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Pathfinder (D&D) Players as monsters campaign! "Horrors of the Red Cathexus!"

Okay! I will make character sheet PDFs for people who want to play.

If you already have an approved concept we can hash out your character on RPN's discord or you can give me some information here and we can go from there.

Class: Rogue, Barbarian or fighter only
Stats: two 16s, a 14, a 10, and two 3s. you gain +2 in two stats and -2 in one stat of your choice.
Skills: (by class points) 4+int barbarian, 2+ int fighter, 8+ int rogue.

Steal body (Su) = after a successful touch attack, a DC 15 check is made to save vs. bodysnatching. Will, Fort, Reflex TBD by concept!

Size: depending on your concept, you will likely be small or tiny in size -- body-snatchers are supposed to be vulnerable.

This should get us started. I am willing to begin the game with as little as 3 bodysnatchers.

The Dimension of Dreams is home to a large variety of beings. One such being is the Nightmare. It is a creature that feeds on the energy created through bad dreams but causes no real harm to the Dreamer. Little more than a nightmare is left behind and people rarely remember them.

But there are the strange cases where these dream like wraiths are pulled from their comfortable home dimension and shunted into the material plane. In this plane of existence, they are far more malevolent as the energy they can gain from the mind is more potent and like a drug to them. However their very existence as dream beings means they shouldn't exist in such a stable realm. They suffer pain and degradation of their bodies as their existence is rejected. Many Nightmares simply break apart without anyone ever knowing they were there.

A few however, latch onto the minds of sleeping creatures, feeding off of their dreams and preventing a restful sleep. These creatures eventually become sluggish and prone to accidents, becoming sickly for a time as their mind crumbles with each night. Eventually, the Nightmare can hijack the consciousness, effectively assuming control of the body. Meanwhile, the original owner is shoved into their own subconscious, to be nursed on, never allowed to die, trapped in a never ending Nightmare.

There are few ways to remove a Nightmare from a host. The first is to kill the body. The Nightmare requires its host to live, to produce the necessary brainwaves that it feeds on. The Nightmare is not a spirit and as such can't be exorcised in the normal way. The second way to remove a Nightmare is to actually allow the host body to receive normal R.E.M. Sleep. The Nightmare keeps the host mind weak, proper rest can strengthen the host and weaken the control of the Nightmare. Enough strength and the host can force the creature out through willpower alone.

The Nightmare is an Ethereal Being. Another Ethereal Being or someone using a spell to be like them will easily be able to interact with the Nightmare, even possibly pulling it out of the Host. This however often causes instant brain death in the Host.

((Rogue Class, Highest stats being Wisdom and Intelligence, dump stats being Strength and Constitution. Natural Invisibility due to being an Ethereal Being? Kind of going for a Psionic Rogue kind of deal. Something like this: Psionic Rogue

Since we have enough horrible monsters, I'll be opening up the play thread soon. Will post it here when it's ready!

Cortova was once a promising drow Noble, third in line for the throne. Her quick mastery of the arcane sciences made her stand out against her sisters, which was both a blessing, and a curse in that society. On the one hand, many wanted alliances with her to solidify a place when she took the throne. On the other hand, many more wanted to ensure that she never took it at all.

Cortova grew up surrounded by politics and paranoia, learning quickly that she could trust absolutely no one. She started using spells to remain awake when everyone assumed she slept, a ring to nullify her need to eat or drink, and alarm spells everywhere in her home.

At one point, she had the idea to summon a creature from another plane, and bind it to serve her. It took her some time to learn the spell, but once she had it ready, and opened the portal, something went terribly wrong. Well, actually, two things. One, the portal went not to Hell, but somewhere entirely different. And two, it went the wrong way. While Cortova was busy trying to figure out what went wrong, she felt herself grabbed from behind, and flung, screaming into the void.

She doesn’t know how long she remained there, surrounded by things she couldn’t comprehend, drifting in and out of sanity, her soul warped by currents of dark magic, until she was barely recognizable. She doesn’t know where along the path she forgot the magic she used to love so dearly, or lost her body. She doesn’t even know who it was that cursed her to this existence. Some days, all she can remember is her name. All she cares about now, is finding a way to regain what she’s lost. She wants to live again, and she wants her vengeance. She doesn’t care who she has to hurt to get them.

Character Name: Cortova
Creature Type: Spirit
Size: Incorporeal, medium for the purposes of targeting
Class: Rogue
Str: 3
Dex: 14
Con: 1 (3-2)
Int: 16 (14+2)
Wis: 10
Cha: 18 (16+2)
Craft (Alchemy) -1-7
Knowledge (Local)-1-7
Knowledge (Arcana)-1-4
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)-1-7
Feat: Deceitful (+2 to bluff and disguise)
Natural Weapons: Nope.
Steal Body Save: Will
Languages: Common, Undercommon, Infernal, Abyssal, necril
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I'm going to start the game and when your character is done you can be our "late bloomer"

PS -- *Huggle*
Character Name: Veil
Creature Type: Ethereal Being (Nightmare)
Size: Incorporeal, medium size
Class: Unchained Rogue
Str: 3 (1)
Dex: 14 (16)
Con: 3
Int: 16
Wis: 16
Cha: 10 (12)
Skills: Stealth (3), Perception (3), Knowledge Dungeoneering, Disable Device, Diplomacy (3)
Feat: Extra Rogue Talent
Natural Weapons: N/A
Steal Body Save: Will
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Aklo, Sylvan
Character Name: Veil
Creature Type: Ethereal Being (Nightmare)
Size: Incorporeal, medium size
Class: Unchained Rogue
Str: 3 (1)
Dex: 14 (16)
Con: 3
Int: 16
Wis: 16
Cha: 10 (12)
Skills: Stealth (3), Perception (3), Knowledge Dungeoneering, Disable Device, Diplomacy (3)
Feat: Extra Rogue Talent
Natural Weapons: N/A
Steal Body Save: Will
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Aklo, Sylvan

Will make your PDF soon!
I’ll keep you in mind. Will see if it’s full or not according to players
This still open? BTW the discord link doesn't work anymore.

Still open for one more person -- why not tell me what interests you about the RP?

Then you can flesh out a character concept and I'll make a PDF for you if you seem like a good fit. <3
Beckoncall Beckoncall Sorry for the late reply I've been busy irl. I actually have two character concepts. Do you want to hear about the book or butterfly first?

Well, since you asked, here are the reasons I am interested in this RP:
Playing as villains is fun.
  • Possessing. The whole possessing mechanic is very interesting.
  • Progression. the fact that you start of weak but can eventually gain dominion over the entirety of the Underdark!
  • Protecting the Red Cathexus is an interesting plot-hook
  • The Lovecraftian themes (crap, this line doesn't start with a p)
P.S. The discord link expired, again.

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