Other Pet Peeves!


One Trick Wonder
Everyone has little things that really get under their skin- list them here so we can talk about them and share our grumpiness! Some of my pet peeves include:

  • Noisy Eaters
  • People going back on their word
  • When people constantly interrupt and never let you finish your sentences
  • People with poor personal hygiene (especially if they don't wash their hands DX )
  • When people don't cover their mouth when coughing/sneezing >___>
  • Duckface in photos
  • Incorrect grammar :l Yup. I may not always mention it, but a part of me dies whenever I see it.
BIue said:
Everyone has little things that really get under their skin- list them here so we can talk about them and share our grumpiness! Some of my pet peeves include:
  • Noisy Eaters
  • People going back on their word
  • When people constantly interrupt and never let you finish your sentences
  • People with poor personal hygiene (especially if they don't wash their hands DX )
  • When people don't cover their mouth when coughing/sneezing >___>
  • Duckface in photos
  • Incorrect grammar :l Yup. I may not always mention it, but a part of me dies whenever I see it.
Noisy eaters drive me insane >.<

People who refuse to work at the JOB THEY GET PAYED FOR. (In a business that's losing steam quickly, even)

Yes, people who constantly interrupt you are the worst.

People on the road that act like jackasses.

People on the road that act like morons.

People who use things you've given them against you.

People who accuse you of things you didn't do.

You'll notice that most of these start with 'people', lol. But I'm glad to get some ranting off my chest.
People who use the word 'privilege' in the wrong context.

People who call everything racist.

People who can't use 'in which' correctly.

Incidentally, I don't really care, but these things annoy the big Jesus out of me.
One of my all time pet peeves is when someone else or I use the same word in close proximity to each other. It just makes whatever is being written sound repetitive and disgusting.
I hate when I'm at work on the register and a customer is on their phone when trying to make a purchase. Not only is it difficult to communicate, it shows you have no respect for me. When I'm on the phone, lets say in the drive thru for a fast food place, I tell the person on the phone, "Hold on, I'm at the drive thru window," I put the phone down, make sure I give the cashier my full attention, and then get back on once I have my food. Because what if you're blabbing about little jimmy's dance recital and don't realize you've asked for the wrong thing, or forgot to ask for a drink or condiments?

I also hate when people smoke while at the drive thru. That smoke of yours flows through the window, FYI, and it hurts to breathe and it makes my eyes water. I have to hold my breath when dealing with that crap. Also, you know you're going to pay for food, please get your money or card out. I've seen people have to get out of their car, go to the TRUNK to get their purse out and then sift through 10 different credit cards to find the proper one, and there's now a line of cars behind you. Have your money on hand!
A lot of my 'pet peeves' become a cycle of not caring to hating them as my mood changes. Even so, there are still quite a few things that will annoy me no matter what.

  1. Loud noises and people in public places.
  2. Extremely touchy strangers.
  3. People who tell others to kill themselves.
  4. When someone says someone's art isn't art because they don't like it.
  5. This SHIT<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/9992b9ad7c56be7ff5c162d48421df30.jpg.b1a51f1c8282a5f29c03f609257efe68.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118350" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/9992b9ad7c56be7ff5c162d48421df30.jpg.b1a51f1c8282a5f29c03f609257efe68.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/enhanced-29997-1411484242-7.jpg.6f8f888800d37c19a36ba8c63eb3f2df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/enhanced-29997-1411484242-7.jpg.6f8f888800d37c19a36ba8c63eb3f2df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/pulptastic-com.jpg.f09dc8104b16b69d32ed63876dead89a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/pulptastic-com.jpg.f09dc8104b16b69d32ed63876dead89a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Clear said:
A lot of my 'pet peeves' become a cycle of not caring to hating them as my mood changes. Even so, there are still quite a few things that will annoy me no matter what.
  1. Loud noises and people in public places.
  2. Extremely touchy strangers.
  3. People who tell others to kill themselves.
  4. When someone says someone's art isn't art because they don't like it.
  5. This SHITView attachment 263584 View attachment 263585View attachment 263591
Oh. My. Gosh.

Those pictures.


Oh boy I came to say my biggest pet peeve would have to be the feeling of chalk or when you and someone else lock eyes as you're about to pass by, only to still bump into each other as the awkwardness lingers hours after it happens. I will say that image of the Hubba Bubba tape just made me shiver at the sight(Mostly cause that's happened to me as well.)
Ohhh boy, those tile failures and that Hubba Bubba gum image makes my skin crawl. But that's not one of my top pet peeves, because the ones listed below are:

>> People who use 'defiantly' instead of 'definitely'. How do you even get those two mixed up???

>> Incorrect usage of homonyms. It's/Its and there/their/they're would be the biggest ones for me

>> Those who don't try and simply beg for help. If you don't put in any effort then why should I put in any for you?

>> C o p y c a t s. I've had people steal whole chunks of my coding and my character descriptions and...
why would you do that?

>> People who squeal at the slightest provocation and yet are
nasty to others. There's a fine line between being blunt and being rude, you know.

>> Rabid busybodies. It's not your business and your opinion isn't appreciated, so please find something else to entertain you.

>> Those who chew with their mouths open, especially if it's gum and
especially if I'm taking an exam and you're sitting right behind me.

>> Music blaring out of people's headphones/earphones. If I can hear it then what's the point of wearing them?

...and I'll stop because this'll probably devolve into a long and poisonous rant if I continue on for much longer ||D
  • People talking behind my back when I'm close enough to hear.
  • People harassing me to respond to messages
  • People who try to pet Service Dogs/distract them when I'm working them- particularly when they distract them and find it funny.
GoingtobePotatos said:
I don't get it with the gum one, if I did I'd probably hate it too
Have you ever let someone have a bit of your hubbabubba gum, only for them to take a huge bite out of it?

Perhaps they did it with out you knowing, or they offered you a piece with it bitten like that?

It's evIL.

I always loved those types of gums because I could pull as much off of it as I wanted at that present time, and it was so organized and easy to use given nothing happened to it.

Like someone taking a huge fucking bite out of it.

Sorry, I just really hate it. I actually had to stop buying the gum because that would happen more than I could tolerate.
GoingtobePotatos said:
But what about not letting them? Or specifically telling them it's the tape kind?
As I said, sometimes it doesn't matter if you don't let them, they'll do it without you knowing.

That's the only kind that I'm aware of, and someone who bites into these usually already knows it's the tape kind. They just don't care.
People who have no respect for personal space or boundaries.

(99% of my pet peeves are devoted to just 'people'
xD )
When people give me pet names.

Don't call me 'honey', 'sweetie', 'mate' or 'pet' or anything else along those lines.

I am none of those things. I am fire. I am death. Do not patronize me.
BIue said:
Everyone has little things that really get under their skin- list them here so we can talk about them and share our grumpiness! Some of my pet peeves include:
  • Noisy Eaters
  • People going back on their word
  • When people constantly interrupt and never let you finish your sentences
  • People with poor personal hygiene (especially if they don't wash their hands DX )
  • When people don't cover their mouth when coughing/sneezing >___>
  • Duckface in photos
  • Incorrect grammar :l Yup. I may not always mention it, but a part of me dies whenever I see it.
OH BOY does the grammar one get to me. I feel like I lose a part of my soul when people don't use the right 'to, too, or two' overuse commas, and it only gets worse if their spelling is bad too. Spellcheck was invented to help you, not so you can ignore it.

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