Persona a new investigation team

Also stole some Dr.pepper from Raviael it's yours If you agree if not then I'm blaming that on you too

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Hahah there anti elements also this fire does nothing all for three payments of 49.99 *thumbs up* *whispers* plus shipping and handling

from the legendary Shiro Okami
*randomly appears wearing Hawaiian shirt with shorts and a straw hat with shades* BUT WAIT THERES MORE! If you act now you'll get this free, thats right FREE, bottle of Dr. Pepper recently lifted by this dick from the Goddess Raviael!!!!
Oh my god did you hear that Kaz in the next hour if you order now not only will you get the cloths and dr.pepper but also a free life time supply of pizza rolls, we're practically giving things away now CALL NOW.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Warning: side affects of obtaining Dr. Pepper may include loss of ability to drink Dr. Pepper, health problems, blindness, you may continue to age backwards at an unprecedented speed giving a fate worse than death: pre-life, followed by death.
Lines may be busy but please stay on the line and wait for our beautiful receptionist to take your call. (Shit now we gotta find one of those)

from the legendary Shiro Okami

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