Phantom is here

Tenshi Akuma

Hello I'm phantom, I'm new to the concept of RP however I love to create stories and think of different options in many different ways. I am a very creative person but I can also be competitive and bold. There is a huge world of different things to try and I have friends and family here and I decided to give RP as well as this wonderful site a chance. I believe that I can be good at this and that I will have fun in the process. I will be the the best I can be and I hope I can make some friends on this site.

My Dream is to become a writer and I believe that this will help me in the long run, I will make the most of this opportunity and I will make some great memories. Being the person I am I will want a strong community that gathers to do what they love. RP is a dying art that needs to be brought back from the doors of death, I believe that this is the reason we all gather. RP isn't for one type of person, gender, race, or place; it is for everyone. Thank you for everything.


Hey man, I'm glad to have you here cuz. I can't wait until we can hit up some threads, make a few characters and such. Glad to have ya.
Hello Phantom, Mother is pleased with you.

Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

It looks as if you have some friends here already so I guess that you are well on your way to making friends and figuring this out. You are correct in that RPing is a lot like a story in which you create a character and pretend to be that character. You will also find that character development in an RP is very similar to character development in a book and that it happens quite naturally, despite your best intentions. Good lord knows that I've got characters who started out one way and ended up being someone different :)

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xylin and I am Mother. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask one of the Mods, one of the Super Mods or even your doting Mother. That is, after all, what Mother is for.

We do have a few house rules which can be found here: INFO - Official Site Rules | - Best Roleplay Forum

They're fairly easy to follow. In fact, if you click on this link: Site Questions & Information | - Best Roleplay Forum just about all your answers will be answered.

To find an RP, click on the Roleplays tab, scroll through the genres and find something you like. If it's open, ask the ST if you can join.

Have fun and do be a good Child,

Mother Xylin
Xylin said:
Hello Phantom, Mother is pleased with you.
Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

It looks as if you have some friends here already so I guess that you are well on your way to making friends and figuring this out. You are correct in that RPing is a lot like a story in which you create a character and pretend to be that character. You will also find that character development in an RP is very similar to character development in a book and that it happens quite naturally, despite your best intentions. Good lord knows that I've got characters who started out one way and ended up being someone different :)

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xylin and I am Mother. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask one of the Mods, one of the Super Mods or even your doting Mother. That is, after all, what Mother is for.

We do have a few house rules which can be found here: INFO - Official Site Rules | - Best Roleplay Forum

They're fairly easy to follow. In fact, if you click on this link: Site Questions & Information | - Best Roleplay Forum just about all your answers will be answered.

To find an RP, click on the Roleplays tab, scroll through the genres and find something you like. If it's open, ask the ST if you can join.

Have fun and do be a good Child,

Mother Xylin
Thank you I am glad to be here

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