Percy Jackson: The Newest Tributes


The Clawed Fauni
Big three Spots

1. Me

2. Raptor Michaels

3. Reserved







Godly parent:

Appearance(Picture please):




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Name: Noctis Caelum

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Godly parent: Ares

Appearance(Picture please):


Personality: Noctis is a shy person, but he initially tries to hide this by "acting cool"although in reality Noctis is not cool, but rather an ordinary young man who acts tough because he feels it is his duty. As a result, he sometimes acts rashly or overestimates his strength.

Other: We unite, Glove turns into sword when removed.
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:N a m e:

Raptor Michaels

:A g e:


:G e n d e r:


:S e x u a l i t y:


:G o d l y p a r e n t:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_lgkwqwADP61qfz845o1_500_large.png.72d39010cd2921e64a10e934a20adb21.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_lgkwqwADP61qfz845o1_500_large.png.72d39010cd2921e64a10e934a20adb21.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

:P e r s o n a l i t y:

Raptor has kind of a cool and edgy exterior, often coming off as the type to not particularly care about any one given thing... Though on the inside however he is a total neat freak who obsessing over every little imperfection. This is mainly because he has a strong case of OCD, and if so much as one strand of hair is out of place he will blow a casket.

Raptor usually can hold most of his anger away, looking for more of a calm route to take, but unfortunately he can barely manage his anger issues. He'll get upset (haha, "Hell") and sometimes even throw a fit just to get his way, which makes him seem younger than his actual age.

On top of all his anger management issues, he can't control most of his regular emotions either. So if he's even the slightest bit sad, Raptor will break out into tears and cry. Same goes for if he's happy, as he might cry tears of joy.

When it comes to speaking with people, Raptor can typically get along just fine with others... Although he isn't especially a people person; choosing to stay inside the house or just wear his headphones all the time, rather than go out and be sociable.

Raptor has a very dry and sadistic sense of humor, making him laugh his you-know-what off if someone gets hurt. He also enjoys bearing pain himself as he is a masochist...

More of his personality quirks are to be revealed however, in the roleplay. Same goes for his past, and affiliations.

:o t h e r:

Raptor really likes music and skateboarding. He once had a band back when he was a sophomore in highschool, but further information on that matter is not to be discussed with him.

He also really likes sweets and candies.

"we unite"



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Name: Pallasia "Pallas" Crosby




Godly parent:

Appearance(Picture please):

Pallas is a brave, spirited natural leader, and is willing to risk her life to save friends, family, strangers, and sometimes even enemies. She has a sarcastic and smart sense of humor, and a laid-back demeanor. Pallas remains true and never goes back on her word. However, she is definitely not perfect. Pallas is somewhat short-tempered, and thus has trouble controlling her anger (such as when she sees bullying) and tends to do or blurt out things before thinking, no matter the consequences, causing her to get into a lot of trouble. She also feels responsible for everyone and anything which goes wrong. She knows that she has the same "brooding" look as her father, that always branded her a rebel, Pallas can also be derisively sarcastic and moody, and she dislikes being manipulated or forced to obey.

Other: (We Unite)

Ring turns into Sword when Twisted.

Name: Kent Harrison


Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Affiliation: Protagonists

Godly Parent:


God of wine, parties and festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, drugs, and ecstasy

Personality: Fun, easygoing.

Powers: Can influence peoples feelings, turning them mad, crazy, happy, etc. He can have a huge beer and drug tolerance. He also can feel others feelings, hopes, and fears, which is how he manipulates feelings. He is also good with musical fields

Weapon: Two small axes.

Mist Version: A guitar and ukulele


I Will Drink the blood of the gods!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!

Please- I cant hold him back...

Name: Jason Mathers

Jason Killjoy



Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi

I Kill equally :)

Affiliation: both

Godly Parent: Janus, two-faced god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings and endings.

Personality: Killjoy is Mathers other personality. He loves to kill. Mathers always tries to fight him back, and is very timid

Powers: Able to create Portals, and bring back dead for 4 minutes


Mist Version:

No need to have mist... If i have them, i plan to kill you with them!





Felix Dion







?Godly parent?

Hecate, Goddess of Magic, the Mist and Crossroads


Felix is outgoing and helpful. He can be overconfident of his abilities, he thinks he's the best Hecate Child in camp. He's silly and likes to crack jokes, he can be seen helping make potions to help the Hermes cabin play pranks, not for free though. He always expects something in return, he doesn't do things for charity. Unless it has to do with saving a friend. His fatal flaw is Hubris for he has deadly pride. He's been dying to go on his own quest and leave the camp he's spent his childhood in.




We unite

Name: Spencer Hastings

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Godly parent: Athena, Goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, useful arts, and battle strategy.

: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6822b6c_TroianBellisariotyltqUZ86KE.jpg.c4fde1f9d709876a6dbfceb22f5e7e4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6822b6c_TroianBellisariotyltqUZ86KE.jpg.c4fde1f9d709876a6dbfceb22f5e7e4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Spencer is Sarcastic, Intelligent, and will fight for her loved ones no matter the cost


Bow & Arrow or Sword.



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Liara Rose







Godly parent:


Appearance(Picture please):

:) ]




Like her Mother, shes a very calculating girl, but she hides it well. She loves to have her nose in a book making her the ultimate bookworm. This also makes her a bit of an introvert. She loves to sit and plan ways to grow through situation, but she's also quick to make decisions on the spot. She also seems to be quite artistic, drawing and singing in her free time. Her drawings can range from battle strategies (which she offers to the Ares cabin) weapon designs (Hephaestus) or just simple drawings and sketches.

Conversation wise, she has quite the awkward spirit, and is quite goofy as well; putting out a carefree aura. She is quite observant as well, noting people that she would like to know, and others that she would rather stay away from; and due to her upbringing, she doesn't trust that many. She has proven to have a sweet, kind nature once you get to know her, and when she gets nervous, she tends to ramble.

Her fighting style includes a bow and arrow that she found when she first entered the camp. She calls it Akira <3 She is a sharpshooter and prefers to stay away from the main front, a strategist from the sidelines.

At first, when training, she can be pretty aggressive and headstrong, making her a good teacher. Unfortunately, this is also a bad thing. Many new campers get scared by her stern training lectures and intimidating fighting style.


Explained through the RP


We Unite <3
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David Exodus

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Godly parent: Ares

Appearance: Exodus has a beard along with a muscular physique

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Exodus.jpg.9c3d59b4c4ee4c61dc401c8a98562721.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Exodus.jpg.9c3d59b4c4ee4c61dc401c8a98562721.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


David is very disciplined and serious. He is also over protective and he can be very aggressive when threatened. The children and teenagers at the camp are his main concern. He would do anything to guarantee their safety, even if it meant sacrificing himself. He can also get into a rage mode when he is taking a severe beating. Though the disadvantage is that he will lose control of himself, making him unpredictable when he is consumed by rage.


David, the son of Ares and Lucy Exodus is an excellent warrior. He is an expert in hand to hand combat. He has also mastered the use of many weapons. The special abilities that he possesses are his super strength and super durability. During his rage mode, his strength increases the more angry he gets. At times he is compared with Hercules himself. He was mentored by Percy Jackson during his prime days and he was treated like a son. He has been given the task of training the demigod kids and teenagers at the camp. He is unsure and doubts himself greatly with the task given, but he is willing to try in honor of Percy.

Other: We Unite



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Name: Maika Arundete

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Godly parent: Poseidon

Appearance(Picture please):

Personality: Miki is a man hater. She hates flirts, jerks and bullies and will not tolerate them. She loves to sing and draw. She is a total nerd. Her singing has been said to be the fairest in the land. But on the inside of her fiery shell, she is soft and insecure, but it's hard for her to let anyone see that that she does not trust.

Bio(Optional): Revealed in rp.


Hidden as this

Other: We Unite
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Name: Michael Valdez

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Godly parent: Leo Valdez, whose godly parent is Hephaestus

Appearance(Picture please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/blacksmith.png.267848493f3bdc1b30c7f120b8065093.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20206" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/blacksmith.png.267848493f3bdc1b30c7f120b8065093.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Like his father, Michael is a very big jokester. He always builds small constructions as a hobby and can sometimes be HORRIBLY impatient. However, on the flip side, Michael is extremely outgoing and almost never gets angry. He is the one known for doing virtually any stupid thing that a person can do

Bio(Optional): His bio isn't really interesting. For all of his life, things have been normal for him.

Other: Like his father, Michael was conceived with a magical tool belt that can generate any tool, as long as he is concentrated on it

Password: WE UNITE



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I'll try here.

Are you still accepting? 

Benjamin Daniel Grey


16 approaching 17





Godly parent:

Apollo, God of the Sun, the Arts, Medicine, Prophecy, and Light



Benjamin stands at 5'11" tall and boasts an athletic build. His eyes are an orange brown that flicker in a way that mimics the sun. He also has several scars from training, the most noticeable runs from his nose to his right cheekbone.


For the most part, Benjamin is a happy-go-lucky person. He enjoys joking around and doesn't seem to take many things too seriously. Many of his actions are enacted on impulse, although in serious and tactical situations he can be highly strategic; even if a child of Athena is more reliable. He is highly protective of his little sister, making it well known that she is off limits.


The Grey siblings were born to a working class mother who struggled to support the small family. She was well aware of who the father of her children were and often tried to reestablish contact and ask for help and good blessings. These prayers were rarely heard and the children were kept in the dark.

Benjamin was quite the troublemaker in school, often causing him and Brooklyn to end up in trouble. As the two grew, their father visited once and left the two gifts for when they were older. Apollo mostly talked with their mother about how they would be targets of monsters in the near future and they would have to go to Camp Half-Blood. Their mother knew that if she married a normal human she could hide them for longer, so that's what she did. She married a rich businessman, who seemed kind enough. The problems came when he traveled and the siblings scent became more noticeable.

School hadn't improved much for Ben, who was still a troublemaker, but he had unknowingly befriended a satyr that helped keep him on the right track. Ben finally realized who his friend was when Brooklyn was attacked by a harpy on their way home and was saved by the satyr. Their mother then told them of their father's true identity and allowed for them to travel to camp. They have lived there for five years now and are year round campers.




Benjamin's weapons are a black recurve bow and a magical quiver that self replenishes with celestial bronze arrows. It takes about four minutes to fully replenish when depleted. He also has a pair of celestial bronze bowie knives that hidden as leather wristbands.




Brooklyn Holly Grey







Godly parent:




Brooklyn stands at 5'4" tall with eyes that match her brother's, although they are brighter. She is athletic from training at camp, with occasional scars.


Brooklyn in many ways is just like her brother. She is a laid back individual and a somewhat of a tomboy from her brother's influence. She is a more serious person, Benjamin's immature antics annoying her. She despises Benjamin's protectiveness of her since she believes she is fully capable of making decisions.


(See Benjamin's bio)



Brooklyn also possesses a dagger for close range combat that is hidden as a charm on a chain bracelet.


We Unite.

N a m e

Marshall Baudelaire

- - - - -

A g e


- - - - -

G e n d e r


- - - - -

S e x u a l i t y


- - - - -

G o d l y P a r e n t


- - - - -

W e a p o n

A Marble Stone


When activated [by pressing it against any surface], turns into a

Greek Short Dagger


- - - - -

A p p e a r a n c e


- - - - -

P e r s o n a l i t y

Marshall has a complex relationship when it comes to people. He hates them, but he also loves them. There are times when he just doesn't want to hang around with them because he suddenly gets this burst of internal hate towards them ; usually when he's around people. Most of the time though, he loves people. He is very kind in nature, and also a bit of a gentleman. Marshall is also open to anyone ; you'd most likely get to know stuff about him really fast within a couple of days since he'd share some things about him when you converse with him. Even though he is social butterfly, he thinks that he doesn't have that many friends. For him, a friend is who he can easily talk to to, or approach. And he doesn't see that much kind of people around him. On another note, Marshall is easily distinguished as a fashionista.

- - - - -

B i o

The Baudelaires is a middle-classed family who lives in the suburbs. His only parent was his Father, and he is Damian Baudelaire. Damian is an artist and was a model in his mid 20s ; He had been selling his art pieces for many years and had grown tired of his passion, and looked for something else artistic to do while he kept his job as an artist. And so he had begun creating art decor made of wood, and clay and created his own shop for both his artwork and his art decor not too far from their house. Marshall had be very curious about who his Mother was; his father didn't want him to find out the real truth for who he had fallen for, for he thought that Marshall wouldn't accept it and think that he was crazy, so he came up with a lie for it and just said that she was a foreigner and had disappeared one day. Marshall had a strong feeling that that wasn't the truth, and he was determined that one day he'd find out who she was. Years passed, and an answer had come to him a month before he had his fourteenth birthday.

While he was on the park, watching the birds by the bird bath, his -- and not to mention disabled -- best friend who was named Jash Praire came by and sat beside him by the park bench. They were talking about designs for a cake Jash had planned on making, when suddenly he had gaped at him. Marshall had asked what was wrong, and Jash just pointed at the fountain beside the bird bath for an answer. Marshall stood and looked over the fountain. He found himself gaping too, but it wasn't because of his hairstyle (which he would often be conscious about), it was for the fact that an enormous pink symbol with a dove on it had appeared on top of his head. From there, everything had happened fast ; He saw Jash with legs that were not disabled nor human, he saw goat legs. He explained what that symbol meant and explained his goat legs and said that he was a child of the Love Goddess (he didn't know how to spell her name and had surely thought it was "Afrodite") ; basically Jash said that he was a demigod. Then he went home with Jash, still weirded out by his goat legs, and his father hadn't been surprised when Jash came bursting in on his house and screamed "HE KNOWS MR. DAMIAN". The next thing he knew, he stayed in Camp Half-Blood for the next of his 3 years of summer.

- - - - -

O t h e r

We Unite

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Name: Celestine Grace


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Godly parent: Artemis the goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, the natural environment, protector of the young, and presides over childbirth.

Appearance(Picture please):
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-4_20-1-23.jpeg.07fb6ff0464eef449d16bbdfb2b39423.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-4_20-1-23.jpeg.07fb6ff0464eef449d16bbdfb2b39423.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Celestine's personality depends on what time you want to talk to her. Sometimes she can be reckless, impulsive, or distant. Other times she can be bold, confident, courageous. Though most of the time she is smiling and happy. Though she will strike up a conversation with anyone willing to talk to her. She somewhat feels that it is her job to welcome the new campers into camp. She is loyal to her friends. Yet sometimes she does keep things tucked away like she shouldn't have to bother them with her own problems. Her fatal flaw is that sometimes she thinks that she is useless to a certain person.

Bio(Optional): Celestine wasn't born in the normal way a human being is born. In fact she once wasn't even a human, she was a stag. When Artemis found Celestine, it was when she was a stag but, she was fatally injured and it was likely that she wouldnt survive. Of course being Artemis' patron animal, she could not just leave the stag there to die. So she healt the stag but because it was so close to death, it didn't come back as a stag. Instead it came back as a human baby girl. Artemis being a goddess, had no time to take care of a child so she placed her in an orphanage. Luckily Celestine was adopted by a loving father. At the time she didnt think it was weird not having a mother. Later on in her life her father told her who her mother was for Artemis herself had told him that it was time she knew. So now she is at camp with the others like her.

Weapons:Bow and arrow:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-4_20-25-47.jpeg.8f844e00b2a83499321a32ee196a6bc2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-4_20-25-47.jpeg.8f844e00b2a83499321a32ee196a6bc2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Other: (We Unite)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-4_20-26-4.jpeg.7636fe21432f10ce86c67f983aa6cbb2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21927" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-4_20-26-4.jpeg.7636fe21432f10ce86c67f983aa6cbb2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Derik "lover boy'" Fischer

Age: 16

Gender: male

Son of: Aphrodite

Sexuality: out and proud homosexual (is crushing on Blake)


Personality: kind, caring, sky, embarrasses easy

Bio: Derik was taught at a young age by his father that being gay was a sin. Derik came to Camp Half Blood after he came out of the closet to his father and was kicked out of his house and forced to live on the streets until he was brought to camp half blood.







Name: Blake Shifter

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: closeted gay

Godly parent: Ares


Personality:Blake isn't you average Ares cabin kid. He's not ultra tall and buff like the other kids and he does things like still sleeping with his old teddy bear but he still is an Ares camper after all so he loves fighting,wrestling (watching and doing). He's gotten in trouble before for starting fights with other campers.

Bio: will be explained in roleplay





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