(PF)Master of Magic: The Rise of the Dread Lord

I believe that I am ready for you to check out my character. I just need to know what the DR is for a suit of Breastplate armor.
It's the normal armor modifier.

Ex: +2 chain shirt, it gives a +4 armor bonus normally and has a +2 magical enhancement bonus. The +4 becomes Armor DR 4 and the +2 gets added to your AC as the armor enhancements.
Ok. I got it. I'll add it to my sheet momentarily.
in order:

  • go ahead and put the modified scores for your stats in the total score column (aka the 18+2 str)
  • Your AC is 13 not 19. (again the Breastplate armor is DR, only the magical bonus on armor goes in that slot).
  • On your CMB, you can just leave your size spot blank or a zero as you have no size bonus/penalty. Also, you do not have a -2 on your CMB for two-weapon fighting.
  • for your weapons, i'd make an alternation to your sheet. Copy the

    blocks for Attack bonus and Damage and paste a copy right after them saying PAB (Power Attack Bonus) and the other saying PAD (PA Dam). afterwords have the AB and Damage carry the non-PA stuff and then create two


    and put the PA stuff there, cause I doubt you'll use PA ALL the time when you constantly not hit (seen it happen).

  • Btw, what's the 112 for?
  • Climb is only +2 (you don't get the class +3 bonus unless you have at least one rank in it).
  • Handle Animal is +4 unless you have a misc mod (i'd suggest adding that like I did on my character sheet).
  • Intimidate is +0, Knowledge dungeoneering is +0 unless you have a +2 misc mod in which its a +2 not +5 (see handle animal).
  • K(Engineering) is +4 not +5 (See Handle Animal).
  • You can't have ranks in K(Local/Nature) unless they are somehow class skills.
  • Perception +1 (see Handle Animal).
  • Stealth +1 (see Handle Animal).
  • Survival +4 (see Handle Animal).
  • Swim +0
  • For your feats, I suggest instead of doing "2) Level 1: Two Weapon Defense = Core Rules pg 136 = Adds +1 to AC" do "H1 or F1) Two Weapon Defense = Core Rules pg 136 = Adds +1 to AC". So have x) be the level and list a letter to say if it is a class or race feat, aka H for human and F for fighter. that way it shows where exactly you got them from and when.
  • Your Misc Notes section is missing where you put your Favored Class Bonus (FCB) if you even did that. Standard is 1 level for 1 Skill Point or 1 Hit Point, however if you multiclass, any non-fighter class will give you no FCB.

Sorry, I know some/most of it is nit-picking but that's just me.
Just to be clear on the armor; it does NOT provide an AC bonus, just a DR bonus? And I get the other points to my AC from my Dex and Two Weapon Fighting Bonus?

For the rest of the stuff you mentioned, I'll tweak the sheet to make the changes needed.
Ex: +2 breastplate, it gives a +6 armor bonus normally and has a +2 magical enhancement bonus. The +6 becomes Armor DR 6 and the +2 gets added to your AC as the armor enhancements. The Dex, TWD, shield, and other dodge stuff gets added to your AC per normal.
So, in comparison, I have a lower Armor Class, but the DR soaks up some of the damage done.
yes, if you were really dexterous you'd have a higher AC but would have less DR to soak that up when you do get hit.
Ok. The rest of it is in the process of being edited. Thanks for clarifying the armor situation.
Also, I was looking at your notes, and I wonder how you play the two weapon fighting. With the Feat, it drops the penalties to just a -2 on each hand unless you waive that penalty, too.
Ok when fighting with a oneH melee and a light melee weapon, you gain a second attack at the same bonus as the primary but each has a -2.

Ex: 16 STR level 2 fighter. Bab 2+ 3str = +5, two weapon fighting (longsword & shortsword) both would be at +3 because of the -2 on them.

Make sense?
Yes. I thought you would want the -2 penalty for the TWF mentioned in the misc. section of the Attack chart. That's why I had it there; so I also wouldn't forget about it.
In your weapon section is fine, but you had it in you CMB which is not your standard attack bonus. The CMB is for when you want to make a Combat Maneuver.
Ah. I got it. Still editing my sheet to reflect the changes you want.
That's fine, just curious, have you ever played pathfinder before Sherwood? Just curious.
I play in my tabletop group, but I'm still a little green in the system. I do have the PDFs of many of the books. I think my biggest complaint so far is that I don't like the way that the table looks as I try to figure out what spot to enter in my data, but that is no big deal. I am looking forward to the game.
Yeah, I wish the old tables could be back cause that was you can see the dash lines of the the character sheet when writing it but not once it's completed unless you had the lines on, but that was back when RpN was RpNation lol
All are allowed except celestial, infernal or abyssal, those are only allowed to the divine peeps from there deities and stuff (aka cleric oracle, etc.)
Still room in this? I've got 3 years exp in pathfinder. 10 in other rpg systems. DnD, l5r, fate, etc.
Genma (And others), if you are interested in this game, you can post the template of the character sheet into your post in which you can then edit your character from there to show you are interested.
C'mon, guys! Get some characters made up and join the fun. I don't want this game to fizzle due to a lack of players.
Just to let everyone know, I have been getting my butt kicked by packing for a move. I will be going off-line sometime late Tuesday or Wednesday, and not getting everything back on the internet until late Thursday or early Friday.

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