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Realistic or Modern Pets after dark

Ellie walks around the streets, hoping to find someone, anyone out on this night, she barks, waiting for an answer, of someone, anyone, that roams the street as well. "Guess I'm on my own" She barks, "Oh well" she starts walking to the park, hoping to find another dog there.

Sierra licks some water from the gutter. "Luckily I don't have a collar, it would make so much noise, plus, my humans would be sure to catch me" she thinks. She hears a bark in the distance, but ignores it. She stops drinking and sets off on the sidewalk back home, as the sun is beginning to peak over the horizon.
Seeing that Mist had the kittens under control, Sarge and Dakota tell her that they're leaving and then they head back out on the streets.

They hear a bark but ignore it seeming how it wasn't a bark of distress. The suns going down and Dakota was getting kinda sleepy. "I'm going to head back to the house." She tells Sarge with a yawn before running back to the house.

Becoming bored, Sarge walks through the empty streets with nothing but cars. Becoming bored, he starts to sniff around and catches the scent of an unfamiliar dog. He barks, trying to catch the dogs attention.
Ellie hears a bark, she stops in her tracks and barks back. She sniffs the air trying to find another dog's scent, but is unable to as the wind was not blowing in the correct direction

Sierra hops over a fence into her backyard, she slips through the little pet door that was attached to the wall by the back door.
Hearing the dog bark, Sarge follows the noise. He finally catches a wift of the dog and he can tell its a large female. Uncertain of whether the female will be hostile or not, he continues with caution until he sees a female german shepherd on the road.
Ellie turns around, seeing another German Shepard. One whiff of the air tells her it is a male. She wags her tail, to show she is not hostile, but has a second of hesitation as she notices this male may be hostile. "Hello"she barks hoping he isn't.
Sarge hears the german bark and wag her tail. Seeing that she isn't hostile but very trustworthy, he continues forward. "Hey." Sarge greets with another sniff.
Ellie wags her tail with excitement, it had been a while sense she had met up with another dog. She had no idea what to say next, as she was not the most social dog.
Confused of why the dog was so quiet, Sarge just sits there. Normally he got caught up into conversations because of Dakota.
Ellie sat down with the dog, "So... you come here often" she barks "Really! That's what you say"she thinks to herself.

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