Pigeons in the Park [Need more pigeons!] [Inactive]


Elite Brain Thinkage
Welcome to Central Park, New York!


Thurston ruffles his feathers, puffing up to warm himself in the cool morning air. "Here sun, here sunny sun sun, come on boy, come on out, its cold, we need that sweet sunshine babehhh..." He began to sing. Looking up far in the distance the tiniest glimmer of sunlight began to illuminate the skyscrapers.

His empty stomach growled..."Early me gets the breakfast, as they say...." He hopped off his perch into flight, headed for his favorite breakfast location in the Great Lawn.
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Derick, still groggy from drinking the puddle of spilt beer, lifted his head from the grass.

Jesus, how long was I out? He thought while attempting to regain his balance.

Once upright, Derick spread his wings and got ready to take flight.

He flew two feet before flopping back down onto the grass. Screw this I need some water, he thought as he set out, hobbling along the floor.
Setting down in the soft grass of the Great Lawn, Thurston began waddling through the morning dew covered grass in search of crumbs leftover from yesterdays picnickers. Even though the dew made his feathers heavy he enjoyed it. It was mainly the reason he chose to frequently feed in this area, though food was neither scarce nor abundant, the grass was kept tall and the dew was always there.
Still shaking off his slightend daze, Derick managed to make his way up to Belvedere Lake.

Now how should I do this? He pondered, Shall I dip my beak in to have a drink before dunking my head beneath the water to refresh myself? Or shall I merely sit rest my feet in the shallow water taking occasional sip of fresh, organic- Ahh screw it.

Derick flapped his wings and flew a few more feet before diving head-first into the lake.

Bliss! He thought happily while relaxing back on the surface of the water.

With a happy tweet, Derick turned his attention to three doves passing over head.

"Hey, Sexay!" He cooed up, "How you doin'?"

The doves individually changed course and flew further north to avoid the sleezy bird.

"Scruff!" One called out in response, "Infestation!" cooed the second. The third took a turn and came back around, "It's flying rats like you that give this park a bad name!" She said before catching up to her fellow flyers.

Derick simply chuckled away and bobbed his head beneath the water for another refreshing taste.
On a nearby sidewalk, Thurston hears the quick pitter patter of a jogger getting their morning exercise. His head slightly tilted he twisted to turn toward the noise he hears smaller and more frequent pitter patters, "...sounds like a new friend." He said aloud. Finished with his morning bath and his stomach full of crumbs, Thurston heaved his now heavy body up in the air and with disobedient wings and headed for the nearby 86th St.

Landing on a branch that arched over the path, he looked ahead and smiled when he saw the oncoming jogger and dog in tow. In the distance he saw the dog notice him and mutter under its breath, "Oh great...."

"I dont believe we've met!" He shouted. The dog began to try to veer away from its owner but was quickly pulled back in check. "My name is thURRR.." He grunted, his target now nearing its mark, "THURRrrrr...."

"Oh come on guy, we've still got 9 miles to go!" The dog shouted up, realizing his impending doom.

The time for action about to pass him by, Thurston realized this may be a no-go and decides to play it cool. "Everybody gets one free pass!" He confidently replied back to the now missed opportunity. "...and yours is thanks to a packet of hot sauce I've been trying to get out of my system for the past day!"

"T.M.I. bro! Better luck next time!" The dog grunted out. Now too far away for Thurston to attempt any type of come back to redeem himself.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, he decided he was keeping the next hot sauce packet he found hidden up in one of his favorite branches. He might even save it for the next time he saw that dog.
Kathleen tries to catch up with her friends, flapping her pure white wings as fast as she could.

"Hey, could you, like, BELIEVE that pigeon back there?"

"I know, right?"

"Totally, like undignified."

Kathleen swoops down to the top of a museum with her friends and starts to preen her feathers.

"Pigeons are so guh-ROSS," Egg adds, hopping over to a lions statue. She cocks her head, observing it for a bit, then turns around. After leaving a splat of white, she turns back around to Kathleen and Fallen, the other dove.


"Most definitely."

Kathleen continued to preen.

"So," Egg hops over, a devilish look in her eyes. "What do you think about checking out the hot birds over there?"

Fallen immediately agrees. "OMG, yasssss."

Kathleen, however hesitates.

"Um, I sort of like, have some thing to do, sorry."

Kathleen turns around, the feathers in her tail fluffing from her body heating up. She wasn't sure how she could keep the secret with her curious friends all this time. After all, they would find out eventually, but she still was hesitant to tell them.

'Oh, dilemmas,' she thought. To cleanse her dissatisfaction, she promptly pooped near where Egg did on the lions statue.
Derick, after flapping around the grass to dry himself, took flight in search of something to do.

He circled round for a moment before deciding on a direction. The tennis courts, he thought merrily.

Derick's aim was perfect, the stratagy was genius. No way he could miss.

With a coo, he stayed high above the courts where a couple had recently started a tennis game. He never did like the tennis players, looking so silly in their matching outfits and rediculously high sport socks.

With one foul swoop, Derick dove down into the courts and fluttered directly in the womans face as she prepared to hit the ball.

One pertified shriek later, he landed on the ground and snatched a headband she happened to drop before starting.

With a prize in his mouth and a woman left mortified. Derick flew back south to his favoured tree back near Belvedere lake for a short rest before dinner.
One. Two. Three.

Keep'in up that beat!

Left. Right. Left again!

Strut. strut- Show your stuff!

Four. Five. Six.

Puff up your plumage!

Five feet forward, turn around

Flick- occupied with his routine barely noticed the arrival of the doves, he was far to occupied with keeping perfect sync to the chant in head- appearance was EVERYTHING!

Not a feather was out of place, Mother had made sure to teach her boys the proper education of a respectable bachelor.

That meant hours spent preening- early mornings meant there was still enough time for the necessary occupations (eating, pooping, etc.) and allowed additional time to prepare for the ladies!

Nearing the end of his routine (food break!) Flick tipped his head down and puffed up his feathers, briefly spreading his wings in the process, while slowly rotating in a circle, all in the hope someone might be watching.

All in all it was quite the show, Flick new how to display the appealing aspects of himself- almost pure white, he was a healthy bird in his prime, he was confident and although he might only seem to be a hopeless flirt- Flick was a devoted partner to any that gave him a shot.

Now routine coming to an end (only temporarily!) he'd soon be off to find a good meal, (Possibly paint a couple statues) before heading back to his stage.

(OOC: gotta imagine it like super enthusiastic workout music :confused:)
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Echoless updated Pigeons in the Park [Need more pigeons!] with a new update entry:

Keep it up!

Lots of awesome characters made! I'd say at this point we could open up for 2 more non-pigeon/dove characters!

Was that....a headband? Thurston tried to make sense of what he just saw fly overhead. If that guy can find a headband, I wonder if he knows a good spot for hot sauce packets... He thought about following the pigeon. But how fast he was flying, that made him think more about not following him. Besides, he hadn't nailed any targets yet and it was already mid morning.

His stomach growled,
bingo was his name-o...He chuckled to himself and wondered if that would have been funny enough to say out loud. He remembered his hot sauce comment earlier and decided to be a little more choosy about what he says.

Then, as if deemed the moment of victory by the pigeon gods themselves, a jogger stopped to lean against the tree in which he perched. Hopping on one foot they removed their shoe and began shaking it upside down as if to remove some sort of debris that was trapped inside.

Thurston looked down, so close, the jogger wasn't quite underneath a branch that would give him the greatest accuracy. "This is going to have to be a wet takeoff..." One last glance at his target and he leaped into flight immediately releasing a calculated projectile.

Before he had even landed on the branch of an adjacent tree the jogger screamed out in fury. He turned and looked down to see he had landed a direct hit on their shoulder.

"Awww gross why does it smell like hot sauce!" Exclaimed the jogger as they tried wiping off their shoulder with a leaf they had picked up.
Perseus flew around for a while when he saw a shiny silver thing on the ground; and because its shiny, Perseus went towards it. There it was just lying on the ground, he stared at it for a while. Peck Peck Peck, it broke.

Perseus stood there for a while, staring at the broken silver pieces. He tilted his head, then flew off.

Perseus was bored, he wanted to do something fun for once. Perseus flew towards a nearby playground, and stood on this thing that has a bunch of holes in it. When a strange looking, small human walks up to him.

Perseus tilted his head hes never seen such a strange human. The little kid says "bobby" then grabs Perseus so hard that he lost all of his breath. All Perseus could do is flop and flail around because that's all he could think of. the kid let go and ran away screaming. Perseus flew away with his feathers all ruffled, Perseus was having a bad hair day.
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Kathleen flutters her wings a little, awkwardness radiating off of her. Oh my, what was she going to say? Rule number one of being a dove is being absolutely perfect! Kathleen struggles internally for a moment, before her attention falls upon a handsome young pigeon strutting around. He was very good looking, and although Kathleen couldn't see him too well because of the distance between them, she knew he would be fun to talk to.

"Hey, Eggs," she says, quickly drawing both Eggs and Fallen's attention towards her, and points her wing towards the young pigeon. Eggs gives a mischievous grin before walking towards him, and Kathleen and Fallen quickly follow suit.
EPS(Early PS):I've noticed the lack of activity on this role-play, so I'm boosting it back up.

Perseus hasn't eaten in days, sometimes this happens to Perseus; he gets to distracted about how fabulous he is that he forgets to eat! Perseus gently flew over to his secret spot right on the side of a bike path. Perseus keeps most of the food he collects and stores them in here to save it. Perseus dug, and dug, but the food wasn't there. He looked everywhere but it was no where to be found.Perseus stood there with his head tilted for so long that his neck started to hurt. He gave up and flew away to the nearest water fountain where usually their were tons of people feeding pigeons. In the far back was a little old lady throwing bird seeds with no pigeons around her. This was his chance Perseus flew over the lady and ate as many seeds as he could, he was so full he felt like he ate a branch from a tree, which in Perseus's eyes are gigantic, did I mention that Perseus is pretty stupid
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