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Fandom Persona: First Awakening CS


I can't Sleep
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)







Element (Unless Navigator)

Role on Investigation team

Weapon (Please be descriptive)

Ranged Weapon




Bruno Lorenzo



Bruno is typically secretive of his motives and reasons for fighting alongside the Investigation team. He acts a little cold and distant to his comrades but will step up to help them, showing he has some care for them. Bruno has a manipulative personality, which he will use to his advantage and try to manipulate people to his cause. His agenda matters more to him than saving the world from doom. Despite this, Bruno does not like doing evil acts and does not derive pleasure from it. He sees himself as a neutral party as opposed to the others in the Investigation team. Bruno can be calm and collected during battle, even managing to crack small jokes. He sees the lives of the Investigation team as something to keep an eye on, other than disregarding it. Bruno questions if he really wants the Dark World to end and return to a meaningless life.



Jullius Cesar

Element (Unless Navigator)

Role on Investigation team
PSI User/Gear Supplier

Weapon (Please be descriptive)
Bruno's weapon is a gladius, which was a sword that the Romans used. starting from the 3rd century BC and until the 3rd century AD. Linguistically, within Latin, the word also came to mean "sword", regardless of the type used.

Ranged Weapon

Use the Dark World to his advantage and reap the benefits of it.

Returning to his meaningless life.

Bruno was born in Florence Italy to two parents who were working for the Government. Growing up, Bruno had a normal childhood with nothing of note until his teenage years, since he moved to Angel Island. The boy hated it there and wanted to go home. He got bullied at school and did not fit in with the other kids, until he discovered the Dark World randomly. Bruno soon awakened to his Persona and traveled the Dark World. The male was suddenly powerful, or at least powerful enough to summon a persona. Bruno however knew about the various dungeons that littered Dark World, not being strong enough to infiltrate them by himself. So, he was unable to get any good treasures yet.
I'm gonna puut this here to save it



Gender: Female


Sexuality: Bisexual

Arcana: Tower

Persona: Benkei

Element: Physical/Almighty

Role: The blade of the investigation team

Weapon: Dual wielded katana's, both engraved with her family name. They have dark purple handles and dark purple sheathes as well. They were given to her by her father.

Ranged Weapon: Silenced Pistol



Name: Theya/n Archambeau

Age: 25

Gender: Genderfluid

Personality: Theya/n is the kind of person who skulks around looking for dirt on you, but never what you'd expect. Never are they looking for the deep dark secret you've been keeping in hopes that no one would ever question your worth should it ever come to light. No, they find that really embarrassing time your friends tricked you into dressing up for a fake holiday at school. They're just in it for a laugh, nothing serious. Don't misunderstand though, those skills are no joke.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Arcana: Justice

Persona: Chevalière d'Éon

Element: Bufu

Role on Investigation team: Bufu user, spy, tinkerer sometimes.

Weapon: The rope dart is often seen as a complicated and impractical weapon in the context of a straightforward 1v1 fight. But why play things fair? Theya/n certainly doesn't.

Ranged Weapon: Throwing knives are simple and succinct, as long as you keep eyes on.

Motivations: The Dark World is an unnatural place not for humans to defile and twist to their own selfish ends. That makes it their job to strike down anyone who would and find a way to close off the Dark World for good.

Fears: Being the one to make the harder decisions, leave that to people more capable people.

History: Theya/n was born a woman, but their parents were convinced otherwise. They needed a son after all, a little nepo-baby to bring up into the family business of espionage. When your clientele fills your pockets the way they do, gotta make sure to protect the sanctity of the company: Enquête d'Éon. But after one particular mission, Theya/n got a hold of something they shouldn't have. Now the Dark World has opened up to them.​
Name: Li Mo-fang 李默芳/DJ ASURA (Alias)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: likes women

Arcana: Moon

Persona: Izumo-no-Okuni, the Idol Priestess. In the Dark World, Okuni takes the form of a woman carrying the ofuda and omamori associated with shrines, but dressed in the ornate hairstyle and attire of a geisha. Contrary to the style of kabuki, it also wears a blank face mask with a single eye opening.

Element: To be determined

Role on Investigation team: Observer/intelligence gatherer in the outside world, supporter (but not necessarily buffer) and distraction in the Dark World

Weapon: Gohei/Wand. In the Dark World, such an implement becomes sturdy enough to cause harm with a good swing, though it is not especially potent in itself.

Ranged Weapon: While in the Dark World, ASURA can conjure small speakers floating around her that can create waves or concentrated blasts of sound.

Motivations: To seek some manner of spiritual truth through the expression of her music, and even more to find her sister Fen-fang.

Fears: The truth she will find about Fen-fang's fate.


Several years ago, in an orphanage in the northern city of Obihiro, Hokkaido lived several children of varying ages and backgrounds. One of them was a teenager of apparent Chinese descent who had lived with the name Fen-fang (芬芳) as long as she could remember. Close to her was a younger girl who she knew to be called Mo-fang, who adored her greatly. Life in the orphanage was sometimes more difficult than for other kids, but there was something resembling happiness there. As one would expect, those among the youths who ended up not being adopted by the time they were 18 would have to leave and find proper work, but Fen-fang aspired to something greater. Ever the talented singer and guitarist, she wanted to chase her chance at becoming famous across the country, if not the world. So when the time came to leave, she bid 15 year old Mo-fang and the other kids goodbye and traveled to Angel Island with little more than her clothes and a beaten-up guitar.

Weeks turned into months turned into a year, and not a single word was heard from Fen-fang. "She's forgotten all about us now that she's chasing her dream." "She's probably washing dishes and scrubbing floors somewhere after having her dream crushed." Mo-fang refused to entertain such talk, and soon, she disappeared from the orphanage as well.

Some time later, a mysterious and iconoclastic DJ surfaced within the underground music scene of Angel Island, an asura rumored to have gone up into the mountains to study arcane arts and cultivate her spirit, only to return on a new wave of sound. Taking cues and liberal amounts of samples from folk music, DJ ASURA became the darling of the indie dance music scene.

During the day, Mo-fang interrogates and investigates any lead she can, trying to track down what happened to Fen-fang, while at night, ASURA explores the universe through a range of eccentric sounds.

While not specifically rude or aggressive, Mo-fang possesses a rather aloof and esoteric personality, alternating between laconic responses or non-sequitur and occultic speak in conversation. Even so, she has a certain care and concern for younger people and those facing hardship.

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