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Pawns (1x1 with details inside)


Senior Member
Hello All! For once, there is a plot I have in mind that's not involving Minis. It's somewhat based on a number of TV shows I've been watching, but I think the idea sounds incredible. Of course, I'll leave it up to you to decide.

My guy is married to your girl, and has been for 2 years. He's a local elementary school teacher, and she works for the FBI. For reasons yet unknown, my guy is abducted. However, he's only missing for a few days, before he's dropped off, naked, scarred, and passed out in front of the FBI building your girl works at. He doesn't remember what happened since he was abducted, but he was left with a note. He's now a very important key in something much bigger, and he must work with the FBI and his wife, to stop the people that did this to him.

Alright, so there are a lot of details I could throw out there, but rather than writing a novel for the plot, I'll give you the basics, and go into detail when we roleplay.

I'm looking for three things here.

A literate roleplayer, able to use proper spelling and grammar, so I can understand you.

Somebody who can write me at least 1 decent length paragraph. I'm not interested in one liners, I like detail, and while I'll admit that I'm not as good as some, I'd like to think I do alright.

Lastly, I'm looking for not just a roleplayer, but a friend. Because to me, roleplaying isn't just about telling a story, its about meeting a new person, forging a friendship, and coming up with a great story to remember.

If you're up for this, then be my guest and post down below. I'll send you a PM, because I personally prefer to do everything in PMs.

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