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Realistic or Modern "Perfect" World (Modern Supernatural Roleplay)


You're never gonna love me...so what the use?

Character Sheet






Species (Human, Vampire, Werewolf)

Form (Only if werewolf or vampire)

Sexual Orientation

Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Crush





(You can have as many characters as you desire)

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Britten Edmond Dawn



Britten Edmond Dawn


Britt, Almond













Hopeless romantic


Shows emotions at inappropriate times

Over-does things


Dying alone







Same as appearance


N/A Pm me


N/A Pm me


Cat named Jazzy



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[fieldset="Are you joking right now? ?&quot]


Dakota "Duck" Edward Davis






Dakota is a fairly short male, standing at 5'5", and holds a lean build. He has a small frame that gives him a slightly feminine appearance and dark blue eyes. Dakota's jaw holds a strong, square built jaw and a small chin. He has thin lips and a bigger-sized nose to go with his small face. His fingers are short and slightly chubby, and his Adam's apple isn't all noticeable.


Dakota is a rather energetic, happy child.

He's always cheerful, not allowing any of his emotional issues get in the way of his day. He locks them away until alone somewhere in which he feels comfortable crying. It's hard to get him to express his true emotions, and near-to-impossible to get him to admit his story.

Dakota's scared of everything, birds, bugs, heights, the dark, mirrors, you name it. His mother gave him a bathroom without a mirror just so he wouldn't freak out when going in there. Like, he wont enter a bathroom with a mirror at all. He also has a few deeper fears in which he never admits to like rejection, he has the fear of insanity or becoming insane, ect. When he is scared, he clings to the nearest object he can count as safe and covers his ears, closing his eyes. Not the best self-defense mechanism, but it's good enough for him.

Now, now, just because he seems like the go-lucky, friend zoning, "cool kid" doesn't mean he isn't rather bothersome. Oh, he is very bothersome in fact. He's quite the dare-devil, despite his long list of fears, and has gotten many injuries over his past. He'll do anything. He's also pretty bold.

It seems here we have quite the happy character. Dakota angers fairly easily, and when he does he isn't afraid to give snappy remarks. He despises being judged or having people talk about him in a nasty manner, and isn't afraid to show it. Kid doesn't have much strength, however, and so he was usually beaten on by other children in his past.




Closeted Homosexual



(PM If you wish to plan something out)


Dakota was born in a family of two, his father dying in an accident soon after his birth. His mother, lonely and depressed, decided to perform a couple sexual "experiments" on her son. Dakota, being only eight after three years of dealing with sexual harassment, had finally exposed his mother for the sick weirdo she was. Placed into the custody of his godmother, who was really a kind and sweet woman, Dakota was in safe hands.

None-the-less, the harassment had caused a deep wound in Dakota that ended up effecting his social life. He had trust issues towards everyone and tried to hide himself away because of his fears of people. This wounded his personality and made him act differently, lashing out at people and doing things most people wouldn't just to gain attention.


  • When touched by other people, Dakota tends to twitch and when put into an embrace he tries to get out of it as soon as possible.

  • Dakota bites his lip when nervous, excited, scared, or just trying to shut up. He has a large scar on the inside of his lower lip from chewing on it so much. He also chews on his knuckles, having bandages on his hands to cover it up. He tries to stop this quirk by chewing on gum instead.


Dakota's fears goes on and on like a long, never ending list. Although, his top, most majoring fears, are the ones he tries to avoid the most. When faced with these things, Dakota tends to shake vividly and avoid the problem by closing his eyes and crouching down to make himself as small as possible.

  • Rejection;; No one Noticing Him

  • Mirrors

  • Bugs;; Snakes;; Birds

  • The Dark

  • Insanity;; Going "Insane".


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Jayden Hayes


Age; Sixteen

Gender; Female


Personality; Introvert, Curious, Loner, Quiet, Shy, Hot-Headed, Emotional.

Species; Human

Sexual Orientation; Heterosexual

Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Crush; PM ME ?


Biography; Jayden lives with her mother after the tragic event of which her

father was shred apart by a couple of vampires. Her mother has known about it ever since

and didn't bring it up till a month later after her father's death. Jayden and her mother now have a risky

relationship, it's not going so well.

Quirks; When she talks to people her face automatically gets red, can't look people in the eyes.

Fears; Vampires, Loosing another one of her loves ones, being alone.

Extra; Has a brother.


Name: Matt Breaker

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Personality: Matt is easygoing and friendly, and can talk his way into or out of anything. He likes to avoid violence, though he can certainly handle it when it happens. He is very talkative, and even talks to random strangers.

Species: Human

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Crush: T.B.D

Biography: Matt lived with his mom in a crummy part of town. His dad left him when he was young and his mom was having trouble keeping a job. Because of this, Matt worked extra hard in school. He graduated high school with a 4.3 GPA, and currently works a job from his apartment as a freelance mural artist, as well as a part-time MMA instructor.

Quirks: Matt uses his hands when talking a lot to make gestures and to emphasize points. When worried, he touches his hair a lot.

Fears: Matt's true fear is his mom getting in a bad scenario. He is also scared of escalators.

Extra: Matt is not scared at all of the supernatural, he acknowledges them and doesn't run from them, but instead talks.

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Everleigh Cavalier







Appearance (ONLY REALISTIC):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/alice_levine.png.a9517b2efec6314fad6445085f20afc4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/alice_levine.png.a9517b2efec6314fad6445085f20afc4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Evie is the shy type who usually doesn't like to stand out from a crowd. Another thing is she doesn't like crowds and will often stay in areas where only a few people go to or hang out. She's very quiet in class and doesn't recite much but she's incredibly smart. Because of her shyness, she is able to observe how people act and read their gestures, basing a simple theory of how the person is based in their movements.

Species (Human, Vampire, Werewolf):


Sexual Orientation:


Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Crush:



Evie has a long history of domestic violence because her mother died. Her father was forced into alcoholism and married another woman named Beth. whilst sleeping with a few stragglers. She now lost count of how many half siblings she received from those other "mothers" of hers. Since she was the only child of her real mother, Beth beats her for it, believing that no matter what she does, Evie will have a special place in her father's heart. She eventually took off right after her 18th birthday and now lives anywhere, along the sidewalks, on park benches, in McDonald's. She finds some dollars and quarters dropped along the streets and that's what she lives on.

Every once in a while, she breaks into her old home and gets her clothes there. When Beth is gone, that's when she robs her own home for things that will help her survive.


Evie always has a jacket or hoodie on because she is sensitive to touch. If she is touched by someone, she will either scream, break down, run away or on rare cases, she'll stop to talk.


She has an overwhelming fear of public speaking or speaking in front of a lot of people. Because of her previous relations with Beth, she developed a fear of forming bonds with people with the anxiety that they will turn against her in the future.


Although she prefers not to be associated with anyone, she curses herself for not having the courage to make friends.



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  1. Name: Raven Becanan Morningstar
    Age: 17
    Gender: Genderfluid
    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_muwcxge2fq1s0f926o1_400.jpg.90cf5456a5d1a8282922535d734b1fcc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112296" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_muwcxge2fq1s0f926o1_400.jpg.90cf5456a5d1a8282922535d734b1fcc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
    Personality: Dark, Dangerous, Rebellious, Sly, Sarcastic, Trustworthy
  2. Species: Vampire
    Form: Like picture above, only with fangs
    Sexual Orientation: Attracted to males no matter what
    Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Crush: Pm me or TBD
    Biography: She was born in a nice family, she was a good kid with dreams and aspirations. (But that all changed when the fire nation attacked) But that went to dirt when a vampire by the name of Sebastian broke in her house, raped and turned her. The raping was so vicious that she still had PTSD to this day. Whenever she so much as hears the phrase 'Little girl' she is thrown into a flashback that usually ends in her curled up in a ball, crying. The week she was turned she refused to believe that she was a vampire and in her ignorance, her thirst took over and lead to her killing her mother and father. She ran from home and hasnt stopped running since, even if it was two years ago.
    Quirks: She bites her lip all the time, and when she is nervous she taps out her favorite song, The Wasp by Motionless in White or Helena by My Chemical Romance.
    Fears: None. She refuses to let fear control her.
    Extra: She always wears these glowing Nekomimi headphones, never takes them off. It was the last thing her parents gave her before they died.



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Character Sheet

Name: Zora Huq

Age: 150

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.62a43f807b05624770888961a0dc7e8e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112387" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.62a43f807b05624770888961a0dc7e8e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Zora is shy and mysterious. When she opens up to you she can be bubbly, supportive and energetic. Get in her bad side and she will be cruel, sharp and will stop at nothing to bring you down.

Species: Vampire

Form: same as appearance just her fangs grow in and her eyes go red.

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Girlfriend: Pm me

Crush: not sure yet

Biography: After being turned, she was abandoned in the woods and left to fend for herself. Most of it to her is a blur but she remembers the moment her teeth sank down ... Into her mothers neck.

Quirks: Bites her nails and talks to herself sometimes.

Fears: Darkness, clowns (hey, clowns are creepy!) and bears.

Extra: Likes to talk about things you won't understand.

Has a tattoo of a teapot on her shoulder blade

Has a mouse named Misstress Teapot, also a vampire mouse.



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Name: Chyanne Sumter

Age: 212 {stuck at age 17}

Gender: Female



Sexual orientation: Straight

Personality: She is a good girl on the outside but boy if you make her angry she'll hurt you in a second. She is VERY protective if you mess with someone she loves be ready for a battle..She is good at getting her way and to persuade someone. She try's to stay away from humans as much as possible for she is not able to control her thirst that well. She is a person that if she loves you then she'll always protect you even if you hate her.

Species: Vampire

Form: Same as her appearance but fangs.

Boyfriend: n/a no one yet

Crush: n/a no one yet

Biography: She has been rejected and hurt many times from past loves. She has killed sadly many times in the 212 years she's been a vampire. She was also changed by a past vampire she loved.

Quirks: Loving and protective. Also, she knows how to win a fight.

Fears: Killing or hurting some she loves. Being feared by people.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Bradlee.jpg.7f2a938c1a95a6bcda301364d7f7fcac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Bradlee.jpg.7f2a938c1a95a6bcda301364d7f7fcac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Niklaus Davenport(Klaus)

Age: 16

Gender: male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8ee89157_BradleeV2.jpg.1499cb6ae413a84341a3fd727d3e3ebd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116375" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8ee89157_BradleeV2.jpg.1499cb6ae413a84341a3fd727d3e3ebd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Fun, really jumpy, loyal, helpful,sarcastic

Species (Human, Vampire, Werewolf):werewolf

Form (Only if werewolf or vampire):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8ee8cafc_Niklausswolf.jpg.7a724a0d1bd7b13c9edeebe6b4d9cfef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8ee8cafc_Niklausswolf.jpg.7a724a0d1bd7b13c9edeebe6b4d9cfef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexual Orientation: gay all the way(open homosexual)

Boyfriend / Girlfriend / :

None at the moment

Biography: being a werewolf runs in Klaus's family and on his 16th birthday he finally turned into his wolf form, in his family werewolves with a white coated wolf form were considered omegas and a disgrace to the pack. his family has been torturing him ever since but somehow he is still remains a loyal and helpful person.

Quirks: Klaus touches his hair.. a lot, he always runs his hand through it when he is frustrated or angry

He also bites his lip when ever he is nervous or uncomfortable .


Spiders{deathly afraid of them}

Clowns{will break down in tears if he sees one}

stronger wolves{he feels as if they are going to pick on him}

Extra: Klaus loves being in the woods

His hair is naturally white but he some time changes it to black or blue with hair dye

his eyes sometimes turn gold with emotion

He also does gymnastics

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8eeb36d3_BradleeV3.jpg.79a2cb869e1e9688d6783a70c7dcd21c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116383" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8eeb36d3_BradleeV3.jpg.79a2cb869e1e9688d6783a70c7dcd21c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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