Pathfinder: The City Twice Lost


Hopeful Fool
DM: Shepsquared

Game Status: Full, accepting waitlist

Players: SephirothSage, Kasheal, WarDragon, Madmal, Silent Wayfarer, Sherwood, Exthalion

Waitlist: Tr4nsience, Alienzooman

This is a Pathfinder game, with all Paizo material open and quite a bit extra (including the Psionics from Dreamscarred press). Standard rules for character creation will apply, though I haven't yet decided how to set stats. The game will begin with intrigue in a city, followed by at least 1 journey and climax in (or near) Kalithia. I'm not sure what level that will happen at, so it will be a bit of seeing where this goes.

I am aiming for 4-6 players in a single party, preferably with variety in your classes (so no all barbarian party)

There is a good chance characters will die. I will try and avoid it, but on a system where my rolls can be easily seen by everyone it is harder to fudge the numbers. I will not penalise you for this (unless the death is expressly and totally your fault. Like jumping off of a cliff)

If you want to convert something from 3.5, get my approval. State your preferred stat determination in the interest check, if you care at all.
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It probably won't be conducive to evil alignments. Hmmm... Can I include a poll in a thread after creating it?
I am not sure, as to that... As for not being Conducive to Evil- Chaotic Neutral Necromancer? *Flutter Eyelids*
Guess I can't. I have no problems with it, but that depends on the party.

As for what I wanted to poll:

Stat generation. These are the options:

  • Classic: 3d6 straight down, no rerolls, no rearranging
  • Focus and Foible: Choose a stat to be an 18 and a stat to be an 8. For others, roll 1d10+7 four times in order, no rearranging.
  • Dice Distribution: Divide 27d6 between the six stats, no more than 6d6 or less than 3d6 on a single stat, roll them and keep the highest three per stat. No rearranging.
  • Heroic Arranged: 2d6+6 six times, arranged to taste.
  • Evenly Distributed: I roll 4d6 8 times, you take the six scores you want and put them where yu want. Everyone chooses from the same 8

And the other one:

Do you want me to run a custom setting, Golarion, Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Points of Light, other?
Alway's been a bigger fan of Custom Settings- failing that, I know Forgotten Realms best.

As for the Stats- Dice Distribution, or Heroic Arranged.
It has been awhile since I have done the classic D&D style game and thus you have my interest.

I would probably also say heroic arrangement. When you mention the likely hood of character death in the first premise anything that gives the characters more of a chance is probably good.
Sounds like fun; I could definitely be down for this. Not sure if I'd go for more of a "holy roller" justice-seeker type, or someone just out for the reward...

No preference on the stat generation, though a game I'm GMing is getting good results with Focus and Foible.

For worlds, if you don't have a homebrew setting ready to go, I'd pick Golarion, then Eberron, then FR.
I have a setting I could use, but I also want to heavily edit it before running it with people who aren't in my irl group. Any other setting works pretty well, I just don't know the gods of Golarion too well.
Personaly? I have two major concepts. One? Is a Barbarian of any Chaotic Alignment. The other? Is an at best neutral Wizard. Hehh..
I've got a bunch of ideas. Aasimar or half-giant or human psychic warrior. Elven or tiefling magus. Half-elf summoner. Lots if stuff!

For stats: heroically arranged or evenly distributed.

For settings: Eberron, then Golarion.
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I wouldn't mind trying my hand at this, although it has been some time since I've played DnD. In my tabletop game we are getting ready to run I have a Lawful Neutral minotaur I'd like to try here. Would you be willing to give me a go at this? I have the Savage Species book, along with the core book, advanced players guide, and advanced equipment guide.
Sure. Most pathfinder stuff is on the srd and I now have 6 players, which is enough. If you could post the stats from Savage Species I'll figure out whether it needs a nerf or anything.

From votes, leaning towards Golarion and Heroic Arranged.

Now to try the new system for the first time
Hm. Assuming I go with a psychic warrior, would you allow the Dimensional X feats to work with psionic powers from thw psychoportation school? Nightcrawler action go!

Then there's the matter of LA and buyoff...
Table 3–1: The Minotaur

Hit Base Attack Fort Ref Will Skill

Level Dice Bonus Save Save Save Points CR Special

1st 1d8 +1 +0 +2 +2 (2 + Int mod) × 4 1 Gore 1d4, feat, +2 natural armor

2nd 2d8 +2 +1 +3 +3 2 + Int mod 1 +2 Str, keen senses (+1), natural cunning (cannot

become lost)

3rd 2d8 +2 +1 +3 +3 — 2 +2 Con, +3 natural armor, gore 1d6

4th 3d8 +3 +1 +3 +3 2 + Int mod 2 +2 Str, scent 10 ft., keen senses (+2), natural cunning,

(track enemies), feat

5th 3d8 +3 +1 +3 +3 — 3 +4 natural armor, +2 Con

6th 4d8 +4 +1 +4 +4 2 + Int mod 3 +2 Str, –2 Dex, scent 20 ft., Large size, reach 10 ft.,

keen senses (+3)

7th 5d8 +5 +1 +4 +4 2 + Int mod 4 +5 natural armor bonus, natural cunning (never

flat-footed, immune to maze spells), gore 1d8

8th 6d8 +6/+1 +2 +5 +5 2 + Int mod 4 Scent 30 ft., keen senses (+4), feat


• Starting Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Str, +2 Dex, –4 Int,

–2 Cha. While known for cunning and ferocity, minotaurs

rely on Strength and natural weaponry to overcome

their foes. The minotaur’s Strength and Constitution

increase as it gains levels, while its Dexterity decreases.

• Speed: Minotaur land speed is 30 feet.

• Darkvision: Minotaurs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

• Automatic Languages: Giant. A minotaur with enough

Intelligence to receive a bonus language usually makes

Common its first choice.

Though they are classified as monstrous humanoids,

minotaurs frequently associate with various giant kinds,

including ogres, ettins, and true giants. Their size makes

minotaurs accepted among these monsters when smaller

beings would not be.

• Favored Class: Minotaur. The best multiclassing choices

for a minotaur are fighter, barbarian, and ranger.


The minotaur’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill)

are Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),

Search (Int), and Spot (Wis).

On reaching Large size, a minotaur takes a –4 size penalty

on Hide checks.


All of the following are class features of the minotaur monster


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Minotaurs are proficient

with all simple and martial weapons, with light and

medium armor, and with shields.

Feats: A minotaur receives one feat at 1st level, one at 4th

level, and another at 8th level. After 8th level, it gains feats

normally according to its effective character level (the total

of its Hit Dice, level adjustment, and class levels) as shown

on Table 2–5: Experience and Level-Dependent Benefits.

Keen Senses (Ex): A 1st-level minotaur gains a +1

racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. At 4th

level, the bonus rises to +2, at 6th level to +3, and at 8th

level to +4.

Natural Cunning (Ex): Most minotaurs are not clever,

but they all possess an innate logical ability. At 2nd level, a

minotaur can never become lost. At 4th level, when it develops

the scent ability, it can track creatures by smell. At 7th

level, a minotaur becomes immune to maze spells and is

never flat-footed.

Scent (Ex): A minotaur has a keen sense of smell. Beginning

at 4th level, it can detect opponents within the given

range (double range if the scent is upwind, one-half range if

it is downwind) and may take a move-equivalent action to

determine the direction of a scent. If an odor source, such as

an opponent, is within 5 feet, the minotaur can pinpoint

that source. Minotaurs can use the scent ability to track an

enemy by smell.

Large Size: At 6th level, a minotaur grows to Large size

and its natural reach extends to 10 feet. It incurs the usual

penalties for Large creatures.

Gore: A gore is a natural attack. Beginning at 1st level, a

minotaur deals 1d4 points of damage plus its Strength modifier

when making a gore attack. At 3rd level the base

damage rises to 1d6, and at 7th level to 1d8. When a minotaur

charges to make a gore attack, it deals additional

damage according to the following table. A minotaur adds

one and one-half times its Strength modifier to its gore

damage when charging.

Gore Damage Charge Damage

1d4 2d6

1d6 2d8

1d8 4d6

Because a gore is a natural attack, a minotaur can use the full

attack action to attack with a melee weapon and follow up

with its gore attack as a secondary attack at a –5 penalty. It

does get iterative attacks (multiple attacks with the same

weapon at a cumulative –5 penalty), if it is entitled to any,

with its melee weapon (but not with its gore) when using

such an attack routine.
Yes, I'm a young minotaur, and once I hit level 9, I switch to a regular character class.
Ahh... never really used Savage Species- I always went by, well... "If you're going to play a monster, it's not a level one campaign."

That said, I loved the rules for Dragon PC's in the Draconomicon 3.0/3.5 .
Have you read any of the webcomic Looking For Group? I was inspired by one of the characters in that series to play a minotaur.

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