Percy Jackson: The Forbidden God


Some random dude on the Internet
Character Sheet:



Age ((13-18)):

Appearance ((Preferably Anime pics but real life ones work as well)):



God ((Minor gods are allowed)):

Powers ((Has to relate to your god)):

Weakness ((Has to relate to your god like for example Athena and her offspring are afraid of spiders)):

Class ((Archer, Horseman, Warrior, etc....)):

Pet ((Optional))


Crush ((Optional)):

Rival ((Optional)):


((Add anything else that you think should be added to the CS))
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Name: Drake

Gender: Male

Age ((13-18)): 17

Appearance ((Picture please)): Pictures/Anime Guys/206343.jpg

Personality: Drake is a kind lad and is nothing like his his father, who is the most cruel and evil being to ever exist. Drake is brave, smart, and quick, He's mostly serious and can be very curious. He's polite but tends to be alone, reasons are unknown.

Bio: His life was a normal one, nothing bad ever happened until on his last birthday his mother died. Doctors tried to find the source of the death but could only say that it was an unknown poison. It was actually the evil that Archdemon had infected her with that could not claim her kind soul and so it destroyed it. He then felt a voice in his head to go find Camp Half-Blood, not realizing the destiny that laid before him.

God ((Minor gods are allowed)): Archdemon ((The Evil being from the story))

Powers ((Has to relate to your god)):

Dragonic Form: Looks like this except The green is Black and the yellow is red. [media]

[/media] Which insanely increases speed, Strength and Magic.
Dark crystals: Basically Crystal magic

Weakness ((Has to relate to your god like for example Athena and her offspring are afraid of spiders)): Unknown

Class ((Archer, Horseman, Warrior, etc....)): Warrior

Pet ((Optional)): None


Crush ((Optional)): Open

Rival ((Optional)): None

Other: Is lonely since he has no family. He also likes shy girls.

Battle theme: [media][/media]
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Name: Laxus


Age ((13-18)):17

Appearance ((Picture please)):


Personality:(To be revealed)

Bio: He's been at Camp Half Blood for three years. He's an experience hero that has been on many quests and have honed his skills well.(Rest revealed during RP)

God ((Minor gods are allowed)): Zeus

Powers ((Has to relate to your god)): Lightning and Wind manipulation

Weakness ((Has to relate to your god like for example Athena and her offspring are afraid of spiders)): Beautiful Women

Class ((Archer, Horseman, Warrior, etc....)): Warrior

Pet ((Optional)) Will get during RP



Crush ((Optional)): Open

Rival ((Optional)):Lia(I guess)

Other:Known as the Half Blood Sky Knight
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(Sorry I don't do anime pictures so just... deal with it xD )

Name: Lia. (Nobody knows her last name)

Gender: Female

Age ((13-18)): 17

Appearance ((Picture please)):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/th8RMNXGEK.jpg.2ddd5cbb522c3c072a8ec3aedac4cfcc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36060" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/th8RMNXGEK.jpg.2ddd5cbb522c3c072a8ec3aedac4cfcc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






Fights for her friends

Bio: Hates to talk about her old life. TBA in story

God: Nyx

Powers: Control of darkness

Weakness: When she is in sunlight without sunscreen. It irritates her.

Class ((Archer, Horseman, Warrior, etc....)): Warrior

Pet ((Optional)) A raven named Drake (after the rapper)

Weapon: A silver dagger with engraved moons.

Crush ((Optional)): TBA

Rival ((Optional)): Thinks of Laxus as a rival



Name: Teresa Gamblin

Gender: Female

Age ((13-18)): 15

Appearance ((Picture please)):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/thLQLZME90.jpg.67f3a2b3e773e642ec1e6d3143467732.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36061" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/thLQLZME90.jpg.67f3a2b3e773e642ec1e6d3143467732.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



God ((Minor gods are allowed)): Eros

Powers ((Has to relate to your god)): Attraction (romantic)

Weakness ((Has to relate to your god like for example Athena and her offspring are afraid of spiders)): Hatred and arguements

Class ((Archer, Horseman, Warrior, etc....)): Archer

Pet ((Optional)) None

Weapon: A bow with specialty carvings into the frame

Crush ((Optional)): TBA

Rival ((Optional)): TBA




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Name: Celia

Gender: Female

Age ((13-18)): 17

Appearance ((Picture please)):[term]=Black haired girl&filters[primary]=images

Personality: Celia has been a very silent girl in the last few months. She doesn't really eat much, but the few people she has let into her life she is very kind to, but everyone else she tried to push away with very crude and mean remarks.

Bio: Since last winter, Celia has been at camp permanently. Ever since she came back no one really seems to want to see why she's so quiet. Celia is mainly seen either practicing archery or in the infirmary. She always avoids topics about parents, seeing with the recent death of her mother and all. Every time the thought of going outside the magical borders shows up a panic attack over takes her body. She doesn't want to go out there again. Not if she can help it.

God ((Minor gods are allowed)): Apollo

Powers ((Has to relate to your god)): Archery, Healing.

Weakness ((Has to relate to your god like for example Athena and her offspring are afraid of spiders)): Hand - to - hand combat. Sword fighting.

Class ((Archer, Horseman, Warrior, etc....)): Healer

Pet ((Optional)): None

Weapon: Bow and Arrow

Crush ((Optional)): None

Rival ((Optional)): None

Other: Usually is the first of the cabin to leave dinner. Always goes back to practice archery.
We only need a few more people to start the Rp! Bring your friends over if you don't like to wait! :)
Name: Dante Romulo

Gender: Male

Age ((13-18)): 18

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.bc8b38eda97de378a7a9ef44df351db9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36091" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.bc8b38eda97de378a7a9ef44df351db9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: "Bro..."

Bio: "People's past is people's weakness."

God ): Ares

Powers ): Master with any weapon. Can summon weapons. Enhanced speed and strength.

Weakness: Likes to fight.

Class: Warrior/Archer/Horseman/Gunman/... You get it.

Weapon: Anything. Mainly a great sword.

Crush: Teresa Gamblin

Rival: Everyone who tries to be better than him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.60658d4fb7ad57deb7242daa5b7f2772.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36092" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.60658d4fb7ad57deb7242daa5b7f2772.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Mika almond

Gender: male

Age ((13-18)): 16

Appearance ((Picture please)):



An adventures spirit he's full of curiosity and easily bored. He's mischievous and laid back with a kind heart. He is quirky and smart with a sharp mind but with a large imagination.


Mika grew up traveling all around the world. His father was a traveling jornalist and always looking for the next big scoop. He never had a set home but experienced more than others his age. When he was 12 his father died in an avalanche. He was put in the system for three months going from home to home until one day he landed in New York and began hearing a voice telling him to go to camp halfblood. He followed it and has been at the camp ever since.

God: Aphrodite

Powers :

charmspeak and


Weakness : He can't use charmspeak and Amikinesis together for very long without being in terrible pain.

Class : Archer

Pet : A white kitten named near



Crush ((Optional)):

Rival ((Optional)):


Unlike some of his siblings he doesn't mind getting down and dirty.
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Sheet:
Name: Mika almond

Gender: male

Age ((13-18)): 16

Appearance ((Picture please)):



An adventures spirit he's full of curiosity and easily bored. He's mischievous and laid back with a kind heart. He is quirky and smart with a sharp mind but with a large imagination.


Mika grew up traveling all around the world. His father was a traveling jornalist and always looking for the next big scoop. He never had a set home but experienced more than others his age. When he was 12 his father died in an avalanche. He was put in the system for three months going from home to home until one day he landed in New York and began hearing a voice telling him to go to camp halfblood. He followed it and has been at the camp ever since.

God: Aphrodite

Powers :

charmspeak and


Weakness : He can't use charmspeak and Amikinesis together for very long without being in terrible pain.

Class : Archer

Pet : A white kitten named near



Crush ((Optional)):

Rival ((Optional)):


Unlike some of his siblings he doesn't mind getting down and dirty.

Wait hold on a minute! You say your character is a male but the picture is of a female. Is this on purpose? Or was this an accident?
Ohhhhh I just looked up what that meant......... Now that I know that it wasn't an accident I'm sorta weirded out but I guess you can Rp as him. So accepted. Now I shall post in the morning.
Character Sheet:

Name: Alora Kitsue

Gender: Female

Age ((13-18)): 15

Appearance ((Picture please)):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0fa663ca_ScreenShot2014-12-05at11.05.15PM.png.3d02345e32801771c7ad22223c123f4a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0fa663ca_ScreenShot2014-12-05at11.05.15PM.png.3d02345e32801771c7ad22223c123f4a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Since people lie, all the time, she doesn't really trust very many people. She is very insecure about herself. She loves to help people, and loves the action, because it distracts her from the truth. She also has a stubborn streak towards her mom.

Bio: Alora used to live with her grandmother, after her dad took a job that made him have lots of business trips. People where always wary of Alora, because of her ability to always know if they were telling the truth or not. She didn't get very many chances with friends, because she drove them all away. Being able to tell if they were lying a lot, was hard to keep them around. She has learned to keep her opinions to herself. She started coming to Camp Halfblood when she was 14. She was just recently claimed as Alathea's daughter.

Goddess: Alathea

Powers: Can tell when people are lying, and on rare occasion, can figure out secrets of other people.

Weakness: It hurts her physically, and emotionally to lie.

Class: Small weapon thrower. (Knives, daggers...)

Pet: Raven named KiKi

Weapon: Throwing Knives

Crush : Open

Rival: None, of the exact moment.



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Name: Luna is what she goes by ,but here real name is Selene

Age ((13-18)):18

Appearance ((Picture please)):

Personality:Luna is reserved, and mostly a night owl. She usually doesn't sleep and likes to take photos at night. She is fairly artistic and loves to explore and go on adventures. She is very non-confrontational unless someone provokes her, then Luna is a stubborn angry female and in the off chance you catch her at night you are in for trouble.

Bio: Luna can't remember virtually anything of her childhood, and she knew she was never like the other kids.

God ((Minor gods are allowed)): Goddess of the moon

Powers ((Has to relate to your god)): Night vision, short length teleportation, and can blend into the darkness/shadows

Weakness ((Has to relate to your god like for example Athena and her offspring are afraid of spiders)): Virtually powerless during the day, hates the sun, always has sunglasses on because her eyes are sensitive.

Class ((Archer, Horseman, Warrior, etc....)): Stealth Warrior

Pet ((Optional)) Owl (Star)

Weapon: Throwing knives and stars
There was a moon goddess before Artemis, and there also is one more Moon goddess besides those two. I don't know which one she is referring to... But there are two other moon goddess. (Being nerdy over here)
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