• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Pirate Application

Lady Warlock

Anime RN
One Piece: Set Sail for Serenity
Please include an image of your character somewhere in the character sheet.

Character Name: First and last name please. Also include any nickname your character has.

Gender: Male or female

Age: Not too young to understand what’s going on. I’d prefer to avoid elderly as well.



Position on the Crew:

Abilities: This is the area where I will be highly critical. If anything seems overpowered, you will be asked to remove it.

How do you fight? Describe your character’s fighting style.

Character Flaws: Tell me why your character is not a Mary Sue / Gary Stu.

Skills: These should be things unrelated to fighting. There’s gotta be something else they’re good at, right?

Personality: Describe your character’s personality. One paragraph minimum.

Backstory: Describe the things your character has been through in life. This section has a two paragraph minimum.

Possessions: List anything your character regularly carries with them and make sure it is within reason. Carrying more than three swords on your person at all times is not something I consider within reason.

Character Name: Cecily “Cece” Eaggert

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5’11”

Position on the Crew: Captain

  • Kenbunshoku Haki
  • Sharp shooter
How do you fight? Above all other things Cecily fights smart. She’s very good at identifying which targets she is capable of beating and which ones she isn’t going to win against. Unbeknownst to her, this is part of her observation haki at work. Beyond that, though, Cecily fights with her two weapons - a pistol and a shotgun. That doesn’t mean she’s always fighting at range, though. She’s fairly nimble on her feet and if dragged into close combat, she’s not against whacking someone with her shotgun or pulling the trigger on her pistol while it’s pressed into someone’s stomach. Every once in a while, she can be found holding her shotgun as though it’s a sword and using it to parry actual bladed weapons. Of course, if she’s doing this, she has every intention of getting away when she can to get back to what she does best - sharp shooting.

Character Flaws:
  • Cecily is very emotional and often lets her emotions get the better of her leading to rash decision making.
  • She’s not a delegator in the slightest meaning she often tries to do things on her own when she doesn’t have to.
  • Cece has some difficulties trusting new people and she often seems very paranoid around them initially.
  • Shooting
  • Ballet
  • Mathematics
With everything she has been through in recent months, Cecily’s methods of approaching people have gone through quite the adjustment as well. She does her best to approach absolutely everyone with analytical eyes. She has a knack for detecting strength in people and being correct on her assumptions regarding their abilities. Cecily uses that to her advantage. She gets straight to the point in every conversation she has with a new person and tries her absolute hardest to keep her emotions out of any engagements she has with other people; undoubtedly, she fails in this regard more often than not. Cecily spent most of her life allowing her emotions to flow so reigning this in is not an easy task for her. Despite an analytical approach in almost every new beginning, it’s very clear from the start that Cecily is nice enough. It’s also clear that she has her secrets, but who doesn’t?

People who pay attention will always notice that no matter how much she seems to trust someone, though, she’s always watching her own back instead of trusting her comrades to do it for her.

A young girl with no reason to hate or dislike anyone in her life grew up on a small island in Paradise. She loved that she could call her home Paradise ever since she learned what the word meant and her parents encouraged that joy for the whole time that she was theirs to raise and cherish and love. They lived on Crescent Moon Isle; from the shore they lived upon they could watch ships come and go from Elephant Moon Harbor. It was one of Cecily’s favorite pastimes with her father - to sit on the shore and watch all the massive boats come and go. Her mother worked in the harbor and her father maintained the farmland that they had on their little isle. Every night her mother would come home and tuck her into bed and in the morning she would help her mother prepare their little tugboat that mom took to work every day. It was a good life for a child.

Then one day, when Cecily finished her household chores, she walked outside and saw all the harbor’s ships on fire. No ships sailed out that day and her mom never came back. She and her father mourned her mother’s passing and the days became hard to track. Cecily waited longingly for any ships to return.

Finally, one did. Except, it didn’t sail into the harbor. Instead, the ship sailed straight to the home occupied by Cecily and her father. A single individual came to them - a man who Cecily initially considered scary. First he met with her father and then her father begrudgingly let the man speak to Cece. The man’s name was Killian and he was a pirate captain who lost his crew in the fire. Apparently, the fire had been started by the marines because they were trying to take all the adventure out of the world and make it boring. Well, that was the explanation he gave to the eight year old he was speaking to at the time. The fire had also killed her mother in the process and Killian asked for Cecily’s help to fix things. He told Cece that her eyes were special and that only she could find the strongest pirates to bring together into a crew that would finally take down the marines for good. She would have to join him as he set sail to make that happen, though. Her father left the decision up to her and Cecily became the first member of Killian’s new crew.

Since his ship was brand new, he even let her name it. Cecily called it Serenity, naming it after her mother who she sought justice for.

From that point on in her life, Cecily grew up on the ship with Killian, who was like a second father to her. She never forgot her father who she left behind on Crescent Moon Isle or the joy she’d felt watching ships sail in with him when they could sit together on the sand, but she knew that she would be able to return once she’d helped Killian create the strongest crew imaginable so that they could take on the marines. They worked their way towards that goal with all the energy that they could muster. They found people to join them, too. There was the lady falconer and sharp shooter Miss Maribell, who taught Cecily everything she knows today about shooting. They got the crew a delightful pastry chef who always joked that his food was going to make everyone in the crew fat although Cecily always doubted him. That man had way too much muscle to ever get fat. Whenever Cecily saw new people, Killian had her meet them so her eyes could discover whether they were truly strong or not. And Cecily invited the strong ones to join them.

Years passed this way and Cecily grew up. Killian ensured that she learned how to defend herself in more ways than one because she was his most valuable asset with those special eyes of hers. Though Cece never understood it, she went along with it without question. All the crew members became her friends and mentors and she became Killian’s first mate on the way as well.

When they finally decided they had everyone the crew needed, they crossed into the New World and everything fell apart. Killian sailed them right up to the marines and practically handed them in on a silver platter. The crew tried to fight back, but somehow the marines had managed to gather up their most powerful to go against Serenity’s crew. Miss Maribell told Cecily to run. Cecily was frozen, though. She couldn’t believe the man who’d raised her could be so cruel and manipulative. How long had he been planning it? She ran to him, punched the living daylights out of him trying to demand answers, but none came. He didn’t fight back against her, either. Killian just stood there, taking it. One of her punches managed to knock a single key off a ring on his pocket and when she dove for it, he picked her up and threw her off the ship into the sea. Cecily’s not sure if he saw that she snatched the key up with her or not.

Floating along, another ship found her and picked her up. It was a merchant vessel and she was left at the next island they stopped at. From then on, Cecily has been planning, plotting and scheming. Though it took a week, she found passage back to Paradise. Now she’s gonna take the journey all over again to see if it can end any differently.

  • A key that she wears on a silver chain around her neck at all times
  • Pistol
  • Shotgun
  • Compass
  • Small wardrobe of clothes
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"I may go where the wind takes me, but I can definitely navigate you to where you wanna go, mi amigo."

Guilty Gear Johnny.jpg

Character Name: Alex Cruz. "The Black Rose." "Black Rose Alex."

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 6 feet

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Position on the Crew: Navigator

Sensing changes in the weather.

How do you fight?
Alex is an acrobatic swordsman that strikes quickly, precisely, and gracefully. He generally uses a fencing-like style, thrusting his rapier rapidly to back his opponent into a corner or trying to disarm weapons, but he can also create slash marks made of air for medium range combat. As far as fisticuffs go, he can handle himself in a brawl, but he prefers to use his rapier because it is "a gentleman's weapon."

The rapier is like the an extension of his body and his control over his weapon is so precise that he's able to cut the clothes someone is wearing without cutting skin or undergarments. His calling card is three slash marks shaped like an "A".

Character Flaws:
- Has a hard time saying "no" to people in need.
- Very trusting toward the fairer sex and can be tricked by bad women posing as good people.
- Impulsively butts into "lover's quarrels" and situations where someone could use some rescuing.

- Reading maps and compasses.
- Gardening (roses specifically).
- Hanging out with kids.
- Flamenco dancing

Alex is an adventurous and easy going individual. He's the kind of person who easily goes with the flow, but sometimes he's so easy going it doesn't look like he's helping with anything. Alex has a big heart. He cares deeply for his friends and family; he also genuinely cares for civilians and lends them a helping hand when they need it. Alex has the demeanor of an older brother and is protective of those he cares about. Raised to be a gentleman, Alex doesn't like alcoholic drinks and is especially kind to females, no matter how old they are. Making a girl/woman cry is the worse offense someone can do in Alex's mind. The sound of feminine crying is the one thing he can't ignore. He also can't ignore situations where a female looks scared or near crying.

Alex impulsively butts into situations that involve crying or scared women. He'll do what he can to turn the situation around, like comforting the woman, chasing off the man who caused the scene, threatening to do bodily harm if the person doesn't leave or apologize, sometimes he even challenges the man to a duel or just try to beat him up if a fight quickly breaks out. He even berates people he knows if they caused a woman to cry in his vicinity. Alex doesn't like to harm women, but will make an exception for villainous females that like to cause trouble. On the other hand, for female Marines, Alex would only do as much serious fighting he needs to do in order to escape.

Alex sees himself more as a "dark horse of justice" than a traditional pirate. He believes hurting innocent people would stain his honor; hurting women and children making the blackest stains. He believes that his sword was meant to protect and not kill, but he doesn't hesitate to show his thorns if he needs to. It doesn't stain his honor to deal with villainous individuals. Underneath his fiery spirit lies a man who is surprisingly good with children. He'd probably be a good father if he ever got the chance to settle down. Due to his La Rosa heritage, Alex occasionally throws in what we would call Spanish into his speech, such as hola for hello; niño, chico, muchacho, or sometimes hermano (brother) to refer to boys; niña, chica, or hermana (sister) for girls; señor or señorita to refer to an adult man or woman; jefe (boss) to sometimes refer to his Captain; amigo or compadre for a friend; and lastly adios or chao for goodbye.

Alex was born and raising on a Spain-like island called La Rosa, located near the beginning of the Grand Line. His father, Diago Cruz, ran the harbor. His mother, Elizabeth, was mostly a stay-at-home mom, but she had a keen sense of the weather and could predict it in real time; this ability came in handy for the daily running of the port and she became the unofficial weather lady of the island.

As Alex grew up, he idolized his mother and wondered how she was able to predict the weather. She told him about the subtle weather changes she felt before seeing the shift in weather and, in time, Alex was able to recognize those changes too.

His father taught him to be a gentleman and an honorable man. He was enrolled in fencing classes and dance classes. Alex initially protested at the dance classes, but his father told him that "real men know how to dance." He eventually learned to like it.

Because his father ran the port, when Alex wasn't home with his mother and little sisters (Maria and Rosa), he spent a lot of time near ships. He was able to watch his father as he worked. His father had to keep track of a lot of trading ships. Thinking that Alex wanted to follow in his footsteps, he showed his son how he kept track of everything and estimated ship positions on the map.

When Alex was young, there was a time that he wanted to be just like his dad, but he ended up finding a different path. Inspired by swashbuckling heroes, Alex wanted to go out into the world and protect women. He saved up his money, bought a black outfit and a rapier, the White Rose. He decided to join one of the trading ships, using a combination of what his parents taught him to help navigate to the other beginner Grand Line islands. He was good at his work, but he also got into trouble with his heroic streak. His heroism eventually began to annoy the trader crew because his butting into other people's business ended up making some small trouble for the local law enforcement to deal with. Alex began to get a bit of a reputation as his "Black Rose" alter ego. The crew was about to fire him, but he ended up seeing an ad in the paper first. "Sorry amigos, but it's time for us to part ways. There's a senorita out there that needs my help. Adios." The crew had to fight back the urge to cheer.

It was time to bid his family farewell. He hugged his crying sisters and gave them each a rose. He shook hands with his father and kissed his mother on the cheek. With a tip of his hat and rose petals drifting on the wind from out of his jacket, Alex hopped onto a small vessel. "Onward! To Elephant Moon Harbor!"

A black hat with a skull-like pin in it, a black jacket, black pants with a belt, black boots, black fingerless glove, sunglasses, a belt and another belt that carries his rapier.
A rapier called the White Rose.
Ship navigation tools.
Roses and rose petals
A locket with a family picture.
Rose Thorn Rapier.png

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Log Keeper
Character Name: Dirk "Mind Vault" Lowell

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 5'9"

Sexuality: Pan

Position on the Crew: Record Keeper

  • Hai Hai no Mi (Ash Ash Fruit) - Logia

How do you fight? Dirk is a terrible combatant, which stems from both his timidness, as well as his training and capabilities. Preferring to try talking his way out of conflicts instead of going head first into fights, if push comes to shove Dirk would rather use his pistol as both a deterrent and a way to buy time for him to find a way to escape. While not a sharpshooter by any means, Dirk can use his pistol well enough to deal with a few mooks. He also has a small knife that he uses for utility purposes, though he isn't afraid to shank someone if need be. Although Dirk has eaten the Hai Hai no Mi, his phobia of large flames and the aftermath of their destruction has made it so that, not only has he never practiced with it, he also refuses to let his body shift into ashes, even if that means taking a hit. Because of this, Dirk has built up a good deal of physical endurance, as he has long since become able to "roll with the hits" so to speak.

Character Flaws:
  • Dirk is of the mind that anyone talking to him does so because they want something from him
  • Dirk zealously holds onto secrets, even if sharing them is the right decision in the given situation, or that it would keep him out of harms way
  • Dirk is near debilitatingly afraid of fire and flames larger than anything found in a fireplace.

  • Good memory
  • High level of literacy and penmanship
  • Surprisingly good actor and eloquent speaker

Personality: Dirk had always been quiet and introverted, preferring to spend his time reading a book over going out and interacting with others. This part of his nature was only exacerbated after the accident that caused him to eat his Devil Fruit, turning quiet and introverted into timid, anxious, and jumpy. He is also an extremely inquisitive, intelligent and learned individual, something that can be quite easily seen if you are somehow able to hold a proper conversation with him. However the problem stems from the fact that he near actively shies away from interacting with others, and although he is capable of acting outgoing and charming, he finds it extremely draining and will often recede even further into himself after situations where he is forced to act that way. As well, although he may not look or act like it is in his nature, Dirk keeps secrets to an almost obsessive level.

Backstory: Born and raised on an island in the South Sea, Dirk grew up in a loving household to a librarian of a father and a writer of a mother. Understandably, with the occupation of his parents being what they are, Dirk himself grew a passion for learning and reading, spending much of his free time with either one of his parents and shadowing them, spending comparatively little time with kids his age. Since the island he lived on was big enough to have a city built on it, and was a fairly popular harbor, there was no lack of new books to read, and new stories to hear. It is because of this that Dirk eventually developed the desire to go out into the world himself and write a book on all the hidden wonders and secrets out there, a dream that his parents were hesitant to support him with. Eventually, though, he was able to convince his parents to allow him to sail the South Sea with a passing merchant vessel, and if he found that he truly did enjoy the sea life, he could continue exploring the rest of the vasts seas. Ecstatic when receiving the news, Dirk immediately set out, getting a position on a departing vessel as a book keeper and accountant.

Dirk stuck around with that crew of merchants for almost a year, slowly getting closer and coming to view them as a sort of second family and becoming especially close to an old sailor named Tyler who would tell him grand stories of his youth, when the beginning of disaster struck them. After a passing summer storm caused the ship to veer off-course, the crew landed on a small, near nonexistent, island to wait out the worst of the storm before sailing back out and trying to regain their bearings. As the crew members set out to explore the island in their downtime, one of them came across a strange looking fruit, an odd little thing that was dark fading to light gray, and seemed to be composed of a bunch of swirls. Finding the fruit unique, but ultimately deciding it just seemed like a novelty, the crew member returned to the boat with it to share his findings with the rest of the crew. Of course, most of them didn't realize that what they had on their hands was a Devil Fruit, and thus just waved it off and agreed to see if they could sell it off the next time they landed in a big harbor. The problem was, the captain of the vessel did recognize what was just brought onto his ship, and was struck by a bolt of greed. Externally agreeing with the rest of the crew on their decision to look for a seller for this 'unique fruit', the captain had secretly planned to steal the fruit and sell it discretely on the black market for his personal profit.

Eventually, they were able to leave from the small island and get back on course to their next destination, which just so happened to be a large open harbor. The captain, having already contacted some of his associates to let them know of the score he had just gotten, stole the fruit from under the noses of the crew and snuck away the moment they landed. What the captain hadn't realized was that news of his prize had spread, and not only was there a group of pirates waiting to ambush him and steal the fruit, there was also a group of corrupt marines waiting to do much the same. By the time that the captain had neared the location where he was supposed to meet his contact, did he notice that something seemed off that night. Turning, he rushed back to the boat, unknowingly dragging two murderous groups back with him to the vessel as well. Arriving back at the ship, and presuming he was safe, the captain began returning to his cabin, when suddenly a gunshot rang out through the night. It was at this moment that everyone on the vessel was rudely awoken, and a veritable hell was unleashed. As the now injured captain frantically staggered into the depths of the ship, the two opposing groups of marines and pirates swarmed the vessel, beginning to cut down each other in the process.

As the ship was being overtaken by the fighting forces on the deck of the ship, the captain struggled to safety to no avail. He knew he was bleeding out, and as he leaned on a doorway he found himself dragged into a room, a room that just so happened to be occupied by Tyler and Dirk. Explaining to the grim old man and frightened teen the situation above and how it came to be as they patched him up as best as they could, the captain suddenly thrust the stolen fruit into the hands of the old sailor, telling them it was their problem now, and quickly vacated the room in an attempt to find a feasible escape from the hell that had been brought upon the ship. It was at this point that Tyler had all but shoved the fruit into Dirk's mouth and demanded that he eat it. Choking down the foul, ash-tasting fruit, Dirk listened to what Tyler told him next with wide eyes, the words he heard being near engraved into his soul.

"No matter what happens next, no matter who asks, you never, ever, mention that you ate this fruit. No matter what they do to me, or to you, never let anyone know. Lie if you have to, and keep quiet if you can't. And if you see the chance? Run. Run like your life depends on it, because it does. And remember. Never, ever look back."

What happens next is something that would cause to always remember this as the worst night of his life. The door to the cabin was kicked in, and Dirk and Tyler were dragged from the room to the deck with a pair of thuggish looking people. It was on the deck that they found themselves greeted by a pile of corpses, consisting of not only pirates and marines, but also some of their very own crew members. And standing next to the pile, shivering, pale, and held at gun point by a shadowed silhouette that was backed up by a group of menacing figures, was their captain. The moment they were brought forward, their captain screamed out that they were the ones that he had given the fruit to. No sooner had he said that, a gunshot rang out and the captain collapsed to the ground bonelessly, a hole in his head. Turning to the pair, Tyler was brought forward to the figure and questioned on the location of the fruit. The old man didn't say anything, stoicly silent as Dirk watch on in abject horror. Quickly the aggressive questioning turned into a vicious beating, still to no avail. Disgruntled at the stubbornness of the old man, the figure motioned for some of his goons throw the beaten and bruised body onto the pile of corpses, and right in front of the wide eyes of Dirk, they set fire to the whole pile and Tyler, who had taken everything so far with nary a sound, continued to keep his silence even as his flesh burned. As smoke and ash began to fill the air, accompanied by the sound of the roaring inferno and the laughing jeers of the veritable monsters who had committed this atrocity, Dirk, who continued to stare straight into the eyes of the burning Tyler, wished beyond anything else to be away from this living nightmare.

And in a sudden haze of motion and drifting he was. Unbeknownst to him, he had used his newfound power to turn himself to ash and drift away in the wind, camouflaged in the already present smoke and ash. As Dirk looked at his body reforming from ash on top of a distant rooftop, the scent of smoke, ash, and burning flesh hit his nostrils, and he became violently sick. The vivid scene kept replaying in his head and the noise of the fire seemed to crackle right in his inner ear. As he threw up on that rooftop, he vowed to himself that this would be the first and only time that he would ever use the accursed ability gifted to him by Tyler.

The next day, Dirk used the meager savings he had on hand to buy a cloak and booked a passage off the island. Too afraid of the consequences of returning home, especially with the danger he now understood his ability posed, Dirk decided that his best bet would be to go to the Grand Line and hope for the best from there. This is how he then spent the next three years, hopping from island to island, spending anywhere between a day and a few weeks on each, all while getting closer and closer to the Grand Line. He eventually managed to get through the Grand Line and into Paradise, stopping at Elephant Moon Harbor after having read the notice in the newspaper, hoping to continue his ever aimless trip farther into the Grand Line from there.

  • Journal, complete with writing utensils
  • Pistol
  • Small knife
  • Set of clothes and a large, full body cloak

Wes Barker.jpg
“Honey, you ain't seen nothin' yet.”
Wesley Barker
Basic Information

Full Name
Wesley "Wes" Barker



Twenty Two


Position in the Crew

Personality & Bio
"I'd keep it quick, but I wouldn't want you to feel short-changed."

If Wes had a penny for every time he bailed Lizzy out of trouble, he'd be rich. Between the troubles of his alcoholic shipwright father and the pirates that often came through the town, Lizzy was his only escape. As he sat down to catch his breath on the docks, she clambered on to his back and let the tears run into his shirt. "I-I'm s-s-so s-sorry, Wes!" She sniveled. "It's alright, Liz. Nobody can catch up to me, and I promised your old man I'd always have your back, right?" She hugged him tightly. It was like this all the time, but her gratitude was always so real. That's why Wes could never be upset.

Pirates regularly visited the dock town of Arefu, and they were always causing trouble. People disappeared often, shops were vandalized. Lizzy was the only one who dared do anything, even if it didn't matter because they were so young. Today she'd thrown rocks at them when they were harassing an elderly man outside the local bar. If Wes wasn't the son of the town's most renowned shipwright he'd undoubtedly already had troubles with them as well, but they wouldn't mess with the Barker family. No one ever did.

What they'd do to Lizzy if they ever caught her was not something he liked to think about, so whenever he saw her being chased for throwing rotten tomatoes or some other defiant prank, he worked ten times harder to save her. She was his age, adopted into their family when they were only 7 because her father had fallen into the water and drowned. At least that's what everyone told him, but he didn't believe it. "I-I still d-don't want this t-to affect y-you!" She cried. Wes sighed. "Come on, it's my own decision." He pushed himself up from the ground, but let her stay on his back. "Let's grab ice creams at Alfonzo's place, my treat."

"She had no one to blame but herself."

If only I was strong enough! He shouted internally as he slammed his fist into the table and twitched as the wounds under his bandages split open again, and then shook once more as a wrench bounced off the back of his head. "Don't you dare damage my tools!" His father roared, and Wes clenched his fists. Everyone knew, but no one did anything. They said it was her own fault for always messing with the pirates. Wes couldn't get the picture out of his head. Liz, screaming and tossing, slowly pulled by two burly men through the harbor and onto one of the ships. He could hear her pained shouts, until they drowned in the dark depths of the ship's hold and the ship silently slipped away from the harbor over the moonlit water.

Nobody stopped it. Nobody cared. If you didn't have family here, there was no one who'd stick out their neck for you.

It replayed in his mind every night for years. Every morning when he woke up. Every time his father beat him. Every night he walked the streets alone. Every pirate ship that rolled into town made him want to kill someone. Even the afternoon sun that spread it's warm light over the rooftop that used to be their hiding spot disgusted him. What right did it have to peek into their slice of freedom from the world, from responsibility, from everything? They would always find comfort here, even if that comfort now stuck to his throat and nearly made him vomit every single time he tried to recall.

"Unbelievable ambition in that one."

The comment fueled his flames. When the special branch of marines came by, he was picked up due to "astounding force of will", apparently. They knew something he didn't, but what did he care? They were going to teach him how to fight, to give him power. With that power he could search for her again. He could make every god damned one of them kneel, and then cut their heads off; though the bastards didn't deserve a quick death.

Even though they cut his hair short, crammed him in tight uniforms and forced him to get up at 0600 in the morning, Wes never complained. Put side by side with 9 other men in a special squad he was supposed to become one of the Marine's finest. He never asked questions, never said anything. He slowly built up a sort of mutual respect with all his team mates, but he'd never let it slip what drove him so far. He'd be the first at the course, and 4 laps ahead of everyone by the five minute mark. He got stronger, just like he wanted. Eventually they were deployed on smaller missions along regular soldiers, and each and every one of them outperformed the ordinary marines vastly. The thrill of combat gave Wes back his life, years of pent up aggression and anger all depleted in moments. He felt great, amazing even.

"But why?"

He came to ask himself the very same question only a few days after the mission. The blood on his hands didn't bother him, but he was getting cold feet. Why should he even care about the navy's interests? His entire existence had been turned into a number in their system. A tool to be used in whatever way fitted them. The bleak morning sunlight filtered through fog and reached across his windowsill to grab for his frame when the realization came to him. He was getting ready for another day of training, already in his uniform and really only waiting for his superiors. It made him angry. If it was anything Lizzy had taught him it was to stand up for himself. This wasn't what he wanted.

He disappeared through the window into the morning mist, before anyone found him out.

Wes was now considered a deserter, and an enemy of the navy.

"What isn't there to know?"

Wes is a mix of poor upbringing, a flirtatious drunk, and a stern warrior. He's rarely seen without a bottle in his belt, especially when he's working on the ship, but he's become so used to it's symptoms that it barely affects him anymore. Work is his safe haven, and though being a shipwright isn't his life goal or even one of his greater interests, it's with him been with him since he was a kid. He feels truly at home when he can shape nails and wood beneath his hands, and rectify the mistakes of lesser artisans. He could work on the insides of a ship for weeks without growing bored, and has deep sentimental bonds with his handiwork. In these moments he prefers solitude.

Should he be away from his sanctuary when he's inebriated, you'll either love or hate him. Really. He can tell you the grandest tales of his endeavors, graciously build up portraits of the most beautiful places he's been to. He'll talk you up like none other, compliment your every flaw, make the world seem like it turns around only you and him... or he can just seem like a self-absorbed prick. How he could possibly be so delusional is beyond you, but it seems like it works for him.

Sobriety rarely comes to him, but he's a far less enjoyable fellow when he's sober. Stern, cold, matter-of-fact and often rude. He doesn't mean it, but he's obviously drinking to forget something. He likes to be aware when he's supposed to fight though, and as such doesn't drink before a planned battle. He doesn't tolerate things that are against his principles in these sober moments, and can be considered boring. Still, Wes only tries to do what he thinks is right.

The marines shared some of their most potent martial arts with the specialist squad, and as such Wes was instructed in the basics of Rokushiki. Though the candidates weren't expected to learn from it yet, Wes caught on rather quickly. The most potent abilities he could use in battle would be Kami-e and Rankyaku, but only if he's desperate. He understands the concept of the other abilities as well, but has yet to learn how to use them. The secrets of Haki were also given unto him, but he's yet to awaken them to any meaningful extent.

Fighting Style
Wes' fighting style uses a variety of techniques he was taught during his marine and renegade days. He's a practiced martial artist and swordsman, who utilizes both his fists, his feet and his sword in combat. All of his movements are very nimble and he's a masterful dodger, contorting his body to near inhuman extents just to suddenly retaliating. His battle style is often very acrobatic, and he seldom remains in one position for very long unless he's specifically looking to embarrass his opponent(Which is a lot more often than could be considered safe).

During his marine days, each member of the special squad was guided to create their own fighting style. Wes' invention was "Phantom Viper", a dual-sword fighting style that utilized swift movements to deliver devastating blows and a relaxed stance for dodging.

Character Flaws
Wesley is stubborn and drunk when unprepared for combat. Pair this with a chronic inability to take threats seriously and a serious overestimation of himself, and you might see why it's a miracle he's still alive. Luckily he hasn't met his match yet, but if he were to then he'd have to be dragged out of it before he got himself killed. He's also chooses not to concern himself with other people's emotions and thinks anyone who can't stop themselves from emotional outbursts are babies, though this is highly hypocritical of him. He's also prone to blowing up when he sees a poorly maintained ship.

His father drank himself to death last Wes heard, so now he proudly carries the legacy on his own. His father was a piece of shit, but between the beatings he did manage to raise himself a proud and highly effective artisan. Wes is an exceptional expert in ship maintenance and building. He doesn't mess with involving complex technology however, and believes that wood and nails is how a ship is supposed to be built through and through.

That is not to say he's unfamiliar with guns and the like. Wes' personal interests as a kid was mostly pistols and whatever new gadgets he could get his hands on. Though not nearly as good as he is a ship wright, he's a capable engineer.

As a direct result of working on ships he's pretty good at making sails and rope as well, and considers himself to have rudimentary skills in repairing clothes.

Skaya and Coreale - The blades that hang at Wes' sides may not look like much but they're carefully crafted masterpieces, and his biggest crimes against the navy. One of the highest ranking officers supervising the squad offered him to practice with the swords when he showed promise, thinking they might be bestowed to him when he'd finished his training. He stole them the morning he left, and now they are far more sought after than he is. They have strange and non-conventional looks, but they have the potential to cut straight through lesser weapons.

Utility Belts - Wes has a couple of belts across his waist that usually holds a bottle of spirits, an adjustable wrench and a couple nuts and bolts, a set of pliers, a hammer and a few nails, a knife, his swords, and a set of leather gloves.

Attack Moves
(This is a One Piece RP and as such you can bet I'm going to be using quote un-quote special attacks and yelling out their names. If you don't want me to do that, just tell me and I'll remove this.)
Phantom Viper Techniques

Ghost Sprint
Wes quickly sprints at his opponent with his swords crossed ahead of him. He then uses his bare understanding of soru to boost his speed and "vanishes" to reappear behind his target, having dealt a powerful slash to them.

Spirit Fang/Spirit Fang Tornado
In a swift and seamless motion Wes unsheathes his blade and uses his technique to launch a slash of air that reaches a short distance. Not as powerful as rankyaku, but much faster and can be delivered in a barrage.

Apparition Step
Wes uses his bare understanding of Soru combined with his own technique to disappear from view and cause a gust of wind to scatter dust, leaves or anything else around him. Not nearly as good as Soru.

Impact: Grim Reaper's Gaze
Holding one of his blades aimed at an opponent and using the other steady it, Wes uses his basic understanding of shigan to make a similar effect with his sword, "shooting" forth a powerful stab.

Grimhound Barrage
A long series of slashes focusing solely on destructive power.


After rigorous training, Wes naturally learned to utilize Kami-e. By relaxing his body and reacting to the smallest change in the air, he's able to act almost as if he's made out of paper and flow out of the path of incoming attacks. Improves his dodging ability tenfolds.

Kicking, punching or slashing his sword with a tremendous force, Wes is able to fire the power Rankyaku. It is a very powerful ballistic attack, but is incredibly draining to use.

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Penelope Santos


  • NOTE: Penny has tan skin, moon colored eyes (bluish silver) which glow due to her race, hoop earrings, 2 ambigram tattoos drawn on the back of her wrist. She was once a slave so she has scars on her back and body and is self-conscious about knowing it's worst on her back and stomach but tries to live her life. She has an accent native to her tongue (Spanish)



    (Casual outfit prepared for combat & medical attention)
    (Currently dressed & usually a tributed disguise from her mentor/ for business. Carries a messenger bag full of medical emergency materials and a cane as an accessory)


    (Death/Life ambigram on left wrist)
    (Saint/Sinner ambigram on right wrist)

    (Icabod Cane the sword cane)

    Possessions: She carries Icabod Cane around as well as her poisons outside of the ship. Scalpel and strings stay on the ship except for two scalpels in case of medical need or fight


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“Don’t Underestimate me..... after all.... looks can be deceiving.....”
Character Name: Théo Belyea
Nickname: Théo, Jester, Bel

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Height: 5’4

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Position on the Crew: Musician

Abilities: No powers to speak of.....

How do you fight?: Théo is a deceiver, waiting for the right moment to strike by either baiting his enemy or luring then into a preferable situation where he has the upper hand, before striking unexpectedly, slashing with agility and power with both his sickle and dagger, his main focus is weakening the enemy before letting the more powerful crew members take the foe down. But this not mean he is able to take down foes by himself, for even in one on one combat, his small size and great reaction time allows him to dodge attacks he see coming, but against others with abilities, he is near useless against them and requires backup if the situation gets too out of control. But he can also take a support role in battle, using his Lute to pump up his teammates in battle (this is not really a ability since it depends if someone has a taste for music in combat or not) and can distract enemies for easy targets for his teammates.

Character Flaws:
-No abilities, essentially making him a normal human being.
-Has a great paranoia about those who ask about his face, going to great lengths in order to keep it hidden at all costs.
-If his friends are mistreated or being threatened, he would have difficulty trying to control himself from trying to hurt those who are threatening his friends.
-Sometimes unreliable when out of combat, for he tries to prank or mess around with others, such as stealing some black pepper and using it to blow it onto people’s faces, making them sneeze or put a mousetrap inside somewhere, such as a drawer and wait for some fool who happened to put their hand inside without looking.
-His body is small and has average strength, making him very vulnerable to any form of damage, thus making him focus more on dodging than attacking when on the defensive in battle

-Skilled user of playing the Lute, but can also play the violin or guitar
-Has some skill in cooking sweets and a type of bread his townsfolk make called ‘Baguette’, but not skilled enough to be a chef due to his lack of skill in baking/cooking other types of food
-Very good at sneaking around, perfect for setting up pranks for his friends and mess around with people
-A great singing voice, but he mostly only plays the lute instead of singing, but will sometimes tell poems while strumming his lute

Personality: There are many ways to describe how Théo acts, but the one that he mostly shows is an energetic and very friendly lad who is always looking for the next thing to do in his free time. Underneath this deceiving shell, is a an very paranoid human being and is always thinking about what others think about him, often going to great lengths in order to get people to like him. If he makes a friend, he would cherish them and would protect them to his fullest, even purposefully taking a bullet for them if it meant they live. But even then, he still is a trouble maker who is bound to annoy some of his crew mates l, but he would make sure that his pranks won’t go too far and cause great harm to his crew mates, often testing them first before using them. But the thing he enjoys doing the most is playing his lute, along with making some sweets and the bread called ‘Baguette’ from his hometown and island.

Backstory: Born in one of the island in the West Blue sea, the island is a small one with a village built on the beachside of the island, it’s culture relating to that of the real world equivalent of ‘France’, the island being called ‘le Refuge de Montçon’. There, he spent most of his childhood as a lonely kid whose only friends were his own family members, the reason being was that his face was not completely finished when being born, the result being multiple wounds on his face that he barely managed to survive, but leaving multiple scars there to remind him of what he was.... a freak in the eyes of other people other than his family members. He was often bullied for this, people afraid and disgusted by the scars of his face, not even caring about his feelings, but he did not let that stop him, for he knows that somewhere in the world there were people who would accept him for who he was, but he also had given the other kids a reason to hate him, always planning pranks to do on others and deceiving others with lies and trickery. At 13, he found his passion for music and cooking some of the recipes his parents have, his favorites being some of the sweets they made along with the bread his island is famous for, the ‘baguette’.

At the age of 19, he was allowed to leave his home island, given a sum of money to book a spot on a traveling ship going to Paradise, along with his Father’s engraved flintlock pistol, a journal for writing important information and a few cooking recipes, and a lute along with a a Dirk knife for protection in his journey. Before leaving his island, he went to a small mask shop and bought the very mask he now wears today, barely even taking it off when alone, reason being is that he believes that if he wore this mask, people would only care about his personality and treatment to others, not appearances. Throughout his journey, his love for music only grew larger as he played for the crew he was stuck with during the journey, only feeding the belief he had about appearances, and thus creating the small anxiety he had about people trying to know his true appearance, often going to great lengths to keep it a secret, even purposefully hurting people to make sure no one knows, but not hurting them enough to the point of death, for he can’t bring himself to hurt innocent people to that extent. After three years of travel, the ship managed to reach one of the islands due to the length of the journey, now settling on one of the islands in Paradise, which ironically was the same one where he had received an advertisement on a newspaper about some sort of quest for a great treasure, finding a chance to gain great fame, he send his application to the one hiring, before getting accepted by getting a letter to a meeting to the elephant moon harbor, the same one in town. Throughout his life on the Island, he usually wore his performing attire as some sort of Jester, along with buying a sickle and a belt to holster it, which is the same outfit he wore and same gear he had when going

-A belt that has two holsters to hold both his Dirk knife and Sickle
-a small satchel to his left that carries a small journal about the recipes of the sweets and the ‘Baguette’ he makes, but also keeps his logs of each day in there. It also contains a singular Silver engraved flintlock Pistol that he rarely uses, the words on the right of the pistole say ‘la tranquillité’ which he knows as ‘Quietness’, the flintlock once belonging to his father.
-A Lute which has a small strap on its back that allows him to carry it without holding it.
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Character Name: Julietta “Jules” Martin

Gender: Female
Age: 27
Height: 5’11”
Sexuality: Ambiguous
Position on the Crew: Cook

Abilities: Nothing specific I can think of at the moment.

How do you fight? Jules is a mostly hand-to-hand combatant. She rarely moves toward an opponent, instead, she conspires to use their forward momentum against them. The woman is a master at improvisation - she’s not shy of using a lamp, a book, or anything else to hand as a weapon - but has a distaste for bladed weapons. Knives are for cooking, being far too lethal for her taste. She’d rather flip someone over her shoulder and drop them.

Character Flaws:
Jules demands respect from others to the point of a fault. She is deathly afraid of being a pushover. A woman in a service position, she’s not always been treated well, and finds disrespect nigh-impossible to forgive. Another difficulty with interpersonal relations comes from her distaste for children. She doesn’t want them, never will, and avoids relations with men like they might give her a plague.

  • Cooking
  • Reading tea leaves
  • Offering reassurances
  • Memorizing poetry


Jules could most easily be described as a ‘hard’ woman. She could be seen as bitchy, or impatient, but nobody could call her cold. She’s an emotional person with a strong tendency towards empathy for those around her who just so happens to keep a significant part of herself closed off. The kind of person who you might spill your story to over lunch and a stiff drink. Jules doesn’t take much flack from anyone, but neither does she cause conflict; most of the time she’s just happy to passively exist in good company.


“I was raised on a ship. You can probably figure out what kind - I’m here, after all.”

Jules was born on a pirate ship, her mother a sailor of some rapport. To hear the story told later, her parents had no want of her; the running plan was to leave her at a port somewhere and hope a kind-hearted peasant picked her up. Her saving grace was the cook of the ship. With an undertone of disappointment, he offered to take the child, disappearing into the dusk with babe-in-arms once they docked.

Their landfall didn’t last. He soon found employment on another boat, and took Jules with him, convincing a wet nurse to come for an amount of pay that she would later think too handsome for a chef to provide. Her childhood was unremarkable; spent in poor company, but altogether sheltered from reality, as she was kept isolated to the kitchen. Living amongst the pirates, she was told, necessitated a hardness she did not yet possess.

As she aged, that hardness came as second nature to her. It was something the cook discouraged. He was an easy person to like; the sort of person who could convince another to spill their life story over a casual (and sober) drink. His gentle manner led her to wonder why exactly he’d decided to work in such a high-risk occupation. There was a history there - but not one she would ever unravel. An illness at sea took the cook from her grasp when she was only seventeen. After attending his bedside and orchestrating a burial at sea, she took her departure from the business and landed a job cooking unremarkable food in a no-name bar.

Jules took solace in the little things. The drinks her mentor had so greatly enjoyed, the little book of poetry he’d carried, and his passion for story were her main comforts. She’d been exposed to violence, but felt no compulsion towards it, instead using her skills to end conflicts within the bar.

“It was a peaceful sort of existence, but somehow it wasn’t enough for me.”

The lack of interpersonal relationships was taking a toll on her. It was time to go back to the sea, to find something missing in her perspective, a missing piece stopping her from forming meaningful relationships. There’s nothing she wants more - and even if it kills her, she’s going to fulfill her desire.

  • A set of kitchen knives
  • A hardy tea set
  • A compass with what looks like a lock of human hair from two seperate people inlaid within the plate
  • A book of mediocre poetry
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“History it’s not the past, it’s our guide.”

Character Name: Nagata Mina

Gender: Female

Age: 35

Height: 5'7

Sexuality: Homosexual

Position on the Crew: Archaeologist

  • Fast Swimmer - being a Mermaid grants Mina incredible swimming speed, making her and her race the fastest swimmers in the sea.
  • Fish Speech - Mina can talk to fish and call out to them with a sound wave, which is only audible to them.
  • Merman Combat - though very inexperienced, Mina can manipulate the water with her hands as if it were something tangible.
  • Shark Jaws - having a shark subspecies provides Mina with great jaw strength, especially underwater.

How do you fight? Mina uses speed over strength in her sword fighting, using the lightness of her katana to deliver small and precise blows over cannon like cuts. She prefers to analyze her opponent, testing their defenses with multiple cuts, increasing her speed in progressive bursts to catch their opponent off guard when they think they've gotten used to her speed. When the situation calls for it, she is not above using her looks and feminine charms to distract the opponents, though she still has what she calls Mermaid's Honor where she won't ever strike an opponent from behind.

Character Flaws:
  • Mina is very slow to trust others, having lost everyone she cares about
  • She is oblivious to social situations, having lived most of her years underwater, and tends to speak her mind regardless of where she is
  • She comes off as very sadistic and bloodthirsty because of her dark sense of humor and general shark-like behavior
  • She has a hard time controlling her thoughts and keeping her mind level-headed when she smells blood underwater
  • She cannot, for the life of her, sing.

  • Swimming
  • History
  • Great memory

Mina is not the slightest bit modest about her appearance, frequently referring or complaining about her large breasts in normal conversations, much to the embarrassment or amusement of anyone around. However, she is not above using her considerable feminine charms to get her way.
Mina has a very free-spirited personality and an undying thirst for knowledge, always doing what she feels like doing with little regard for laws and never worrying unnecessarily. She also has a very dark sense of humor and despite her carefree attitude, she can be extremely serious when needed.

Because of her time spent in the ocean, Mina has grown a distaste for freshwater when it comes to its taste. She doesn’t mind swimming in it but drinking it requires a critical situation. Instead, she prefers to chew ice cubes to get hydrated. First, it started out as a way to get water but now she chews them the same way people smoke.

Among the many wonders of the world, she finds history and Sea Kings to be the most fascinating. Mina believes history holds the answers to the future and her explorer’s soul propels her to travel and see things for herself. It’s one thing to see the history written, it’s another to live it and be remembered by it.

Mina is extremely captivated by Sea Kings, not only because she can’t communicate with them like she can with other aquatic creatures, but because of the history the creatures themselves have. She firmly believes the Sea Kings were the first creatures to exist in the world and will stop at nothing to find the truth.

She is both a collector and a historian at heart. On one side, Mina gathers and restores ancient artifacts she encounters after studying them, and on the other, she wishes to know the entire history of the world, record it and, later, share it. History, she believes, belongs to everyone.

Due to her subspecies Mina, unlike other Merfolk, eats seafood and meat.

Mina is a beautiful woman, standing around 5’7 and weighing about 126 lbs, with long and wavy blonde hair that falls past her shoulders all the way to her lower back. She tends keeps it loose as she doesn’t like the sensation of it being tied, be it ponytail or braid.

She has small, ocean-blue eyes, small and smooth lips, a short and elegant nose and a beauty mark located under the right side of her mouth. Her figure is curvaceous and womanly, helping the myth of mermaids being the most beautiful beings in the world. Her most distinctive trait are her very large breasts.

When in human form, she dresses in the black garb typical of Japanese times tied at the waist with a white sash. She tends to let her robes hang loose for her ample bosom to be revealed and carries her katana on her left side, tied to the white sash around her waist.

In her original merfolk form Mina has a long blue and white shark tail that’s longer than her torso. The underside of the tail is white while the upper side is blue. Mina’s tail has two small fins close to the tailfin and two larger ones close to her waist. On her back, around her waist height, she has a blue dorsal fin.

She has naturally sharp teeth but in her merfolk form they get even more pronounced and shark-like.

December 1st, XX85
To be honest, I don’t remember anything from this day, it was the day I was born after all. Written here are merely the words passed on to me by my mother. I quote: “The cloud that had gathered since dawn, dark and unyielding, smothered the winter sun. The wind pushed against the waves and rocks, not playfully but with gathering strength, with no reason to dwindle. The air became thick with salt, carried by a gale that could only sing a single note. It was a sea storm like no other I’d ever seen, promising nothing but hardship and tale of recovery for anyone that made it out with their skin. You, my dear, were born during it. Luckily for us, we were in an underwater cave, otherwise, I fear bad things might have happened. You came out screeching and crying, your cries rivaling the thunders from above. Then, I held you tightly in my arms and your cries stopped altogether, the storm over our heads seizing to exist. That was the happiest days of my life, sweet Mina”.

January 30th, XX91
My mother just gave me this journal as a gift, I’m not sure why though, she just said it would be a place to record my history. Lately, I’ve been asking her to tell me stories of her life, of the places she’s seen, but she always gives me the same excuse, “You’re too young, Mina”. Too young to know history? I don’t think so…
But it’s alright, mother has been looking really tired lately. She goes up every day to the island, the surface, to sell the pearl necklaces she makes. Dad on the other hand spends the day hunting. I would do either with them, but mother and father forbid me to show myself to anyone until my tail has split and I can walk normally, and I’m not allowed to go hunting as I’m too young and can’t defend myself... They don’t tell me the reason as to why I can’t go to the surface… Are Merfolk that hated by other races? That has got to be it right? I could help mom up there like I help her down here, collecting pearls.

February 23rd, 14XX91
I found an ancient artifact while gathering pearls with mom. It was really old and in bad condition. Mom told me it used to what she called a Bubbly Coral. Apparently, they are devices that can produce bubbles. She also told me Merfolk use them when they want to go to the surface and their tail hasn’t split yet.
I brought it home with me, even after mom told me I couldn’t as it was just old trash and it didn’t work. Well, I don’t care, I’m going to restore it and when it works, I’ll be able to go to the surface. Of course, I didn’t tell her that, she would have gotten angry.

February 24th, XX91
I stayed behind in the cave today while mom gathered pearls and dad hunted. I examined the Bubbly Coral but it’s a really strange and mysterious device. I went through my dad’s and mom’s things, looking for something that might help me, but I came up short. I still don’t know their history, but something tells me they weren’t inventors or archaeologists. At the end of the day, I was only able to clean the Bubbly Coral and get some of the rust off. I can almost see its original color. It looks like pinkish-white, almost like a real coral.

March 10th, XX91
I haven’t been able to fix the Bubbly Coral, despite trying every other day. I just can’t seem to get it to work. I did manage to bring it really close to its original appearance, there’s no rust left and if not for a few bent marks it would look new. I doubt I’ll ever be able to fix it but it’s a beautiful artifact, I wish I knew how it got to the West Blue and its history. I’ll keep it safe and protected.

August 8th, XX94
Mom didn’t go up to the surface today… She and dad told it was messy up there and lots of conflicts were starting but I’m not sure that’s the truth. Mom looked tired, more so than usual. She’s been tired for a long time but today it seemed worst. Maybe she just needs to rest…

August 24th, XX94
Mom has stopped going to the surface altogether. I don’t know why but it’s not conflicts. Meanwhile, we’ve been getting by with just father’s hunting. I’m getting hungrier every day, it might be my shark species, so he’s bringing larger fish every week. I offered to help him, but he didn’t listen to me. However, he did let me catch simple fish that wandered close to the cave. That’s something, I guess.

August 26th, XX94
I’m so tired, I had no idea fish were this fast. My tail is still growing so I can’t swim that fast yet. I’ve managed to catch one, but mom told me to release as it was still just a baby. She explained to me that if we catch and eat the small ones, we might endanger the species. On another note, mom just stands by the cave’s entrance all day, sitting down and watching me fish. She looks happy but, I don’t know, sad at the same time. Her face is pale, I hope she is not sick.

November 13th, XX94
I’m not really in the mood to write right now. Mom collapsed while I was fishing and has yet to wake up. Luckily dad was around when it happened, I wouldn’t have known what to do.

November 14th, XX94
Mom still hasn’t woken up. Dad left me in charge of her while he goes hunting. She looks better than she did yesterday, I think…

November 15th, XX94
Still no change. Whenever I ask dad what’s wrong, he just ignores the question and says mom will wake up soon.

November 17th, XX94
Just wake up mom, please…

November 18th, XX94
Mom woke up! She woke up while dad was out hunting. She smiled at me. I hadn’t noticed but tears were running down my face and she wiped them away. She sat up, despite all my protests. She sat me down and told me it was time for me to know their history, her history: “Your father and I were born on Fish-Man Island, sweet Mina. Fish-Man Island is the home of the fish-men and merfolk, the two major races that inhabit the sea. Like my mom, your grandmother, and her mother before her, I grew up as an artisan, creating necklaces, pearls, and others...” Mom coughed at this point. She covered it with her hand so I wouldn’t see but I’m positive blood came out. “Your father, on the other hand, was born into a military family and served in the army. We lived a peaceful life and got married young, but we were happy, in love. Fish-Man Island is a wonderful and beautiful place, sweet Mina, but it’s also a dangerous place. Our race, the Merfolk, are extremely valuable to others that which to possess slaves, Mermaids even more so. Countless Mermaids are kidnapped from their homes and sold off to slavery. The residents try to resist but the people who take them are strong. Your father and I lived peacefully, despite everything else. Thanks to his job we had a safe home in a military district. But things started to get worse, you’re too young for me to tell you but we thought it best to leave Fish-Man Island.
So, we made our way here. It took us a while; I wasn’t used to such long travels. Eventually…” Mom coughed again. “Eventually, we arrived here, and shortly after we had you, my angel.” After this mom went into a coughing spree. I wish I could have done something to help her… Mom then pointed to a small hole in the cave, something she had hidden. Inside there were books she deemed too grown-up for me. I wonder why she is giving them now…

November 24th, XX94
Mom is sleeping again. She does that a lot now. Dad says she is just tired but now I know something is happening. I… I think she’s dying. I sit next to her, reading the books she gave me out loud, so she knows I’m there, but she barely even moves.

November 29th, XX94
My birthday is coming up and mom comments on making some sort of celebration. I can barely even hear her words. Her voice is really raspy, and she barely even eats. I said I didn’t want anything and that she needed to rest.

December 1st, XX94
Mom died… It’s not fair! Not today! I ran outside and away from my father while he covered mom. I just want things to go back to when we gathered pearls, it’s not fair…

December 6th, XX94
The tears have stopped, and I’ve eaten for the first time without throwing up. Dad came to me with a surprise. He said he meant to give it to me on my birthday. It was a sword, one of his old katanas. He said it was time I learned how to protect myself…

December 7th, XX94
Dad sparred with me for the first time. He didn’t even tell me how to swing the sword or how to take a stance… To be honest I wasn’t in the mood to practice. I just wanted mom.

December 9th, XX94

Today was a lot more fun than before. I’m not going to tell dad that, but sword practice is fun. Today he told me how to take a stance. I think that the first day was just to see if I could release a little stress. These days have been difficult, I still wish mom was here, but I’m not going to give up, she wouldn’t have wanted me to.

December 1st, XX95
I miss you, mom…

May 5th, XX97
We went hunting again. Dad let me take care of it alone while he stood by ready. I’m not sure if he wants me to practice or he’s just getting lazy. We continue to spar every day but so far I’ve yet to win over him. One of these days, however, I’m going to!

October 10th, XX97
I can’t believe dad tripped me when I was just about to win, it’s so dirty! He just said that just because I fight clean doesn’t mean my opponents will and that I must be ready for everything. I’ll show him tomorrow, I’ll definitely win.

October 11th, XX97
So, I lost again… Dad used the same tactic, stupid tripping.

December 1st, XX97
I miss you, mom…

March 25th, XX00
My breasts started growing… When I asked dad about it, he just coughed and almost choked on his drink. I’ve still haven’t beaten him, but I notice his movements are getting slower, I think it’s his age.

June 1st, X01
My back hurts so much! This must be hell! Stupid breasts… On the positive side, I think they’ve stopped growing.

September 3rd, XX01
I was wrong, they’re still growing, are you kidding me?

December 1st, XX01
Still miss you mom, I hope you are doing okay. Dad and I are having fun. He doesn’t talk much, and I still haven’t won over him but I’m really close, I can feel it, I hope you are watching. Also, you could have at least told me my breasts would get this big, thanks for the warning!

August 5th, XX06
I did it! I finally did it! I won! Dad won’t admit it, saying it was a fluke, but I definitely won.

July 5th, XX11
I think my tail is getting weird. It seems heavier in the tailfin. Dad said it’s probably because it’s preparing for the splitting. I’ll be able to walk on land and finally see the surface, I can’t wait! Lately, I’ve been going hunting by myself while dad stays behind, his back has been killing him. I’ve gotten used to mine and the tail muscles have gotten stronger, so it helps to ease off the tension. He also started to teach me something called Merman Combat but I’m not very good at it.

October 27th, XX11
My tail still hasn’t split. Come on, hurry up, I want to see the world. I’ve been talking with dad about traveling the world. I found a mention in one of the books mom gave me about something called One Piece. He didn’t know much about it, just that it was something left behind by the last Pirate King, a great treasure. I bet there are all sorts of artifacts within it, I want to find it!

December 27th, XX13
Come on, tail, split! Dad is still against me going on my own and exploring the world, but I bet I can change in mind. It won’t matter anyway if my stupid tail doesn’t split!

March 21st, XX14
It started! My tail finally started to split! It hurts a bit and makes swimming difficult until it’s completely split. Dad says it normally takes up to three or four days, so I just have to push through it. He went hunting today, instead of me, I just hope he doesn’t get himself killed that old man.

March 22nd, XX14
This hurts so much! Just get it over with! Come back, back pains, you’re forgiven!

March 23rd, XX14
It’s almost complete, I can feel it. It’s night and I bet when I wake up tomorrow it will be finished.

March 24th, XX14
I can’t believe it, it’s done! Finally. I can walk! It feels so weird, I wonder how it will be on land. Dad wasn’t here when I woke up, but he left a note saying he had gone hunting. I can’t wait to tell him; I’m going to go look for him!

It’s not fair! Why did he have to go hunting, I could have done it today! Stupid Sea Beast, if you weren’t already dead, I’d kill you! No, dad… Don’t go too.

March 26th, XX14
I hunted down another Sea Beast today…

March 28th, XX14
I went up to the surface for the first time today. There were so many people, I didn’t think there would be that many. On one hand, I don’t like those men, they did nothing but stare at me and my breasts... On the other, I saw this beautiful woman… Just wow. She was a tall, slender woman with fair skin, green eyes, and ankle-length, auburn hair styled with four bangs at the front. Two bangs were short, with one covering her right eye, and two were long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin. Just wow…

April 10th, XX14
I saw that woman again; she was wearing some sort of white and blue uniform. It was her work uniform. I asked around and, apparently, she is in the Marines, the ones responsible for maintaining the peace across the world.

December 1st, XX14
I’ve been going to the surface every day, mom, selling the catches I make underwater. I don’t think anyone suspects my true race. How are you and dad doing? I miss you two. Tell dad I’ve been working on my swordsmanship every day, I bet I could win over him with my eyes closed now. Also, I know you two wouldn’t want me to leave but… I want to see the world, mom, I want to study it… I’m thinking of leaving once I turn thirty-five. Don’t worry, I’ll hang back here to make enough money for a safe start. I eat and sell what I hunt so I don’t spend any money.

January 27th, XX15
I bought this amazing Japanese garb. It was on sale but it still was a little expensive, but I just couldn’t say no to it. I’ll just need to make more money again.

August 1st, XX16
It was a really hot day today on the surface, I can’t believe how hot it got, I nearly died! This gentle elderly woman offered me a glass of water so I wouldn’t dehydrate. She meant well but I nearly choked! Does water really taste like that? It’s awful! Then she offered me this yellow drink with some ice cubes in them. The drink was alright, a bit acid I think, but the ice cubes felt incredible. I know they were made of the same water as before, but they just felt much better. From now on either saltwater or ice cubes!

January 1st, XX18
That woman boarded a large Marine ship today along with many others dressed like her. Apparently, they were headed for the Grand Line, the Graveyard of Ships, where Pirates roam free and do as they want. Honestly? That sounds amazing! I want to do as I want, no rules!

November 15th, XX21
I’ve started to pack my things for the departure. I stored mom's and dad’s things that I wouldn’t need. I’m planning on tearing down the entrance so that no one, man or creature, can find this place.

December 1st, XX21
This is it, mom and dad. I’m heading out… I had a great time in this place, my home. I’ll never forget it and I promise I’ll return. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be safe. I plan on finding good people to help me on my journey. I know you are probably already proud of me, but I’ll make you even more so. Believe my words, I’ll see the world and share it with all of those that can’t. Grand-Line, here I come! I love you. Talk to you soon, your sweet Mina.

  • Katana
  • Whetstone
  • Old bubbly-coral (broken)

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