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Fandom Percy Jackson|| The Knights of Olympus

I have no idea where to throw my characters. Anyone open or w/e?
Kai just arrived at camp in a pretty dramatic fashion, so there's that. I think erzulie erzulie 's character, Basil, is open too. I'm not sure about any others.

On a different note, any of you guys heard of PbtA games before?
bow down to your king
blake culver
blake the monster hunter
  • "well that isn't very kind": personality
    Blake is calm and cool, a very controlled and stoic man when it comes to practically any matter. Being raised in the hardened and cold streets of Memphis Tennessee, where he had to endure constant abuse and harassment by gangs and practically everyone he met, he was rather alone. He had to mature very quickly in his household, with a prostitute mother and a long gone father, people constantly going in and out of his house, gangs, robbers, you name it. He hardened and instead of letting himself fall, picked himself up and became stronger from it. He's very blatant on any and every matter, stating his opinion without really holding regards for anyone elses feelings on the matter. If he sees someone ugly or weak, he will tell them outright that they are ugly, or the latter, weak. Don't get him wrong, yes he is empathetic, and has emotion, but he was raised in such a way that emotion wasn't as important as power, and that made him suppress it to such a large degree. Power and strength, it was everything, and from a young age he could also even see that morality was held in high regards. The Gangs he was raised by, even the gang he joined, they'd do horrible things, unspeakable things, but there was always some unspoken rule. Some bond they all held when it came to morality. Be it no harming children, the high love and respect they felt for those who'd helped them in the past, mostly their mothers and family members, even the respect between gangs. Those also became important to him, and became engraved into his mind, and as you can see, his personality.

    Blake has a very strict code that he goes by, a sort of mental code that he refuses to break. This code has existed ever since he joined prince in Memphis, he abides by it and follows it without fail. No one really knows what his code is, and he doesn't share it with people, but one could possibly determine it by his actions. He holds his will and morality as some of his most powerful aspects, as they both push and drive him and act as his motivation. Blake is also highly intelligent, while not the best when it comes to book smarts, his morality, logic, judgement, and overall adaptability constantly puts him in a sort of senior leader manner when he meets new people. He's the one people go to when they need a decision made, he's the one everyone goes to for advice and to rant to, he's the one you go to when you want to hear the truth. He's the adult of the group, and is the one that demands respect, and gains it. He's a warrior at heart, and regardless of how much he claims he doesn't like fighting and would rather shy away from it, when placed in front of an enemy with high amount of power, you can practically see his body shaking with excitement. And he can never wipe away that grin on his face from battle. Some even mistaken him for a child of Ares because of it.
colored tabs
(Full) Name: Comet nightstar
Nicknames: Comet, Star (prefers comet but doesnt mind the name star)
Age: 17
Godly Parent: Hades
Gender: female
Sexuality: heterosexual (straight)
Birthplace: salem massachusetts
Years at camp: around 2 or 3 years

Hair: white
Eyes: red
Height/Weight: around 5'7 and weighing in at 190 pounds
Build: slender feminine
Scent: optional) unknown to her
Speech Dialect: she only speaks english though she can read and write in greek also

Weapons: a dagger and throwing knives
Inventory: a dagger, some water, and a few canned foods
Demigod Powers: can summon/communicate with the dead
Other Skills: she is a skilled survivalist and has good aim with throwing knives, she is also a good climber.

Strengths: she can climb trees, pick locks, and survive in the wild quite easily
Flaws: she is a tad crazy due to her abilities though she is a usually nice person, she can sometimes over estimate her rations which causes her to sometimes run out of food or water

Personality: she can be kind, shy, and apologetic, but thats only the surface, those who get to know her know she is also stubborn, kind of crazy, but overall she usually has good intentions...just dont tick her off when she is near a sharp object

Biography: she was always a strange child, she once killed the neighbors cat, and she said she sometimes hears voices and sees things, her mother at the time, thought it was just her imagination, that is until it carried on into her teenage years where she was almost placed in an asylum, she then trained herself to ignore the voices, until one day at school, she lashed out at the voices and was forced to spend 30 days in an asylum, when she returned her mother had told her why she was the way she was, and that day she had to go to camp half-blood and has lived there ever since.

Theme Song: optional)
(cant post music video here so ill give you the name and you can listen to it on your own time)
Im gonna show you crazy

View attachment 415586
I hate to say this, the overall character is fine but can I get a realistic picture? then accepted
bow down to your king
blake culver
blake the monster hunter
  • "well that isn't very kind": personality
    Blake is calm and cool, a very controlled and stoic man when it comes to practically any matter. Being raised in the hardened and cold streets of Memphis Tennessee, where he had to endure constant abuse and harassment by gangs and practically everyone he met, he was rather alone. He had to mature very quickly in his household, with a prostitute mother and a long gone father, people constantly going in and out of his house, gangs, robbers, you name it. He hardened and instead of letting himself fall, picked himself up and became stronger from it. He's very blatant on any and every matter, stating his opinion without really holding regards for anyone elses feelings on the matter. If he sees someone ugly or weak, he will tell them outright that they are ugly, or the latter, weak. Don't get him wrong, yes he is empathetic, and has emotion, but he was raised in such a way that emotion wasn't as important as power, and that made him suppress it to such a large degree. Power and strength, it was everything, and from a young age he could also even see that morality was held in high regards. The Gangs he was raised by, even the gang he joined, they'd do horrible things, unspeakable things, but there was always some unspoken rule. Some bond they all held when it came to morality. Be it no harming children, the high love and respect they felt for those who'd helped them in the past, mostly their mothers and family members, even the respect between gangs. Those also became important to him, and became engraved into his mind, and as you can see, his personality.

    Blake has a very strict code that he goes by, a sort of mental code that he refuses to break. This code has existed ever since he joined prince in Memphis, he abides by it and follows it without fail. No one really knows what his code is, and he doesn't share it with people, but one could possibly determine it by his actions. He holds his will and morality as some of his most powerful aspects, as they both push and drive him and act as his motivation. Blake is also highly intelligent, while not the best when it comes to book smarts, his morality, logic, judgement, and overall adaptability constantly puts him in a sort of senior leader manner when he meets new people. He's the one people go to when they need a decision made, he's the one everyone goes to for advice and to rant to, he's the one you go to when you want to hear the truth. He's the adult of the group, and is the one that demands respect, and gains it. He's a warrior at heart, and regardless of how much he claims he doesn't like fighting and would rather shy away from it, when placed in front of an enemy with high amount of power, you can practically see his body shaking with excitement. And he can never wipe away that grin on his face from battle. Some even mistaken him for a child of Ares because of it.
colored tabs
Ayyeeee accepted lol
WoodenZebra WoodenZebra I can handle two characters, but I need your help in deciding their Godly parents. I was thinking either Apollo & Hephaestus or Aphrodite & Hephaestus
WoodenZebra WoodenZebra I can handle two characters, but I need your help in deciding their Godly parents. I was thinking either Apollo & Hephaestus or Aphrodite & Hephaestus
Well Apollo would be nice, we still need a healer oriented character from the Apollo Cabinl, Hephaestus has one child at the moment so that's fine, but so does Aphrodite. Depends on what you want fighting wise though. Do you want a healer, a tank, a fighter, or crowd control?
I had to use anime because of the eyes and hair, I tried looking, but If I happen to find one i will edit and put it in

Romeo Manna
no slide
put stuff here idk

coded by y o u n g j a e
Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Years at Camp: 4 years and still kickin'
Demigod Powers:

  • Demigod Physiology: Like all demigods, Romeo's strength, speed, reflexes, senses, durability, and agility far surpass that of any mere mortal.
  • Amokinesis: A common ability amongst the children of Aphrodite, Romeo can control the feelings of love, lust, and desire; infliction upon others is rather simple too. Preferably, Romeo would make a rhyme of sorts to deliver his 'love spell', but sometimes he'll just work his magic.
  • Beauty Sense: Being a child of Aphrodite comes with its perks. For instance, Romeo is considerably an expert in fashion, and has a broad control over jewelry and makeup.
  • Natural Beauty: Another perk to being a son of the 'Love & Beauty Goddess', Romeo is naturally beautiful to mortal eyes.
Other Skills:

(Full) Name: "Andy" Andromeda Nicole Phere (Feer) *Warning* Do NOT under ANY circumstances, use her real name. At this point people may die for less.
Nicknames: Andy...just Andy
Age: 16
Godly Parent: Hades
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York
Years at camp: It's been a week.

Hair: Black though as it grows it lightens to a deep purple color.
Eyes: Steely grey
Height/Weight: 5' 8"/155lbs
Build: Athletic yet small Andy don't have rippling muscles or a prominent six pack. However, she isn't the curviest thing either. She has a nice figure that boasts both strength and appeal.

Scent: Contrary to her typical attitude as of late Andromeda's scent is sweet and light. It is relaxing while her presence usually isn't.

Speech Dialect: Normal? She never had time to pick up an accent from anywhere, though she does have plenty of slang and a filthy mouth.

Weapons: A stygian iron sword called Carrion, It's a rather lightweight sword with a balance that allows it to be used rather easily in one hand despite it's length. It was left to her by her mother who somehow forced Hades to have it forged for their daughter. It bears special properties that have yet to be fully explored. All Andy knows is that it knocked her out cold when she attempted.

Inventory: An ornate necklace she took from her mother's jewelry box. Her sword is always on her hip, attempts to make her take it off have been...unsuccessful. Cookware from her home is in the cabin though she sometimes keeps the skillet on her??

Demigod Powers: Andy possesses the typical list of demigod abilities, with her strength being boosted even more as a child of Hades. Her speed is exceptional as is her agility thanks to her build. While the girl's durability is still higher than the average human's it does take a hit when compared other demigods. Thankfully her healing factor is a bit higher, if she were to find some respite Andy can potentially get back into the fight repeatedly. That of course is a very big IF. Andy's senses ayretruly where she shines, they are sharp as a tack and very difficult to evade. Needless to say Andy's continued state of denial has suppressed the full force of her latent abilities keeping them at human levels.

Andy's abilities are not rare for children of Hades however what makes her strange is the fact that she possesses all of them. The near overload of abilities causes her great frustration and pain as she never knows whats going to happen at what time or to what degree. Lacking any sense of control Andy is more likely to do greater harm than good in most cases.

The full list of Andromeda's abilities are as follows.

Necromancy - Raising and controlling the dead is not as much of a factor for Andy currently. Taking concentration and practice it isn't something Andy is truly capable of at this time. This doesn't mean that Andromeda is at all cut off from the side-effects of possessing this ability. She can percieve the dead on several levels having felt even the grip of a specter. There is one in particular that sticks with her almost constantly, whether she truly isn't aware of it or is so steeped in denial that she blatantly ignores it's presence is debatable. Nevertheless, it stays close at all times leaving her side intermittently for unknown reasons.

Osteokinesis - The manipulation of bone is a dangerous power to have and more so when you don't know what you're doing. So far Andy's ability manifest in awareness and sight, enabling her to pick up on minute movements within someone's body. So far Andy has proven to be unable to affect others with this power and only now thinks of experimenting on herself.

Umbrakinesis - Manipulating shadows is skill Andy can use unconsciously, having little intent besides whatever impulse spurs the action in the first place. She has yet to learn what shadow-stepping is let alone if she has the skill to do it.

Geokinesis - A more tactile ability Andy is capable of tapping into this one a bit more intentionally, having once created a split between her and an aggressor she is limited by her skepticism. Using the skill also backfired as the rift was deep and large the gil fell deeply nauseous after it's use and was unable to hold down ay food for a full twenty-four hours.

Cryokinesis - sporadically active depending on Andy's mood, there are times when her arrival is proceeded by a sharp drop in temperature. Andy repeatedly struggles with maintaining her body heat after prolonged use of this power and will sometimes even develop layers of frost on her skin.

Hypnokinesis - Currently unaware she even has this power Andy is completely unable to use it currently.

Pyrokinesis - The only other ability Andy has used repeatedly it is most often triggered by frustration as opposed to anger. Leading to several cases of "spontaneous" combustion in the girl's general vicinity. Over tim it seems that she will adapt well to this ability as she has almost grown accustomed to it. Giving her cause to even want to believe in this "Bastard god bullshit"

Ferrokinesis - Unconsciously aware of this ability Andy only her uses it unintentionally in combat. helping her control her seemingly wild sword swings and evade those of others it's mostly like a gentle push or pull one way or another.

Other Skills: Combat IQ, Andy is in no way an elegant or even practiced fighter, more often than not she looks like a brute swinging wildly at an opponent. Andy uses this to her advantage be it a fistfight or sword fight. she is overmuch aware of hat she is doing and happens to be frighteningly capable pulling out different techniques almost out of nowhere. It has proven unwise to underestimate her over and over. Thanks to her lifestyle growing up Andy is pretty much capable of living independently. She can cook, clean, repair, build, break, whatever she needs to in a home. Sculpture is a hidden passion of Andy's from carving to amalgamations, Andy has a very three dimensional thought process allowing her to think through her projects from al angles. She has experience using different mediums and prefers various mediums depending on her inspiration and what's available. Andy is the active sort normally and has been free running for several years now anything she could do to escape she's gotten into it. Thievery is something she is capable of, she's no child of hermes, nevertheless time on the streets awarded her some practice.

Strengths: Intelligence, Drive, Creativity, Intimidation, deductive reasoning, perception.

Flaws: Mental disarray is the biggest weakness Andy has as it is preventing her from reaching her potential. Affecting everything from her abilities to her mood it makes Andy struggle that much more with the various changes in her life. The facts that she is intimidating olds up with her being isolated. Trauma has left her unable to stand even hearing her own name, making her insistent on only being called Andy. It's also left her a mess emotionally, having outbursts for random things at random times. She struggles to overcome herself, and tat struggle makes her worse for wear.

Personality: Andy hasn't always been the mess she is, she was never a little ball of sunshine but she was happy in her own way. Certainly better than being locked in an endless cycle of anger and despair. She used to be the girl that went through hell and never let it get to her. Always ready with a snarky response and a few well placed observations that would make one think twice before targeting her again. Resorting to violence only if she felt there was no more effective route she has been in her fair share of brawls and street fights. Defensive over the people she cares about she would defend her friends while rarely sparing feelings. Honest and crass Andy was one to be heeded when she spoke, her words often have multiple meanings and messages even when saying a single sentence in the presence of multiple close friends. For the longest time Andy has been a tightly woven shell, never letting anyone in she doesn't even pretend to posses any level of trust for others. Her skepticism keeps her from having the wool pulled over her eyes but it also makes most people that would try to get to know her turn the other way. Those that stay still don't get very far, needless to say that girl isn't entirely present at the moment. Full of rage, sadness and confusion she continuously pushes herself to try and get over it but remains steeped in the pain she feels constantly. Always able to hold up a facade most think she's just unfriendly or a royal bitch, she is both of those things but she cares. Once she can afford to extend any consideration to another she will. until then, well...We'll see.

Unlike most demigods Andromeda's parents did not have a healthy loving relationship. Tiffany Sonora Phere and Hades were very much toxic together, harming themselves, each other, and anyone they were with. It was certainly a fatal attraction that kept them "connected", nine months after a particularly angry night Andromeda gave them something else to 'bond' over. It wasn't long until they found a way to argue about that too, it got to the point where Tiffany took Andromeda and moved continuously. Moving from Manhattan to the Bronx, to Atlantic city, Philly, Cleveland, Chicago, Louisville and finally back to Manhattan. Each time Hades would seek hem out and find the two, each time they moved, be it by eviction, or Tiffany actually possessing enough money to afford it. Andy did her best to stay out of trouble trying to support Tiffany in small ways. not being a burden was big to her, and gaining some form o independence was key. When they were together Tiffany and Andy weren't much better than her parents still. Arguing and shouting, even coming to blows, however in the end things always ended up ok. A major fight would be followed by a nicer meal with effort, some time to treat each other's wounds and a movies. Andy ultimately loved and hated her mother at the same time, being aware of the potential they had but endlessly frustrated at their lack of progress. Finally there was a breakthrough, after a nigh cataclysmic clash of the two ladies of the house Tiffany made the resolution to get it together. A week later she receive news from her dream job that she was hired. The two moved back to manhattan mere blocks away from Olympus itself, needless to say Hades was furious. After giving him the slip they had returned without even telling him, the resulting clash ended up with Hades standing over Tiffany's lifeless figure and a horrified Andromeda standing in the doorway, just long enough to have seen... and heard everything. The rest is a blur for Andromeda, at some point she had reclaimed left the house returning eventually to grab a few things, dodging some officers along the way. The sword, carrion found was waiting on her bed along with a yet unopened letter. bearing her mother's handwriting and a unfamiliar yet eerie seal. Less than a week later A satyr named Nick found Andy at the foot of the empire state building in poor shape. Making a mad dash for camp they arrived wit only a few life threatening run-ins. It's been a week, since Andromeda's arrival and in the time she has questioned her sanity countless times. She struggles to adjust and at this point is only focused on making it to tomorrow.

Theme Song: Beggars - Krewella
View attachment 418241

(Full) Name: "Andy" Andromeda Nicole Phere (Feer) *Warning* Do NOT under ANY circumstances, use her real name. At this point people may die for less.
Nicknames: Andy...just Andy
Age: 16
Godly Parent: Hades
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York
Years at camp: It's been a week.

Hair: Black though as it grows it lightens to a deep purple color.
Eyes: Steely grey
Height/Weight: 5' 8"/155lbs
Build: Athletic yet small Andy don't have rippling muscles or a prominent six pack. However, she isn't the curviest thing either. She has a nice figure that boasts both strength and appeal.

Scent: Contrary to her typical attitude as of late Andromeda's scent is sweet and light. It is relaxing while her presence usually isn't.

Speech Dialect: Normal? She never had time to pick up an accent from anywhere, though she does have plenty of slang and a filthy mouth.

Weapons: A stygian iron sword called Carrion, It's a rather lightweight sword with a balance that allows it to be used rather easily in one hand despite it's length. It was left to her by her mother who somehow forced Hades to have it forged for their daughter. It bears special properties that have yet to be fully explored. All Andy knows is that it knocked her out cold when she attempted.
View attachment 418242

Inventory: An ornate necklace she took from her mother's jewelry box. Her sword is always on her hip, attempts to make her take it off have been...unsuccessful. Cookware from her home is in the cabin though she sometimes keeps the skillet on her??

Demigod Powers: Andy possesses the typical list of demigod abilities, with her strength being boosted even more as a child of Hades. Her speed is exceptional as is her agility thanks to her build. While the girl's durability is still higher than the average human's it does take a hit when compared other demigods. Thankfully her healing factor is a bit higher, if she were to find some respite Andy can potentially get back into the fight repeatedly. That of course is a very big IF. Andy's senses ayretruly where she shines, they are sharp as a tack and very difficult to evade. Needless to say Andy's continued state of denial has suppressed the full force of her latent abilities keeping them at human levels.

Andy's abilities are not rare for children of Hades however what makes her strange is the fact that she possesses all of them. The near overload of abilities causes her great frustration and pain as she never knows whats going to happen at what time or to what degree. Lacking any sense of control Andy is more likely to do greater harm than good in most cases.

The full list of Andromeda's abilities are as follows.

Necromancy - Raising and controlling the dead is not as much of a factor for Andy currently. Taking concentration and practice it isn't something Andy is truly capable of at this time. This doesn't mean that Andromeda is at all cut off from the side-effects of possessing this ability. She can percieve the dead on several levels having felt even the grip of a specter. There is one in particular that sticks with her almost constantly, whether she truly isn't aware of it or is so steeped in denial that she blatantly ignores it's presence is debatable. Nevertheless, it stays close at all times leaving her side intermittently for unknown reasons.

Osteokinesis - The manipulation of bone is a dangerous power to have and more so when you don't know what you're doing. So far Andy's ability manifest in awareness and sight, enabling her to pick up on minute movements within someone's body. So far Andy has proven to be unable to affect others with this power and only now thinks of experimenting on herself.

Umbrakinesis - Manipulating shadows is skill Andy can use unconsciously, having little intent besides whatever impulse spurs the action in the first place. She has yet to learn what shadow-stepping is let alone if she has the skill to do it.

Geokinesis - A more tactile ability Andy is capable of tapping into this one a bit more intentionally, having once created a split between her and an aggressor she is limited by her skepticism. Using the skill also backfired as the rift was deep and large the gil fell deeply nauseous after it's use and was unable to hold down ay food for a full twenty-four hours.

Cryokinesis - sporadically active depending on Andy's mood, there are times when her arrival is proceeded by a sharp drop in temperature. Andy repeatedly struggles with maintaining her body heat after prolonged use of this power and will sometimes even develop layers of frost on her skin.

Hypnokinesis - Currently unaware she even has this power Andy is completely unable to use it currently.

Pyrokinesis - The only other ability Andy has used repeatedly it is most often triggered by frustration as opposed to anger. Leading to several cases of "spontaneous" combustion in the girl's general vicinity. Over tim it seems that she will adapt well to this ability as she has almost grown accustomed to it. Giving her cause to even want to believe in this "Bastard god bullshit"

Ferrokinesis - Unconsciously aware of this ability Andy only her uses it unintentionally in combat. helping her control her seemingly wild sword swings and evade those of others it's mostly like a gentle push or pull one way or another.

Other Skills: Combat IQ, Andy is in no way an elegant or even practiced fighter, more often than not she looks like a brute swinging wildly at an opponent. Andy uses this to her advantage be it a fistfight or sword fight. she is overmuch aware of hat she is doing and happens to be frighteningly capable pulling out different techniques almost out of nowhere. It has proven unwise to underestimate her over and over. Thanks to her lifestyle growing up Andy is pretty much capable of living independently. She can cook, clean, repair, build, break, whatever she needs to in a home. Sculpture is a hidden passion of Andy's from carving to amalgamations, Andy has a very three dimensional thought process allowing her to think through her projects from al angles. She has experience using different mediums and prefers various mediums depending on her inspiration and what's available. Andy is the active sort normally and has been free running for several years now anything she could do to escape she's gotten into it. Thievery is something she is capable of, she's no child of hermes, nevertheless time on the streets awarded her some practice.

Strengths: Intelligence, Drive, Creativity, Intimidation, deductive reasoning, perception.

Flaws: Mental disarray is the biggest weakness Andy has as it is preventing her from reaching her potential. Affecting everything from her abilities to her mood it makes Andy struggle that much more with the various changes in her life. The facts that she is intimidating olds up with her being isolated. Trauma has left her unable to stand even hearing her own name, making her insistent on only being called Andy. It's also left her a mess emotionally, having outbursts for random things at random times. She struggles to overcome herself, and tat struggle makes her worse for wear.

Personality: Andy hasn't always been the mess she is, she was never a little ball of sunshine but she was happy in her own way. Certainly better than being locked in an endless cycle of anger and despair. She used to be the girl that went through hell and never let it get to her. Always ready with a snarky response and a few well placed observations that would make one think twice before targeting her again. Resorting to violence only if she felt there was no more effective route she has been in her fair share of brawls and street fights. Defensive over the people she cares about she would defend her friends while rarely sparing feelings. Honest and crass Andy was one to be heeded when she spoke, her words often have multiple meanings and messages even when saying a single sentence in the presence of multiple close friends. For the longest time Andy has been a tightly woven shell, never letting anyone in she doesn't even pretend to posses any level of trust for others. Her skepticism keeps her from having the wool pulled over her eyes but it also makes most people that would try to get to know her turn the other way. Those that stay still don't get very far, needless to say that girl isn't entirely present at the moment. Full of rage, sadness and confusion she continuously pushes herself to try and get over it but remains steeped in the pain she feels constantly. Always able to hold up a facade most think she's just unfriendly or a royal bitch, she is both of those things but she cares. Once she can afford to extend any consideration to another she will. until then, well...We'll see.

Unlike most demigods Andromeda's parents did not have a healthy loving relationship. Tiffany Sonora Phere and Hades were very much toxic together, harming themselves, each other, and anyone they were with. It was certainly a fatal attraction that kept them "connected", nine months after a particularly angry night Andromeda gave them something else to 'bond' over. It wasn't long until they found a way to argue about that too, it got to the point where Tiffany took Andromeda and moved continuously. Moving from Manhattan to the Bronx, to Atlantic city, Philly, Cleveland, Chicago, Louisville and finally back to Manhattan. Each time Hades would seek hem out and find the two, each time they moved, be it by eviction, or Tiffany actually possessing enough money to afford it. Andy did her best to stay out of trouble trying to support Tiffany in small ways. not being a burden was big to her, and gaining some form o independence was key. When they were together Tiffany and Andy weren't much better than her parents still. Arguing and shouting, even coming to blows, however in the end things always ended up ok. A major fight would be followed by a nicer meal with effort, some time to treat each other's wounds and a movies. Andy ultimately loved and hated her mother at the same time, being aware of the potential they had but endlessly frustrated at their lack of progress. Finally there was a breakthrough, after a nigh cataclysmic clash of the two ladies of the house Tiffany made the resolution to get it together. A week later she receive news from her dream job that she was hired. The two moved back to manhattan mere blocks away from Olympus itself, needless to say Hades was furious. After giving him the slip they had returned without even telling him, the resulting clash ended up with Hades standing over Tiffany's lifeless figure and a horrified Andromeda standing in the doorway, just long enough to have seen... and heard everything. The rest is a blur for Andromeda, at some point she had reclaimed left the house returning eventually to grab a few things, dodging some officers along the way. The sword, carrion found was waiting on her bed along with a yet unopened letter. bearing her mother's handwriting and a unfamiliar yet eerie seal. Less than a week later A satyr named Nick found Andy at the foot of the empire state building in poor shape. Making a mad dash for camp they arrived wit only a few life threatening run-ins. It's been a week, since Andromeda's arrival and in the time she has questioned her sanity countless times. She struggles to adjust and at this point is only focused on making it to tomorrow.

Theme Song: Beggars - Krewella

Accepted. Just don't go overboard with her abilities lol

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