Pencils & Crayons

The Dark Wizard

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Pencils & Crayons

You remember that man, the one who has appeared in your dreams since you were young. He who was covered in darkness, always there like a silent guardian. Throughout your life you excelled wonderfully at the the arts more than others, whether it was music, writing, drawing, you were better, it almost seemed unreal.

Then one night, he caught up to you but he did not harm you. He sat at the end of your bed and although you were surprised by his appearance, you were not afraid. He was...familiar. Like a close family member or trusted friend. And for the first time, he spoke to you.

“We have been watching you. We’ve always been watching you. And what we see impresses us. But we know you are capable of much more. So that is why we have chosen to help you. We have a gift for you and a proposal. The gift and the proposal go hand in hand.”

A shadow detached from the wall, you are shocked to realise it is your own shadow, having risen out of the shadow of your bed cast by the light of the moon outside the window. It approaches, its form translucent and insubstantial to your eyes. It produces something from the folds of darkness that make it up. A notebook. A black notebook with red edging around the pages. The shadow hands the notebook to the man and you cannot help but follow the path of the book. A glance back and your shadow is back on the wall, seated in the shadow of your bed as it had always been.

You turn back to the man. He holds the notebook in his pale left hand and taps it gently against the slender tips of the fingers of his right hand.

“This is our gift to you. And our proposal is that you devote your artistic efforts to this notebook alone. No first drafts on scraps of paper, no doodles on the edges of your textbooks, no typing on your computer. It must go here and only here.”, he waves the notebook in the air between you, “What’s in it for you? Well, that’s the easy part. You will find your skills enhanced far beyond your wildest imaginings. You shall construct worlds of your own devising, sculpt legacies that shall stand for centuries and create magic unlike any the world has ever seen, or shall ever see again. Do you accept?”

You cannot find the words to accept, your throat seems incapable of creating sounds, your tongue unable to form words. Instead you reach out for the notebook and take it with eager hands. You reach to your nightstand and flick on the lamp. The man is gone, your shadow diminished by the lamp. You pick up the pencil you keep by your bed to jot down late-night inspirations and set to work.

“The bargain is made”, a disembodied voice says on the edge of your concentration, swiftly lost to the creative process you devote to the page.

View attachment 1948

If you wish to join or have any questions/concerns please post below after you read everything.

  • FAQ:

    1. What is this game about?

    A: This game has no story, the above intro was just fun, the concept and goal of this game is to have no main threads, or set plot. The goal is to be able to use characters in any way we want and not be railroaded.

    2. If that is the cause how will anything get done?

    A: If you require a Storyteller to interact with you then this game is not for you. Since in this game you can make a skit in any genre, we will obviously have approved settings/locations before they can be used with basic/advanced information that anyone can create to allow characters to function. So you’ll be able to submit settings and players will have reasonable control over the environment.

    3: Can you give us an example?

    A: Sure:

    The group of players woke up to a dark abandoned house. You typically wait for the ST to respond and tell you something happens, like the door suddenly opening but that is not the case here.

    A player/character could, for example, say that through the eyes of his or her characters the door opened on its own without any ST interaction. So yes, players/characters will have reasonable control in their appropriate skit, it’s up to the players to coordinate and decide where they want it to go and play out.

    Example 2: A character suddenly remembered that there was a great massacre in the city and now it’s a part of that setting.

    4. What if someone godmods or abuses this kind of power/trust?

    A: I will step in, even though I’m not telling a story(Because I want to play as a player) I can reject/not approve characters and ask someone to leave if enough people so desire or they do something completely outrageous.

    5. Since this game will allow skits to be in any genre, like fantasy, sci-fi etc, do I have to make multiple characters?

    A: No, you can make a character for just a fantasy setting if you so desire, or create modifications to your sheet in the form of “Addons” to make your character fit in other genres but the basic personality must still apply. Likewise you can submit as many characters as you want for each setting, you don’t have to use the same one or modify it.

    There are no player/character limits.

    6. What kind of settings can we use for each genre?

    A: Whatever you want, you’ll just have to submit it ingame so anyone can use it for their skits. For Fantasy, I will allow the use of Shards of Immortality and for Modern I will allow my version of Megalopolis since users have been asking for skits based in those settings, so if you have a character you can bring them over. I’ve also been working on another fantasy setting for this game and as well as one for every other genre. I also look forward to seeing what you guys create so we can have an endless supply of stories/settings to RP in.

    You cannot submit a setting from another existing RP that you are not the storyteller of.

    7. If players can control the environment like you say, can we control NPCs, Villains, etc?

    A: Yes. NPCS will be NCCs(Neutral Controllable Characters) Meaning that anyone can control them through the eyes of their characters just like the environment and have them say/do things as long as they stay true to the character’s bio sheet.

    8. What is the skit system?

    A: The skit system will get it’s own tab, please head on over there.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_12/sticky_shadow_by_auroracarina_chan-d313a60.png.d6ea0bd1d6e0054d264d1bf243de786c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_12/sticky_shadow_by_auroracarina_chan-d313a60.png.d6ea0bd1d6e0054d264d1bf243de786c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • sticky_shadow_by_auroracarina_chan-d313a60.png
    481.1 KB · Views: 124
This is interesting, although a bit confusing... Ill just go along with the flow of it and see where it goes. Now i am not saying that I will be the first to post, or even the second or third, but ill be the fifth.

As soon as I get an idea...
Might change Potential from Grey's Kingdoms of the Fae to fit the Shard setting.
Cirno said:
Might change Potential from Grey's Kingdoms of the Fae to fit the Shard setting.
Sounds cool!

I have another Fantasy setting that I am going to submit after the game is up. I hope everyone submits worlds and settings/locations after this is up ;) , if they do we will never run out of skit material.


How could I refuse? I will probably be returning with my old sheets as well as hopefully some of the rejected ones, as those had some good potential .>.
Cirno said:
Might change Potential from Grey's Kingdoms of the Fae to fit the Shard setting.
You know, I could just get involved and move Kingdoms wholesale into this project - that way everyone has a chance to carry on those character, and has more control over their plot and Realm.

If you'd rather just rework her for Shards, though, that's cool. I just see this as a good opportunity to bring Kingdoms back to life.
Grey said:
You know, I could just get involved and move Kingdoms wholesale into this project - that way everyone has a chance to carry on those character, and has more control over their plot and Realm.
If you'd rather just rework her for Shards, though, that's cool. I just see this as a good opportunity to bring Kingdoms back to life.
If you want to do that it's cool send me a PM :) ! We will discuss more.
Grey said:
You know, I could just get involved and move Kingdoms wholesale into this project - that way everyone has a chance to carry on those character, and has more control over their plot and Realm.
If you'd rather just rework her for Shards, though, that's cool. I just see this as a good opportunity to bring Kingdoms back to life.
Also are you interested in playing :) ?
Of course, I barely go to do anything with my Shards character :P

I'll also submit Darkening Skies for skit use, and I expect Silvertongue might be persuaded to move his Demon Highschool drama over...
Grey said:
Of course, I barely go to do anything with my Shards character :P
I'll also submit Darkening Skies for skit use, and I expect Silvertongue might be persuaded to move his Demon Highschool drama over...
Sounds good, just PM all the people who played and let them know you'll move your stuff over.
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]That intro looks familiar. I wonder why?
Captain Hesperus


Because you helped write it, thanks again :) !
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Sounds good, just PM all the people who played and let them know you'll move your stuff over.

I don't intend to move Darkening Skies the game over, just make the setting available for people who want to use it in skits here.
Grey said:
I don't intend to move Darkening Skies the game over, just make the setting available for people who want to use it in skits here.
That is what I ment.

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]That intro looks familiar. I wonder why?
Captain Hesperus

So I assume you are playing yes :) ?
Thanks for the invite, but I'm not sure this is my cup of tea. I'll keep an eye on it, though, and if I get into the storylines I'll toss my hat in.
Millershipper said:
Thanks for the invite, but I'm not sure this is my cup of tea. I'll keep an eye on it, though, and if I get into the storylines I'll toss my hat in.
Sounds good :) .
Grey said:
You know, I could just get involved and move Kingdoms wholesale into this project - that way everyone has a chance to carry on those character, and has more control over their plot and Realm.
If you'd rather just rework her for Shards, though, that's cool. I just see this as a good opportunity to bring Kingdoms back to life.
Ooh. Carrying on Kingdoms would be pretty awesome.
Gief me a shout when the forum is up. I'll copy-paste/link a ton of fun stuff for people to use.

I may have to modify the character template for some, though

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