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Partner Search!


A moth, and also a man
Hey there! I lack the need and the skills to make a fancy thread with some of the beautiful coding that's possible on this site, but, I'll still get out everything I mean to say!

Long story sweet: Looking for a dedicated long time partner for RPs. I'm open to a wide variety of plots, the only thing I don't really delve into is Fandoms, as I'm simply not a part of many. (A few exceptions to that, such as Fire Emblem and Valkyria Chronicles!) Fantasy is by far my favorite, especially medieval.

Short story long: Alrighty! So, just a bit about me before I roll this all out, I'm currently on my tail-end of highschool, planning to go to college soon! Therefore, I can be a little bit busy sometimes, but I generally will keep a fair bit of replies a day. If I plan to be absent for a bit, I'll definitely put that out for your knowledge! I won't try and sell myself as some Grade A+, perfectionist writer. My two main reasons for RPing is 1. To make a story and have fun with it, and 2. To improve my writing skill. I like to pride myself in my writing skill, but again, I'm far from perfect. If that's what you're looking for, look somewhere else.

I'm really not picky about settings and plots, and I absolutely LOVE suggestions from other peoples, so don't be afraid to either post ideas in this thread, or PM me about one!

In terms of my own ideas, they're fairly few and far in between. But, I will definitely update this thread here and there with rough ideas I have spinning, and I'll normally have long versions of said ideas, which you can feel free to PM me about, and I'll gladly send it to you! I'd post them here, but they'd probably clutter this thread up big time.

Anyways, as it says in the title, I'm always looking for new partners, so don't be afraid to message me!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this earlier, but in terms of pairings, the only thing I don't really do is MxM, just due to lack of experience with it. I'm always opened to Romance in RPs, though!


Only got two for right now. But, more will come, some will leave, etc etc! Don't have names for either of them, though.

(Medieval/Fantasy) A destined to be Prince/Princess flees his homeland, due to a lack of need and attention beneath his siblings. He wanders the rival kingdom for years, before eventually landing a job as the Prince/Princess of that kingdom's Royal Guardian, told to protect her at all costs. The issue with this, however, is hiding their identity, especially with the likely war to happen between the Kingdoms.

(Modern/Fantasy [Maybe a little steampunkish?]) Civilization has degraded over years and years of pollution. Oceans have become almost impassable, and the sky is nearly always gray. The rain falls as a disgusting gray liquid, the snow a soot black. A large number of people now live in one place, a large, mechanical tower (That I can't name for the life of me), separated into many levels. The bottom levels still try to harvest whatever materials can be gained from the planet, but are also plagued with poverty and crime. The higher up you get, however, the higher the standard of living becomes.

(Any time period/Fantasy) A story centered around two people, be it friends, family, or strangers. One of them inherits some holy/divine/special/someway important weapon or item from their father, who believed it was in their 'destiny' to be the holder of it. The other character is who the item/weapon is truly meant for, at least in destiny. This is a really vague one with little/no world building, so this one is VERY open to new stuff.

Fandoms I'd be alright with RP'ing

Xenoblade Chronicles

Fire Emblem

Resonance of Fate

Pokemon S&M
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ZephyrTD said:
Hey there! I lack the need and the skills to make a fancy thread with some of the beautiful coding that's possible on this site, but, I'll still get out everything I mean to say!
Long story sweet: Looking for a dedicated long time partner for RPs. I'm open to a wide variety of plots, the only thing I don't really delve into is Fandoms, as I'm simply not a part of many. (A few exceptions to that, such as Fire Emblem and Valkyria Chronicles!) Fantasy is by far my favorite, especially medieval.

Short story long: Alrighty! So, just a bit about me before I roll this all out, I'm currently on my tail-end of highschool, planning to go to college soon! Therefore, I can be a little bit busy sometimes, but I generally will keep a fair bit of replies a day. If I plan to be absent for a bit, I'll definitely put that out for your knowledge! I won't try and sell myself as some Grade A+, perfectionist writer. My two main reasons for RPing is 1. To make a story and have fun with it, and 2. To improve my writing skill. I like to pride myself in my writing skill, but again, I'm far from perfect. If that's what you're looking for, look somewhere else.

I'm really not picky about settings and plots, and I absolutely LOVE suggestions from other peoples, so don't be afraid to either post ideas in this thread, or PM me about one!

In terms of my own ideas, they're fairly few and far in between. But, I will definitely update this thread here and there with rough ideas I have spinning, and I'll normally have long versions of said ideas, which you can feel free to PM me about, and I'll gladly send it to you! I'd post them here, but they'd probably clutter this thread up big time.

Anyways, as it says in the title, I'm always looking for new partners, so don't be afraid to message me!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this earlier, but in terms of pairings, the only thing I don't really do is MxM, just due to lack of experience with it. I'm always opened to Romance in RPs, though!


Only got two for right now. But, more will come, some will leave, etc etc! Don't have names for either of them, though.

(Medieval/Fantasy) A destined to be Prince/Princess flees his homeland, due to a lack of need and attention beneath his siblings. He wanders the rival kingdom for years, before eventually landing a job as the Prince/Princess of that kingdom's Royal Guardian, told to protect her at all costs. The issue with this, however, is hiding their identity, especially with the likely war to happen between the Kingdoms.

(Modern/Fantasy [Maybe a little steampunkish?]) Civilization has degraded over years and years of pollution. Oceans have become almost impassable, and the sky is nearly always gray. The rain falls as a disgusting gray liquid, the snow a soot black. A large number of people now live in one place, a large, mechanical tower (That I can't name for the life of me), separated into many levels. The bottom levels still try to harvest whatever materials can be gained from the planet, but are also plagued with poverty and crime. The higher up you get, however, the higher the standard of living becomes.
i like the second one
I absolutely adore both of your ideas, and I'd love to flesh them out with you. Shoot me a PM, if you'd like.
[QUOTE="Natan Evans]male

I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I was asking that of the owner of the thread
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PM me for a lighthearted fantasy Odea (MxF) (no need to PM me if you'd rather just do soemthing in a darker mood, but tell me if that's the case)
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ZephyrTD said:
Civilization has degraded over years and years of pollution. Oceans have become almost impassable, and the sky is nearly always gray. The rain falls as a disgusting gray liquid, the snow a soot black. A large number of people now live in one place, a large, mechanical tower (That I can't name for the life of me), separated into many levels. The bottom levels still try to harvest whatever materials can be gained from the planet, but are also plagued with poverty and crime. The higher up you get, however, the higher the standard of living becomes.

I'm interested in this.
@ZephyrTD -- Good evening! My name is Ashley; I'm 24, work 50 hours a week and am finishing my degree. As I don't have much free time to play around with frivolous plots, I'm currently looking for a partner more than a plot. I appreciated your post and am interested in the personality you've expressed through your post. If you're interested in chatting to see if we'd be compatible partners, please feel free to message me. :)

I look forward to hearing from you.
The second idea is rather interesting. I've been having free time lately so I would be able to reply at least once per day. I like detail in my roleplays,if that's okay with you. Let me know if you are interested.
Hey hey! I'm uh, Strawberry. I'm a little odd, I must admit. But hey, embrace your flaws... Or quirks, I guess?

Oh my god, here we go. I'm already off topic, excuse me.

Anywho, I would absolutely love to role-play with you; I'm open to almost any plot. Seeing as how there have been others that have responded, I'm not quite sure which plots are still available and/or if you would prefer to create a completely new one.


- My replying schedule is somewhat wacky. Although I do prefer long-term, I also would like something casual in terms of replying on a schedule.

- Like I've said, I'm a little wacky. Expect varying lengths in replies, though they almost always exceed two paragraphs at the minimum. Almost.

- I'm a terribly, horrible decision maker, I will likely pass my ideas through you before deciding anything, and ask a horrifying amount of questions.

I probably should have saved this for a PM, but I thought I would let you know what you're getting into before you decided to PM me (or not, bleh).

Well, if you don't PM me, no worries! I will not be offended (probably ;) .

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