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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic Phantom Platoon



In 2172, humankind first encountered a life-form, which originated neither in the Solar System nor our Galaxy; They were the Ghi'lkan. It is thanks to them that we can travel easily between systems, and our economy and technology greatly improved. Soon we began to colonize other planets, not just in our and the neighboring systems, but even far far away. We found new minerals, a way to create oxygen without any of it's components, and our medical knowledge reached a level we never imagined. We managed to cure every serious illness known. Humanity even learned to cure every illnesses it had, and the ones it couldn't cure were only present on different planets. We even learned how to regenerate lost limbs, although the process could take years. Humanity was brighter than ever before.

But then, chaos came upon us. Humanity met with another life-form. They called themselves the Zardox; A half-synthetic race with bodies similar to young humans in shape. They did not eat, they did not breath, and they did not stop; They showed no emotion...and no reason, they came to destroy us. They pushed the Ghi'lkan to the brink of extinction in mere months. We knew that we were next.

Despite our huge territory and vast amount of resources, the Zardox quickly pushed us back. And now we are beginning to train an elite platoon. A platoon which can be sent to the front, to destroy the Zardox.


The Zardox

The Zardox are outnumbering the humans, even in spite of the humans greater territories. How is it possible? Their military is not too organized.

Their units can be divided into five main types.


Dragons are the only massive air units within the Zardox army. Despite their huge size, they are not slow.


This unit is called Dragon in the army. Its weapons are its claws, and the laser cannon inside its mouth.


These mechs are identical in size when compared to the ones used in the human army, but they have more agility.


This mecha is called Harvester within the army. It is equipped with two assault rifles, and several melee weapons. In spite of his size, it is very agile.


This mecha is called Chevalier in the army. It has a very durable shield, and an assault rifle and a blade attached onto it. Very agile.

Light Infantry

The infantry units are very agile, and they are sharpshooters. Although they can fly, some of them approaches on land in battles.

http://animereviews.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bella-Donna.jpg http://animereviews.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Vermin.jpg http://animereviews.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Oxygen.jpg http://animereviews.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Cadmium.jpg

Infantry units got their names, in the army, by their colors. Purple, Pink, Gray, Black. They are always equipped with a melee, and a ranged weapon.


Even one unit of their artillery can represent a huge firepower. They are slow, and usually can be found the las lines of their army. They are delivering precision shots from there.


They are the Ravagers. They are slightly better armored than infantry units, but they have no melee, or close range weapons. All of their four weapons are long-ranged ones, thus if you can get close to it, it means no harm.

Heavy Infantry

Heavy infantry units are armored very well. Their large bodies slows the down, but they are still fearsome enemies.



Both the Scarlet, and the Spider are equipped with two melee, and two ranged weapons. Their tails, are not to be forgotten as they use them to avoid attacks from behind.

The Zardox army's style of fighting relies on numbers. They mass produce these units, so in the fiercest fight the sky is full with Dragons, the Artillery fires enlighten the battlefield, which becomes swarmed by the light, and heavy infantry .


The Human Army

On the contrast the Human army was divided like this:



This is the infantry dropship. It is equipped with a machinegun, and with two pairs of different rocket launchers.


The Hellfire is specially used against Dragons, as to injure them humans need massive firepower. The Hellfire is equipped with dozens of rockets, and a machine gun.

http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/037/1/9/vtol_gunship_by_leonwoon-d75ek8o.jpg The Haxor are designed as tactical bombers. They can carry enough bombs, to make an underground bunker disappear, and what's more make place for an other one below that bunker. It is equipped with a machinegun just in case.

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/266/b/c/storm_chaser_by_kypcaht-d5flwfq.jpg This is the basic air fighter's appearance. Each fighter is equipped with machine guns and some rockets.



Tanks additionally equipped with two missile launchers which are loaded with 3 anti air missiles in each launcher. (That makes 6/tanks)



Mechs are equipped with modified Light Machine Guns. It's caliber is bigger, so that they could penetrate enemy units more easily. Aside That every mecha is equipped with a flying module with which they are able to fly. However, it can run out of fuel in a longer operation, and then it has no use but it slows down the mechs.



Each infantry squad is usually made of 6 people. From these 4 is equipped with Assault Rifles, 1 is equipped with Light Machine Gun, and the last one is equipped with Shotgun.


The applicants would be joining into the human army's newly created platoon, the Phantom Platoon, and after completing their training they will be sent to the frontlines, where they could start achieving victories over the Zardox army.

Accessible places in the facility:

-Rooms (Included bathroom)



-Sparring room

-Shooting range


Accessible places on the ship:

- Sleeping cabins




-Shooting range


-Briefing room.



For this platoon only a new series of prototype fighters have been provided. Comparing to the regular ones these are more agile, their hull is more durable, and are equipped with energy based weapon which results almost infinite amount of ammo.



  • All RPN rules!
  • No god modding.
  • Don't be OP, be realistic.
  • This going to be a long, long RP so please apply only if you are active
  • Swearing on the battlefield is acceptable, if it is on the minimum level.
  • Romance is allowed, but nothing more.
  • I might kick character when I feel it required.
  • The allowed character number is 2.
  • Be a good roleplayer, not a main character wannabe.
  • Killing other characters are forbidden.
  • Please try to use the best grammar you can.
  • Please refrain from oneliners as much as you can.
  • This RP will include fighting scenes on foot, and in mechs.
  • When doing your character sheets, please write "Zardox dogs" with Italics (Zardox dogs) somewhere as a sign of reading the rules. By not doing so I can't accept your characters.
    When making 2 characters it is enough to write it on only one sheet.
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the transport ship, which was carrying the trainees along with many equipment, and supplies to a military base called Firestorm, was about to land, a young officer stepped to the trainees. Close enough that they would hear them! "Alright gentlemen! We are going to land in five minutes, so I would like to have your attentions! As the time is 2200, your training will only start tomorrow. When we get landed you are all to follow me, until I show you your tents. Right after that you are free to explore the facility's rooms. You are not allowed to leave the facility, but within it, you are free to go where you want. The training will start at tomorrow morning 0600." As the plane landed, the young officer showed the way off the plane. He made the squads line up before the main gates, and introduced their new trainers. "Bravo squad!" Said the officer as he turned towards the rest of the trainees. "Your trainer will arrive tomorrow, so I'll show you your tent." And by saying this he led the squad to the their accommodation for the next weeks. After showing it to them, he explained where they could find some other officers for further information.

The six member of the Bravo squad were standing at their beds. This was the first time they realized that they will be fighting together from that point on.
Conner was tired. Back on the farm, he usually slept as soon as it got dark, body acheinh but with a sense of accomplishment. But first things were first. He took out the few belongings he had left, pictures of where he grew up and of his family, most singed around the edges. He did have other things to. Toothbrush, razor, comb, all of the basics of personal grooming, but that was all. The clothes he wore were military, the shoes he had, military.

After everything was put where he liked it, Conner laid down on his bed, arms behind his head, staring at the canvas roof of the tent. He wanted to sleep, true, but for some reason he couldn't. Perhaps his other members would intodice themselves, that might lull him to sleep.
John loosed his tie, and looked around, as he lit onto a smoke. He looked around, and inspected the rest in the tent. "So guys? Where are you from?" Asked them as he knew that they have to solve the introducing somehow. First he was looking at the muscular one who had already put his stuff to their places, but as the girl was standing at the next bed, he realised that she would be in one tent with them. As he was still thinking about this, he looked back at the muscular guy again, waiting him to start the introduction.
"Whats it matter where we are from will all probably die long before we returned there" Vergil said annoyed at the question and as he took a seat on his bed looking up at the tents roof "Great these things are as uncomfortable as they look "Vergil quickly added as soon as he sat down. Vergil was not yet used to military "housing" since he has never really served in the military but got picked to be a trainee just by the look of being seen piloting a Mech suit. He took a quick look around to see who was there 'they put a girl in here are they mad' Vergil started to think to himself as he noticed that they was a female in the tent.
"Well you may want to die here but i didn't plan to." Answered john to the guy. He didn't like the first impressions of him, and he seemed strange crying because of the quality of the beds. He was not sure if the guy had any experience, but he would bet on the fact, that he had never been in the battlefield before.
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"Quit your belly acheing. It's better then the ground and we got training in th morning." Conner said to the one that complained. And to the other, he said "I'm from a farm in North America. It's gone now. And that is all I would like to talk about it."
"You know what my belly is acheing when do we get some food here and since i didn't really answer you i guess i will now i am originally from japan and worked as a mech engineer under my father" Vergil said with a little smile on his face remembering about the past.
"And how did you get into the army? You said you were an engineer, but if what i've heard is right, then we are going to the front lines after the training." Asked John. He was really curious. however it was clear why haven't he got used to the beds yet.
"Erm I joined the army since when wait is this joke right" Vergil said scratching his head attempting to look very confused to try to trick them into thinking he had no idea what he was doing here.
"It's ten at night. Why do you want food now? Wait until the morning." Conner said. He wasn't trying to seem mean, but it wasn't his fault if he came across that way.

Good, he'd be sent to the front. He could kill some of those buggers for sure now.
"Here." Locus said and tossed the guy a chocolate bar. "If you gentlemen would be so kind to stop staring at me, I'd appreciate it." She sad and adjusted her head before dropping herself on the bed and started puzzling with a metal ball she was holding.
"Ah food" Vergil caught the chocolate bar the female had tossed at him. "Thank you" Vergil said as he stood up and bowed towards the female as a sign of thank you before he quickly sat back down and began unwrapping the wrapping around the chocolate bar before he quickly began to eat it.
It was funny, having the one girl in a tent full of guys. If it was the other way around, then pity would be the last thing on everyone's mind. Well, it's not the other way around, and time to make an introduction. "I would stop staring if there was anything else to stare at miss...?" 'Yeah, hit on the only girl here, great idea.' He thinks to himself.
"Great, now he's goin' to be up the rest of night jacked up on sugar. I don't want to be the one that has to carry him to breakfast tomorrow. If worse comes to worse I vote to leave him here."

He was starting to get a bit more short tempered. A man, and woman now that he oticed that there was one, needed his sleep.
Locus stopped puzzling with the piece of metal in her hand and smirked at the guy. She got up and walked towards him. When their noses touched, she pulled out a knife and held it against his throat. "Locus Scott." She smiled before her face turned to one of a murderer. "Say that again and I'll give you something to stare at. How does your own blood sound?"
"Oi! Get your ars over to your bed becore I have to drag it there!" Conner shouted. Locus pulling the knife on the boy was the last straw. Arguing and bickering was on thing. Threatening someone was something else all together.
Kevin puts his hands up and his smile just seems to grow bigger. "I'm fine with my blood being where it is now, thank you." He was about to say something about what he has been through, but when the other started to yell for them to sleep, he couldn't pass that up. "Whatever you say commander, I can see you don't talk to people much, so I won't try to confuse you with my complicated talk."
Locus rolled her eyes and headed back towards her bed. "Someone didn't have a very good night last night." She mumbled with a smile, as she tossed the metal ball in the air. "What? Did the girl walk out on you?" She smiled. "Not a big surprise with an attitude like that though."
Great, he probably just saved this kid from being gutted and had the nerve to call him stupid. "I ain't your commander. I'm simply trying to get some sleep. And I tend to sleep better without a dead man in the tent. But either way, I'm getting my sleep."
"I wasn't going to let him die, I'm not that evil." Locus snorted with a smirk. "I was just going to make him suffer then patch him up as he was on the brink of death. Thats different." She looked at the guy who really seemed trying to get some sleep. "That are you, 15? I thought big guys like you would have been able to stay up a couple of nights without sleep."
"25. And as I said, I was raised on a farm. When you work hard everyday you tend to appreciate sleep a bit more." Stay up a few nights? Was she crazy? But she thought him 15. He could forgive her.
"Well call me anything, but as I see, we have quite a tempered squad here." Said John as he dropped his smoke. "But in case you would like to pass on the opportunity to call me anything you guys could just call me John."
"Hey, I'm good to stay up all night with you, even if I am bleeding out on the floor." Kevin briefly wondered how far to take this, then thought that it might be enough for the night as he threw his stuff at the foot of his cot, then jumped on it, resting his feet on his stuff. "I hope this is going to be fun for you guys too, because I'm already having fun."

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