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Aria of the Soul
Nights are shallow and smug. Days are golden and blinding. Days in San Franscisco are busy and tilted and crowded, especially for those worried about what is to come. College students at Lenaea National University worry for their classes and grades, those new to the working force worry about contracts and pay and the meaning of life. They, of course, hear the same thing; there is no meaning to your life, it is only what you make of it. But when it feels as if you cannot make it much in the first place, the weight of life feels heavy.
A selection of colors illuminates the closet in a boardroom. A prism projects onto a sewer grate. Darker figures encroach on the west coast, and a private contractor watches in anticipation. A series of events gets a handful of young adults involved in a great and grave adventure that they likely didn't think possible.
Will you be able to take hold of your unseen threads, and upturn the balance?
Hi all. I've been on a Greek mythology kick lately, and having watched a few videos about Persona 3 ReLoaded, the idea for Persona: Skiamachy came to me. Taking place in San Francisco, young adults (not high schoolers) who are either in college or in a life stage close to it will fight dark forces threatening their everyday lives. The tone of Skiamachy will be a little less whacky than recent Persona game entries, and maybe a little more realistic, but certainly not edgy or anything, as I hope to keep the metaphysical charm of the Persona concept and series.
To keep the theme of the story working, I'm instating a rule regarding Personae themselves; players when making their characters will
- be using Court Cards from the Minor Arcana instead of the Major Arcana, and
- be choosing the name of their persona from a set list. The appearance, element, and everything else can be customized.
Please feel free to ask all questions about the premise below, especially ones that I have forgotten to include in this interest check.
Seeing how perfect he was, Zeus abducted the young man and made him cup-bearer to the gods. Instead of returning him when Ganymede's father began to worry about him, Zeus instead promised to make Ganymede immortal as the cup-bearer forever.
Demeter, in the guise of an old woman when travelling the Earth in mourning for her daughter, was taken in by a noble and his family. Seeing that the woman needed cheering up, their servant Iambe performed and joked before the disguised goddess, cheering her slightly.
Cydippe was a devoted priestess of Hera, and when her sons completed an extraneous task, asked the great goddess for the greatest gift a deity could give a mortal. Hera agreed, allowing the two men to fruitfully die in their sleep.
The king of Ithaca and soldier in the Trojan War, his journey home was stalled by the gods. This was headed by Poseidon, whom was angry after the hero attacked and but did not kill the god's son, Polyphemus.
A young man who was given a deer as a companion. Not knowing it lay asleep, Cyparisuss accidentally killed with a javelin. So saddened by his death, he wished that his tears would fall forever for his friend. Apollo, the one gave him the deer and whom loved him so, turned the young man into the Cypress tree.
A great king killed a deer in a sacred grove, and considered his hunting better than a goddess. When the king began his trip to the Trojan War, the goddess, Artemis, would not allow the wind to blow his fleet of ships, unless he unjustly sacrificed his daughter, Iphigeneia. The king swiftly did so.
A monstrous son of Hephaestus who could breath smoke and fire. He ate some cattle and tricked their shepard, secretly a great hero, by making the cattle walk backwards to form a false trail. The hero managed to discover Cacus' cave nonetheless, and gripped the beast so hard all the blood in his body retreated.
A wise king, Midas gave Dionysus' foster father hospitality when he was lost. Collecting the satyr, Dionysus granted Midas one request, of which the king foolishly wished for a golden touch. He could not eat or drink, and eventually turned his own daughter to gold by accident.
A sculptor sculpted a statue based on his idea of a goddess, whom he named Galatea, and fell in love with. He prayed to Aphrodite, who granted his wish, and brought Galatea to life with the immediate love for the man who made her.
A simple swineherd in ancient lands. When Hades, in a rush to grasp his newly wife from the fields, opened a hole from the surface to the underworld, most of his lovely pigs fell into the underworld forever.
A lowly seamstress who was impressive with weaving. So good was she, that she touted she was better than Athena. Appearing to Arachne, the two had a contest. Despite how crude the content was, Athena knew Arachne was better than she, and as punishment and reverence, turned her into the first arachnid.
A young son of Hermes and musician who played the panpipes, Daphnis was seduced to lay with a princess by laced wine. For his actions, he was blinded with stone. In an attempt to console himself with song, Daphnis did not hear the cliff that he fell from. Hermes, in sympathy, turned Daphnis into rock fully.
Grandsons of Ares, Agrius and his brother Oreius were half-man and half-bear, and were aggressive by nature due to their mother being forcefully laid with a bear. The gods loathed them for it so, that one came to chop their hands and feet off. In retaliation, Ares turned the brothers into a vulture and an eagle owl respectively.
rule one.
Follow RPNs listed rules as always, including the ones about being respectful especially. If someone is uncomfortable with something, avoid it or speak with them about the topic. All characters must be at least 19, and any explicit scenes should fade to black.
rule two.
I'd like for this to be quality, but I always feel like post length slows me down. I don't mind the length as long as it looks and sounds good, and isn't one sentence replies to other people. For post consistency, let's say at least one a week to begin with, and we can workshop that if it needs changing.
rule three.
Be sure to let me know if you have any questions. Any more, and I'll add them here as need be.
say to you
what you would
♡coded by uxie♡
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