Petty Little Criminals(2015 reboot)

This is a major rule. There will be about 3 or 4(maybe 3) GMs on this game. Please respect the others as if they were me. If not I will kick your ass out of this game and straight to the moon. it is...

{Picture or Gif- realistic image, please!}










(at least a paragraph)

*Do remember that these people are supposed to be somewhat likable. I'm not expecting perfect angel social butterflies, but the plot describes these people as a group of friends. Maybe they're not super close-knit, but your character should have some redeeming qualities that make otherswant to be around them. If they are overly intimidating/OP, total bitches, or completely antisocial loners- you may want to adjust your CS.


(at least a paragraph)


(Maybe you know each other, maybe you don't. You can put "Open," "PM to discuss," or something similar and then adjust if your character is accepted.)


(Anything extra you want to include.)

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You guys can post C/S here!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.cb42f52ef8c7d8a31a0bd550ea2960f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.cb42f52ef8c7d8a31a0bd550ea2960f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Piss off, I'm busy screwing your dad."

Davin Adalric Blumen






"Hail my Mangina."



"You want it, baby, I got it!"

Small Time Salesman of Recreational Drug Products



Lock Picking

Weapon Handling

Hand to Hand combat(Brawler Style)





Highly Colorful Underwear

Yellow Crocs


It's hard selling drugs and having a habit at the same time. Surprisingly, Dav can pull it off...most of the time. He has a childlike demeanor about somethings, but when he is serious you might want to dodge his bullets. He can be a little over zealous with his planning, but it would be an off day if things went south for him. And if they do, run.


The Blumen Family was prestigious once upon a time. They were feared, loved, and hated all at the same time. But most of all, they were untouchable--or so it seemed. On the eve of the oldest heir's twenty-first birthday, when he would ascend the "throne", a coup d'grais was executed. Blood stained the white marble floors of the family estate, and was charred away by flames. Yet, in secret, a two month old had been swept away by his mother, a maid for the patriarch of the family. He was the bastard son of the clan--and the only one left.


PM Discussion

S/O: Homosexual


Has a kitten named Fresco.



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UnicornBunny said:
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"Don't bother asking I wont be here for long."

Jezebel St Croix






"What does it look like to you?"



"I'll get it... then give it when I think you deserve it"






Knives and a whip

Dirty fighting





Being Flirty

Fancy underwear


Protective and motherly to those she cares about. Bubbly and flirty most of the time. When she gets serious either someones going to die or get close to it. She is a fun loving and wild girl till she feels others are in need of her help. Can be a little nervous just meeting someone.


Her mother died giving birth to her and her father went basically mad and harshly trained her to be an assassin which she rarely does. He is the reason small scars cover her body and she keeps at a distance at first. Her father and her own reputation is known and feared, she became a thief cause it was her kind of fun.






Has a half wolf half husky named Blood

A snake

Other wolf mixes
Your character sheet was reviewed by 3/4 GMs. We have decided not to add you due to the quality of your writing. If you'd like, you can message me and I'll give you tops on how to write a little better due to your inexperience. Who knows? You might become better than we are. Thanks

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.33058d1247cbba501302ae03b5450d24.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.33058d1247cbba501302ae03b5450d24.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"My parents were probably high when they named me."

Evelisse Aleczandrya Grace


"Consider yourself lucky. Only few can use this."



"All you need to know is I'm legal."



"Do I need to show you?"



"Let's not play Good Cop, Bad Cop. There's only Bad Cop."

Winstrom Police Officer


"I guess there are some things I'm good at."

Weapon Handling

Hand to Hand Combat

Putting Two and Two Together

Getting People to Crack


"Hey, I've gotta have something to do in my free time."

Working Out


Sweets (Especially Donuts)


Her Hair


"If you don't like me, don't talk to me."

Good Cop, Bad Cop seems to have more of a meaning than normal when it comes to Evelisse. Despite the fact that she doesn't enjoy it, Eve plays the good cop at work but the moment she steps out of that building, her whole demeanor changes. She can be a complete badass though a lovable one at times. She doesn't like seeing any of her friends upset and will do anything in her power to fix whatever may be wrong. She is sarcastic most of the time but whether or not it's playful depends on who she's talking to. Despite that, she can get serious really quick, and when she does, the worst place to be would be on her bad side because if someone does her wrong, she will be determined to get revenge.


"My life is my business."

Being a third generation police officer, Eve followed in her father and grandfather's footsteps, despite both of their reluctance. Her mother left them when she was only six years old so she was raised around nothing but men, her father, grandfather, and brother. She hasn't talked to her mother since and finally gave up looking for her when she turned eighteen with the assumption that if her mother wanted to see her, she would find her instead.


PM for Discussion




She has an Akita named Samantha.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.489088ef799f6047d6c4be457fb10a02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.489088ef799f6047d6c4be457fb10a02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has a tattoo on her back.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.d643ddf3c756321ac32684e1126009aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.d643ddf3c756321ac32684e1126009aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Lexie said:

View attachment 126160


"My parents were probably high when they named me."

Evelisse Aleczandrya Grace


"Consider yourself lucky. Only few can use this."



"All you need to know is I'm legal."



"Do I need to show you?"



"Let's not play Good Cop, Bad Cop. There's only Bad Cop."

Winstrom Police Officer


"I guess there are some things I'm good at."

Weapon Handling

Hand to Hand Combat

Putting Two and Two Together

Getting People to Crack


"Hey, I've gotta have something to do in my free time."

Working Out


Sweets (Especially Donuts)


Her Hair


"If you don't like me, don't talk to me."

Good Cop, Bad Cop seems to have more of a meaning than normal when it comes to Evelisse. Despite the fact that she doesn't enjoy it, Eve plays the good cop at work but the moment she steps out of that building, her whole demeanor changes. She can be a complete badass though a lovable one at times. She doesn't like seeing any of her friends upset and will do anything in her power to fix whatever may be wrong. She is sarcastic most of the time but whether or not it's playful depends on who she's talking to. Despite that, she can get serious really quick, and when she does, the worst place to be would be on her bad side because if someone does her wrong, she will be determined to get revenge.


"My life is my business."

Being a third generation police officer, Eve followed in her father and grandfather's footsteps, despite both of their reluctance. Her mother left them when she was only six years old so she was raised around nothing but men, her father, grandfather, and brother. She hasn't talked to her mother since and finally gave up looking for her when she turned eighteen with the assumption that if her mother wanted to see her, she would find her instead.


PM for Discussion




She has an Akita named Samantha.

View attachment 126179

She has a tattoo on her back.

View attachment 126180
Accepted. Welcome:)

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You have a name. It is nothing more.

Leon Motierre


A Holy Roman Emperor. Fitting.







Adam Smith didn't have this invisible hand in mind.

Crime Lord


I run the show. I run everything.

-Black Marketeering

-Criminal Talent management

-Handgun and Assault Rifle use


I'm not scared of you.

-Keeping his hands in his pockets

-Smokes smuggled Cuban cigars


I will peel off your skin just to watch your heart stop.

Leon is a genius of near incomparable intellect. He is incredibly manipulative and shows no remorse, as he insists that "The end justifies the means, and whatever I want is the end." He has, even in the face of near-certain death, never showed fear or emotion. He is cold and empty on the inside, but masks it with an incredibly believable mask of charm and wit. He is unapologetic for his countless crimes and sins, shows no mercy, and expects none. If one could see inside his head, they would be reviled and disgusted.


All that Winstrom is, all that it will be, is mine.

Leon Motierre grew up in the suburbs of Winstrom. He was well-loved by his parents and family for the longest time, despite his few odd behaviors. He was born an actor, one who had a way with words, and even he was aware of his skills. In school, he was a feared bully, not for his strength and size, but for his utter cruelty in his mission to humiliate and embarrass those he saw "less fit". Those he victimized were so troubled by the experience that they refused to tell on him, out of fear that he could cook up some new horror.

And so, he cruised through the education system, his intelligence carrying his grades even with his general apathy towards school. He crossed the country for college, dropped out in a week, and was never officially seen again. As it turned out, he changed his identity and traveled to Winstrom, where he quickly integrated into the standing organized crime scene. Finding his bosses weak and hesitant, he slowly murdered his way up the chain of command before igniting a massive gang war. Blood wet the streets for almost a year before he had crushed every significant opposing faction or enveloped them into his "Kingdom".

With his control of the city solidified, he drastically expanded the amount of drug-production, prostitution, human-trafficking, theft, protection rackets, and has so many cops on his payroll that he is essentially immune to the law.






Drives an armored 2015 Porsche 918 Spyder.

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Vudukudu said:



You have a name. It is nothing more.

Leon Motierre


A Holy Roman Emperor. Fitting.







Adam Smith didn't have this invisible hand in mind.

Crime Lord


I run the show. I run everything.

-Black Marketeering

-Criminal Talent management

-Handgun and Assault Rifle use


I'm not scared of you.

-Keeping his hands in his pockets

-Smokes smuggled Cuban cigars


I will peel off your skin just to watch your heart stop.

Leon is a genius of near incomparable intellect. He is incredibly manipulative and shows no remorse, as he insists that "The end justifies the means, and whatever I want is the end." He has, even in the face of near-certain death, never showed fear or emotion. He is cold and empty on the inside, but masks it with an incredibly believable mask of charm and wit. He is unapologetic for his countless crimes and sins, shows no mercy, and expects none. If one could see inside his head, they would be reviled and disgusted.


All that Winstrom is, all that it will be, is mine.

Leon Motierre grew up in the suburbs of Winstrom. He was well-loved by his parents and family for the longest time, despite his few odd behaviors. He was born an actor, one who had a way with words, and even he was aware of his skills. In school, he was a feared bully, not for his strength and size, but for his utter cruelty in his mission to humiliate and embarrass those he saw "less fit". Those he victimized were so troubled by the experience that they refused to tell on him, out of fear that he could cook up some new horror.

And so, he cruised through the education system, his intelligence carrying his grades even with his general apathy towards school. He crossed the country for college, dropped out in a week, and was never officially seen again. As it turned out, he changed his identity and traveled to Winstrom, where he quickly integrated into the standing organized crime scene. Finding his bosses weak and hesitant, he slowly murdered his way up the chain of command before igniting a massive gang war. Blood wet the streets for almost a year before he had crushed every significant opposing faction or enveloped them into his "Kingdom".

With his control of the city solidified, he drastically expanded the amount of drug-production, prostitution, human-trafficking, theft, protection rackets, and has so many cops on his payroll that he is essentially immune to the law.






Drives an armored 2015 Porsche 918 Spyder.

This guy says yes!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



"Oh why thank you..I'm glad my mother chose this name for me...I like to hear the men scream it while I satisfy them"

Conner Reese


"Only special people in my life can call me this..."

Con, Reese, Connie


"Don't let my age fool you...I do things that most adults are scared to do"



"I have a c*ck so what do you think?"



"I look at dead bodies for a living"

A forensic analysts at the Winstrom Police Department


"I'm good at other things besides being hot"

Excellent Hand-to -Hand Combat

Swordsman (Loves dealing with knives and swords)

Very Flexible


Being Sneaky

Identifying how and when a person was killed

Can estimate how long a fight will be



"Oh...can being sexy be one of them?"

Watches crime shows

Plays Video games

Bites his jaw when he is hungry

Rolls his eyes when he senses bullshit

When stressed he smokes or plays with his blades

No matter the sexual orientation he will flirt with a guy

Hates being frustrated and tries to avoid it

Will start to become sarcastic and blunt when people are rude to him


"Honey...I'm likable by men and women...if you fuck with me I kill you..."

Conner is loved by almost everyone in his town because of his personality. He loves to make people happy and suffer depending on how they treat him. Since he is obsessed with crime shows he loves a little mystery in his life...ok he loves it a lot and wants to live it almost every day. He hates becoming frustrated and will try to avoid it at times cause when he is frustrated he will snap at a person but he doesn't do it intentionally. People will either call him gutsy or crazy because he loves dealing with dead bodies, he doesn't care after seeing his first dead body it wasn't a traumatic experience it actually made him more curious about the human body. You can try and get an attitude with him unless you want a punch to the face or your feelings broken. He wants to be liked by everyone, he doesn't confrontation but , he will not hesitate to give a nasty attitude back to someone who is rude to him. He is a big flirt especially around men, he will flirt his pants off but knows when not to flirt period. Don't even think about getting him upset, he won't snap in a instant but he will get his revenge in whatever way possible. Overall, Conner just wants to make people happy in whichever way he can and would like it to be returned to him in a positive way.



"I'm not a huge fan of my history but I'll you all that I want to tell you..."

Growing up Conner had a tough life, his father walked out on him, and his family leaving his mother to work extra jobs just to provide for the family. In his middle school years he rarely made friends and when word got out that he was gay it was hell for him. He was getting bullied left and right, people wouldn't talk to him thinking he was contagious. It didn't phase him though because he has three best friends that stood by him and supported him in everything that he did. One day they all went camping in the woods and were just having fun like normal kids did until all four of them stumbled upon a dead body. The rest of his friends were disgusted but he wasn't it actually made him curious about the body and what happened to it. After that day he has been obsessed with dead bodies and figuring out how they are killed. In his high school years the bullying got worse but that didn't stop him from keeping his head up. Now 23 he has a solid job as a forensic analyst looking at all the dead bodies to his heart's desire. You might say...he get's off looking at dead bodies but he doesn't he is just fascinated by the multiple things that can kill a person.



"I want to get to know people...and I REALLY want to get to know them...if you know what I mean~"

Knows Leon since he always comes to the same cafe' as Conner every morning and orders the same thing, does have conversations with him but doesn't know about his crime activity. He knows he's straight but it doesn't stop him from flirting with him everyday.

(@Vudukudu hope that's fine)

Knows Evalisse from the police department and joins her on some cases to use his forensic analyst skills



"Other than the fact that I am gay...I have some more things as well..."

He has sleeves on both his arms and a phoenix tattoo on his back

Left Arm


Right Arm




He always carries two switchblades and a gun with him for defensive purposes​




Has a double bladed Katana and a rifle at his apartment

Has a motorcycle that he uses everyday


Speaks over 5 languages​
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Hey guys, I'm new to forum roleplay but I'm interested in this forum. Just want to know how things work, rules etc. I have experience with roleplay in videogames and table top, so I'm not completely fresh

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/mami_tomoe_cosplay_by_kawaielli-d70hzkl.jpg.28c3d0c1f113dfe8fa952ee4c7c56e96.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/mami_tomoe_cosplay_by_kawaielli-d70hzkl.jpg.28c3d0c1f113dfe8fa952ee4c7c56e96.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"My parents have put a lot of thought into my name and I will treasure it always."

Megumi Tanji








"Its something about Engines that calms me down."

Illegal Street Racer



Precision Driving

Mixed Martial Arts

Street Fighting


-Starts playing with her hair when a Handsome guys is talking to her

-Has a Taste for Feminine things

-Feminine Behavior amplifies when she sees a Cute Boy

-Never leaves home without her Guns


Megumi is well known by her peers for her Cold, Straightforward and Serious exterior. But deep down underneath that Ice-Cold Exterior, she has a Warm Heart and sometimes shows her Love and Care towards those who are close to her. Although Nice and Caring, there have been times where she has been shown to be Emotionally Sensitive, as she starts crying or begins shedding tears... the second she gets angry.


Megumi was born in Los Angeles, California into a Working Class Family of Japanese-Americans, with her parents being immigrants, as the eldest daughter in her Family, having only one younger sister. Her Father was a Stock Car Racer and her Mother was a Chef. Megumi practically had a lot growing up, especially a Sister whom she cares for deeply and parents who loved her to death. During the Summer following her Freshman Year, her Father was killed in a horrendous Racing Accident when his car was hit by another racer named Kai Lang. One week following the tragedy, Megumi would show up later at one of Lang's Hangout places and beat him to a pulp, nearly killing him. As a result, Jessica would get banned from the Race Track for life and served three months in the Los Angeles Juvenile Detention Center. Following her release, the Tanji Family would move to Seattle. Sadly, her Street Racing activities would often complicate her Family Life, which would prompt her to move to New York so her Mother wouldn't have to suffer any longer.


"PM to discuss"


-Owns Seven Cars-

1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ac5ba3f_109473_10627808_1970_Chevrolet_ChevelleSS.jpg.bceff96e3c6e8ed7612f2f2f8a4d227f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ac5ba3f_109473_10627808_1970_Chevrolet_ChevelleSS.jpg.bceff96e3c6e8ed7612f2f2f8a4d227f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

1994 Toyota Supra

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1994_toyota_supra-pic-511940308305689363.jpg.016d60edf7a8ca356142327dfc0d9fc9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1994_toyota_supra-pic-511940308305689363.jpg.016d60edf7a8ca356142327dfc0d9fc9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

1994 Mazda RX-7

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ac552d2_VeilsideMazdaRX-7_2.jpg.2907a6cf8ab9debe3a0704640040072a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ac552d2_VeilsideMazdaRX-7_2.jpg.2907a6cf8ab9debe3a0704640040072a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1.jpg.a130a4e6eeb3974e21c81f5b0844fa61.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1.jpg.a130a4e6eeb3974e21c81f5b0844fa61.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

2003 Nissan 350Z

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2003-tuned-nissan-350z-_2_.jpg.ee18d889d2fae0760a5d2a662a920261.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2003-tuned-nissan-350z-_2_.jpg.ee18d889d2fae0760a5d2a662a920261.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

2007 Honda Civic Type-R


2013 Dodge Viper GTS

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2013_SRT_Viper_GTS_301255.jpg.8266d860de54ead39642144ce9961af5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2013_SRT_Viper_GTS_301255.jpg.8266d860de54ead39642144ce9961af5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Carries two Handguns and a Revolver around on her person-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ac7b978_guns20weapons20custom20m19112045acp20colt201528x120920wallpaper_www_wallpaperto_com_88.jpg.6060d5e7daec3732588f882b9830674e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ac7b978_guns20weapons20custom20m19112045acp20colt201528x120920wallpaper_www_wallpaperto_com_88.jpg.6060d5e7daec3732588f882b9830674e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/user116053_pic979_1252342364.jpg.a89c5907cec1a867e3335a91dd140b35.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/user116053_pic979_1252342364.jpg.a89c5907cec1a867e3335a91dd140b35.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Keeps a Lever-Action Rifle in her Car at all times-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/COM1017a__24112.jpg.0b7f22ef791d4bba91ff55321506bb10.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/COM1017a__24112.jpg.0b7f22ef791d4bba91ff55321506bb10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Likes Tea-




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William Charles Sanderson


Will, Lee, Liam, Willie







"Becoming the perfect demon."

Cannibalistic Mercenary


"I do not fear the Valley...for I am the Shadow.


Piloting any and all aircraft

Highly skilled Sniper



"Reminiscing never helped anybody..."

-Often meddles with the lighter that's always in his pocket

-Weakness: Coffee, and/or Homemade Apple Pie

-Photography is something of a second passion of his


"We're surrounded...excellent."

Bravery and Blood-lust go hand in hand in his own mind, one always triggering the other, and if he has the chance to do right he'll take it - as long as it doesn't hinder him. Leadership came with his Determination, and if those want to join his cause he'll let them, and if you do earn his trust, he won't leave you. Unless he has to kill you. The soldier within his was never completely wiped away, even if he carries a silent malice for those he has to work with, and even himself. But despite hating his own existence...pity parties are not his thing. Just vengeance.

He's cruel to those he deems fit of it, and you would know if you were one - possibly by having to hold your own intestines in your hands while you tried to crawl away from him. Kills, messy or clean, depend first on his own judgement - and then on his benefactor's wishes. Morals with William are not entirely a thing of the past - only a side effect of having a soul, but the deeper he delves into his sick passions the more that soul burns with the vile delight rather than true reason for what he's dealing out. Some say he looses his mind when he acts so demonically, but in truth, that's when he knows exactly what he wants to do and exactly how he is going to do it. He doesn't consider himself predator or prey - only an entity of fate, carrying out what others have brought upon themselves.

The conflict inside of him was quelled, but never resolved. The cannibalism...he likes to believe it only happens when they truly deserve it. And when they do, they truly do. But the urges, he cant ignore them growing stronger each and every time he kills - and sometimes he looks at the bodies he's left behind, and he salivates. But he turns away...the question is, how long can he keep turning...



"You break me, I'll fix me - and then you better fucking believe I'm comin' for you next."

[ It started with the dreams. I'd always be running, always running from something at first. Then turning to face the horror that pursued me, that turned out to be...myself. Then I'd'd look down at my hands, which were dripping with blood, gripping the hilt of the blade that was oh-so-deliciously buried in my own abdomen, twisting and turning...I loved it. I hated it, but...oh God...I always wanted more... ]

Liam had a near-perfect life. He was born and raised on the Upper East Side, bound to be just as shallow as the rest of the spoiled rich kids. He had a brother, Jasper, that worked for his family's company. Jasper loved his little brother, taking him to work on occasion and giving Liam bits of advice. They were content on living their happy lives, sheltered yet free, until one particularly unlucky night.

Street thugs, no more, and no less. It happened so fast, one moment Jasper was pushing the kid behind him, trying to reason - and in the next, an 11 year old kid is sobbing on the bloody chest of his dead brother, struggling to pull the knife out of his heart. He would sit there for hours until morning, when they found him. Eyes nearly lifeless, clutching the murder weapon and holding Jasper's hand.

From that day forward, the nightmares found him. Every night, tossing and turning as he killed himself over and over again in his dreams, screaming until his parents would come running to his room...after two more years of this, they wanted to check him in to a mental hospital. Desperate for a way to cope with the horror he'd seen, he spent the entire first half of his teen years tracking down every single gang member at the crime scene...and killing every one of them with a well-placed stab in the back. When he killed the last one, it was like an illusion of calm had come over him. The nightmares stopped, as he stopped trying to fight them, and embraced them.

Liam realized that if he was going to survive, he was going to have to seem normal. Better than normal. But he couldn't....he couldn't do it around them. He simply could not. He needed a way to kill and do it right. He may have killed - murdered those people, but he liked to believe he had done it all for his brother. Done it all for the man who he'd looked up to and loved, right up until the day he died. He killed for reason, not for personal gain, and though his morals were shaded, at least he had them.

He didn't expect his solution to eventually turn him into a monster.

He joined the military as soon as he could, Air Force to be exact - and though he never did tell his comrades where he got his undeniably exquisite skills in the art of murder, he never ceased to excel in it. As for the piloting, it had been a passion of his, and his body and mind became one with the plan the moment he was strapped inside. As a result, he flew high - not only in ranks as a pilot, but as a leader among his fellow soldiers. His constant conflict within himself between the evil he always at least subconsciously wanted to do and the good his mind had learned from a young age gave him a scarily delicate edge, one that happened to be his drive in both efficiency in getting the job done - and making sure what ever mess he'd been sent to clean up would never happen again. Later in his career he was asked to lead an investigative task force, due to an unknown and near undetectable disturbance. He was indeed decorated and verbally said to be one of the greatest pilots the world had ever seen - and as it was, his apparent demise at the hands of terrorists in the very air he loved to soar through caused devastation and fear. That was the day he the world as it knew him. Because as much as those terrorists had tortured and twisted his body, no matter how badly he wished he had died in the crash and never seen the light of day again - he hadn't. And because he hadn't...he was able to move on and retain the anger. Anger in which finally overtook him and lit the sick flame that he'd always strived to kept hidden.

He didn't just kill his terrorist captors. He ate them...or what was left of them anyway, and left with the taste of their flesh still in his mouth when he did so. They'd broken him, and his own mind wasn't going to cope with the lie he'd been telling himself for years. That he could be good - that he didn't have to be a murderer...only a protector, to defend those who couldn't. But this made him realize that he could not, he would never be able to stop - and with the realization came the deterioration of his own mind, probably a soul if he had one left. Winstrom - it could have been fate that he'd been brought back so close to where he grew up. Fate that his own family would probably see what he'd become...he hadn't really gone to any dark side. He couldn't, not when he'd light it up. He always had a flame, but before he had just never let it engulf him like this, and wildfire spreads fast, burning everything in it's path. William swore to bring that same wildfire to the people who dared to start it...swore to burn them alive, uncaring who ha has to go through in the process.


"No one could be sick enough to love me - or for me to love them back."



"You don't find me. I find you."

Alias - Ghost

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/soldiers-sniper-wallpaper-3.jpg.01b958117109765d38a75bb63a856a9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/soldiers-sniper-wallpaper-3.jpg.01b958117109765d38a75bb63a856a9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Drives a 2015 Ferrari Spider


Theme Songs:

Five Finger Death Punch - 100 Ways to Hate

DevilDriver - Sail



  • soldiers-sniper-wallpaper-3.jpg
    382.5 KB · Views: 68
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RedInkKid said:
@Shimakage Thunder accepted, but swap your pic for a realistic one
You did ask for 'Realistic', I found the best one! Still wanted to keep the same character format! >.< This is the closest thing I can find!


Teivel Seth








International logistics



International trade

Firearm usage

Weaponry trafficking


Seemingly can't not move, always tapping his foot or drumming his fingers.

Sneers every time he looks at his own reflection...No one is really sure why.

Tends to pace, or even walk in circles, when he's thinking- it's been known to either annoy people or make them nauseous.​


Teivel isn't a man to be serious less the situation calls for it or he's planning something with intent, as fair enough this isn't the job- if you can even call it that- to be smiling. An offsetting feature for anyone meeting him for the first time, and he knows it-that's simply the point. No one ever said first impressions had to be real, they just had to be believable. None the less that isn't to say he doesn't take what he does into account, he's a man of business and it isn't often that he's not thinking up new things to do, or people to toy with be it for a reaction or maybe just to learn more about them off their actions. His seeming interest in learning never stopped, not even to this day. He isn't one to get angry easily, or really, no one has actually seen it to tell the tale. Then again, just because you don't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.


Winstrom was never a foreign land to Teivel, the man had grown up there from the day he was born, never once leaving at any point. Anyone who wasn't new to the city knew that crime was a reigning part of it, and if you played your cards right so were you. But that called for something more than ambition, you had to have tactic, intellect, the ability to lie without getting caught. The list might as well have been endless. Everybody had a strive for power and some had the patience to wait for it too, or just the patience to steal it. It was, sick as the reality made it out to be, a common fact that crime ruled over all- even the law if it came down to it. His father once told him one could make a better living off doing wrong than ever doing right. His father was just that, a despicable man who'd always done his own thing, and some might say that he rubbed off on his son.

People did what they did for certain reasons, whatever those were, and Teivel had his own but it'd never be the same as anyone else's. It was never about the money, though, that was a plus. It wasn't about the power either but everybody knew you needed that just as much as money if you wanted to get high up in the ranks. Some people liked to get their hands dirty, either with gun powder or blood, but the man only ever did what he'd had to and no more- and maybe, just maybe, some people did it for the fun of it. You could say the man did it for the fun of it, but it'd still be incorrect. Teivel did what he did not for any of what the job brought, he did it simply because he could- but that was just a rather vague explanation. It was all really to test everything he'd learned, everything he'd done he'd taken from what he'd seen. Some succeeded better than others for the qualities they had, but each was better then the other at something. The man only had to ask, and his father had introduced and set him off on his own, giving him the bare bone basics only beforehand. He was an observer from day one, be it certain people's habits, who they picked favorites over, how they went about it and why, the way certain gestures seemed to ensure trust, each time they threw in a lie, how money seemed to get you more people than loyalty did- and more importantly, how real loyalty was something money couldn't buy, and those that you did buy could only be trusted so far. But that was business, was it not? Respect wasn't something you could have so easily when you were at the top, you were there for what you'd done, and after all he'd done Teivel wasn't a respect worthy man, at least not in the eyes of morals themselves- but that was just how things went. Just as he couldn't have respect neither could the others who hadn't proven they could- and to do so wasn't an easy task. Thus, the man didn't have many he did trust, what he did have a lot of was people who could get the job done so long as they were paid- still, money only went so far until out paid. But he had enough, if not more. Some people told him that monopoly was nothing but corruption, some told him not all things could be under one rule, but then again, some people told him the devil was a lie and yet? Here he was. Teivel did what he needed to, and now it was only up to what he wanted to do, and what he wanted to do was see how long it was until someone else wanted to be on top, he wanted to see what they'd do for it. How long they'd survive. Determination was motivation. This wasn't a game, but you could play it just like one if you were smart enough.


PM to discuss


Teivel's arm, his left one, from his shoulder to the very tips of his fingers is nothing but prosthetic. A 'momento' of sorts as he'd like to call it. Not that someone would be able to tell, at least not with what he paid for it, though the man doesn't seem to have a problem with telling people straight out.​


"Just Quinton... Please"

Gaylord Tobias Quinton


"I.. don't really do nicknames, so becareful if you use them"

Quin, Quinnie


"Don't let my age fool you, I have seen more than you probably think"



"Really? Oh well... wouldn't be the first one questioning it"



"The Devil's Advocate..."

Lawyer, specialized in Criminal Law and Narcotic Law



"You mean other than letting my 'innocence' fool you?"

- Analyzing situations

- Reading people

- Hiding (for people)

- Avoiding spilling information about himself

- Finding peoples veins


"You will find out quick enough"

- Scratching the inside of his arm, when nervous

- Letting things fall out of his hand, when shocked by certain situations

- Staring/observing people without noticing

- Using sarcasm


"As cute and innocent as one can be..."

He always has a smile on his face, mostly even without noticing. He likes to help people, but he wants to be challenged. He may seem sweet and innocent, but he has been through more than you might think. He bottles up his emotions and hardly ever gives his true opinion. He is a people pleaser, yet can be very harsh when he needs to be. He has a hard time denying peoples request and will always try to meet them if it is possible. His morals however can be quite twisted if it proves to be enough of a challenge. He will always tell the truth when the rare occasions comes up that he is talking about himself. Yet he can lie through his teeth without showing any sign of it. He likes to bend the truth a little, with of course comes from his profession and the questionable cases he has worked with. He knows how to play with people and uses his young and innocent looks often to his own benefits.

Hurt him and he will shrug it off as if it is nothing, yet he will never forget. Words can stay for all eternity on his mind, and he does not forgive easily. If you hurt him physically, he will most likely moan or laugh at the pain. Yes, he likes pain... a lot... if it is inflicted on him. He will not dare to hurt himself, on purpose, and he will not forgive himself for hurting someone else. Hurt the people he loves, and you will have the rare sight of seeing an angry and protective Quin. When angered, he will play upon your weaknesses and break you mentally, rather than physically. He knows that he does not have the physical strength to do such thing, but then again... those wounds will heal. Mental scars, they stay forever...

Of course with his job comes a nice pay. He likes to be dressed up sharp, but he isn't a materialistic guy at all. He will take up any case if the pay is interesting enough. A secret, an interesting fact for another case, a challenge... those are the payments he likes most. So if you need something nasty covered up, he is your guy. He won't ask much questions and he will keep his mouth shut. If you think you can buy him with money, you are very wrong and his lips... very loose... So yes, his morals are twisted. Don't let that sweet innocent people loving mask fool you, because you will be in for a surprise...


"You really don't wanna know... and you will not know..."

He is born from an herion addicted whore. His father? Probably her pimp or some of the other guys she had between her legs. From the moment he had been born his life had been a struggle and he had to fight for his survival. It is a miracle he has lived to see the end of it. He had quickly learned to be indepent and take care of his mother, since she was in no state to take care of him. He never really got anything back for it as she would not hesitate to use him in any way possible to get to her beloved herion. As a child he had already learned to inject the drug in her veins, when she herself was not able to. He was a smart kid, always able to find solutions even in the seemingly faithless life he had. His schooling? Thanks to his looks and the way he could play people with his big blue puppy eyes. That and the fact that the school principal had probably some things to keep covered up.

At the age of 15, his mother was shot dead in cold blood by her pimp. Their house burned down to ashes, as the pimp could not find her son. He escaped the flames, but was left with an obsession for them. The burning mark on his left wrist was the only silent reminder of that day. He had managed to keep himself alive on the streets for a few days, before a rich, childless, couple had taken him in. A lawyer and his wife, whom paid for his further schooling and send him happily of to Law School to never hear from him again. Yes, he knew how to use people. Even though he was not part of a firm or anything, people knew how to find him. Impossible and difficult cases became his specialty, cases no other lawyer would ever take. His name, both famour and infamous at court. He knew how to twist juries around, how to use evidence in his, or better said his clients, benefit. He didn't care for the things that were confessed to him, as long as he could solve the puzzle and get out an as low as possible sentence, or better yet no sentence at all.

So how did he end up in Winstrom? An rather interesting case... A challenge... A puzzle... Mere rumors


"I wouldn't believe you... and you better not believe me"

Open to discuss


- Homosexual, not in the closet, yet not pushing it into your face either.

Last edited by a moderator:
RedInkKid said:
@Shimakage Thunder accepted, but swap your pic for a realistic one
-_- I'm not even finished with it why don't you wait until I finish...geez
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RedInkKid said:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Now I'm finished and if you see something that says WIP that means Work In Progress so wait before people's CS are done... -_-

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