by pirates travelling to Tortuga. Since fishing ships don't have much loot, the pirates decided to dabble in a bit of slave trading. However, the pirates' attempt to sell the fishermen at Tortuga attracted some unwanted attention; many of the pirates were killed, and the slaves were freed. Well, as free as you can be when you have no job, money or lodging in a strange town a world away from home. This is when Tom finally finds a scrap of luck, while walking through the twisting streets he hears of a ship looking for a new cabin boy. A ship with black sails.

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Taking A Swim

Full Name:










Queen Anne's Revenge

Rank: First Mate

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_static_4tst3zxold6owcg4cc8gso0k4.png.e2b7ed026344026c6e8009c8ae2dcbfe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69440" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_static_4tst3zxold6owcg4cc8gso0k4.png.e2b7ed026344026c6e8009c8ae2dcbfe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Diving Into The Water


Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
3/5 3/5 4/5 1/5 2/5 2/5

Experience: 5/10

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tifa_lockhart_original_art_by_artgerm-d83y6q4.jpg.5beb7c98c3542e86dcf67664db849726.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tifa_lockhart_original_art_by_artgerm-d83y6q4.jpg.5beb7c98c3542e86dcf67664db849726.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reaching The Bottom


Tia has a interesting personality. For one thing she is a total tomboy. Though there are times she wishes she could be like those noble girls but she quickly tosses that thought aside. She likes her toughness and anybody who knows her know that she is not one to take likely. She is also wild she likes to do anything that gets her heart racing except romance she can't stand it. It would take a lot to woe this girl. But she also has this wild look to her that says she isn't afraid of anything. She is very adventurous. Any adventure that comes up she is ready to jump into. There is nothing that will stop her from having a heart pounding, exciting adventure. She can also be a little goofy and loves to drink. She likes to party also. Any times she is in a bar/tavern you know a party is about to begin. She old her drinks down pretty well also....though she can get pretty wasted. Even though she is young she is not stupid and she hates it when people treat her like a kid. She can be serious when its really needed. Put she can be rude and sometimes her drinking to much can cause problems. She doesn't really use weapons when she fights. She is pretty flexible and it good in combat and pretty acrobatic She's not perfect of course but hey who is.? She also tends to piss people off sometimes but she could care less.


Tia was a month old when she was left at the orphanage and growing up there was pretty tough. The lady running the orphanage was a old hag that was pretty cruel and strict. So Tia ran away. She grew up on the street as a thief and pretty good one at that. She could steal anything with out being noticed. She still can and better then ever. Tia did though sometimes envy the girls who wore the pretty dresses and had their hair all done up. But she would let it go. Tia had some good times and some really bad times growing up on the street like that. But it made her tough and hard core. She wasn't the type of girl to cry either. Only once did she ever cry. WhBy the time she was 15 she was getting paid to steal things for other people even the rich nobles would come to her. She always thought how interesting it was to see who two faced people really were with each other. Her man hang out was the tavern where she would by drinks and drink with the guys. Her 16th birthday though was when everything changed. There was a pirate raid and the pirates were just everywhere attacking and stealing. Tia just saw this a some new fun for her to have. That day she ended up joined the crew as first mate. The captain was impress by her fighting skills and she seemed like she could hold her own.​



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Taking A Swim

Full Name:

Ignis Velcruix


Demon Of The Ocean






While many don't know it, Ignis is from 'Great' Britain.


The Black Pearl

Rank: First Mate (@Marshmallow)

Diving Into The Water


Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
4/5 1/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 1/5

Experience: 6/10

Reaching The Bottom


Ignis, unlike some of the other crew members, has a more serious air to his person. He has to be this way so there is just the right balance of sanity and insanity on the Queen. He often stays quiet and allows others to speak, but if it comes to it, he isn't afraid to step forwards and give someone a piece of his mind. During the celebration's the crew often haves after a successful raid or some other special occasion, Ignis will quietly sit in the corner, reading a book, showing that he is at least slightly smarter than the rest of the crew, who can't even read. Despite his serious nature, Ignis has his moments when he will attempt to lighten the mood by making a bad joke. Around his superiors, Ignis will take on a more professional tone. In all honesty, he was raised this way, so it's like second nature to him to salute his captain like a marine would to his superior.

Ignis also believes that everyone should do their fair share of work, so it isn't a surprise to find him swabbing the decks, or helping set up the sail in the morning, or even scraping barnacles off the ship when they dock it. Some of called him a clean freak. He often throws those people over board. But, just to be nice, he sometimes throw a piece scrap wood out with them so they don't drown. Sometimes. In battle, he becomes a stone cold warrior. On the battlefield, it is killed or be killed, and Ignis is willing to do anything to ensure the crew and the captains safety. Even if it means sacrificing himself. But, to summarize, Ignis is a loyal companion that would put his life on the line to protect his friends.


Ignis was the child of a famous naval officer. Ignis, like all other children, admired the Navy. He planned on becoming a marine just like his father, to live up to his legacy. His father would tell him stories about his adventures in the Navy, and to Ignis, they just got better and better. Ignis was only seven years old when the small town he lived in was raided by a group of pirates. The captain killed his father, who had tried to fight back, right in front of him. Ignis ran over to the man and began pounding on his leg, screaming out how much he hated him. The man just stared down at him, slightly annoyed at the boy. Ignis continued screaming, saying that when he became a marine, he would kill the man. "Why would you want to be a marine?" The man said, causing Ignis to stop. The man then shared the side of the marines that he saw every day. Ignis stood there in shock. Could this be true? It couldn't be. The man had to be lying to him! He was even more shocked when the man invited him to join his crew as cabin boy. Ignis, not knowing anywhere else to go, accepted the mans offer. Thirty years later, Ignis had made a name for himself. While he wasn't infamous in all the ports, tales of his ruthlessness in battle had spread quite far. When his original crew fell apart after the loss of their captain, Ignis joined a new crew. He quickly worked his way up and soon became the captains first mate.
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Taking A Swim

Full Name:

Allan Osborne










Queen Anne's Revenge


Member of the Ship/ Chef

Diving Into The Water


Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
3/5 4/5 3/5 1/5 2/5 2/5

Experience: 5/10

Reaching The Bottom


He is usually childish and overly positive, which mainly appears during calm times where not much is happening with the crew on board. That is mainly when the crew is sailing through empty waters and during the regular meals in the day when they have food available. During the times where is isn't working in the kitchen, he is working out on the ship with the other crewmen. He also has a small sense of rewarding others when something 'good' happens, or at least for the pirate crew on board. Allan usually tries to set up something close to a feast when that actually does happen, well food supplies permitting him.

When he is cooking, another side of him is shown, he is usually dead serious when he is setting and preparing the food for the crew. Which is usually quite surprising due to how he acts when he isn't in the kitchen cooking in the sandbox and setting food for the crew. (The Sandbox was under the uppermost part of the ship where they heated food over sand. Thus Sandbox. You are welcome). When someone is talking to him when he is working like this, he might not even hear you over his own thoughts. He also talks to himself and sometimes food.


When he wasn't a pirate, which would be when he was younger than 14 (when he became a cabin boy). He was a pickpocket to get money for himself and father, well he didn't really need to. His family was fairly well off, the only reason he did pickpocket was because he could . He found out that he loved breaking the rules of society, mainly because he found it 'fun'. His parents found out about his somewhat reckless behavior when they realized that he had one too many pounds.... and a wallet. They quickly disowned him so they wouldn't be able to pay the fines when/if he got caught, not wanting to abandon they lifestyle they had accustomed too.

He was easily able to slip away on a ship due to his quiet steps and pickpocket tricks. He was not on the Queen Anne's Revenge, but a different pirate ship that took him to Tortuga. Once at Tortuga, that, that is when he started to go on the Queen Anne's Revenge. A group was looking for a cabin boy, and he was around and just the right age, him being the age of 14. He didn't really have a place to go, and he didn't care much for laws and ethics, so pirating sounded a nice way to express that.He went on as a cabin boy at first, he was doing a all and well job as one to be fair. At least, as much as a cabin boy could do, he was asked by the old captain to go help out with the cook since they didn't need many hands on deck that time and some other free times afterwards, when they need few people at the mast. When there, he started to help out, quite frequently when they did have free time like that. He gained some sort of trust with the previous cook, enough when he moved past the age of being a cabin boy and the previous cook had a unfortunate meeting with the gallows. He wanted to be like the previous cook, since to some pirates those who went to the gallows and not killed any other way, were actually somewhat well respected. However, it wasn't that, the previous cook seemed to care deeply about his cooking, maybe even more than his love of pirating. He liked that level of commitment and sometimes had quoted him, (yeah just had to add that xD ). So he became the cook, and sometimes went out to battle or man the ship now that he was older.


(I hope it is ok, it seems smaller and the others seemed more than a little better than this one haha (' :| ))​
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Taking A Swim

Full Name: Gwen Miko Lia

Alias: Slashing Lass

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Nationality: She seems to be British only because of her accent

Ship: The Black Pearl

Rank: Member

Diving Into The Water


Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
3/5 3/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 2/5

Experience: 4/10

Reaching The Bottom

Personality: Gwen is one that is described as one that follows orders. Gwen follows her orders without any hesitation or argument. Although she does this, she does throw in some surprises at the most random times. She may surprise you with a good effort in a raid. She mainly cares for the wounded but will leave the instant she is told to. She may even spek because she is more the silent type of girl and rarely talks.

History: Gwen had been a slave on a british ship for 13 years before her pirate life. When the ship she had been on docked in Britain, she took her chance to flee and ran during the night. She has had a certain rough spot for british ships since the day she had been captured and enslaved. When she had escaped, she only had a cutlass to protect herself from bounty hunters and the british alike. She bacame skilled with her cutlass over the years. When she had reached The Black Pearl, while it was docked in a neighboring town, she had been on her own for a couple years. She decided then, it was time to take to the seas once more, this time against the people that had enslaved her for so long. She does not like to talk about her past and the british so she says she is from Britain because that is mostly all she can remember being.



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Calypso “Tia Dalma”


no slide
Diving Into The Water
Statistics (human form):

Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
4/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 4/5

Experience: 10/10.

Reaching The Bottom
Personality: Of Calypso’s beauty and power, all sailors were in awe. Her womanliness was unsurpassed in grace and bearing. She was as changeable and whimsical as the sea itself, and exemplified the deepest charity and brilliance of woman’s mercurial nature. Her powers were only eclipsed by the great god of the sea Poseidon himself, and only Zeus, chief amongst all gods, could command her. As with all being of great might, she was both a nurturer and destroyer, having dominion over the seas, calming troubled waters but also stirring up adversities that vexed all men, reminding them that her inexplicable behaviour was a manifestation of the wild ways, that which kept them separate from the domesticated society of men on land. She was the protector of all sailors. However a group of pirates bound Calypso in human form, sealing her fate with the Blood Diamond so that the rule of the sea would belong to men. But in doing so, the now-calmed waters became traversable to all seafarers.

History: "In the days of myth and legend, the beautiful Calypso, daughter of Atlas, ruled the wine-dark seas, and all sailors everywhere both loved and feared her."

It was said that Tia Dalma had been practicing her ways since the waters were tamed. Let it just be stated that several generations fell under her spell and there are many who could tell interesting tales of their relationships with this enchantress. She appeared to be an eccentric, but her skills in the realm of magic were exceptional. By the 1700’s, Tia Dalma was already established on the Pantano River in Cuba, and was renowned to be a great voodoo mystic in the Caribbean. Her binding tamed the seas. This entrapment could only be reserved if two crews reassembled, the Blood Diamond was resubmitted they used to bind her and burned it.

Equipment and Skills: Tia Dalma appeared to be an eccentric, but her skills in the realm of magic were exceptional. She could scry and could see through the cloud in a man’s mind to his past and his future. She also possessed the ability to return the dead to life.


Taking A Swim

Full Name: Khaiser Alec Leighton

Alias: Highlander

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 17th of May

Age: Twenty-nine years of age

Nationality: Khaiser originated from the Scottish highlands.

Ship: Queen Anne's Revenge

Rank: Navigator


Diving Into The Water


Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
3/5 2/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 3/5

Experience: 7/10

Reaching The Bottom

Personality: Khaiser is a highly inquisitive man, who enjoys learning, discoveries and of course, books. While other members of crew are heading for brothels during their time on trips to the mainland, Khaiser is searching for libraries and old documents within archives.

He has a good sense of humour and a rather boisterous personality. Khaiser loves the thrill of piracy, and the opportunities to discover unknown lands, treasure, etc. Anyone that paws at his collection of literature usually receives a mouthful of death threats and warnings.

History: Khaiser is a full-blooded Scott, who was born and raised in the Scottish highlands. Life in the highlands revolved around many different Celtic superstitions and festivals. There was almost always some kind of activity going on in the area. Highlanders were a lively and merry folk, until the English started to take over their land and castles, and began plantations.

Khaiser's uncle was lord of Doune Castle, so he had the opportunity to be granted an education as a boy. Khaiser is well-read, wise beyond his years, and has a knack for navigational skills. If he was left to his own devices, he could probably find his way home using only the stars.

At the age of seventeen - just when the highlands were beginning to be thrust into turmoil - Khaiser fled before he too would be mercilessly slaughtered like the rest of the highlanders. That was how he found himself at an English port, and thus onboard the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Khaiser acted as an average member of crew until his intelligence was finally recognised, and he was put to better use as the ship's navigator rather than a crate-lifter and deck-cleaner.​
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Abel Cale


Taking A Swim
Full Name: Abel Bertram Cale

Alias: Bloodhound

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Date of Birth: September 21st

Nationality: British

Ship: HMS Interceptor

Rank: Quartermaster

Height: 6’ 2”

Weight: 165 lbs

Appearance: The reference picture is mainly for his physical appearance and not his outfit. Abel is mainly seen wearing a standard navy uniform and carrying his cutlass on his belt, which he received from his late father. His sturdy and tall build gives him extra points in the intimidation factor.

Preferred Weapon: Cutlass and/or hanger
Diving Into The Water


Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
4/5 1/5 3/5 2/5 2/5 3/5

Experience: 8/10
Reaching The Bottom

Personality: Though Abel has a rather joking, affectionate and at times obnoxious demeanor around his family, outside his home, Abel knows better than to bring that vulnerability onto the military. Especially if you’re an officer. As such, most people outside of his friends and family know him as a hardworking and loyal officer who expects one to work just as hard as the other. He does let his humor slip out every now and then if he notices that intimidation is not necessary.

While he doesn’t have particularly anything against pirates, besides their morals, Abel does know who’s the enemy and fights just as fiercely as a vengeful man in order to get him and his crew home. They had families to get back to after all. That, and Abel is never against a good fight if he can find one.

Extra note: As a man from a noble family, Abel does have to attend social events every so often to keep up with appearances. A big reason why he joined the military was so he has a good excuse to avoid some of these, even though most believe he joined for the adventure.

His mother passed away two years after giving birth to his sister and his father passed away when Abel was 24. His sister’s legs were paralyzed from birth, otherwise she’s healthy.

Likes: His sister and her music, getting little gifts for his sister, practicing his swordsmanship, testing out a new blade, interesting fights, reading short novels, a calm day, finding a particularly nice watch, telling lecherous men that his sister is married and unavailable.

Dislikes: Anything and anyone who would harm his sister, dirty things and messy rooms, reading long novels, having to go to court and balls, dressy clothes (suffocating), his aunt’s (and sister’s) nagging for him to get a wife

Quirks: Can sleep practically anywhere, has a sister’s complex (he tolerates her husband), has a hard time keeping his attention on a long novel but dislikes leaving something unfinished, hypocritical at times (trying to fix this), has trouble remembering new names unless he’s sparred with them before

History: Abel comes from the Cale family, a noble family who traditionally served the king. Though, the Cale family heads usually served as advisors rather than military officials. So it came as a surprise to the rest of his family when 18 year old Abel told his father that he was going to join the navy during one of their usual spars. His father and sister however saw this coming, Abel was always never one for politics. He never really had the patience for it.

While Abel was never a cabin boy, it still took him a good 14 years to get to where he is now. Though Abel does sometimes wonders when he’ll get promoted again, he’s honestly hoping that he won’t get promoted for a few more years. He’d rather not have to report to the king just yet…

Besides, he’s still young. Having the captain title would make him feel old...

(Abel received his nickname from his fellow officers, referring to his penchant for finding difficult opponents like a bloodhound looking for his prey.)

Family: Alexander Joseph Cale (father), Alicia Isabelle Cale (mother), Elizabeth Alicia Cale-Walker (sister), Julian Thomas Walker (brother-in-law), Annalise Rosaline Cale (Aunt, paternal)

Style of fighting: Though he prefers to use the blade, he does know a bit about shooting a pistol. He relies on his strength when he’s fitting and admittedly isn’t as crafty as he would be. He’s also not above punching a pirate in the face if the situation calls for it. Most of his captains never really approved of his “ungentlemanly” act though.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/inner_power_by_sakimichan-d533n03.jpg.ab5cef488bf38a954c1014c4b16de016.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/inner_power_by_sakimichan-d533n03.jpg.ab5cef488bf38a954c1014c4b16de016.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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no slide
Taking a swim

Full Name

Jasper Keaton










Queen Anne's Revenge


Second Mate


Jasper has wild, sandy blonde locks that he keeps pulled back, and out of his face - instead it drapes and curls around his neck. His eyes are a brown color, though at times when the sun and light hits just right, some have claimed the color his eyes to be a dull red [Jasper. Much like his name]. He stands at six foot flat - and that's without slouching, while he is tall, his limbs aren't packed with too much muscle, many him look lean, or in other words, weak. At least compared to others that is. Jasper's face is quite angular, with little to no fat on his cheeks, high cheekbones ... he just looks quite unhealthy at times to be honest. Especially since he insists on wearing all black, like he's attending a funeral - his own perhaps?

Diving Into The Water


Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
3/5 3/5 3/5 1/5 2/5



Reaching The Bottom


Jasper firstly, is a very confident man, and he has no need to announce it to the people, his posture speaks volumes and his eyes tell tales of experience and capability. He can easily fit himself into a crowd, any crowd, and often times, Jasper does steal the spotlight. Just the tiniest bit, though, after all, his captain is much more of a heartthrob than he is. Jasper just has a lack of shame, embarrassment, and fear that makes it so easy for him to just swagger into conversations and leave without a touch on his hair.

However lively he may be with others, Jasper does have times when he becomes more quiet, more ... lazy, and just not there at all, despondent, out of character. Jasper is someone who thrives with the company of others, he is a crowd controller, a crowd pleaser, but more than that, Jasper is someone who truly sees the world in color at the prospect of an adventure, when there is a goal that needs to be achieved, something to be found, someone to be hunted. He may not be the best person for a headhunter job, but he's a pirate - and gold, treasure, jewels ... it all tickles at his heart in the juiciest of ways~

Now, despite his cheerful demeanour, Jasper isn't someone who doesn't have limits. Unlike others who may be more patient, Jasper has a very low tolerance for pure stupidity, and disobedience. He can be chill, he can be relaxed, and he can party, but as soon as someone steps over the line, Jasper's anger rushes with a vengeance. And to those who have personally wronged him, they better keep an eye open in their sleep. Because he is a very vindictive man when pushed.


Jasper had always been on a ship, since he could remember. His parents ... well, at least his father was a pirate, and his mother, probably some maiden who had [unfortunately] encountered his father one night, but still, he grew up surrounded by men, women, the sea, and treasure of course. Even at a young age, Jasper had always been fascinated by the shine and the beauty of it all. While he was a pirate at heart, his body wasn't much of one, unfortunately. He was scrawny, weak, boney, and a magnet for trouble. And of course, many on the ship took much pleasure in reminding the boy of how useless he was.

Although disheartened, Jasper remained on the ship somehow, and continued ... ghosting around it seemed. He was pretty lucky to have survived a few battles, watching the others learning and picking up tricks along the way to do his job while hindered by his lack of physical ... anything! By his thirteenth birthday, he considered himself very lucky - to have lived so long, that is. Sadly, he seemed to have jinxed it all, as a few days later, they were caught by surprise at night, and to this day, Jasper still has no idea who it was.

By morning, Jasper woke up to a ... well, he was on a little boat with a few others just floating around sea. People were injured in all sorts of ways, and by the time they reached shore, or at least some sort of land, three had already died - by blood loss, he later assessed. It was at that very moment, Jasper knew he had them all in his hands. He, being the least injured, had the power to either let them all die, or live ... [or at least lessen the pain]. He could barely read, but the pictures from the books in his previous captain's collection had certainly stayed in mind. The next day, those who had mercilessly picked on him were already gone, dead, withering away ... and those who remained are still in touch with Jasper.

He moved on from then, staying in bars, the streets ... mainly in Tortuga, until another picked him up, and from there on, he grew more and more like a pirate, his body eventually growing the muscle and strength that was needed to garner respect, and a healthy amount of fear from the crew so that they would listen.

Found Something Down Here





Humourous People





Party Poopers

Absolute Silence


Jasper can make the simplest of medicines, be it mixing herbs or throwing together some potion looking thing- and yes, let it go down with rum, mate. Ahem, he has gone digging bullets out from people, amputating limbs, wrapping bandages, so he is pretty experienced ... as far as he's concerned. He also has enough strength to hold people down, long enough to cut something off at least, otherwise, he also has a tendency to throw people and things aside in the midst of a fight - no need to be tripping all over the ropes, right?

Stealing - I mean, honey, what kind of pirate

Drinking, and you have no idea how much money one can make just from this simple, and very, very enjoyable task.

Weapon(s) of Choice



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Taking A Swim

Full Name

Blanche Baux


Blanc Vaugh


Female, but she pretends to be a male aboard ships.






Queen Anne’s Revenge



Diving Into The Water


Strength Dexterity Fortitude Presence Wits Resolve
3/5 2/5 2/51/5 3/5

Experience: 3/10

Reaching The Bottom


Blanche is a strong, independent person. One of her only fears in life, besides getting caught, is to lose her freedom. One of the reason she traveled onto pirate ships was because she loved the freedom she got on board. She’s a hard worker, doing her part and then some. She loves being a pirate, but is so afraid of getting caught, that she never allowed herself to properly join a crew. She’s so terrified of going back home to her father, that it would keep her up through the night. Her mind is always thinking things out, weighing the positives and negatives out in her mind before she acts. She catches most skills up quickly, and after spending a year out on the open waters, she feels she’s become a decent pirate. She isn’t intimidating at all though, even when she tries her hardest.


Blanche ran away from a family of nobles in France, after her father tried to marry her off to a man 40 years older than her in attempt to gain more connections in the world. Her mother managed to keep her greedy father from selling her off to the highest bidder for 20 year, but then she died suddenly of sickness. Blanche managed to get her self out of countless marriages, but finally her father had enough after 2 years. He locked her into a room in the cellar, and told her she would not be let out until she agreed to marry. She spent several days in the cellar, getting very little food and water, when she finally escaped. She ran away, cutting off her long hair, and dressing as guy, to completely erase any trail of Blanche, becoming Blanc instead. She didn’t quite know what to do at first with her new identity, but as she walked through the harbour, she noticed a large ship. At the time, she had no clue it was a pirate ship, thinking it was that of a merchant, and she snuck on board. Since then, she’s been ship hopping, sometimes getting caught, but usually she would go undetected on the larger ships. Most captains didn’t quite know every person on board, and it was easy for her to blend in as a man. Luckily for her, she didn’t have very feminine features to begin with, and chopping off her hair made her look slightly masculine. This made it very easy for her, and a lot harder for anyone to figure out her real gender. Pretending to be a guy also helped her out in terms of how much she had to prove her worth if she got caught.


Her weapon of choice is a simple sword, and she an absolute light weight when it comes to alcohol. If I need to revise anything, please let me know!​

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