Sleepless Dreamer
Dreams of Awakening
Hello everyone! I'm currently trying to roleplay more after a long somewhat hiatus of roleplaying and not writing in general. Which explains the way I type and my roleplaying may be a little rusty, so please forgive me. I'm open to any ideas, storylines, or scenarios so feel free to express them! However, I'm not the best at creating ideas/storylines myself. Although I'll try to add small details here and there and possibly later on in our roleplay. I'm open to any genres except for medieval, historical, and sci-fi depending on the plot. I'm open for romance, along with doubling or playing multiple characters. M x F and F x F are preferred, though. I'm not picky when it comes to length of your replies. Semi, paragraph, and multiple paragraphs are completely fine with me. I'll try my best to match your response length as well. I'm active on both Discord and private messages on here, whichever one you prefer. Hopefully, I peak your interests in roleplaying with me!
I may or may not be bored at the moment.
Will probably add more later, once I think of more to add.Send help.