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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)


The Lone Wolf
The waves beat steadily against the hull of the Forbidden Soul as members of the ships crew scurry about on deck. A young women stands tall and confident at the wheel, a fierce look sparkles in her eyes. Every so often sea mist would splash upon the ship. The young women who was Captain of the ship, has one of her crew members take the wheel. "Another victorious raid, men!" She shouts while unsheathing her cutlass and pointing it towards the sky. "Anyone who crosses our path will be destroyed! Were heading out to Tortuga!" She shouts as a devilish smirk creeps its way onto her lips.
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A young man watches the wide open sea from at top his ship the Blue Storm. Behind him lies Tortuga, a prominent city where citizens go about their day without any interruptions. From his back pocket the young man pulls out a spyglass and observes the sea, way out in the distance he can make out what looks like a ship. "That might be them, prepare for battle!" He yells down to his crew members, and they scuttle around the ship, ready for battle. The young man heads to the wheel of the ship, and sets sail for the oncoming ship.

Kimberly would pull out her telescope as she spots what could possibly be another ship. She wondered whether it could be an ally or foe. She raises the telescope to her left eye and peers through it. Spotting the young man she smirks, "looks like a naval Official." She mutters to herself, "we'd be approching Toruga men! And a naval officer's ship! Prepare for a fight, man the cannons I suspect this to be a cannon fight much like most naval officials we have fought." With that said The Moonlight Maiden takes the wheel and waits till her opponents ship is in shooting range. After about 5 minutes she would command her crew to fire, more as a warning with no critical damage.
Smith raised his hand and his ship stopped, he was careful about aproaching the ship. If it was a pirate, then charging in blindly could cause damage to his ship and crew. He pulled out his spyglass again, now he got a better look at the ship. Smith was suprised time see a young woman at the helm, usually men worked on ships. He quickly shook those thoughts out of his head,xand then looked out at his crew. "Man the cannons! We'll play the waiting game. If they cross into out firing range without a single cannon shot, then I'll give them the chance to negotiate," He ordered him men. Next he casually leaned against the railing of his ship, "let's see who can last longer in this waiting game," he chuckled while looking out at the other ship.
Eagershadow3 said:
Smith raised his hand and his ship stopped, he was careful about aproaching the ship. If it was a pirate, then charging in blindly could cause damage to his ship and crew. He pulled out his spyglass again, now he got a better look at the ship. Smith was suprised time see a young woman at the helm, usually men worked on ships. He quickly shook those thoughts out of his head,xand then looked out at his crew. "Man the cannons! We'll play the waiting game. If they cross into out firing range without a single cannon shot, then I'll give them the chance to negotiate," He ordered him men. Next he casually leaned against the railing of his ship, "let's see who can last longer in this waiting game," he chuckled while looking out at the other ship.
Kimberly was in a mood to negotiate, she always thought negotiating was amusing. So she continued to sail her ship into the other ship's firing zone. She did not however fire at it, she merely put her telescope away and continued to steer her ship till her ship was next to his. "You did not fire, what is it that you want?" Kimberly would ask talking in proper english, as she put it. She really was just mocking him though not to a large extent.
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I sail into the opposite side of the island on a old raft. "Where is everyone?! Hello? People? Is this city deserted?!" I arrive at the shore and step off, walking towards a weapons shop. I steal a musket and bow and arrows and make my way to the center of the town. I look around.
Smith chuckled, "I could say the same to you," he replied with a smirk on his face. "It appears that you're heading to Tortuga," he continued while examining her ship, "this doesn't look to be a trading vessel, or a Navy ship, may I ask. What is your buisness in these here waters?" He asked her, still casually leaning on the rail.

Eagershadow3 said:
Smith chuckled, "I could say the same to you," he replied with a smirk on his face. "It appears that you're heading to Tortuga," he continued while examining her ship, "this doesn't look to be a trading vessel, or a Navy ship, may I ask. What is your buisness in these here waters?" He asked her, still casually leaning on the rail.
"You are right." She chuckles, "it is neither a navy ship nor trading vessel. However I do use this ship as a trading vessel. I suppose this wasnt really the right thing to do but I really had no choice. I got caught in the crossfire when this ship attacked my home. It was fight the captain or.. Well die. As you can see I won and used this ship instead of a navy ship or trading vessel. To be honest I couldnt afford a real trading vessel. Now you see with that said im here to make a trade. It sounds quite foolish though.. I tailor and paint. My client for some reason lives in Tortuga.. I suppose thats an odd place for a lady to live." Kimberly says. This all was true, she wasnt lying however it was slightly twisted to sounds better. Kimberly was indeed a pirate though she did not believe in piracy to the full extent. It is true that she has killed many though never someone innocent. She has killed many pirates both who attack her and the innocent. Eventually rumors did spread and now she is seen as a notorious pirate. It really was silly.
Smith stood up from the rail. He turned to speak with one if his crew mates, "Aye Admiral Smith!" The deckhand said before running below deck. Smith turned back to the girl, "if you're heading for Tortuga, then I'll escort you. Pirates have been running rampant in these waters," he said to her before walking twords the helm if his ship.

"If you must, then so be it," Kimberly would begin to steer her ship to Tortuga, not waiting for the other ship. She would sigh as her long white hair blows in the breeze. Kimberly wondered if this naval officer actually believed her or not. She did tell the truth but in a way so it sounded better. She'd shrug off that thought and continue to steer her ship towards her destination.

"Full sail!" Smith called down to his cre, and the pure whire sails on his ship quickly shit up. The blue storm quickly sailed twords Tortuga.
I continue to walk along the streets, until I see a tall building. I climb it and look out. I see a pirats ship in the distance coming closer. I tak my bow out and string it. I take out an arrow.
In a bit The Forbidden Soul would reach Tortuga and Kimberly would dock her ship. She walks into her quarters and grabs a bag with her clients order. She walks out of her quarters and walks off of her ship and onto the docks.

Smith's first mate Jackson West approached him, "looks like your little gamble worked out," he said to Smith. He let out a small chuckle, "I just got lucky," Smith replied, and Jackson walked over to exit the ship, "I'm heading to the bar, but you never drink," Jackson called back before walking into town. Smith didn't leave the ship like usual, he isn't fond of being on solid ground. Plus he wanted to keep watch of that girls ship. His crew is still on alert in case they truly are pirates.

Kimberly would sigh a bit, Ive heard of an admiral Smith before.. Wonder what his game is.. Its obvious that were 'technically' pirates. Only an imbecile wouldn't see that. She walks for a solid 5 minutes and stops at a smaller house. She knocks on the door and a few minutes later a young blonde woman opens the door and smiles at Kimberly. "Here's that dress and picture you wanted." She smiles warmly at her and the woman takes the bag. "I cant wait to see it." She says excitedly as she opens the bag and pulls out a beautiful forest green dress. Beads decorated the collar of the dress and golden and silver embroidery rims the bottom of the it right before a thin strip of lace sticks out from the bottom. The dress really was quite beautiful though it wasnt close to perfect; from closer up you could see that the dresses left sleeve was a bit shorter than the right. Though it wasn't enough to really notice. A few of the seams thread was visible but everything else about it was pretty good. "Im sorry its not my best. Though I ran out of fabric in the middle of it.." She says sheepishly. The girl chuckles and thanks her. The two bid eachother farwell and Kimberly heads into a tavern.

I watch the ship pull into the docks and ignite my arrow. I let it fly an it hits the ships mast and sets it on fire. I out my bow away and run towards the ship.
HeroPilot said:
I watch the ship pull into the docks and ignite my arrow. I let it fly an it hits the ships mast and sets it on fire. I out my bow away and run towards the ship.
(How is that? xD was it already on fire?)
HeroPilot said:
I watch the ship pull into the docks and ignite my arrow. I let it fly an it hits the ships mast and sets it on fire. I out my bow away and run towards the ship.
(Which ship? I'm so confused xD )
Libra259 said:
(I dunno im confused to xD )
(Let's just go with yours)

Smith was watching the other ship until a flaming arrow strike it's mast, and set the ship ablaze. "Fire!" Smith quickly yelled out while pointing to the ship. Smith quickly ran from his shio, onto the dock, and twords then flaming ship. Someone in particular caught his eye. A man armed with a biw, and he was running directly at the ship, "stop now, or you'll be arrested!" Smith yelled at the man while pulling out his pistol and aiming at him.

@Libra259 @HeroPilot
Kimberly would hear Smith's shout and runs from the tavern to see her ship on fire. "My ship!" She shouts and half her crew runs off the ship as the other half would attempt to put it out. "Dont be imbeciles! Get off! Its only a ship!" Im going to hunt down the person who did this.. Its just a ship but its my ship. The other half of her crew would run off the ship. Kimberly would take one last look at it and then look in the direction of Smith and spots a guy with a bow. So it was him then.. She makes her way towards the two, her eyes narrowed. I Have enough for another ship but it wont be the same.


I curse and shoot an arrow attached to a rope to smith's ship's mast. I pu on it and use it to quickly swing around the dock. "Introduce a little anarchy…"
Smith smirks as he watches the man zip onto his ship (which I don't know exactly how). From below deck a dozen of armed soldier and ship hands form ranks and aim at the man. They've surrounded him, "there's no where to run! Just hand yourself in and you'll stay alive!" Smith called put to the man.

@Libra259 @HeroPilot
Alec sat in the tavern of Tortuga with a mug at his table and whistling a merry tune. He had just smuggled a huge load of jade here; it was high time to celebrate. He brushed some of his blonde hair out of his eyes and took another swig of the strong ale, letting out a belch shortly after. He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. Life truly couldn't get much better, could it? Heheh. At least for the Bastard it couldnt. He laughed to himself.
I aim my bow and then let it ease out into my hand. I put it away and take out a long dagger. I slow down time and jump off, using the knife to slow my decent.

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