Hey, everybody! Uh, I'm very new here and I'm very unsure as to what exactly I need to be doing, so I threw myself into the deep end. Learn to swim or drown, right? Anyway, there are more important matters to discuss. For instance: the purpose of this site. I'm a very open guy, so, as long as you have a good grasp of the English language (I don't expect perfection, how could I?), and aren't going to hit me with a one liner every message, I'm sure we'll get along just fine. I'm a very casual writer, so as long as you can give me more than one line, I'll probably be happy. As for plots, I don't have anything concrete at the moment. But, like I said, open guy. What that means is, if you have a plot (I love sci-fi/fantasy), feel free to hit me up! I'm also an avid gamer, so if you have a craving there, tell me. If I haven't heard of the game, I'll be happy to research it for you.
To cut a long winded statement short, I'm looking for partners to discuss plots and RP with. So, uh. Hit me up? Post here or PM, I don't care which!
To cut a long winded statement short, I'm looking for partners to discuss plots and RP with. So, uh. Hit me up? Post here or PM, I don't care which!