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Pathfinder in the Forgotten Realms

Orzhov said:
Awesome, so... is it possible to become one of the Lords of Waterdeep in the long term? Kinda just wanna put that out there as personal amibition. lol
Well hey, props for not aiming low. lol

PirateLexi said:
Sorry lol. I like the class, but it is a LOT of hassle, for both player and DM.
The one time I've had one in my campaign, the player (whose character was essentially a 14-year-old Pokémon trainer in a semi-Lovecraftian horror, the poor kid—the eidolon was a Dragonite named Bob) kept track of most of the mechanics, which I trusted him to do, but if you're not doing that then it can be a nightmare. I have a synthesist summoner idea that I've been kicking around for a while now with a few levels of paladin, basically a holy crusader who sometimes finds his body taken over by an Actual Honest-to-Gods Angel (or equiv). He'd be fun but certainly wants saving for a seasoned/advanced group. :)

So, no gunslingers, no summoners, no 3rd party/psionics. Anything else, like alignment restrictions? (Cheeky Good here.)
That's a party decision. If you guys don't mind having evil in your party (or if you wanted to go full evil), I'm cool with it, but just know there WILL be consequences for going the actively and antagonistically evil route in a party full of good people. There are right ways to do it and wrong ways to do it. If you'd all prefer to keep away from evil, then anything Chaotic Neutral and above is fine.

And yeah definitely no psionics. Not so much that I mind them, so much as it would double the work I'd have to do to make challenges. Psionics is and always will be broken in games that are not purely psionic.

First level full HP, I'll give you guys a vote on stats: 7x4d6 keep the highest (Where you drop the lowest roll entirely), OR 25 point buy.

Starting gold for 5th level is 10,500gp. I'll also work with you to come up with one signature item, magical or otherwise, once we've got your characters ready.
I'm going for Lawful Evil :> 
7x4d6 = 7 rolls of 4 6 di and we keep the highest number they've made? (Which is 24 at max) or we take 25 :S

I'd feel like a cheater taking a number that high!

I vote roll! ✓

C-Correct senpai?
My vote on attributes would be for point-buy. While I like the high numbers you can potentially get from rolling, you can also get shafted just as easily. :P

The point-buy isn't a straight-up "here are 25 attribute points." Incrementing an ability score by 1 costs more of those points as you continue to put them in. Even so, it's balanced to give you a respectable power level to start.
Basically the way 4d6 rules work is that you drop the lowest on the 4 dice and keep the three highest. As an example....


In this case.... I would have a 7 as a stat.

Or in this case


I would have an 11.

Point buy makes it more balanced, but rolling is a big risk with the possibility for big rewards. Thus why I'm leaving it up to a vote.
Yeah.. I'd say 25 is correct you make a good point

we'd have to spread them on each attribute.. Must've not been thinking straight.

25 point!✓ 
2 of 4 vote 25 point
For info on the points-buy, look at this: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Generating-Ability-Scores

So for example, to get a 16 in a stat, I spend 10 of my 25 points on that, then the rest must be spread about. You can get arrays of valid scores like this (whipped up as samples in Hero Lab):




BTW, Your Holy DMness, how do you feel about use of archetypes, assuming they're not pain-in-the-backside complicated? (And, if you're fine with them, would I be given stink-eye for wanting to use more than one? :P )
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You've Refreshed me again. I completely forgot how to do the stats since the last time I played!

Vector, Thank You.

It depends entirely on the archetype. What are you thinking about and I'll go take a look at it. (I'd definitely prefer only one though)
I'm liking the idea of a rogue with Scout and/or Knife Master to compliment the mobility and light blades. One swaps uncanny dodge for movement attack bonuses, the other swaps trap abilities for knife fighting. I'm quite happy to play just one or vanilla, but I like to spice up the base classes a little. :)
Should I go Alchemist or Cleric... Alchemist can throw things... I'd be helpful as a cleric... I could throoow things.. 
I am not decided on my alignment completely so classes are open
Oh good grief, we've got a grenade medic. I can see myself regretting losing the uncanny dodge. ;)

PirateLexi said:
I dunno man, Oracles are pretty awesome too.
Oracles can be freaking amazing, especially depending on the curse you go for. There are some really interesting powers in there.
Rowgen was looking at a Ranger. I suppose I'll look at being something fighty. 
Actually... what about a Magus? Helps give us a little more magic and some fighting.
If there is room for another application I wouldn't mind posting a fighter type or maybe a cleric.

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