Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]

Yeah, two people have asked to join. I haven't approved them but I haven't kicked them out either.

EDIT: All information about the first dungeon has been posted including floors, enemies, and the optional boss.
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Figures. Even when you put "Not Accepting" in the title of the OOC, some people hit that join button without even looking.
^ It's not uncommon for that to work. A lot of people don't want to reject anyone and just ignore the original limit whenever someone attempts to join in any manner.

Serious problem, that. Quality always drops off a cliff shortly after in my experience.
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I haven't kicked them out just in case we need more people in the RP.

Also, I forgot to mention in the IC but everyone receives ¥4800 (minus the ¥800 owed to Trish so ¥4000 really) as a result of the boss battle.
Just a heads up that I'll be busy for mostof this weekend.  I might not be able to post, so I guess you can assume that Takemi is following with the group.  

Also, I'm getting eye surgery on the 13th, and I don't know how many days I'll have to rest for.  Shouldn't be more than a few. 
I know! Why don't you guys just get eye patches. You know how badass you'll look? Sure, you'll have problems with depth perception but it's a worthwhile trade.
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I know! Why don't you guys just get eye patches. You know how badass you'll look? Sure, you'll have problems with depth perception but it's a worthwhile trade.

"+10 max hp every 5 visits"  

Watch everyone use the fitness center every free time for the next few game weeks.  
This is kind of off topic but has anyone seen the new Persona 5 OVA? It looked pretty diddly dang amazing.
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Weekly Pay(In yen)





File Clerk:








"+10 max hp every 5 visits"  

Watch everyone use the fitness center every free time for the next few game weeks.  

Every character ends up looking like this:


@jonamonszx I saw it and, yes, it was pretty great! Glad it was a side story and nothing related to the main plot. Music is too OP as usual. Based Meguro.

@TheForgottenDoll Thanks for the update ^^
I'm trying to go in as blind as possible for P5 myself. It's been really, really difficult. X_X

If the OVA is completely unrelated I may view it. Or maybe save it as a post-game bonus, dunno.
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@Ammy It basically is spoiler-free. It just shows how the Phantom Thieves would operate during a side mission in the Mementos Dungeon (if you have no idea what that is then you may consider that a spoiler). If you really want to go in completely blind then I guess you can save it for later.
Hmm, @Katakon hasn't been on since Saturday and it's been at least half of week already since my last post. I think I may just go ahead and make a post later today.
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You should probably PM him too.  That way he might get notified by email if he hasn't turned that option off. 

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