Percy Jackson -Sign Up-



Camp Half-Blood...That's where we all came to hide, make sure we are all safe.

This camp is not just any camp. It's a training facilities for DemiGods.

It's OUR home, and it's our task to make sure that

it's safe.


Story Line: We are all Demi-Gods Living in Camp Half-Blood, we do training, have fun! That and we do quests! Also we Team battles every month should prove to be interesting...



  1. Number one rule; is to Please follow the Rules of RpNation, no Rated 18A stuff, no god-modding and so on. If you really wish to do 18+ stuff please bring it else wear. No one needs to learn how to do the dance with no pants! Thanks! ♥

  2. Number two rule; NO GOD-MODDING! Please, Yes I know it will be easy to do this but we are DEMIGods, not full out Gods sadly.

  3. Third rule; is please do not OOC (out of Character chat) In the RP thread, please ask questions here or PM the person!

  4. Fourth rule; is please keep the peace! If you have a problem do not lash out at them, either contact me and I can deal with it or talk with them in PM them.

  5. Rule number Five; is No one liner. This includes your Character creation, please be as detailed as you can!(At least 3+ lines and you'll be okay don't stress!)

  6. You can have up to 2-3 Characters, just make sure you can handle that many Characters!

  7. Also, Please don't all be the same type of character! Have some evil character, some sweet others snobby as hell! Make things interesting >:]

  8. On that note, don't all be from the same God. One 1-3 per-God. OTHER than the three main--Hades, Poseidon & Zeus--Only one for their children, but I will be very picky on who their kids are so please be detailed if you want them to be your parents.

  9. &Last but not least have fun, and If you have any troubles with your Charater creation or just want to say hi. Please do not be shy, PM, me and I can help you in any way I can!

When you are done Reading the Rules please, Place a ♥ there so I know you did.

:) Thanks!

Character Skelly!

(Please be Detailed!)




Child of Which God/Goddess: (
Optional! You can also be a type of Species! Like a satyr!

Just fill with
Species if you aren't a Demi-God.)


( --This will help you understand the Cabins)

Team: Red Or Blue?

Power:(Only the children will have a small ability, nothing to great.)

Special Skill: (Everyone can have a special skill!)

Weapon:(Minimum 1 - maximum 2)





Information on the God/Goddess:

These Links should help you if you are stuck!! (:



**Will Create my Character soon!!**


Those accepted:

  • Rae Amour Blue
  • Noah Red
  • Daniel Blue
  • Summer & Autumn Nighthowlers Red
  • Raven(Rav) Jones Blue
  • Blair Dawson Blue
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A question. Does this take place after TLO? Will Gods and Goddess like Nike, Iris, Hecate, etc have their cabins yet for their children or will it just be the main thirteen still?
Name:Rae Amour



Child of Which God/Goddess: Aphrodite

Just fill with Species if you aren't a Demi-God.)


( --This will help you understand the Cabins)

Team: Red Or Blue? Blue

Power:(Only the children will have a small ability, nothing to great.)Can share feelings of love with other people

Special Skill: (Everyone can have a special skill!)His voice can cause peaceful emotions and soothe people

Weapon:(Minimum 1 - maximum)Ultima Keyblade

Personality:Rae is a huge flirt,he loves love and requires balance in his life. When he falls he falls hard and will not let up until he has you or has found someone better,He can also be sly cunning vindictive and deceitful when pushed to the edge but overall he's a good person with a good heart and genuinely only means well

History:(Can I reveal it throughout the story?)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mgmkvbZE1Q1qd9433o1_500.jpg.1b550aea1566c1233a166d8a4003b26e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4621" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mgmkvbZE1Q1qd9433o1_500.jpg.1b550aea1566c1233a166d8a4003b26e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Noah

Age: 14

Gender: male

Child of Which God/Goddess: Apollo

Cabin: Apollo

Team: Red Or Blue? Red

Power: Skilled healing

Special Skill: Music

Weapon: Spear

Personality: Very sophisticated and orderly. Noah finds fighting barbaric and tends to avoid battling. However he will fight when the situation calls for it. Noah likes to be there for people and relied on so he constantly works hard in the medical tent. Noah dislikes people who are sloppy or unorganized. Noah is very kind to people on his good side and acts more unfeeling around others. He is always seen composed and is very smart medical wise. Noah can manipulate light so he can make vivid colors in the medical tent to put people at ease. Sometimes he bends the light around him so he appears invisible but doing to can exhaust him.

History: Noah came from a good family that taught him good manners and were strict. His mother constantly was hard on him so he matured fast. One day when he was young, he came home from school and found his house ravaged. His beloved mother lay on the floor on the precipice of death. Noah desperately tried all that he could to keep her alive, but could do little as she passed away before his eyes. The monster, which was a cyclops, that destroyed his home and killed his mother came back. Noah ran away and found Camp Half-Blood and learned about his demigod heritage. Since his encounter he has devoted himself to healing so that he could save people to make up for the life of his mother which he could not save.

Appearance: Noah has somewhat long black hair which is smooth and dark, just like his mother's. His eyes are brown and fair skin (not tanned but not white.) Noah is 5 foot 6 and often wears a green t-shirt with beige pants. On his wrist is a Camp Half-Blood wrist band. His face rarely shows expression and is mostly blank. However when working with sick people his face becomes kind and tender. He has a scar on his right shoulder from his childhood encounter with the cyclops.
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Age: 14

Gender: Male

Child of Which God/Goddess: Thanatos

Team: Red Or Blue? Blue

Power: Cause depression or fatigue to anyone he or his weapon touches. Hard for him to control for it powers up when he is depressed or feeling any mod but indifferent.

Special Skill: Very flexible and acrobatic.

Weapon: A scythe. The handle is grey and the blade is black. He can turn it into a walking stick that's still grey.

Personality: A very gloomy person. He isn't negative just really sad. He can only looks at the most possible outcomes and never looks at the odds. He doesn't care if it's his or someone else birthday and is usually quiet. He will have a sad or blank expression on his face. When angry his face is blank but his eyes are narrowed a little bit so it's more like a glare. He is usually pacifistic. He does not like fighting so that's why he likes his ability. It causes his opponent to weaken and allow him avoid being hurt and delay hurting them.

History: His mom was always hardworking never having much time with Daniel. She told him his father had abandoned them and his school life was bad. He was bullied and people never liked being around him. he became a loner and depressed with his mom to busy to notice. After doing homework and eating he would just stay in his room staring at the wall or laying in bed. One morning he was feeling more depressed than usual. He passed his mom along the way out to school. His mom gasps as she falls to the ground from sheer exhaustion. As Daniel rushes towards him his mom tells him to back off. She reveals his true identity and gave him directions to Camp Half-Blood. She could not follow even if she could due to his power.

Appearance:He wears denim jeans and a custom camp half-blood shirt. It's a grey long sleeve shirt with the logo small on his upper left chest. His hair is spiky and black. His skin is kind of pale and his eyes are pitch black. He looks emo but cute at the same time.
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[QUOTE="Serial Lover]A question. Does this take place after TLO? Will Gods and Goddess like Nike, Iris, Hecate, etc have their cabins yet for their children or will it just be the main thirteen still?

That's really up to everyone. I'm okay with whatever! If you think it will make the RP Last longer then we can! :)  
&all accepted
Name: Summer & Autumn Nighthowlers

Age: 18/18

Gender: F/F

Cabin: Ares/Ares

Team: Red/Red

Power: Does being annoying little Pest Count? The Twins are quick on their feet and almost always gving others a hard time. They are children of War so of Course they can fight amazingly well. Autumn prefers her sword, while Summer uses an seven-inch dagger.

Special Skillls: Fighting, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Back talking

Weapon: Autumn uses an long four foot sword, while Summer uses an Dagger to get close and personal.


Let's begin with Autumn; She is the youngest in the age group of the twins. Being born only three minutes after Summer. Autumn follows her older sisteer around like a lost puppy. To those she cares about, technically only her older sister, she is protective and caring. Willing to hold up a fight. But to everyone else she is an smart-ace arrogant little rat. She believes that she is better than everyone, this including her younger sister. Autumn loves to criticize others to the point of tears. She doesn't consider anybody else important. She mainly gets this from her godly side.

Summer; Now she isn't much different. Although the oldest, she leads her sister around. Summer, as pleasent as she may look and sound, is a witch. She is used to always getting her way and would prefer to keep it that way. She is also rather arrogant. Believeing a lot like her sister does. That they are perfect and the otherss are complete and utterly idiots.

History: The twins were born into a small family. This only being with their mother at the time. Their mother was a hard working women, who somehow managed to get the attention of the god of war. Their mother at the time, grew gravely ill. The two were sent to their granmothers home for a short while until their mother was better. Only two years after their birth, their mother was restored to perfect health. But eing so farely attached to the children, the grandmother demanded to keep her grand babies. And so the twins were raised with their spoiling granny. At the age of four, their mother had had another child, but with a different man. It was also a little baby girl, that was named Chastiy. Because of the fact that they lived with their gran the twins absolutly hated the new addision. And so did the grandmother. She was upset that her daughter had been with another man. Growing up, the twins tortchered their sister. It wasn't until all three were brought to half-blood hill did they began to hate her. Believing she was different and not good.


Autumn Left; Summer Rigght

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/images.jpeg.45f0304682eb3ee1ed68a6a8d80a0ccd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/images.jpeg.45f0304682eb3ee1ed68a6a8d80a0ccd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


8s it alright if I make Chasity one of the big three children?



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Name: Onyx Sanders

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Child of Which God/Goddess: Hecate

Cabin: Hecate

Team: Blue

Power: Power to cast spells and use Magic

Special Skill: He is the one that would would come to, to make you a potion or poison of any kind.

Weapon: A celestial bronze sword with glowing hieroglyphs on the hilt. Also he has a deck of magic cards that can summon minions to fight for him.

Personality: Onyx is a bit standoffish. He tends to keep to himself and his magic books and potions. He does take responsibility as the eldest brother and cabin leader and cares very deeply for his siblings. He has a temper to be trifled with.

History: [To be revealed later]

Noah said:
Who is going to set the scene to get us started?
I'm going to make a different thread for the RP! :) so just wait I'll have it set up there! I just have to create my person and we should be good! ^_^  

[QUOTE="Nikki Rodgers] 8s it alright if I make Chasity one of the big three children?

Yes, but could you either make your twins older? Or make their ages a little closer because if Chasity was born 4years after the twins that'd make her fairly young. And it would make things feel like everyone is babysitting a 11 year old.

If that's okay with you! (:
Name: Raven(Rav) Jones

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Child of Which God/Goddess: Poseidon( Or Aphrodite. Read bottom.)

Cabin: Poseidon(3) Aphrodite(10)

( --This will help you understand the Cabins)

Team: Red Or Blue? Blue

Power:(Only the children will have a small ability, nothing to great.) He can control water and he can breathe underwater, as well as talk to horses. (Or, he can manipulate people through his voice(Charm Speak)

Special Skill: (Everyone can have a special skill!) He is great with horses and pegasus. (Hes great with a sword.)

Weapon:(Minimum 1 - maximum 2) He has a simple celestial bronze sword.

Personality:Raven is full of himself at times. He can easily turn from happy to angry and people usually keep their distance. If angered he can completely snap; yell, hit, break things etc. He doesn't like being told what to do and often goes off doing his own thing. Despite his rather poor temper, Raven is caring, quiet and kind. When he finds interest in someone, he will protect them, even when his help is unneeded. Hes not the kind of guy to admit he was wrong when he is(Which is a good amount of the time). He is gentle and hesitant around people he likes(Crushes etc.) but with others he really just doesn't care. He is also a major flirt, he flirts to amuse himself and tease others. He has trouble trusting people and usually inches away from people when he does find trust.

History: When Raven was born he was orphaned from his mortal parent and forced into an orphanage. He bounced around from house to house, each one turning him down. He eventually found a home at 8 with the Jones. It all started great. Raven was raised in a calm, kid friendly neighborhood, he had a bunch of close friends at school, his parents adored him. That was until his foster-mother died. His father turned to alcohol to mend his wounds and eventually became abusive. It started with insults and the occasional spanking, but it quickly progressed to full on beatings. Raven would show up to school with bruises lining his body. Once he got into middle school he figured out that he was homosexual. He hid it from people, but his father eventually found out. That's when the beatings became sexual and the monsters started coming. Raven was confused, no one told him about the monsters, about his godly parent. That's when he heard a voice, It explained everything to him. He assumed it was his godly parent. Raven ran away from his abusive father and set out in search for Camp Half-Blood. After 2 years of searching he finally found it. At 15 he became a year-rounder and is still there today.

Hes 5'10

(Alright, SO. I want Raven to be son of Poseidon, but if you don't want him to I'll settle for Aphrodite. All stuff for Aphrodite in pink, all stuff for Poseidon in blue.)
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Never to late! :) and go a was reaper! :)  
Just is like to be the sea kings kid! If that's cool! (X yo
Sock said:
@Cleo is Raven accepted and if he is is it ok for him to be son of poseidon @~@
YES! Sorry! He can be! Sorry Im on my phone so my phone corrects me to much' I meant! God damn now I forget! I'll post her later though! :P

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