Petty Little Criminals(2015 reboot)

Umm... @Stoked911 .....I'm not trying to be rude but I would have preferred it if you PMed me to discuss whether or not your character joins mine like my CS says specifically to do

Name: Collin Alvin Murphy

Nickname: Murphy the Mouse, Mac

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Profession: "I sell cocaine and cocaine accessories"

-Drug Dealer by trade. This is the bulk of his criminal activity.

-Grand larceny-er. Will take the opportunity to rob when he finds it feasible

-Pimp. But only when he finds stable minded and strong women. Hates the stereotype of the abusive pimp. "I'm her partner.... Not her pimp"

Skills: "I get shit done. One way or another"

-Urban combat, Shotguns, submachine guns pistols

-Lock picking and explosives. "Why crack a safe when your can blow the hinges off?"

-Persuasion. Ruthless cunning.

-Decent enough driver to get away, but by no means a get away driver.

Habits: "Pussy is my favorite drug. Everything else just keeps me awake"

-Addiction to opiates and anxiety medicine. Sometimes crushing them, sniffing then, and rolling them into his cigarettes.

-Addiction to sex. Will not hesitate to pay for it, if he has the money.

-Plays with his facial hair when he's plotting

-Mistrusting of people by default

Personality: Collin is the Machiavelli type. He'll have his fun, laugh and party, but in the back of his mind be plotting on the demise of the perceived enemies in the room. Collin tried his best not to offend anyone who he dems useful, and will hesitate to speak his mind. Collin will gather all his resources for war behind the scenes, while seeming like a two bit opportunist on the surface. "Weapons are meant to be felt not seen."

History: Collin was raised in the northern wilderness of Belfast Ireland. His mother was a Gypsy prostitute and his father an IRA but job. Needless to say, his childhood was full of turmoil. He spent most of his time outside of school and inside of brothels and rebellion owned bars. He was shooting submachine find buy age eleven, and using them to stick up traveling merchants and local criminals by age fifteen. Collin quickly established himself as the brains and the muscle, organizing a few heist that earned him recognition. Entering his teens, his father met a French coke dealer, and Collin had something to do with all his heist money. The drug business was good to Collin. Soon, he had no need to show his strength, and began to sit back as his associates handle distribution. Once his mother died at age 20, Collin became even more recluse. He ran the brothel in silence from the office, earning the nickname Murphy the Mouse. After a few years of running the business, and his father contracted cancer. His IRA "brethren" where going to take this chance to scrap over who takes the reigns. His father's dieng wishes where that he leave Belfast, and avoid the coming chaos. So Collin packed up, 750,000 in cash, a few weapons, and chartered a boat to New York.


Open, @Lexxi? Or the lawyer guy? I can't PM for some reason But we can discuss it somehow.


-Collin has an accent that gets thicker as he becomes angry.

-The ring he wears is his mother's, and he's sensitive about it. And about her

-Collin once drowned a friend of his who attacked his over drugs. Some times when he's drunk he sings "The Water" by PJ Harvey and cries


-Left arm, but it reads Daughtry instead


-Right Chest

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[QUOTE="Miso Miso]

Name: Collin Alvin Murphy

Nickname: Murphy the Mouse, Mac

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Profession: "I sell cocaine and cocaine accessories"

-Drug Dealer by trade. This is the bulk of his criminal activity.

-Grand larceny-er. Will take the opportunity to rob when he finds it feasible

-Pimp. But only when he finds stable minded and strong women. Hates the stereotype of the abusive pimp. "I'm her partner.... Not her pimp"

Skills: "I get shit done. One way or another"

-Urban combat, Shotguns, submachine guns pistols

-Lock picking and explosives. "Why crack a safe when your can blow the hinges off?"

-Persuasion. Ruthless cunning.

-Decent enough driver to get away, but by no means a get away driver.

Habits: "Pussy is my favorite drug. Everything else just keeps me awake"

-Addiction to opiates and anxiety medicine. Sometimes crushing them, sniffing then, and rolling them into his cigarettes.

-Addiction to sex. Will not hesitate to pay for it, if he has the money.

-Plays with his facial hair when he's plotting

-Mistrusting of people by default

Personality: Collin is the Machiavelli type. He'll have his fun, laugh and party, but in the back of his mind be plotting on the demise of the perceived enemies in the room. Collin tried his best not to offend anyone who he dems useful, and will hesitate to speak his mind. Collin will gather all his resources for war behind the scenes, while seeming like a two bit opportunist on the surface. "Weapons are meant to be felt not seen."

History: Collin was raised in the northern wilderness of Belfast Ireland. His mother was a Gypsy prostitute and his father an IRA but job. Needless to say, his childhood was full of turmoil. He spent most of his time outside of school and inside of brothels and rebellion owned bars. He was shooting submachine find buy age eleven, and using them to stick up traveling merchants and local criminals by age fifteen. Collin quickly established himself as the brains and the muscle, organizing a few heist that earned him recognition. Entering his teens, his father met a French coke dealer, and Collin had something to do with all his heist money. The drug business was good to Collin. Soon, he had no need to show his strength, and began to sit back as his associates handle distribution. Once his mother died at age 20, Collin became even more recluse. He ran the brothel in silence from the office, earning the nickname Murphy the Mouse. After a few years of running the business, and his father contracted cancer. His IRA "brethren" where going to take this chance to scrap over who takes the reigns. His father's dieng wishes where that he leave Belfast, and avoid the coming chaos. So Collin packed up, 750,000 in cash, a few weapons, and chartered a boat to New York.


Open, @Lexxi? Or the lawyer guy? I can't PM for some reason But we can discuss it somehow.


-Collin has an accent that gets thicker as he becomes angry.

-The ring he wears is his mother's, and he's sensitive about it. And about her

-Collin once drowned a friend of his who attacked his over drugs. Some times when he's drunk he sings "The Water" by PJ Harvey and cries


-Left arm, but it reads Daughtry instead


-Right Chest


[QUOTE="Miso Miso]No problem. You do know I ment relationship like criminal paying cop for the upper hand relationship right? Lol just to avoid confusion.

Yea...I'm good



“Don’t ever call me that.”

Xiaoli Tsui


“Nothing more, nothing less.”



“Too old to still be stuck in this damn city.”



“Take a good guess, Sherlock.”



“Average citizen by day, villain by night.”

Aspiring Graphic Designer, Freelance Forgery


“As long as it doesn’t involve athleticism.”




Fairly good with computers

Some "recreational" hacking

Basic-level self defense


“I do lots of things, just not you.”


Rolling her eyes

Making sarcastic remarks

Working long hours on little sleep

Visiting libraries and art galleries


“Cold as Picasso’s Blue Period.”

Lee has always been a bit contradictory, though most people don’t realize it. On the streets, she looks rather harmless and acts moderately pleasant in public. Such a docile personality is easy enough to uphold, so Lee just lets people believe what they want about her and only expresses the emotions she wants others to see. Accustomed to telling lies and wearing a false front, Lee is normally able to read other people like a book. This tends to make her judgmental and doesn’t lend to her having many friends. She always says she doesn’t care- that other people simply hold you back anyways.

One might never guess that Lee’s face is that of a criminal. She has the ability to make it seem as though she has everything together, when quite the opposite is true. In fact, Lee feels like she is constantly running- running from who she was but never far enough to get to who she wants to be. Since she was a teenager, Lee got caught up in this world of crime and fell in too deep to walk away. Deep inside, Lee is nothing more than a timid girl who longs to be someone but her crimes are a safety net she fears letting go of.

Although she tends to be a follower, she isn’t a doormat. Lee would do nearly anything for the few people she trusts, and she doesn’t really mind overworking herself for their benefit. She claims selfishness and laziness, but she tends to prioritize others before herself. Though serious and hard-working, Lee is incredibly cynical and sarcastic. Sometimes she thinks she should be kinder, but it’s like second nature to her. Though she rarely angers, one can expect to hear her sass over the slightest things.


“Just another product of the rotten economy, no?”

When she was only a toddler, Xiaoli’s family moved from China to the United States. Since she grew up in America, Xiaoli never really felt much connection to her Chinese roots. Other than rejecting her Asian side, Lee was overall a good child- obedient and hard-working. Her older sister, however, was more rebellious and quickly got swept into the party scene, eventually running away from home when Lee was thirteen. The remaining family members grew more distant from each other since then. Lee’s mother started spending more time at work than at home, and Lee’s father tried to start a produce business. However, the business failed, and Lee was certain they would fall into poverty. She was scared and didn’t know what to do, so she started stealing. Just a little, here and there, so that her father didn’t have to worry about dinner. After awhile, he grew suspicious of the magic food and asked her where it came from. When Lee confessed, both of her parents were incredibly disappointed in her. “If you want things, you must work for them,” they told her. Ashamed and confused, Lee shut herself away from her parents, and they eventually stopped trying to reach out to her. For the rest of middle school and high school Lee’s only passion was digital art and design. She created things in all of her spare time, constantly improving her skills, and it caught the attention of certain people.

In her junior year of high school, some peers at school starting asking her to make things for them, specifically fake IDs. At first, Lee felt guilty and uncertain. Of course, her fakes didn’t always succeed, but as time passed she learned how to make them quite convincing. Lee eventually saw fabrication as an art in itself and it became an exciting challenge that she obsessed over. She struggled with this challenge for awhile but learned to use her Chinese appearance to her advantage. Whenever she got caught in a bind, she would feign complete ignorance and lack of language skills to get off the hook. Guilt still nagged at Lee quite often, but she managed to convince herself that technically she was working hard- the art of fabrication wasn’t an easy thing that just anyone could do, right?

Lee decided she wanted to attend college to earn a degree in graphic design; however, she didn’t have much money. Although she had wished to stop her illegal activities and focus on her studies, crime was the easiest way to earn quick money. Before long, she went back to creating fake IDs and started dealing with trickier things- forging documents and records. It has been a long learning process for her that still requires much research, trial, and error, but Lee has never been one to settle for anything less than perfect illusions. Besides, after working at such things for just under ten years, she had better be good by now. She eventually earned enough money to enroll in a university and rent a small apartment. During the day, she works as a customer service representative for a print shop in addition to working freelance graphic design jobs. Lee plans to save up money until she feels comfortable with uprooting herself and moving to a city far away from Winstrom.


“I’d rather not associate myself with you.”

Open to discuss


S/O: Asexual

(Sorry if there are any errors, I'll edit later. No wifi at home and Starbucks is closing >.>)




Jasper Theodore Sanderson


Jazz (Unwillingly, of course)






"Hm - Who am I this time..."

(Currently Undercover)

Federal Agent

The Benefactor



"Outsmarting people like you."

Jasper's been playing Bond for so long that it's all he knows. He went through training like everyone else, so yes, he knows how to shoot a bloody gun. Jasper's real skill, however, are his combined knowledge in forensics, science, and being able to anticipate the results of human nature that are pertinent to the situation. In other words- he's a super smart manipulative bastard. Crime has interested him for a while; the ability to show off while throwing people in jail has it's perks.

He makes it his personal business to find out everything about people he works with...right down to what kind of socks they buy. He also has a knack for reinventing himself...a master of disguise. He's known as a different person under different name and profession in every country he feels the need to visit, and can speak several languages fluently while being able to mimic every accent/dialect effectively known to man solely upon hearing one speak it.


"Attention is the key to Precision."

-Closes his eyes when he's thinking

-Stares at people he dislikes, just to make them uncomfortable.

-Nose twitches when irritated

-Insanely bad timing



"I wasn't aware I had one."

[ Observant, Intelligent, Headstrong, Logical//Insensitive, Egotistical, Controlling, Sarcastic ]

As a sociopath, Jasper has an unfailingly ability to come off as an egotistical arse. His habit of talking down to people irritates most, though his intellect is unmatchable. Feelings are useless to him, and he claims not to have any - though this is not exactly true, or didn't USED to be. His tendencies to pull the logic out of any situation and analyze is extremely useful. Naturally, as someone who thinks he's smarter than everyone else, Jasper is a bit controlling. Alright, more than a bit. But to be fair, he usually is, and what he does for the information is never to hurt - unless you've asked for it. A weakness he has, however, is his need to understand everything - at any cost, at any time. He dares not to say it, but he's been searching for someone to invite him into the perfect game - he does have a like to solve puzzles, and yet no one ha been able to keep up. Hence, his tendency to seek out trouble for that one being who will one day be able to give him a run for his money - or rather, in Jasper's case, his most prized possession, his mind.


"That's Classified."

Jasper Theodore Sanderson got himself into trouble before even turning 18.

He had learned about a certain Society about that time, while he was finishing up his senior year of high school in NYC. It was disguised as a sort of sorority try out, and he observed, but did not engage. Being the know it all that he was, Jasper wanted to delve deeper into the facade of the organization - which simply claimed to be 'An influential group eager to invest in the talents of high status Men and Women" - what this group didn't say was that it was more than rather
Criminal in intent.

Two years later, he'd witnessed the criminal side of the Society while attending the University of Columbia.

After college, he was free to make of it what he wanted...and what he wanted was to understand it. It wasn't everyday you got to observe an active underground society that happened to be planning world domination...and there, once again, was his fatal flaw. He should have, to anyone remotely sane anyway, turned his information over to the Government then and there. But he did not, and he paid a price.

In the end, his prying had nearly been a fatal mistake. He'd been discovered, and his presumed assassination was made to look like a simple street murder. But as always, his intellect managed to save him. Actually learning of the planning of his assassination before it happened, he had time to enlist the help of some of the 'operatives' he'd planted in the organization. The night of his "death," one of his own people stabbed him on purpose, though just missing the heart, and injecting his blood with a chemical to slow the heart at the same time - effectively rendering him deceased to the paramedics. Only one thing went wrong that night - his younger brother had been there, and it was unplanned. It's been eating away at him ever since.

He expected to be presumed dead. He did NOT expect the CIA to come looking for him.

Jasper had been in England for the past few years, and had gotten himself into MI6, starting over but still not able to quell his obsession with things of the nature.

He dealt with mainly paramilitary operations and political espionage, spending his years as a field agent...or so he appeared to do only that.

Playing puppet master, he continued to pursue the very people who had tried to kill him, looking for a way in. He even bought the favor of a certain Brett Skylard, hoping the man would help him gain enough insight to Winstrom to catch the any mistakes of the people who had taken his life from him as he knew it.

You could imagine his surprise when he learned that his own little brother was secretly running around inside the damned thing. Rather than reveal his position, he let William gain the information, and planned to get it out of him later. And then? He just...disappeared, much to Jasper's annoyance.

Jasper was approached one day on the subject of his past...involvements with the Organization as both MI6 and the CIA became aware of the threat. He was more than eager to help in the take down that was being planned, planning to use his own connections still inside to do it, acting as a freelance benefactor, at least until one of his pawns were murdered - followed by his partner. The murders, were expected for the work Jasper had seen them do...the rumors about their murderer carrying the face of a demon were another situation. It intrigued him, so he looked in to it - or had tried- before he realized what he was trying to chase...was presumably unchaseable. How do you catch what cannot be detected, what cannot be seen? This...Ghost character, as he was, frustrated him to no end, and the fact that he was connected with a Organization as mysteriously deceptive as he was certainly dragged Jasper's attention - dragged it straight to Winstrom. However, Jasper had no interest in making mistakes as he did the last time and infiltrate the group from the inside, so he chose to slip in on the side opposing the mysterious group - if they really were that - and seep up the information he gathered by doing so.


"I fell in love with Intellect."



"What else is there to say?"

-Has never dated - and has been almost oblivious to all pursuits

-Enjoys the occasional smoke.

-Master of all card games/tricks


"Time to resurrect."

"Nicknames. How...unprofessional."

"Knowledge is power, and power is control."

"Even my milk is more cultured than you."


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"I hope to never hear this one again..."

Elwenaïre Gwendowyn van Almend


Elwen, El, Ellie




"I though that was quite obvious"



Tattoo artist, (illegal) street mma fighting


- Seducing people

- City Parcour

- Drawing

- Make up


- Giggling like an innocent schoolgirl (either when insulted or when nervous)

- Trailing with her fingers over her wolf tattoo when deep in thought

- Looking/caring for her nails

- Taking selfies just to annoy others or entertain herself

"Do I look like I wanna tell you?"

She is arrogant, vain and prideful, like any other van Almend you will meet. Yet she has the perfect mask of kindness. Living her childhood in the golden cage has learned her how to work that mask of being the perfect lady. Yet if you look to the real Elwen, you will find out she is nothing like what she will make you believe. And by far not as gullible as she might seem. She knows what she is worth and she will stand her ground. She isn’t afraid to speak her opinion about things and situations, and can be quite blunt sometimes as well as stubborn. Sarcasm is and will always be her second language. She is a fierce fighter and will not back down for a challenge. She won’t go easy on someone that has challenged her to a duel or started to pick a fight. Furthermore she can be very childish, only in comfortable situation and people she know she will let this side out. Though it sometimes will show when she had just a bit of alcohol in her system, then you can find her blurring out Disney Songs at the bar.


"From daddy's little girl to the girl gone wild..."

She grew up in what she likes to call a golden cage. Her family being never blessed with sons, she had to make sure their family name would survive and win more power. Her father was a famous and well known architect, her mother taking up a liking for interior design after her marriage. They had quite some power and influence on politics, yet there had always been this one family above them. The Sandersons, but with their perfect angelic daughter, that was gonna change. She was send of to an prestigious all girls boarding school where she learned to perfect her etiquette and behaviour, beside the usual school subjects. Everything was going like planned, for one little detail. Elwen was stubborn, she didn't like the rules, she didn't like sitting around, and she was definitely not interested in becoming someones 'throphy' wife. At nights she would snuck away from the boarding school and of course ran into the wrong kind of friends, but never the less she always managed to get back in time and in one piece. The sneaking out granted her with quite some skill in parcour and her nights on the streets gave her a better knowlegde of fighting. Yet she kept this side hidden behind the mask of the gentle, and kind, angelic daughter.

That was all until the Debutante Ball where no one less than Jasper Sanderson was gonna be her escort. Her father had instructed her clearly that she better got him interested or she would not have to come home. And that was all she needed to escape from the golden cage. The only thing her family ever found back, her dress that was torn to pieces. She had run away with her best friend at that time, who happened to be an tattoo artist and mma fighter. She didn't waste much time with getting rid of her golden locks and replaced them with bright copper red, aswell as changing her name to Elwen Nox. Winstrom would be the last place her parents came looking for her and for a year she lived in together with Blake. That was until a fight went wrong and he ended up dead. It was just something that happened and made her all to aware of how different and dangerous this city was, yet she didn't run. She didn't answer to her parents that were giving out quite an amount of money to have their baby girl back. She took over the shop, made extra money in the fights and was pretty much just minding her own business.



PM to discuss


- Sexual orientation; bisexual

- Though she is right handed, she fights left dominant. This because it provides her quite some benefit since only a few fighters know how to block left dominant attacks.


Roses and thorns. Beautiful and dangerous like herself.


A howling wolf to remind her of her freedom


To remind her that everyone can be a snake. Also in Blakes honor

@DarkiusHeavenstein it would have been nice if I could have accepted your character first. But, proceed.

To all of those who have been accepted: The Roleplay has started. Please make your first post, as we have already started the follow-ups, and I don't want anyone becoming too lost in the plot.

Characters are still being accepted, so don't be scared to make a new one or invite friends, folks!

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