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Percy nodded, leaning forward to rest his head on their joined hands. "My dad still has rule over the Ocean. We'll be safe. I'd never let anything happen to you, you know that." He whispered, licking his lips.
"I know. But that doesn't mean it won't happen. Especially if you get hurt, which I know you are terrified of happening and are completely convinced that you're the one that Gaia will take from this world." Annabeth whispered and closed her eyes.

Percy's head whipped up. "You know it's possible Anna. Anything is in War." He whispered, leaning up to kiss her forehead and tilt her chin up to look at him. "Look at me Anna. Please."
"I know its possible, but you can't think like that!" Annabeth said in a fierce tone, opening her stormy grey eyes that were ablaze.

Percy pulled her into his lap, cradling her close. "I won't. Not now That I've got you to look after. I promise." He said,into her hair.
Percy smiled and pulled away. "So, how about that swim? I haven't seen you in a bikini in the longest time!" He groaned and shot her a cheeky grin.

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