Parnomal Detectives [Inactive]

Its hard being a detective. Having to solve impossible cases and such. But today I can finally rest easy. I'm getting more people into the Eye Detective Agency. Well now I can finally relax. But will they be alright on their own? I hope they don't get hurt.

The door opens

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Mr. Bakivan? I was, um... I'm Jackson O'Rielly. I was sent here by your adviser. You wish to see me?

The office seemed to be more of a library. Books lined the walls, and perfectly carved carved cedar bookshelves to keep them in place. In front of me I saw an average sized man with a clean cut beard with bits of grey hair.
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"Indeed I do. Mr Jack I am sending you and some other detectives to solve a unexplained murder case." Richard said while handing Jack the paper.

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Anna walked in behind Jackson and saw Mr Bakivan. "Hi, I'm Anna Lockley," She said, "I was asked to come for a job."
"Indeed you were. Allow me to introduce one of your partners on this case. This is Jack." Mr. Bakavin said.

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Jack wolfishly grinned and stepped forward and held out his hand, " Hi I'm jack Lupa its nice to meet you to and glad to be working with you to."
Ignoring the other guy, O'Rielly looked over the papers. It seemed kind of odd that they are putting more than two people on such an easy case.

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but, I'm sure this case can easily be handled by one, possibly two, but 4? I mean look here, It's only a couple of recent homicides from a few surrounding hotels. I bet you anything the Chicago Police Department could figure this out by themselves also. I mean I know I am new, but -

Richard cut him off and had Jackson flip the page. Then it hit him. No wonder...
Anna looked over Jackson's shoulder and almost gasped. It'd happened again.

"Is this...?" She said to Richard, "What I think it is?"
Jack looked at Anna curiously and then grinned," what do you think this is Anna was it." Jack calmly took a seat in a chair in a corner and sat there quietly. But kept his wolfish grin on his face
Anna glared at Jack, she disliked his smile.

"It's just..." She said, "This case... I... I've seen one just like it before."
A man walked in the room standing at about 6'1 with stubble, and a look a displeased look on his face. "You called?" he asked. Looking around the room at the other detectives.
Oh great, another one. May I speak? I was here first. O'Rielly is started to become frustrated. "I almost liked this company until now" He said to himself.
"Well seems like your all here. In that case take a good look at your assignment sheet. What is written on there is your case. So then hop to it." Richard says.

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So obviously we have a crowd. O'rielly continued trying his best to ignore the others.

If this case is for trainees, im obviously here by accident.
"Jack you are more experiencend. What I want you to do is help them with the case. Besides you could learn ages things to from it." Richard said

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Well, no offense... but, well, you know... This case can easily be solved... Jackson O'Rielly liked feeling superior over the others, but he needs to tone it down a bit and stop being so cocky.
"Well 11 years as a detective tells me my ass doesn't need an awful lot of training but you are right about that. What's your name Detective?"
"Hm? Is that so Jack? Well in that case the more the merryer. Oh and dash I'm sorry. Everyone please introduce yourselves"

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