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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)

Jake glanced at her for a moment "Ok but if anyone calls the marines Its on you" Jake tried to think of something to lighten the mood. "How long have you been a thief." Jake asked with curiosity. Jake was a man who liked to hear people's history / any Information on anyone really. He Looked at the sun "it's about 6is aclock in the afternoon I would say. It will take about a day to get there, so get comfortable, There some Chairs in the captain's area, Don't mind all the metal and junk Some are inventions and some just scraps.

@M2627 @Ballerina
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"Four years. That's how long I've been on my own for." Eliza replied simply. "I became somewhat well known as a thief, but not under my real name. I got my nickname because I really like cats." She started thinking of all the cats she had named. There were quite a few of them.. The young girl preferred it out here. "I'm good for now. I like it up here. Got anything to eat on this ship though? I haven't eaten since breakfast." Eliza leaned against the mast and stared at the sky.
"Well there is some dried beef below deck" Jake racked through his mind to make sure there wasn't anything else. "Or you could try to fish, Just don't catch Nerida" He said jokily.

@M2627 @Ballerina
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Eliza giggled at the comment about Nerida. "Heh. If I ever put my mind to fishing, I'll try not to." She headed down the stairs to find a few crates stacked here and there. "Now just to find something edible..." The girl muttered under her breath while opening and closing lids. She came back up with a small piece of dried meat in her hands. "Say, Jake? How long have you been a pirate? And inventing stuff?"
Iris realized that she would only make matter worse by trying to treat her herself. She knew a local doctor that could treat but wanted to make sure that the girl be okay with moving. " Hey I know a doctor I can take you to. Do you want me to take you their?" she said trying to keep her expression calm and neutral. @kokirigaming
Libra259 said:
"If you insist.." Kimberly absolutely hated to sleep but maybe it would be a good idea.. She takes a sip of the vodka.
Isabella looked to her and smiled more before she took a drink of her own bottle then laughed a little. "So what would you wish to speak about now?" She asked her curiously
LucianGrey7971 said:
Emile spit up a bit of blood and started laughing at the boy. "Who the hell are you calling BOY~ See this is the problem with the military...You give them a little bit of power and they start abusing it almost immediately..."
( Where exactly are they?)

( I apologize for not responding earlier)

David shook his head, "That's not the problem boy, the problem is people like you. I don't abuse my power i use it to defend the innocent or punish the cowardly thugs and criminals that ruin everyone's lives because of greed and laziness. The Military is too uphold the law if they make their own they i assure you they would be dealt with, but corrupt Military has nothing to do with this so stop taking off topic and give me straight answers dammit or i'll have you cut up and used as bait for fishing. Why were you on a damaged vessel that was not shot at by my men, did not have any loot or guns on it, and did not have a black flag. Give me the truth and i will lower your punishment." David said. He unsheathed his sword in case this silver tongued coward tried running or fighting back.
"What the hell does it matter what I was doing on a boat with no loot, no black flag and no guns?" Emile responded standing back on his feet "It was a merchant's boat that was shot at by pirates and I happen to be a shit navigator, what MORE are you hoping to learn? It have no loot so I'm not important, it had no guns so I'm not a threat, and it held no black flag so I'm clearly not a pirate! I'm just a guy with unbelievably bad luck and worse timing....now if you would BE so kind as to..." Emile put a finger on the blunt edge of the sword and pushed it away from him a bit. "Also, I'd like my weapons back...we ARE in pirate territory and I'd rather not DIE because you decided it was a crime to look at your boat...and shipwreck."

LucianGrey7971 said:
"What the hell does it matter what I was doing on a boat with no loot, no black flag and no guns?" Emile responded standing back on his feet "It was a merchant's boat that was shot at by pirates and I happen to be a shit navigator, what MORE are you hoping to learn? It have no loot so I'm not important, it had no guns so I'm not a threat, and it held no black flag so I'm clearly not a pirate! I'm just a guy with unbelievably bad luck and worse timing....now if you would BE so kind as to..." Emile put a finger on the blunt edge of the sword and pushed it away from him a bit. "Also, I'd like my weapons back...we ARE in pirate territory and I'd rather not DIE because you decided it was a crime to look at your boat...and shipwreck."
David sheathed his sword pissed off at this young man wearing a captains uniform and yet he acts like a thug and a thief. "Fine, i'll let you go with your arsenal, but if i catch you harassing a single person or ship i will have your head on my ship's front and your guts will be used as bait to hunt shark and large fish, do i make my self clear?" he said as his items were giving back. David then told his men to get back to their ships and they left Tortuga, now they were going to the city but to rest mainly before picking up and going patrolling in more cities and in trade routes. This time all the ships anchored. The sailors got to stay on the ship and got to ask for items to be brought back to them while the marines got to be in the city. The next day it would be the sailors exploring and the Marines resting up on the ship. Well the ships anchored at port and exactly that happened today it was the Marines and they started going all around the place. A few ended up at a bar with one of them making sure nothing got out of control. They laid there muskets next to them and left them un-cocked but loaded in case a certain incident occurred.

(Okay i basically let a few Marines wander in and they have seen the wanted posters for Cinder so this should be interesting. @Libra259 @Daniel reaving )
Emile didn't need to be told twice, he took advantage of the situation and left in a hurry in order to avoid any chance of David finding out that he had killed the marines he had once served and turned traitor and would be pirate. Though he was slightly annoyed that he apparently didn't have a bounty for that yet...he wasn't exactly subtle about it. One thing was for sure though, he would need to find a crew to join soon...he was an excellent, if not bloodthirsty, fighter but he wasn't looking for one versus the HMS Honor.
Morbuskid said:
David sheathed his sword pissed off at this young man wearing a captains uniform and yet he acts like a thug and a thief. "Fine, i'll let you go with your arsenal, but if i catch you harassing a single person or ship i will have your head on my ship's front and your guts will be used as bait to hunt shark and large fish, do i make my self clear?" he said as his items were giving back. David then told his men to get back to their ships and they left Tortuga, now they were going to the city but to rest mainly before picking up and going patrolling in more cities and in trade routes. This time all the ships anchored. The sailors got to stay on the ship and got to ask for items to be brought back to them while the marines got to be in the city. The next day it would be the sailors exploring and the Marines resting up on the ship. Well the ships anchored at port and exactly that happened today it was the Marines and they started going all around the place. A few ended up at a bar with one of them making sure nothing got out of control. They laid there muskets next to them and left them un-cocked but loaded in case a certain incident occurred.
(Okay i basically let a few Marines wander in and they have seen the wanted posters for Cinder so this should be interesting. @Libra259 @Daniel reaving )
She would spot the men who came in and recognize them as Marines. Hm.. This oughta be interesting.. I have a feeling I wont get outta here without a fight. She'd turn back to Isabella.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabella looked to her and smiled more before she took a drink of her own bottle then laughed a little. "So what would you wish to speak about now?" She asked her curiously

"Thats up to you." Kimberly says with another yawn.
Jake thought about Eliza question "Well I have been making blueprints for a while, I started when I was about 15 and I got my boat when I was 16 and I became A pirate when 17 so a long time"
(I've been insanely busy working on my roleplay lol, sorry I couldn't respond sooner.)

Nerida swam under the boat, listening to bits and pieces of the conversation. She emerges from the water again, holding onto the boat. " Keeping up with you guys is harder than I thought." She says, exhausted.
(Oh god, sorry!) The ships all sailed to the port Arlias was at, causing a rather thick fog to settle.
Libra259 said:
She would spot the men who came in and recognize them as Marines. Hm.. This oughta be interesting.. I have a feeling I wont get outta here without a fight. She'd turn back to Isabella.
"Thats up to you." Kimberly says with another yawn.
Isabella thought before smiling. "So........ How old are you?" She asked her as she tried to think of another question

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Jake was sailing when a wet breeze hit his face, It was Nerida "O hello friend, If you're tired I could always make a pool on the boat" He said this with a smile, Well..... Jake Kind of always had a smile on his face. "This is going to be such a fun adventure" He thought to himself. "I mean I can do it if you want me too it would be easy"

@Ballerina @M2627

Arlias fired off a few cannons into the town, bored out of his mind on top of the hill.
Eliza waved eagerly with both hands at Nerida. "Hey Nerida!" She watched the mermaid from the deck. It was mesmerizing just watching her swim. Even though she had issues keeping up, she made it look like it took no effort at all. "Wouldn't it be neat to swim underwater? Imagine all the neat stuff in the ocean... The only issue is we can't keep our breaths for that long.." The young girl was now jealous of Nerida. All of the stuff she got to see. Shipwrecks must be especially fun... Then again, Nerida couldn't go on land.
M2627 said:
Eliza waved eagerly with both hands at Nerida. "Hey Nerida!" She watched the mermaid from the deck. It was mesmerizing just watching her swim. Even though she had issues keeping up, she made it look like it took no effort at all. "Wouldn't it be neat to swim underwater? Imagine all the neat stuff in the ocean... The only issue is we can't keep our breaths for that long.." The young girl was now jealous of Nerida. All of the stuff she got to see. Shipwrecks must be especially fun... Then again, Nerida couldn't go on land.
The mermaid looked above the water. It was hard to know exactly what others were saying on land, but she could pick out bits and pieces. She happily waved to the young girl before going deeper underwater.
A cannon-ball almost struck her, and it had that same, putrid black substance following it down.

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