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Part of Paris

"Oh nothing..." Five minutes later someone went through the door and to our table, it was a famous comedian that Fiona immediately recognized.

"This is my brother." Kevin laugjed
He introduced himself and performed a funny skit, the whole resteraunt watching and laughing, Kevin and his brother then formed more skits.
When there food arrived, Kevin's brother sat across from them, eating Kevin's wings while Kevin engulfed his salad. "So...yeah." Kevin laughed, kissing Fiona on the neck.
Kevin blushed when his brother was around when he kissed Fiona, "Oh Nick-you're school called Mom and Dad, anyone who went on the trip was graduated apparently." Kevin smiled and looked at Fiona, grabbing her and French kissing her.
"Wait a minute," Kevin's brother got a call on his phone. "The hotel was exploded on the side with 3 tons of explosives." His eyes widened

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