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Fandom Percy Jackson x Harry Potter Meeting


Hey! So, I had this idea sometime ago and I'd like to know if any of you are interested in participating! Here's the thing: Imagine somehow the protagonists of Percy Jackson and Harry Potter got teletransported to a room where they could meet themselves and share their adventures... And maybe, if you're willing to, we could create an adventure between the two worlds, where they experience both realities... It's just an idea, but if enough people (by that I mean Golden Trio, at least one teacher, Voldemort, Chiron, most important PJ heroes, Kronos, etc.) join, then we can decide every single detail. I think it'll be funny to have like the heroes and villains meeting each other, the Stoll brothers talking about pranks with Fred and George... Again, let's ignore the fact some of the characters are dead, okay? We can even make this emotional scenes of them meeting the friends who died and stuff... Sounds cool? Oh and tell me if you prefer only the first pj series or HOO too! :D New Ideas are ALWAYS wanted.

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