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Fandom Persona 5, Fall into Darkness Charrie Sheet


New Member





Second Awaking

Code name

Melee weapon

ranged weapon


(Not too picky on CS Sheets)

Major WIP

Name: Toru Tanaka

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality - Soft spoken and seemingly shy at first, in truth he simply taciturn but is otherwise very sociable with a sardonic sense of humour and blunt with his opinion when warranted. Loyal and protective to his friends, trying to act as group parent finding ways to take care of them, showing his care through action rather than word. He has a strong sense of justice, he is intelligent with a highly analytical mind and enjoys puzzles and mysteries. He does have a secret artistic side, enjoying cooking and in secret like to draw and write, though he lacks confidence to show it to anyone.

Arcana: Hanged Man

Persona: Noir Detective

Second Awaking: Sherlock

Code name: Wiseguy

Melee weapon: Estoc

ranged weapon: Tommy gun

Toru was born with seemingly very average circumstance. His father, a detective in the metropolitan police and his mother a classic home-maker. His family was not rich but it was comfortable despite his father single income. Toru was a shy child, keeping to himself most of his time, enjoying his video games, detective stories and manga. The love of video games had given him an interest in computers, and slowly began picking up skills in software development and hacking. He admired his father for being like the heroes in his detective stories, catching criminals and the like and so wanted to follow in his footsteps in some way.

However, as he grew older he began to develop some doubts about his father, he had noticed that the father did not resemble him in any way. Attempts to ask about this matter to his parents were quickly rebuffed with assurances, but the doubts remained. He took steps in his own way, sneaking into his parent's bedroom while they were away one night. His investigation took him down a rabbit hole which eventually lead him to discover that his mother was receiving regular monthly payments for an unknown sources since his birth, and it counted for a lot of his family's income. There was no name but he could not help feel there was a connection to his birth. He kept thoughts to himself for a time, not wanting to earn his families ire due to his shopping.

However, in the next few days, he found himself being followed wherever he went. Back and forth from school, when he went to clubs and met with friends. Always there were sinister looking man in suits following him about. When he mentioned it to his parents the both grew scared, particularly his mother but refused to tell him what was going on. One afternoon, he returned from school to find his mother was not home, only to arrive a few hours later having shown sighs she had been attacked. As he went to help her, he insisted on being told what was going on, and now he was not taking no for an answer. What he found out shocked him to his core.

In her youth, her mother had run away from home leaving abuse and earned a living becoming hostess and other roles a girl with her looks was accessible to her in the seedy side of the night life of Tokyo. In the process, she drew the eye of an important Yakuza boss Hisato Takayama. He pressed her to his "service" owning and using her. Eventually, she became pregnant with Toru through him which encouraged her to find a way out which difficult due to Hisato's possessive nature. It was hopeless for a while until she met her current husband, who was investigating a crime relating to the yakuza family. Unable to arrest the crime boss, they went for a bold plan. The attempted to blackmail him, aiming to reveal both the pregnancy as some stolen evidence to the public unless she was released and regular payments were made for Toru's care. Do their surprise it worked, and he had not be a problem since until now. For what reason... They did not know.
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Name: Katsuyori Shibata

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Arcana: Strength

Persona: Dempsey

Second Awaking: Balor

Code name: Champ

Melee weapon: Fists/ brass knuckles

ranged weapon: Saw-off Shotgun

Backstory: Born not knowing who his real mother or father were, he lived in a orphanage ever since he could remember. However it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows at Sunshine Orphanage. those who were in charge would often pit children against one another, winners got to eat for the day while the losers ate scraps of what ever was left over, and there was often nothing left. Katsuyori would go almost weeks without eating a real meal and he and the other "losers" would only get fed real meals when the owner or a investigator would pay them a visit giving them advance notice before doing so. On top of all that, Katsuyori was the smallest of the kids living in Sunshine which meant he was often bullied and beaten up. It was after one of those particularly bad beatings when Katsuyori found himself alone and starving in the living room area that he saw something that inspired him, A replay of a PPV event where a smaller boxer fought against someone seemingly twice his size and won! it was after seeing this that Katsuyori got up, body still sore, and began coping the movements. After learning how to box by watching the PPV over and over for a couple weeks, Katsuyori used it against the bullies. Even though he didn't win he still managed to knock down the "leader" but was still overwhelmed by the numbers. However, the beatings happened less frequently as Katsuyori got better at defending himself. This was something the adults did not like and after a "incident" involving his bullies and the adults, he ran away from there, opting to leave the very few things he had behind.

1000003129.pngKatsuyori would remain homeless as a child, stealing food and clothing just to survive. It wasn't until he got caught trying to steal food from a sushi restaurant that his young life got turned around. Instead of being reported to the cops the old man instead sat him down and fed him. To Katsuyori, it was weird seeing this adult not only feeding him but also asking him questions about him and unlike the other adults back at Sunshine, he seemed to genuinely care. Once Katsuyori was finished eating the old man made him a deal, he will give him a place to live as long as he helps around the restaurant and keeps out of trouble which Katsuyori agreed to since he didn't want to sleep on the street again.

Since then the old man unofficially adopted Katsuyori teaching him rules and responsibilities by giving him a job in his restaurant. He even was enrolled in school but was having troubles keeping up since he was so far behind. Not only that but Katsuyori often found himself getting in fights with bullies who tried to pick on him or other students. He was often lectured by both the staff and the old man the importance of just walking away but Katsuyori couldn't do that, not when it wasn't an option in Sunshine.

Katsuyori continued his love for boxing when the old man enrolled him into a gym. After school if Katsuyori didn't have a shift lined up he would spend hours at the boxing gym honing his craft and learning from the vets. Thanks to these boxing classes Katsuyori had an outlet to let out all those years of frustrations and his fights became few and far between, he didn't go out looking for fights anymore but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid to step in if someone was getting bullied or if someone thought he was a easy target.
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Name: Jose

Age: 4 in animal years

Gender: Male

Jose is a dick, and he often is rude to others making them hate him. But if he manages to find a group that he sticks with, he will be more mellow towards the members. Life is nothing short of meaningless to Jose being a construct made by the great Igor to help the Thieves, so he is nihilistic at times. Jose prefers to steal treasure from Palace's than actually make the ruler change their ways. But despite that, he will help the thieves out with their missions.



Melee weapon
His talons

Ranged Weapon
Spiky Feathers

Background: Unknown.

Hibana Liu

Age: 16


Arcana: Devil

Persona: Carmilla, the Bloodthirsty Lover

Second Awakening:
The Morrigan (tentatively, I might change my mind)

Code name: Asp

Primary weapons: Throwing Knives/Explosives


"There are some people who believe they were born for greatness. Who think that they deserve the world because of their blood. My dear Hibana, you and I know differently. We know that everything worth having must be striven for. That is why I, your mother, do all that I do. So that what you inherit is merely the foundation of an even greater future."

Few in the corporate world could claim not to know of the infamous, imperious Liu Fang-hua, current CEO of Xuehua Industries, the international mining and manufacturing conglomerate. She inherited it from her mother, who inherited it from her mother, the founder who built it up from a single tin mine in Yunnan. Ever business-minded, Fang-hua dedicated her life to advancing Xuehua's interests across the globe from her headquarters in China. Even more than her mother and grandmother, it seemed as if she had no interest in human relationships, and she might not produce a heir to inherit the company.

That changed one year, as she all but vanished from the public eye. Speculation about her health abounded, until she returned, declaring at a press conference that she had recently recovered from the birth of her first (and only) child, and would move her headquarters to Japan, seemingly a better environment to raise a child in.

And so it was that Hibana Liu was born. Despite her mother's supposed concern for her, they rarely spent time together growing up, their meetings mainly spent on Fang-hua encouraging Hibana to redouble her efforts in her studies, with particular emphasis on the financial and technical aspects of Xuehua Industries' works, all the more to make her a ready successor.

Surrounded mainly by household employees and few peers, Hibana obeyed. And when her curious mind dug into the affairs surrounding Xuehua's business practices, she didn't like what she saw. She learned about the deaths of miners overseas, about outsourced sweatshop labor producing Xuehua's line of electronics. Indeed, the whole reason Fang-hua had shifted operations to Japan was to ally herself with Akira Tomari, in order to open more plants under a Japanese subsidiary and avoid further legal troubles.

When Hibana brought this up to her dear mother, Fang-hua's response was curt.

"I do all this for you, my dear. So that you have a future. My grandmother clawed herself out of the dirt, and no child of mine, or yours, should have to do so again. Whatever the cost to anyone else."

Torn between her mother's care for her and her cruelty to everyone else, Hibana has become a young woman filled with doubt. Should she accept the easy fate laid out for her in spite of the cost to others? Or should she find a way to change things for the sake of justice?

Perhaps as she awakens a strange new power alongside new friends, and discovers more and more threads leading back to Tomari, she will have the chance she needs to fight against destiny...

This CS is still a WIP! Please proceed with caution. Hard hats on until I finish this in 4 years.
I'm working on it...gradually...
桜子 坂本
  • Basics
    FC: N/A (This is a OC!)
    Thirteen (13)
    13 March 2011
    Female (She/Her)
    Persona (Arcana)
    Isis (Healing)
    Second Awakening
    The Nine Tailed Fox (九尾の狐)
    3'7' (108cm)
    39.7lbs (18kg)
    Sakurako has beautiful blonde hair and beautiful sky blue eyes. She may look like a 5-year-old, but she's actually 13 years old! She loves wearing cute clothing and kimonos a lot! She looks like a goddess incarnate! (Idk what else to put here QwQ)
    Sakurako has autism, and she is literally the cutest and wholesome person ever! She is very innocent, and yet laughs at inappropriate jokes. She is kind-hearted and sweet and gentle, and yet she is shy, sensitive and a total scaredy-cat. (Idk what else to put here! QwQ)
    Anything cute, cherry blossoms, anything beautiful, animals, mythology, video games, singing, acting, kids (she is actually very good with them)
    The dark, the unknown, death, blood, losing her older brother, clowns, anything scary
Code by Nano
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