The Only Ocassionally Reliable RP Partner
Your dear Ever so Mighty and Exalted Dungeon Master Azure Cerulean Wonder, or simply Wonderblue, is ready to tackle another campaign. Could this go horribly wrong? Of course. Will it? Most likely. Yet here I am, with another one.
Pathfinder is essentially 3.5e but glorified. It was my first ever RPG tabletop dice game, and has always had a special place in my heart. The rules of it are fairly easy to learn, less complicated than 5e, but easier to break.
The campaign, Rise of the Runelords is meant to take a party of five from level one to twenty, and is especially good for beginners to learn on the job. If you've never done D&D or Pathfinder before, this is an excellent campaign to get your feet wet in RPGs. I'd like at least one veteran player to help guide the way, but everyone else- it favors beginners. (Bigger players might end up bored in the beginning if they don't role play.)
I would prefer this to be mute, as I am not comfortable with sharing my rather unpleasant voice.
Discord is an option for use, if that's easier.
NOTE: If you are in my other campaign, you may not join this one. You may spectate, but will not be included in the campaign, for there are others who didn't get to join the first and would like to get a chance to play.
First come, first served, with the exception being my previous players and those who have messaged me beforehand. Maximum of seven players. Inactivity will not be tolerated. I understand that you have a life outside of RPN, but if you go silent, we're sort of stuck. Keep us informed of what's happening, and we'll understand.