Paying The Price

Alright, any ideas as to how would our characters have met one another? And for how long have they known each other?
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I might be a little bit late jumping on board with this role-play, but if anyone is still interested in creating a relationship, my character is available. I am planning on making her someone who has culinary experience, probably around the age of 25. Just let me know if you are interested. :)
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Well @Safton , with your character's military experience maybe he could be a bodyguard for my character? Since's he wealthy I figure it would make sense for him to have some sort of extra protection.

And I believe my character and @SliverOfHope 's character were going to be a couple.
@Akeira send me a PM. I have a 24 year old woman I will be RPing with Kritio who will be RPing as my boyfriend. I think we can work something out.

Ah, okay. I gotcha. I thought for a moment that we were tossing the bodyguard aspect. I'm definitely happy to play the security role again.
Ok everyone. This is going to be a shotgun blast (meaning this is a general shout out to everyone, not targeting anyone in particular).

What's everyone's status?

I know I have only gotten several RP samples, and most char profiles, but RP samples are required.

Anyone lacking partners?

Any questions?

I'm going to say that I want to get this RP up and running NEXT Monday.

Also. There is a small update on the first post in this thread.

Hey guys! I have a character in her early to mid twentys. Absentee parents, ran away for a few years as a teen and got herself into the common troubles- namely drugs and small crime, returned home and cleaned her life up with the help of a brother and sister (one sister refused to have anything to do with her. ) Now she works as a psychologist. Let me know if you have any ideas for connections.

I was thinking if they are in the age range maybe a fellow rebel runaway would be an interesting connection.

@SliverOfHope My Character is 23-25 yo female. I was hoping to find someone to be a sister taking her on vacation to celebrate graduation. They would have rekindled their relationship after my character ran away for several years as a teenager.
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Update on my status: I'm working with Akeira as our two characters will be college friends. I will be finalizing my CS tomorrow and sending it to her and Kirito then submitting it assuming there is no problems.

So, I've already sent you my RP writing sample Az and will send you the CS tomorrow.
Please go to the RPs main bar, and you'll see there is another UPDATE. Please read it, let me know if anything is missing and get working on those bios/histories people!

Hello! I'm lacking a partner or a link/someone to have a relationship with. My character is in her mid-twenties, working at an office job. She doesn't have very many close friends, as she has major trust issues. She manages to keep many strong surface relationships, however, due to her charming facade. She's a bit of a mysterious type, and has deep psychological issues, etc, but despite that seems to be a regular working girl. Please please message me if you have any ideas or are lacking a partner and would like to work on something with me! Thanks.
Rae, did you get a partner?

It's been a BAD weekend so I'm late on my character.

Does anyone NEED a match/pairing?

If not, I'm going to make a character that I may or may not seek to match with someone, but that's still up in the air.

Ron Stephenson - Please take some time to read under the RULES AND REGULATIONS because you're missing some requirements.

To everyone who has been approved (check the current message in UPDATE tabs, or you got a PM), I'm sorry I forgot to mention. Now you're approved, go ahead and post in the CHARACTER SIGN-UP part of the RP.


This was a busy week for me, I still am eager to get this RP going but I need to make sure all is in order and do not want to leave anyone out.

For those of you that do not know, my 2 roommates were in a car accident in late October, totaled their car and both had broken feet, one has a broken leg also. SO, this means that on top of life and school, I'm not kind of helping take care of them (it's gotten better) and also that I'm their driver. So that means my time is spread a bit thin because basically they schedule all their appts between my classes, so the time I'd normally RP, there is a good chance I am instead taking them to banks, shopping, medical appts or lawyers.

So thank you all for the patience, and you will not regret it.

Ok. Tomorrow I'll be working on a character.

Right now, I have the intention of NOT linking him to any character, UNLESS you have a character who needs someone. IF that's the case, lemme know.

If you WANT to link my char to yours, let me know. I know that most of you have char bios and links done, so I don't want to have people change bios again or anything.

Thanks all.

*Pokes head in* I was told to post in the OOC now that I've got the rest of this shit handled. *Sagenod* So yeah. Here, ready and rearing to go. Yipee and all that.
I'll be posting tonight, after that consider it open.

Sorry, there was a lot of snow here, and between long drive times and shoveling twice, I'm a bit behind.

I'll post within a few hours though.

Posted. RP is open.

Keep in mind, I don't care how often you post and there is no order. But be mindful about how far you progress the RP. Right now, actions should stick to waking up, reflecting, talking and enjoying the lavish accommodations that were provided by the kidnappers. Also known as a cage.

At some point, the characters will be moved onto vehicles and transported elsewhere. After that point, everything is up to the characters and you.


I'm kind of waiting for a person or two to make their posts, but if I don't see anything by tomorrow, I'm going to post in between classes or later tomorrow night.

Yeah, no worries. One thing about me is that I don't get into that "first week frenzy" where everyone is eager to get posts in every/every other day. I try to be patient and courteous of the other players, so you'll rarely (if ever) get any kind of rushed feeling from me.


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