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The Charming Llama
25 years. It had been 25 years since Chisuke had discovered his quirk, yet he remembered the night as if it had only happened yesterday. Even the dream, which were usually forgotten within the hour, stayed in his mind so vividly. A man with bladed hands had broken into his home and killed his father, moving next to strike his mother. But Chisuke had moved to protect her using the quirk he didn't know existed. That's when he had awoken to screaming. Until that point, at age 5, Chisuke had never truly screamed. Sure he had cried and yelled, as most toddlers did, but he had never needed to scream in such a primal way. But of course that was simply because Chisuke had never felt such pain before; pain caused by a reason he couldn't comprehend. Doctors would later tell him it was his quirk. Chisukes blood was literally ripping it way out of his skill to create an impervious armor. The doctor would compliment how powerful it was, how it could be a top quirk one day; the doctor hadn't felt how much it hurt though.

The memory of that pain caused Chisuke to never use his quirk again, save for a few years instance where he used it subconsciously to protect others or himself. But, even with the goal of quirk abstinence, Chisuke knew he was destined to be a hero. When he took the UA entrance exam, however, his dreams were almost crushed. Chisuke persisted and trained, becoming a formidable hero known as Gladiator. He couldn't go toe to with the biggest baddest villains, but going against any of them got the Government interested. Interested enough to give him permission to test run a new school; a school that would train the basically quirkiness to be heroes. That test run began 8 years ago and created two new heroes, who both stood in front on Chisuke now. The rest class had only stood at five students, now he had a full class. Chisuke only hoped all would graduate.

Looking at the clock, 8am. It was time to open the gates. With one button press in his office, they opened and would let all the students enter the courtyard to meet before the entrance exam began.
"Come on," Chisuke spoke to his two teachers as he stood up, "we'd best get down there to greet the future heroes of the world." Saying nothing more, he headed out of his office to the courtyard.

Hinata had a big smile on their face, mostly because their face was a skull, as they followed. Moving to walk beside Mai ( Cosmo Cosmo ). "Today's the day. No longer just heroes, but molders of student's minds," they chuckled, "from UA drop out, to PA student, to hero, to teacher. Sure has been a wild ride for only 8 years. Almost makes you kinda nervous. I mean not me, I'm calm. Cool as a cucumber. You know I'm never nervous. Nothing gets by me. No nothing....." Hinata paused, "I'm doing that thing again aren't I? Talking without thinking to hide that I am actually, surprisingly, nervous. Well I'm not usually nervous. Should I be nervous? Are you nervous? I...should probably just relax shouldn't I?"

PlusUltra PlusUltra Clonk Clonk L3n L3n NaDrops NaDrops lost city lost city Strategos Strategos TheMuseIsIn TheMuseIsIn UWO UWO
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Himawari (She/her)

Himawari got up out of bed, silently got dressed and picked up her full backpack off the floor. Entering the hallway she started getting the feelings of disappointment, frustration, and disapproval from her parents. She willed herself not to cry and put a huge smile on her face.

"Good morning mom, good morning dad!" She said brightly as she entered the kitchen. Her parents looked at her silently before returning their attention to their phones. There was rice, natto, and toast on the table. Himawari bypassed the rice and nabbed a piece of toast. She then continued out the door, pausing only to slip her school shoes on.

Going outside, she was blasted with a wave of emotion, fearful, lustful, angry, happy. Taking a moment to breathe and compose herself, Himawari then began rapidly walking down the sidewalk. The bus stop was only a mile from her house so she tried to just tune everything out as she walked, like her therapist told her to.

Getting off the bus, Himawari surveyed the area as she walked, seeing a crowd of students ahead of her. Her eyes paused on a skeleton radiating nerves. She shook her head rapidly and blinked. Of course people with mutation quirks would be here, it was silly to be surprised.

Pausing misstep, Himawari realized that she wasn't sure where she was going. Carefully she approached a small group of students.

"Um, could you tell me where the first year's homeroom is?" She asked, putting on her usual bright smile.
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Mai Hisa

Mai tapped her foot to the rhythm of her own impatience as she waited. Mai hated waiting, it was boring, it was dull, and, above all, why the fuck did she have to wait so early in the morning? She understood that starting in the morning was a must so the shits outside the gates who were pressed up against the gates like cattle had time enough to do their 'exam', but Mai was a 'doer', she preferred action to waiting even if the action wasn't particularly helpful or even useful, and so the logic behind her wait wasn't much consolidation. Still didn't explain why she had to be here so early in the morning. Mai was the hero trainer, the combat trainer, she was a part-timer compared to Hina which she preferred as she wasn't quite as ready to give up on her hero work. Chisuke probably wanted to present some 'unified' front to the twerps or maybe it was a symbolism thing, the instructors there to greet the 'minds and heroes of tomorrow', or as Mai preferred, the twerps and shits. Whatever the reason, Mai would have preferred a couple more hours of sleep instead. Mai rolled her eyes as she rolled the unlit cigarette in the corner of her mouth, letting it bob on her bottom lip. It was unlit mostly out of consideration for the Principle, she really doubted Chisuke wanted his office to smell like her cigarettes for the next couple of days.

"Fucking finally," Mai growled from around the cigarette as she followed Chisuke and kept step with Hina and out into the courtyard. Mai tilted her head as she watched her friend from the corner of her eye, yep, they were nervous, but excited. It was usually hard to tell what Hina was feeling because they lacked the skin, muscles and tends to make facial expressions, especially for people who weren't used to them, but, after awhile, it was possible to 'feel' their mood. Was it their voice? Maybe their body language? Mia had never really thought about it, she just did it, "Relax Hina," she said, her voice held a slight teasing tone to it, "I'm sure they're more afraid of you then you are of them."

Was she worried though? A little. Mai wasn't good with being, well, a role model. It was why her costume was designed by other people, it was why it hid her from everyone and why it kept her from speaking because once she opened her mouth any 'dignity' people had imagined was thrown out the window. Hina's worry started to make her feel a bit uneasy, just a bit. She glanced down to herself, to the dark t-shirt that clung close to her body and the worn blue jeans that hung loosely from her hips, she hadn't even 'styled' her hair, just pulled it back into a ponytail as she normally did as if this was any other day.. Perhaps she should have came in her costume? She had debated it for awhile, but had decided not to, it was a bit much especially since she was going to be more in the background today.. and it would help not draw too much attention to her so she can better watch the twerps and take their measure.

As they drew closer to the courtyard, Mai could pick up the sound of the gathered crowd of hopefuls, "You know, Hina," Mai said as if the thought just popped in her head, "On the bright side, you can, literally, give them the boot when they fail," she joked and offered her friend a wink to help calm their nerves.

Interacting: Chisuke/Hinata DapperCharmer2.0 DapperCharmer2.0



Kiyoshi Teruma

Kiyo stared up at the white expanse that stretched out above him, a familiar view, a comforting view, that of his bedroom roof. Many a hour had Kiyo lost to its depths but there wasn't a lot to comfort him now. Off in the distance, diluted by the walls, he could hear his parents as they moved through the house in their morning routine, his parents had taken the day off to 'see him off' and 'wish him luck' on his entrance exam. He turned his head, his tussled hair pressed against his small pillow as his dark eyes starred at the dim glow of his alarm clock, the only light in his dark room. 5:53. Seven minutes. In seven minutes it would bounce and blare at him, in seven minutes he'd have to rise out of bed, shower, get dressed, feign acceptance of his fate in going to some suspicious 'hero' academy, catch a train, wait with a group of strangers and try to blend into the background and then, finally, flunk the test so he could be free. Each step of the plan made him want to sink deeper into his bed, to roll over, pull his covers up and ignore the world, but he couldn't. If he tried, his parents would come and get him and he'd have to endure his father's best glare... and then whatever punitive form of punishment they had as well as the constant daggers of disappointment their eyes would throw at him, all of that could be avoided if he tried and failed, then he 'did his best' and all would be forgiven and forgotten. It all sounded so tedious. 5:58, his eyes stared at the dimly lit numbers as they continued their slow march. Each second seemed to stretch on for eternity, yet at the same time, passed by far too quickly. Right before the alarm clock could show 6 am, before it can blare its horrid sounds at him, he reached out a thin arm and slapped the button and disabled the alarm. With a deep, bone weary sigh, Kiyo rose from bed.


The train ride to the academy had been uneventful which was to be expected. Crowded, yes, but as Kiyo suspected, all of today was pointless. Go to a 'hero' academy or not, pass or fail, the world would keep on spinning, people would go about their days, his life had no impact on the world. The world hadn't 'changed' just because some crazy woman dressed up as a bird was stalking him, so why did he have to do this? It was a question Kiyo had yet to figure out even as he slipped into the large mass of people moving towards the designated spot. As Kiyo, within the mass of bodies, came closer to the building, he l traced it with his dark eyes, the building was large, had a wall and a gate, had all the standard oppressive prison like features Kiyo had come to expect from a school. Seemed that was something a 'hero' academy had in common with a standard one. The only thing that was strange was the lack of anyone on the other side of the gate. No one was there to welcome them, to order them in a line, to direct them, just emptiness. The murmuring of people around him blended together to make a formless buzz but he was able to catch words and phrases here and there, excitement, worry, hope, confusion... Yea, he wasn't sure what kind of person would accept a strange request from a school that doesn't exist on nothing but blind faith, but he pitied them. It wasn't easy to live in the shadows of others, but sooner or later, they'd accept it and be better for it.

The gates suddenly swung open and the murmuring around him grew louder as the path into the academy was laid bare. Any doubts or confusion on where exactly to go by the few were drowned out by the many who started to move as one, Kiyo didn't fight the current of bodies and instead let himself be 'pulled' along, nothing more then a part of the mob as he naturally blended into the group of hopefuls, "Abandon hope all ye who enter here," Kiyo muttered under his breath as he was pushed across the threshold and onto school grounds.

RITA VON KALCKREUTH -- interactions : Himawari ( TheMuseIsIn TheMuseIsIn )​
Rita sat at her huge dining room table, bouncing in her seat. Breakfast today came early with just her poor mother to listen to her ramble. “I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I can’t wait,” the blonde talked between bites of their expensive platter. “I will take the entrance exam, do amazing, and then wow everyone with my accent impressions!” she exclaimed, pressing her hands together. “OH, but what if no one likes them? Am I doomed? How else do people make friends?” Rita placed her hands on her cheeks in horror. She didn’t want to end up friendless and alone! “Wait! I know,” with a smirk she put a hand under her chin, rubbing it like an evil genius. “AHAH, what if I wear a disguise?! I’ll wear a fake beard, a trench coat, and sunglasses. And then after getting famous for my good looks, I’ll take them off! BAM they wouldn’t expect it. They’ll be like, “Oh Rita you fooled us all! We must be friends now!” and my entire plan comes together,” with jazz hands to finish the story off. Her mother, completely used to Rita’s behavior, entertained her throughout their meal.

Finally, the half-sheep made it out the door. It took a while to get ready. Always spacing out took a toll on time. But, here she was in one piece at the gates! Inside the blonde's head was going a mile a minute, taking in everyone that’s trying out for her hopefully new school. Ever since she failed to get into UA, the thought of taking another exam scared her a bit. This time she was more prepared though! A small bag hanging off her shoulder contained a notebook and a sharpie, in her notebook, were pre-written words that would save her time in the heat of a battle. Seeing as the words themselves didn’t have to mean anything they ranged from “STOP” to “SALMON” just because Rita got bored.

As her eyes wandered from person to person, she couldn’t help but feel hopeful. Most of her maybe-classmates were cute! What if this was where she was destined to fall in love? The helpless romantic was giggling to herself, already entranced by the idea. Just as the thought of relationships passed her brain, a pretty girl came up to around where they were standing, asking a question. “I have no idea!” she smiled, lacking in knowledge and not being helpful in the slightest. “BUT!! We can figure it out together. I say we follow the crowd!! Let’s go!” she started marching off in the direction everyone else was going, waving her hand for the stranger to follow.
The day had finally come, night after night had been left restless as Amane awaited his first day at this new mysterious academy. Rather than nerves like he imagined he should be filled with it was excitement that rushed through him. His time studying business and his common sense had taught him this was very likely a scam but he couldn't help but grab at any straws that would present themselves before him. This was his last chance to become a hero and not be stuck in a life on the sidelines, he planned to grab this bull by the horns. By the time a hint of daylight crept through his apartment window he was already up and getting ready. It was a tad embarrassing to be so excited for school but so be it, it was Hero school, how could he not be? And not just any Hero school but a top secret one he'd been specially chosen to attend. Amane couldn't help but entertain the thought that he might be "chosen" for anything, destined for some covert purpose that were it revealed to the world would cause mass hysteria. He chuckled to himself over his own musings before finishing his breakfast and taking one last look in the mirror. After deeming he looked sufficiently handsome and ready to face the day he said farewell to nobody in particular and made his way out the door.

The ride to the Academy had been more or less like any other, save for the incessant tapping of his feet that just wouldn't seem to settle. Despite this it felt different, like the start of something important. Even if that something was just a narrative he was making up in his own head. Year after year he'd been convinced the closest he'd ever get to an experience like this was by either watching someone else climb the very cliff that captivated him or by settling and becoming something like a firefighter. They were undoubtedly jobs he was much better suited towards but they didn't hold the same level of interest for Amane. There wasn't as much thrill or impact placed in such jobs. To put it as bluntly as he could, they were lame. Fighting bad guys with crazy superpowers was just cool. Even if it was dangerous today was his chance to shoot for just that kind of lifestyle and that alone had a big enough impact to make everything about it feel more important.

As Amane waited before the gate of the school with the other students anxiety finally set in. It all too closely mirrored his application to UA years earlier where he'd failed to accomplish hardly anything at all. Still he was here and definitely wasn't about to turn away now, at least at this point it probably wasn't a scam. The place was way to well established and seemed more or less like a genuine school, even if their tactics were a little shady. Swallowing his anxiety Amane filed through the gates with the rest of the students, trying his best to seem cool. Fortunately he had plenty of experience putting on a brave face so even if there were some lingering fears they wouldn't come to the surface so long as he remained calm. This was just another hurdle to overcome and one he refused to fall short on. If the letter he'd received rang true he had just as a good a shot succeeding here as anyone else.​
Himawari (She/Her)

Himawari was almost overwhelmed by the giggly tickling feeling she got from the beautiful blond sheep-horned girl but quickly followed behind. Her cheeks grew pink and her smile became more genuine as she followed, tuning in to the other girl's emotional state automatically.

"My name is Himawari, what's yours?" She asked a little breathlessly, short legs hurrying to draw up next to the marching girl. Himawari steadfastly ignored the fact that her stomach felt like it was full of butterflies and her armpits were sweating from the anxiety in the crowd. She'd just have to reapply her extra strength deodorant when they end up near the bathrooms.
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