Persona a new investigation team

because we took up too many posts without anyone else replying or whatever.

Which, considering the circumstances of our characters...I find stupid. 
especially NOW in the rp.

Me and ever did that once.

He didn't say anything about it.
Yeah I remember at the beginning of this RP i had that happen to me because I commented to much it was with ever too

from the legendary Shiro Okami
well that was the beginning of the rp ok? that's when everybody was kinda coming together. You never want to do that at the beginning.

But I mean really...what other characters are going to come barging into adara's house? plus they wouldn't even know where she lived..

Only Raika would and she's kinda busy at the amusement park.
plus I'm pretty sure this rp has done this PLENTY of times.

if none of your other characters have nothing at all to do with ours, let us reply as we please. Ok? It makes sense if we were all in a group and we were just taking up replies and not waiting on other people's inputs. But it's basically two characters isolated from everyone else. If it's mid day for you and we already reach the limit of just before the midnight channel then that's when we STOP and wait for you guys to catch up. Really, I'm sure this rp has done it before.
SEE!? So don't get up our ass about it now! I'd understand if you were trying to fix something but NOTHING'S BROKEN
Yes~ ^u^ digi I ask for reasonable demand in the ability to post. So long as our characters have nothing to do with the other character's in the rp I don't see much of a problem.
yes i've learned that if you post too fast and your not the author of the rp some people might lose the notifications because they are not keeping up
hmm~ I see.

how about if they also tag at one another? like


that would work too?

and I can reason to that~

so as long as we aren't too fast we can have our ability to keep on with our postings~? ^u^
gotcha~ I'll keep my timing under check within replies~

thank you for reasoning with me~! ^u^

I'm in such a better mood now.

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