Pick your Poision


New Member
I'm relatively new to this site but not to rp-ing.

I'm open to anyone else's ideas, but here's some thoughts I unearthed from my vault that could be interesting:

1) Sins of your father: Imagine a world where one race or species made such a monumental mistake that they were paying for it for centuries. Their children, and their children's children took on their parents debts, and paid with human collateral. They became indentured servants, and slaves in order to compensate for something that happened ages ago. They were conditioned to be subservient to their masters, and anyone who tried to oppose the hierarchy was brutally put down before they could gain any momentum. For the enslaved, resistance was futile. For the free, prosperity was assured. However, Civil War is threatening this delicate balance between social classes, and on the eve of a new Era, a vain self centered girl comes into possession of a slave who has never before come so close to freedom.

2) The Endless train of the Faithless: Great achievements stem from great sacrifices. Humans are only capable of using 10% of their brain. What if in order to unlock the other 90% they had to sacrifice something precious to them? And after they did, they were able to unleash a dormant power? And then let's pretend that this created a ripple effect, and every human that wanted this enlightenment began sacrificing what was invaluable to them. Mother's sacrificed their children. Men sacrificed their limbs. Children sacrificed their heart, and were no longer able to see the wonder in the world. After people sacrifice their humanity, what is left? And is the remainder enough to believe in.

3) Love is a Battlefield: Two people from royal families who can't stand each other are forced to be in close quarters because they were captured by a group of mercenaries. Eventually they escape, but then they are faced with finding their way home from a foreign country. And as they wander aimlessly they notice that dreams and feelings that are not their own keep invading their mind. The more they interact with each other the more they come to realize that sometime in their past lives, they were lovers, and history seemed to be repeating itself.

4)Dysfunctional: A genetic engineer lost two daughters to a fire. Grief and anger drove him mad and he locked himself away for 20 years. He spent that time harvesting his children's dna and inputing their genetic code into durable cybernetic bodies. He crafted their vessels to look human, and mirror the way his children would have looked if they had survived the inferno. This story follows the two sisters as they try to integrate themselves into society. (Now that I'm thinking about it this story would most likely end up being a more violent version of astro boy >.>)

Well...Those are some 1x1 ideas from the top of my head.

Let me know if you're interested or if you have any better ideas we could run with :#
Damn, this is high quality plot material. 1 and 2 in particular sound interesting, although I'm open to 3 (mind you, I've never done a romance RP before. But it is something I'm open to trying).

I'm also new to this site but not to RPing. Feel free to hit me up with details, ask for a resume or something, etc.
1 & 2 caught my interest. c:

I would love role-play these with you! I also have a medieval plot I would like to use at some point, as well, in case you would like to check them out. c:

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