Pirates [Sign up and OOC]


Intro: Welcome to the world of Pirates. Here you can set sail and embark on epic quests.

The RP: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/5742-Pirates?p=215442#post215442

RP Rules:

1) No God Modding. This one is pretty obvious. However, for the most part this RP is an open RP. Storylines can be added based on what others do.

2) Please cencor your swear words. Some words I can look past but the big ones I will not.

3) Please keep the Goery details to a minimum. This refers to attacks and other similar things. You don't need to describe in full detail on how you stabbed a person.

4) Romances are allowed.

5) Remember not everyone is as fast or slow to reply. So Please give the person ample time to reply to anything (rather statements/questions or some kind of action) towards the person. Don't just leave the person in the dust.

6) If you wish to leave the RP. Please write out your character. Failer to write out your character will result in me writing them out for you based on your characters role. In most cases they will be marooned on an island.

7) If you are absent from the RP for to long. (without proir notice) A warning will be given first. After three warning your character will be suspended. If you have others waiting on you to post, The warnings will come sooner. After the third warning your character will be suspended and those waiting on you will be allowed to move past you.

Captains and First Mates and Crew members:

Not everyone can be a captain. Right now (besides mine) there will be 3 Pirate Captains, and 3 British Captains. There can also only be 1 First mate per ship. Captains go as first-Come First-served basis. First mate's however are decieded by the Captain. (Captains are allowed to change thrier first mate through out the course of the RP. But it's not recomeneded.) So if you want to be a first mate please ask a Captain if you can be. The Captain also chooses the ships name. The Captains and First mates will be as followed. (This will include the name of the ship as well as the crew members.):

Pirate Captains.


Captain: Captain Jody.

First mate: 'Open'

Ship: The Jester.

Crew: Grace de Belleville (@Yui♡Kiss)


Captain: Captain Bronze

First Mate: Kanin (@GoddessOfGod)

Ship: ???(I'll come up with this later)



Captain: Captain Riley (@Mouse)

First Mate: Mouse(@Mouse)

Ship: The Wrath http://cghub.com/files/Image/025001-...1_realsize.jpg

Crew: Nasab al Rashid (@Komeko)


Captain: Anthony Sergio Haze VIII (@Squall Leonhart)

First Mate: 'open'

Ship: "El Sueno Conquistador" / The Dream Conqueror http://www.rpnation.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12691&d=1362262931

Crew: Master Border Janus Francisco Santangelo (@[Rp Mod]Riddle78)


Captain: Juliette Cassandra Mason @CharChar45

First Mate: Morgan Chansey Nova @SilverNova

Ship: Dubh Lupa/ Black Wolf @CharChar45 (Until further notice)


British Navy Captains


Captain: Captain Ace Mega

First Mate: 'open'

Ship: The Mega Star



Captain: Corban "Greenhorn" Mc'Connack @ninbinz

First Mate: 'open'

Ship: Angel's Grace



Captain: Captain Drake Turner (mine)

First Mate: 'open'

Ship: Angel's Delight

Crew: Analissa Saint Marie Mason(Slave) @CharChar45


Captain: 'open'

First Mate: 'open'

Ship: 'open'


Non-Captains and Non-Crew members: (at the beginning)

Blitz 1 (mine)

Thend (Mine)


Ex-Captain John Mayes (@Makira Kaiser)

Pirate Code:

Each Pirate ship sails by a ceratin code. There are some basic codes and some may be allowed to alter or add. You must ask to alter a rule/add a rule for your ship. Only Captains may adjust the code for their ship.

Here are the basic codes:

ARTICLE I - Every man shall have an equal vote in affairs of moment. He shall have an equal title to the fresh provisions or strong liquors at any time seized, and shall use them at pleasure unless a scarcity may make it necessary for the common good that a retrenchment may be voted.

ARTICLE II - Every man shall be called fairly in turn by the list on board of prizes,

because over and above their proper share, they are allowed a shift of clothes. But if they defraud the company to the value of even one dollar in plate, jewels or money, they shall be marooned. If any man rob another he shall have his nose and ears slit, and be put ashore where he shall be sure to encounter hardships. [Fair share of the loot and pirates punishments for those who cheated] (Punishments for this may be adjusted based on the Captain. Also this mainly refers to other Pirates or just those in the same crew.)

ARTICLE III - None shall game for money either with dice or cards. ( This Rule applies to amoungst themselves and mainly aboard their ship. This can be altered if the Captain wishes. But remember that Rule only applies for that Captains Ship.)

ARTICLE IV - The lights and candles should be put out at eight at night, and if any of the crew desire to drink after that hour they shall sit upon the open deck without lights. (This can be altered if the Captain wishes. But remember that Rule only applies for that Captains Ship.)

ARTICLE V - Each man shall keep his piece, cutlass and pistols at all times clean and ready for action.

ARTICLE VI - No boy or woman to be allowed amongst them. If any man shall be found seducing any of the latter sex and carrying her to sea in disguise he shall suffer death. (This may be altered based on the Captain. And the Rule only refers to their own ship.)

ARTICLE VII - He that shall desert the ship or his quarters in time of battle shall be punished by death or marooning. (Punishments can be altered)

ARTICLE VIII - None shall strike another on board the ship, but every man's quarrel shall be ended on shore by sword or pistol in this manner. At the word of command from the quartermaster, each man being previously placed back to back, shall turn and fire immediately. If any man do not, the quartermaster shall knock the piece out of his hand. If both miss their aim they shall take to their cutlasses, and he that draweth first blood shall be declared the victor. (This refers to fights amoungst the crew. Not in facing an enemy)

ARTICLE IX - No man shall talk of breaking up their way of living till each has a share of l,000. Every man who shall become a cripple or lose a limb in the service shall have 800 pieces of eight from the common stock and for lesser hurts proportionately. (The first part refers to quit being a Pirate. The rest is for Pensions for the Wounded.

ARTICLE X - The captain and the quartermaster shall each receive two shares of a prize, the master gunner and boatswain, one and one half shares, all other officers one and one quarter, and private gentlemen of fortune one share each. (These are the norm.)

ARTICLE XI - The musicians shall have rest on the Sabbath Day only by right. On all other days by favour only. (Apperently, Some Pirates had musicians with them.)

Other codes:

Parlay: This is a universal code for all pirates and all normally honor it. The Rule states that if someone issues a Parlay "They must say parlay out loud." Then they are to must not allowed to be harmed until they have a meeting with the Captain. (they are brought to the captain or the captain comes to them.)

If a man falls behind: This one is more of a guideline than a rule. But it states that if a man falls behind, they are left behind. This includes the pirate/person getting captured or even not making it back with the group (after a task has been completed.) There are no consiquinces for breaking this rule.

For some more info please check here: http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/pirate-code-conduct.htm

Note: Some myths/creatures may turn out to be real. "Ex, Mermaids, Davey Jones" However, I'll mostly be the judgement on what kinds are and aren't. And for the most part people think they are myths.... aka fake.

Character Profiles: (You may have up to 3 But you may only have 1 Captain.)

Name: This can include there name or nickname.

Age: This can be specific or general like Kid or teen or adult.

Posistion/Job Title: Are you a Captain? First mate? Crew man? (remember all first mates must be approved by the Captain of that ship) Please also inculde rather your a pirate or Apart of the British Navy. (If not ship related please say so.)

Gender: male or female.

Weapons: Remember to keep this in the age of Pirates (so no ray guns). Remember, watch out for to special of weapons. Some restrictions may apply like a Fire Sword.

special items: I will be restricting some items. Like a 'Compas that Points to what you want most'

Appearence: I pic is prefered but you can describe it if you don't have one.

Ship: Here put the name of your ship and if you want a picture of what it lookes like. Remember, only Captains can have a ship.

History/Bio: Put a little bit about your character. If you're trying to be a first mate please include how you became one.

My Characters:

Name: Blitz 1 WhiteTiger

Age: Approximately a young adult.

Posistion/Job Title: Adventurer. He likes to travel. He doesn't exactly belong to either side. He helps those in need and does what he thinks is right. Rather it helps the Pirates or the Government.

Gender: Male

Weapons: Cutlass and pistol.

special items: Nothing special at this time.

Appearence: young, no bread, Short Black hair in the style of a crew cut. Just some adventure clothing.

Ship: No Ship

History/Bio: Blitz hasn't been home since he was a boy. Blitz longed for adventure so he packed up one day and left. Blitz has an ability of enhanced agility and speed. Blitz trained with the sword because he knew that he'd need to use it He's pretty good as he uses speed to his advantage. He's also pretty decent with the pistol.

Name: Theodore "Thend" Williams

Age: Approximately a young adult. (Same age as Blitz)

Posistion/Job Title: He's a black smith and a friend of Blitz. Thend eventually travels with Blitz in his adventures.

Gender: Male

Weapons: Cutlass and pistol.

special items: Nothing special at this time.

Appearence: young, Black, no bread, Short Black hair in the style of a crew cut. Just some adventure clothing. He also has a special purple jacket that he wears most of the time.

Ship: No Ship

History/Bio: Thend has worked as a Blacksmith as it was his family trade. After meeting Blitz the two quickly became friends. Blitz then got Thend his Purple Jacket to mark the day they became friends. Thend's swordsman skills are great. His Pistol skills is average.

Name: Ace Mega

Age: Adult

Posistion/Job Title: British Navy Captain

Gender: Male

Weapons: 2 Cutlass. And a Navy grade pistol.

special items: Nothing special at this time.

Appearence: Long hair tied back. He wears the cusomary uniform of the British Navy. However, he doesn't wear a wig for he never did care for them.

Ship: The Mega Star

History/Bio: When Ace was a boy his entire family was killed by the Pirate Captain Bronze. Since then he vowed to get his revenge. He ran away and stowed away on many ship in his lifetime. He also began to practice with two swords as he believed it'd help him get an edge over Captain Bronze. He also stole food and other things he needed to live. One day he was caught stowawaying on a ship. But thanks to a young women by the name of Angel, Ace was saved from punishment. Infact he was taken in and given a job as a Ship Captain. Thanks to the help of Angel.

Name: Captain Bronze

Age: Adult

Posistion/Job Title: Pirate Captain

Gender: Male

Weapons: 2 Cutlass and 2 pistols.

special items: Nothing special at this time.

Appearence: I'll add this later. (my original Bronze character was a Robot/android. So it's a little hard to give him a human form right now.)

Ship: "INcert Ship name here"

History/Bio: Captain Bronze has a reputation for being very ruthless. He's been a captain for many years.

Name: Captain Jody

Age: Adult

Posistion/Job Title: Pirate Captain

Gender: Female

Weapons: Cutlass and pistol.

special items: Nothing special at this time.

Appearence: Wears a Jester's outfit (Kind a like a Harley Quinn outfit) but is Purple and Blue.

Ship: The Jester

History/Bio: Captain Jody has a reputation for being almost comical/jovial. Some think she might think that being a Pirate is just fun and games to her. However, she can get quiet serious when the time comes to it.

Name: Angel

Age: Adult (Same age as Ace)

Posistion/Job Title: England Noble's daughter.

Gender: female

Weapons: Normally none

special items: Nothing special at this time.

Appearence: Long blond hair. and beautiful.

Ship: No Ship of her own

History/Bio: Angel grew up as a Noble's daughter. However, she's always wanted to do more with her life like join the Navy. However, she's not allowed due to her being a women. She's was allowed to take weapons training.

Name: Captain Drake Turner

Age: Adult

Posistion/Job Title: High Ranking Naval Captain

Gender: Male

Weapons: One specially made Captains sword. One Clockwork pistol.

special items: Nothing special at this time

Appearence: He wears the customary Naval Captain uniform included with the white wig. He also has a metal to show that he's a high ranking Captain.

Ship: Angel's Delight (It's a big and impressive ship.)

History/Bio: Captain Drake is a high ranking officer in the Naval Fleet. He's also hated by most Pirates because in some cases he's posed the biggest threat to them. Of course, the fact that Captain Drake hates all Pirates helps him with his reputation. Captain Drake would prefer to see all Pirates hang. However, after retieving a tip about the location of one Analissa Saint Marie Mason he headed there and as he put it, 'Captured the Pirate Analissa Mason' His Ship'. Due to her reputation Captain Drake decieded the a simple hanging would not be good enough for her. So instead he forced her into being a prisoner on his ship. Angel's Delight, is said to be the fastest and strongest ship in all the Naval Fleet. This helps him become a big sore to all the Pirates. Captain Drake changed the name of his ship to Angel's Delight to help him win over Angel, the Daughter of a noble. However, Angel has yet to really show interest in Captain Drake, despite the Captain's attempts.

(If i forgot something I'll add it later.)
Name: "Reaver" Richard Franklin

Age: 31

Position/Job Title: Engineer/Rifleman

Gender: Male

Weapons: Four-Chambered Mechanical Flintlock Rifle with Scythe Bayonet, Cutlass, Boot Knife

Special items: See above


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Ship: Not a Captain

History/Bio: Incoming. I'm going to take a nap real fast.
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION]: So far so good but a little problem is the Ship:.... The Ship is not exactly for captains only. It's for those who are in a crew with a captain. So aka Does he work for a specific Captain? Or on in a crew?
I will decide who I want him to be with when I see other captains. I'm not making him for the first captain I see, you know?

Captain Riley

Age: 24

Position/Job Title: Pirate; Captain

Gender: Female

Weapons: Dual swords, pistol, four knives

Special items: None

Appearance: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7htbnglD81r7ojr8o1_500.jpg Like that, but with black pants instead of a skirt.

Ship: The Wrath http://cghub.com/files/Image/025001-026000/25228/921_realsize.jpg

History/Bio: Riley was brought aboard a pirate ship at a young age, as a hostage at first, but eventually she joined as one of the crew. Riley stayed loyal to the original captain and then became captain when he died in battle. She tries to stay patient and understanding, but she can have a fierce temper.

Name: Mouse

Age: 17

Position/Job Title: Pirate; Crew Man

Gender: Male

Weapons: Sword, pistol, knife

Special items: Old silver key(Mouse wears it on a silver chain around his neck. He doesn't know what it goes to if it goes to anything.)

Appearance: http://www.freewebs.com/midnite_pirate/-anime-guy.jpg

Ship: Part of The Wrath crew

History/Bio: Mouse's real name is unknown. He was found by Captain Riley(who was simply "Riley" back then) while he was drifting in the sea on a log. Mouse was shoved overboard on his old ship for arguing with the captain. Then, Mouse joined The Wrath. Although technically speaking, he only agreed after the swords and guns were pointed at him. Mouse has a playful attitude, but can be serious when the situation calls for it.
([MENTION=4512]Mouse[/MENTION]) Acepted... don't forget to pick out a First mate for your crew... you can make one of your characters the first mate or choose someone elses. (Yes you don't have to pick one til the RP starts... just a friendly reminder.)
[MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] Alrighty. I was planning on moving Mouse up to First Mate if no one else asked because I don't know how many people will be joining yet. Leaving the spot open just in case.
[MENTION=4512]Mouse[/MENTION] What I figued.... anyways true that... I thought I'd of had more people intrested in the RP... so peoples ADVERTISE!!! :)
[MENTION=4058]Squall Leonhart[/MENTION]

if your intested... fill out a character Profile. Not sure when the RP will start mainly waiting for more people.

Of do you have a question about the RP?
Name: Anthony Sergio Haze VIII

Age: 25

Posistion/Job Title: Rebel Captain of the Spanish Aramadian Pirate Fleet

Gender: Male

Weapons: [All weapons are unusually European styled.] 2 flintlocks, 2 knives, and 1 handguard cutlass. 1 Oil canister at hand to light alflame blades. Since handguns are slow to reload in the heat of battle, they are only shot once.

Special Items: This European styled cutlass is engraved with the Haze family pledge. It is silver with an emerald jewel covered handguard. This was based down from generations before him. This blade cannot be broken.


View attachment 12689

A thin mist surrounds him. It thickens and changes different tone color based on mood.

Ship: "El Sueno Conquistador" / The Dream Conqueror

View attachment 12691

History/Bio: Anthony grew up in an upper-class family. Though he never showed it off, he simply enjoyed what was handed to him without wondering about it. Soon, he grew older and got an education. He was very proficent in his studies of government and even took a fencing training class. He was even given the Haze family sword at a young age. Later, he joined the Spanish Armada. But he dissapointed his father and family by leaving the rich life to work in the company of piracy. This was because treatment as a navy man did not suit how someone should work for their country. (It was unfair and cruel back then.) Through his time of doing so, he encountered very many hardships that led him to believe that living like a poor man gave him more freedom. He didn't know how poor people lived until now, and he continues to enjoy it, while still loving the rich spoils of silks and jewel crowns. But his successes after joining a crew and helping it grow rich, soon, he was elected Captain of the Rebellious Spanish Aramadian Pirate Fleet, whom all originally left the original Armada. He grew a reputation across the seas, as a loving gentleman to women, and a ruthless Spanish accented pirate for others to meet, no matter if he dressed like a rich man or not. He is a fair and strong captain, whom is skilled with a sword. He now sails the sea near sandbars to plunder ships coming close to the South Carolinian coast.
Ok, after I clarify something with Leonhart, I'll accept him.

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] [MENTION=4512]Mouse[/MENTION] [MENTION=4058]Squall Leonhart[/MENTION]

However, We are still not ready to begin yet. I'd like more people than what we have. So see if you can get people to join
[MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION]: I'm in no hurry. Hell, I still have to write a History for my dude.
[MENTION=4611]Nightmayr[/MENTION] Yes this is still open. I'm still waiting for more people to join.
[MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] save me a spot? I am currently working on my character form, and will probably post it later tonight
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] : It's no problem... I'm just not sure which spot to save. A pirate Captain or Naval Captain? I'll save one of both until you inform me of which.

I do happen to have a few questions, if you don't mind answering them.

1. Which time period is this from? Golden Age, Pirate Round, Buccaneers and Privateers, etc?

2. Setting wise? I would suggest the Caribbean if you don't have a clear idea. Another good idea is the Atlantic.

We can discuss more if you like. I've been engaged in pirate studies for a few years, and its time I get back on track. This will be a good experience for me. ^^
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] [MENTION=4058]Squall Leonhart[/MENTION] [MENTION=4611]Nightmayr[/MENTION] [MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION]

JCKane isn't able to get on RpNation at the moment. He thinks it's his computer since it has done that a different time, but it eventually let him back on. So not sure when that'll be.
@Beta @Squall Leonhart @Nightmayr @CharChar45 [MENTION=4512]Mouse[/MENTION]

Ok, it looks like my computer's working again. ugh sorry for the inconvience. Hopefully it won't do it again.

Squall Leonhart]@[URL="http://www.rpnation.com/member.php?u=3139 said:
I do happen to have a few questions, if you don't mind answering them.

1. Which time period is this from? Golden Age, Pirate Round, Buccaneers and Privateers, etc?

2. Setting wise? I would suggest the Caribbean if you don't have a clear idea. Another good idea is the Atlantic.

We can discuss more if you like. I've been engaged in pirate studies for a few years, and its time I get back on track. This will be a good experience for me. ^^
1) What was the age that Pirates of the Caribbean took place? That's the time period.

2) Yes it's in the Caribbean setting.

and honestly this might be more of a learning experience for me than you. I don't know as much about Pirates in some cases. i just like adventure and after watching the pirate movies I wanted to start a RP similer to it. (not like it but similer. Same time period and what not.)
([MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] it was a pirate captain, sorryfor not clarifying earlier! And sorry this is late too, I got busywith exams and stuff)

Name: Juliette Cassandra Mason

Age: Adult

Position/Job: Juliette plays two partsupon her ship, one, of course being the captain, a job she handlesquite well with those on her ship, and the other as a healer. She hadstudied the uses of herbs, salves, and other medicines beforebecoming a pirate, and continues to use those skills she acquiredaboard her ship.

Gender: Female

Weapons: She carries two differentweapons with her. One of which is a bow, long and delicate that shekeeps strapped to her back with a sheath of wooden arrows. The otherweapon is an antique pistol, passed down to her from her mother, whohad been the previous captain.

Special Items: A small, silver locketshe keeps around her neck. Engraved in elegant script on the back isthe Latin phrase “non omnis moriar” meaning “not all of meshould die.” It is not known why this locket is so precious to her,and she has no intentions to let anyone else know.



Ship: Dubh Lupa/ Black Wolf

History/Bio: Before her, Juliette’smother, Analissa Saint Marie Mason, was captain, and rather popularamong the ship. She treated her crew kindly, only harsh when the needarose, and had her daughter use her healing skills whenever diseaseor injury needed to be cured. Yet, when Juliette turned seventeenyears of age, her mother was kidnapped by the Navy fleet, never seenagain. Because of that, Juliette has held a grudge against them, andworks her way as captain to avenge her mother, who she is unsure isdead or alive.

Name: Analissa Saint Marie Mason

Age: Elderly, around 40 or 50 years ofage

Position/Job: She is held hostageaboard one of the Navy fleet ships, used to clean the quarters andother things deemed necessary. She is quiet and reserved, and doeswhat she is told, no matter how harsh or brutal it is upon her body.

Gender: Female

Weapons: None, they were disposed ofwhen she was kidnapped.

Special Items: A ring she wears on herright hand, on the finger right next to the thumb. It is made of puregold, and has a name engraved on it, her daughters name. She keeps itto remind herself to remain strong upon the enemy ship, and praysthat one day, help will come.



Ship: Whatever Naval ship you want toput her on.

History/Bio: Before becoming a hostage,Analissa Saint Marie Mason had been a famous pirate captain, popularamong her crew with a daughter and many talents. Yet, she made amistake. It had been small, but led to her making a great sacrificefor the sake of her ship. Her tongue had slipped, and word spread,and soon, the Naval fleet knew where she was. In order to save hercrew, she purposely got kidnapped by her opponents, leaving herdaughter in charge without giving her a single good bye.
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION]: Accepted. The ship the mother's on will be determined more once the RP gets started.

@Beta @Squall Leonhart @Nightmayr @CharChar45 @Mouse [MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] And Everyone else.

The Final Pirate Captain has been decided. All of the Naval Captains are open. So anyone else who wants to be a captain that's your only option.

I'd like to have a few more people to join. Another Naval Captain would be nice before we begin. And some other non Captains. I'll give it another week or so before I open it. If we don't have any more Naval Captain's I'll come up with a few more or something. We'll see. Also, Captains you may choose your first mate or create one if you wish... You also can just leave it open until more people come. As far As I know we're going to leave it where others can join even after the RP has started. However, I'd still like to have some more people before we start. So if you can ask around. you know people I don't.

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