Pbp Gaming Recommendations


New Member
Ok, I live in Singapore, where it's hard enough to find a dedicated D&D group, to say nothing of Exalted. So, I usually play via Pbp. Thing is, are there any sites out there where getting into Exalted games aren't too much of a hassle? For Exalted, I usually use the Giant In The Playground forums, but recently new Exalted game threads have slowed to a trickle. From what I hear, the problem seems to be there are many players, but not enough STs. So I'm asking if you guys can recommend any good sites out for Exalted Pbp gaming?
Yeah, I've seen the forums. Thing is, there doesn't seem to ba many games on right now, and none that I can see that are still recruiting. So other than that do you know of any others?
There's usually one or two games of Exalted recruiting over on the Giant In The Playground forums. I think there are three recruiting there right now.
The PbP forums go through phases. A bunch of games recruit and then recruitment slows. I'd keep an eye on the forums at least. I know I am about to start recruitment for a game or two myself.
Kyeudo said:
There's usually one or two games of Exalted recruiting over on the Giant In The Playground forums. I think there are three recruiting there right now.
Four, when I checked. Three are high Essenc game, and so far I've been trying to get into most of them (Not the Heretical Infernal one though, I don't trust myself with homebrew). Thing is, I'm actually looking for PBP forums other than these two, so that I can get into games that fit the character concepts I have.
www.rpol.net is usually pretty good. I'm running two games myself there at the moment and playing in several more. A lot of the games tend to be "adult" though, which means you need to supply a statement of age and legality to view adult materials before you can join.
Hmm. I've been there before but all the games I joined died before I even started... ok, I'll try again. Thanks everyone, for helping me out.

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