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Fandom Phoenix Academy Common Room

I feel like that first post sums up a lot about Nathan’s personality. I love it! xD

Also I completely overlooked Lupes multiple personality disorder. This would be fun with my characters own backstory xD
Speaking of Nathan. Still waiting on personality and history XD
Oh oop I completely forgot about it although I did add a few hints of his personality in the tabs but I'll think up something xD I have an idea just the history is hard.
I feel like that first post sums up a lot about Nathan’s personality. I love it! xD

Also I completely overlooked Lupes multiple personality disorder. This would be fun with my characters own backstory xD
It's ok,, I feel like once in the game everyone will realize she has a disorder and I hope your idea is not evil to Lupe xD either way looking forward to it
will post my response tomorrow since im all day at work and literally I'm saying this in my only break today.
Wolfytoons, I loved your post and I have one thing to say: Dexter's hair is as fluffy as it looks XD
Yesss omg the softness it will emit when winter comes. I vote for an arc where we get locked in an icebox and we pet Dexter for warmth
Pfft, Damari would never do something that evil xP
Mhmm we shall see. I just Damari's sheet and he has a lot in common with Lupe by that I mean his mom xD That's the word I was looking for not multiple. She has split personality but it can grow to multiple
Surely it’s gotta be team based competition to break the ice? xD

And Pumpkid Pumpkid I didn’t even realise how similar they were until I read more into your character xP They’ll have even more in common later on in the rp whilst quirks develop xD

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