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Realistic or Modern Parkview High School

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New Member

Well, damn. >-<

So, everything-

Well almost everything is MY idea.

No, I'm not trying to Copy anyone.

Literally, no.

I did take advice from some though.

But the Links aren't mine.

The Rules.

The Forms.

And the Storyline and characters are all mine.

Take them, I'll murder you and feed you to my cat.


Okay, so about the beautiful Parkview High School.

This High School, is typical.

Indeed, Many Cliches walk the halls, some more proud to then Others.

But this school circles around one thing;

Romance. ❥

What will your High School year be like?

σитσ тнє яυℓєѕ.

═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═

No Mary-Sues Or Gary Studs. For nobody is perfect.

Unless you're Batman. For he is perfect. (Sorry Not Really.)

I don't care who you are, I don't care how you Roleplay,

Just more then ONE line, my god I can't stress that enough.

Three: No dating or crushing on your Own Oc's.

Seriously, that is really stupid.

Four: You don't have to do the whole entire One Boy and One Girl thing.

Include everyone; nobody should be alone.

Six: Don't waste notifications on bull shit.

Seven: Come to Me or and Admin if you have an issue.

Eight: Real Appearance or a three line description. No Anime.

Unless you ask me nicely.

Nine: Use the correct form, or Satan will murder your soul.

Ten: Don't be a douche bag.

Eleven: Find a crush. Love is cute.

Twelve: Okay, whores.. Swear as much as you fucking want to. Whore.

Thirteen: I'll assign crushes if to many people feel ignored.

Fourteen: Favorite Quote?

Fifteen: Don't make your character overly innocent.

Sixteen: Be Original with your forms!

Seventeen: Don't hog the lime light. Share it.

Eighteen: Answer the Hidden Question.

Nineteen: Don't Move one without my say, or an admin.

Twenty: Use the correct form.

Twenty-One: More then just traits for your personality.

Twenty-Two: More then just One worded extras.

Twenty Three: Favorite Horror Film?

Twenty-Four: Don't make your character always in distress, that's fucking annoying.

Twenty-Five: Don't make your character some fucking Model. That's stupid.

Twenty-Six: Any Cliche is allowed.

Twenty Seven: Don't make every guy gay, though any sexuality is allowed. Love is Love.

Twenty-Nine: What rule number did you skip?

Thirty: So, So, So, I'll say this again due to the fact that nobody seems to understand.

More then just traits for your fucking personality.

Thirty-One: I have OCD and I'm a dick, so If I notice something wrong, don't argue with me, fix it or get ban.

Thirty-Two: Favorite Rule?

Thirty-Three: Treat the Admin with respect, or you'll be ban.

Thirty-Four: No No No Self Harm. Seriously, It's fucking triggering.

Thirty Five: Do not bully OORP. I don't care if you do In Roleplay, just nothing outside.

Thirty-Six: If someone offends you, message me instead of starting shit through the R.P.

Thirty-Seven: Don't make every girl Popular, and every boy a Player or some Jock, It's Highschool.

Thirty-Eight: Okay, Felica..

I don't care about crushes, choose ask or fate.

But I may choose them if I feel Romance isn't happening.

Thirty-Nine: Ha, no rule bitch.

Fourty: Please tell me the face claim you will be using. :3


๑۩۞۩๑ ѕтυ∂єит fσям: ๑۩۞۩๑




Grade or Year (9th Grade- Freshman, 10th Grade-Sophomore 11th-Grade-Junior, 12th Grade-Senior):

Personality (More then just Traits.):

Appearance (Anything BUT ANIME is allowed):



Talent (Why you're here)

Biography (Three lines or more!):


Do you mind sharing a Dorm?:

Do you want to share a Dorm?:

Extra (At Least Three.):

Note: This is only one of my opening characters.

I have more coming.

If I see you using the faceclaim for one of my soon to join characters,

I will ask you to change it.

Thank you. ♥

Name: Beau Alexzander Holloway (Pronounced: "Bow" )

Age: Eighteen,

Grade or Year (9th Grade- Freshman, 10th Grade-Sophomore 11th-Grade-Junior, 12th Grade-Senior): Senior.

Personality (More then just Traits.):

Beau may look like your typical "Player" But he's rather different,

Shy indeed, Beau won't even dare to approach a girl, especially if 'tis one he is rather fond of.

Beau's rather quiet and reserved, though highly intelligent.

Known as an "Introvert" He rarely does ever talk, unless it is to state his own opinion.

This hopeless romantic tends to hide his true personality by continually acting rather

Cold hearted, he acts normally emotionless, and it's nearly impossible to break him.

He can't stand to let many get close to him, regardless the situation.

With rather large trust issues, he can't bare to watch many get close or to his soft spot.

Beaut is extremely fragile, and due to that he will rarely let anyone near him.

tBeau doesn't mind a conversation,

Though he rarely talks, and rarely carries a conversation for to long.

Unless he is rather intrigued.

Appearance (Anything BUT ANIME is allowed):

Meet The Pretty Boy Beau

With the short wavy Hazel Brown hair, that tends to cascade into his Dark brown eyes,

A rather
Toned Figure, Beau stands at a Six feet Four inches tall,

With a simply gorgeous

Vincent can turn very
Seductive within a brief moment,

Covered in

Beau does have a lot of Piercings,

Including a lovely pair of

A lovely bunch of

And some lovely
Angel Bites.

And A

Crush: Nobody.


♥ Beau Loves To Read.

♥ Beau Loves to Sing.

♥ Beau Loves to Dance, though he's horrid at it.

♥ Beau Loves to Play His Acoustic Guitar.

♥ Beau Loves to Write.

♥ Beau loves to bake, though it happens to be a

♥ Beau is terrible at drawing, but he does indeed like to draw.

Talent (Why you're here): Beau is amazing on the Guitar.

Biography (Three lines or more!): (Please Hold.)

Sexuality: Straight.

Do you mind sharing a Dorm?: Nope.

Do you want to share a Dorm?: Sure.

Extra (At Least Three.):

♥ Beau Suffers From Insomnia.

♥ Beau has a small group of friends.

♥ Beau can become very protective.

♥ Beau is extremely caring.

♥ Beau has a Black Tabby cat named; Maximus.

♥ Beau if from Glasgow Scotland, therefore he has a harsh accent.

Name: Annabelle Maria-Snow Collaway

Age: Seventeen.

Grade or Year (9th Grade- Freshman, 10th Grade-Sophomore 11th-Grade-Junior, 12th Grade-Senior): Annabelle is a Junior.

Personality (More then just Traits.):

Timid, explains Annabelle. Not easily fooled, nor does she believe in most things she hears.

Very intelligent, she tends to read people. And figure out what it is they really want.

Shy, indeed. She'll rarely approach another, She doesn't seem to willingly open up.

Despite her innocence, she is a rather large Introvert, causing her to easily be able to watch and read most.

Awkward indeed, she rarely falls for anything though she is easily frightened.

Fragile like most women, she can't seem to let another person get close. Regardless of what they say.

Clever as well, she tends to think small things up, she of course doesn't say aloud.

More accepting then most, but not very she may, or may not let you in.

That all depends.

Appearance (Anything BUT ANIME is allowed):

With blood Red hair, the
Breathtaking Annabelle Marie-Snow hides.

With an
Innocent face, and innocent big eyes.

Most mistake the girls age.

She hides behind the red hair that cascades down to her slender waist.

Sleeve of Tattoos covers her snow pale arms.

And hides her breathtaking Scars.

Crush: Nobody, yet.


~Annabelle loves to create music with her acoustic guitar.

~Annabelle loves to read a good book or poem.

~Annabelle loves to dance in the rain.

~Annabelle loves to draw.

~Annabelle loves to sing.

~Annabelle loves to bake.

Talent (Why you're here): Her talent on the guitar.

Biography (Three lines or more!): -Please Hold.-

Sexuality: Open Minded.

Do you mind sharing a Dorm?: No.

Do you want to share a Dorm?: I suppose.

Extra (At Least Three.):

~Annabelle rarely talks.

~Annabelle stands only 4 feet tall.

~Annabelle can state her opinion.

~Annabelle is romantically innocent.

~Annabelle has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, nor a first kiss.


Devin Oliver Andrews.


Dev or Oli.






Meet Devin Andrews.

Who stands 6 feet 3 inches tall, with a rather
Toned figure,

Yet rather pale, with
Long black hair, That normally cascades

Over his deep brown eyes,

Devin is rather
Lean, With a simply lovely Face,

But that doesn't conclude Devin Oliver Andrew,

for he has quiet the load of beautiful
Tattoos and Piercings,

Piercings like;

Tongue Piercing

Snake Bites.

lInch Sized Gauges.

cAngel Bites.


Making Devin Oliver Andrews, Unique and beautiful.


Nobody, yet.


Devin is a rather odd duck,

Being extremely shy, yet timid. It's rare for him to start any sort of Conversation,

Rather Introverted, better explains Devin,

Though from time to time, He can become a rather large Hopeless Romantic, but that's only if He's fallen for you.

Devin is extremely Intelligent, and can easily read a person,

He's not at all attracted to those who crave and feed off of attention, positive or Negative,

Devin has a low tolerance for those who play the Victim, under any circumstances.

Devin hides behind a wall, a Wall of complete and utter coldness,

Due to a broken heart, he rarely shows Emotion,

Most people call him "Cold" Or a "Freak" Due to it,

Devin isolated his emotions, and his heart, due to how honestly fragile he is.

Devin will let you in, if he feels he can trust you to not completely use and hurt him.


☯ Devin loves
Books, reading is one of his favorite pass times.

Devin loves to play Guitar

☯ Devin enjoys

☯ Devin loves to watch
Horror Films.

☯ Devin loves
Motionless In White.

☯ Devin loves to listen to
Music, you'll never see him without headphones.

☯ Devin has an obsession with
Marilyn Manson.

☯ Devin loves
Heavy Metal.

☯ Devin loves the Infamous film;
The Ring.

☯ Devin loves Tim Burton

☯ Devin loves
The Rain.


☠ Devin Hates Fake and Ignorant People.

☠ Devin hates Attention Whores.

☠ Devin Hates The Thought Of Being Alone.

☠ Devin hates when others gossip or talk horrid on another.

☠ Devin Hates Those Who Judge him by his appearance.

☠ Devin Hates those who bully or treat others poorly.

☠ Devin Hates Society.

☠ Devin hates those who lye behind a mask of Ignorance.


☠ Devin suffers from Bi Polar.

☠ Devin lost his mother due to Cancer 13 Years Ago.

☠ Devin lives in his own apartment due to family issues with his Father.

☠ Devin takes care of and raises his
Little Daughter Abigail.

☠ Devin has Two Jobs, Taco Bell and Hot Topic.

☠ Devin cares for more then he'll admit.

☠ Devin has trust issues.

☠ Devin hasn't been in a relationship, but has been played.

☠ Devin has an abusive father.

☠ Devin often visits his mothers grave, with Abigail.

Name| Ashton Michael Winters.








Meet Ashton The Hippie.

Standing tall at 6 Feet 3 Inches tall, he's just an inch shorter then Vincent.

With a rather lean and slender figure, he's rather
Toned. And extremely flexible.

His body is
Covered in Tattoos. With brown hair that cascades into his

Brown eyes, he has the amount of


Nobody, yet.


Ashton is a rather cheerful down to earth person.

With a huge accepting heart, he won't mind letting someone get close to him.

He's rather Romantic at times, though he hides that, Unless he's around someone he likes.

Ashton grows easily attached to most, without realizing it and in the long run it tends to hurt him a bit more.

He's extremely intelligent and can be serious when it's needed.

Ashton is very protective, and can become quickly defensive if it's actually needed.

Rather outgoing also, he never as an issue starting a conversation with anyone,

Not to mention, he's a teddy bear. Extremely approachable.


♥ Ashton likes to Smoke Cigarettes and Vapors.

♥ Ashton likes his Hippie Van.

♥ Ashton Loves to play his guitar.

♥ Ashton is quiet the singer.

♥ Ashton loves to spend time with his Grandmother.

♥ Ashton likes to cook.

♥ Ashton loves to draw, though in all honesty,

He's terrible at it.


♥ Ashton doesn't like skateboarding.

♥ Ashton doesn't like to do anything Physical.

♥ Ashton hates Conflict.

♥ Ashton hates fighting.

♥ Ashton hates those who make fun of his mother.


♥ Ashton always has his guitar, also.

♥ Ashton has trust issues.

♥ Ashton lost his mother when he was three.

♥ Ashton is sexually open minded.

♥ Ashton hasn't really been in many relationships.

♥ Ashton is an extreme sweetheart.

♥ Ashton becomes attached easily.

♥ Ashton is Vincent's best friend.

♥ Ashton tends to be addicted to Cigarettes.

♥ Ashton is known by most for being a "Hippie".

♥ Ashton is extremely friendly.

♥ Ashton loves his


Cole Drew Weathers.


Can you turn "Cole" Into a Nickname?






Meet Cole Weathers.

The boy with the pale skin and long
Orange and Red Hair.

Innocent Brown Eyes. His Ginger locks cascade in front of them.

A Rather Slender and Tall Figure, Cole grasp. Standing Six feet Tall.

With a few
Beautiful Tattoos, and a very simple Nose Piercing,

An Innocent Face.

Cole is beautiful.


Nobody, yet.


Cole is a typical teenage boy,

Rather laid back and chill. He avoids Drama,

Though the ginger can be very Sarcastic, he's extremely genuine.

Rather blunt indeed, Cole has never had an issue with stating his opinion,

Cole is rather Optimistic,

Cole can read people, tell what their emotions are, regardless on if they do try

And hide it from hi,

Cole can become rather Protective, over anyone he gets close to,

Or cares a lot for.


♥ Cole also loves to play guitar.

♥ Cole loves to Draw.

♥ Cole loves Cats.

♥ Cole Loves Reading.

♥ Cole Loves Tea.

♥ Cole loves attending Concerts.


♥ Cole doesn't like those who lie to his face.

♥ Cole doesn't like the color Green.

♥ Cole doesn't like when anyone outside his circle of friends call him, "Ginger".

♥ Cole doesn't like when those judge him for his appearance.

♥ Cole doesn't like to be talked over.

♥ Cole doesn't like those who demand his attention every living moment.


♥ Cole is Only Six feet tall.

♥ Cole can be rather shy.

♥ Cole Loves To Read.

♥ Cole is more of Introvert.

♥ Cole Has Trust Issues.

♥ Cole loves the Rain.

♥ Cole Loves The Dark.

♥ Cole has problems with Bi Polar.

♥ Cole hates the dark.

♥ Cole can be rather cold.


Alice Madeline-Rose Wright.


Al or Ali.






Meet the Beautiful

With a rather innocent
Face, her age tends to be mistaken,

With long beautiful hair,

She hides behind Different colors like
Red or Green and sometimes Black And White.

Though her hair 'tis a beautiful

With beautifully snow pale skin, and a simply gorgeous

And lovely

She has a rather Lovely look,

A Beautiful Bright Pastel Goth Look!




Alice is a rather unique person.

With a rather Timid yet Intelligent Mind, the girl tends to find her way out of most problems, even it if takes her a bit longer then most.

She's rather Observant, and rarely starts Conflict, unless one doesn't know her Mental Issues.

Alice is also Extremely Innocent, and Rather Clumsy.

No, not the type of girl who trips over air, and bumps into people over an over.

She's rather Organized, and tidy.

Though Alice is extremely shy, she rarely avoids most people.

Due to the fact that Alice is known as a
Mute she can talk, yes. But prefers she doesn't.

Alice is rather Confident, but at the exact same time extremely terrified.

She hates to trust others, or let most get close for she fears of getting hurt, or thrown away.

Again and Again.

Though, shy. Most would have to approach Alice in order to gain any attention.

For Alice doesn't talk, and she is to shy to put herself in the spotlight.

The small girl can also be rather intriguing due to her wonderful talent,

As far as words may go.

For Alice is a beautiful poet.


♥ Alice Loves Poetry.

♥ Alice Loves Classical Music.

♥ Alice Loves To Bake.

♥ Alice loves her best friend; Annabelle-Lee.

♥ Alice loves to Draw.

♥ Alice loves To Read.


~ Alice isn't very Fond of those who make fun of her mental issues.

~ Alice doesn't like when people bully or hurt others.

~ Alice doesn't like Arguing.

~ Alice doesn't like Players.

~ Alice doesn't like Ignorance.

~ Alice doesn't like the people who can't handle a little change.


~ Alice is from; France.

~ Alice loves the Dark.

~ Alice Suffers from ADHD.

~Alice is a Mute.

~Alice is known as a Pastel Goth.Name: Kai Levi-Alexis Willows.

Age: Eighteen.

Grade or Year (9th Grade- Freshman, 10th Grade-Sophomore 11th-Grade-Junior, 12th Grade-Senior): Kai is a Senior.

Personality (More then just Traits.):

Kai is known as a "Hippie"

For he is rather kind hearted and extremely genuine.

Not exactly the most intelligent, but he's rather down to earth indeed.

Kai is very accepting and won't push anyone away even if he had to.

He is always the first person to be there for someone,

Kai is also very protective, for he won't stand there and let someone

Take another down, regardless the situation.

He's very "Street" Smart, he knows his way,

and he knows who he can and can't trust.

Though Kai is very accepting, he does have issues with

Trust, and Letting people close, though the moment they are he won't

Let them go, won't even dare to.

Appearance (Anything BUT ANIME is allowed):

Kai The Hippie

With beautiful messy
Brown Hair.

A lovely
Tan skin tone,

with a rather
Lean tall Figure, Standing Six feet Five Inches,

With a beautiful

And story telling

Crush: So far, nobody.


Kai enjoys surfing, Yes.

Kai enjoys Longboarding.

Kai enjoys skateboarding.

Kai enjoys cooking.

Kai enjoys playing his guitar.

Kai enjoys Tattooing.

Kai enjoys drawing, he's quite artist.

Talent (Why you're here): He's an Musical Artist.

Biography (Three lines or more!):

Kai had a rather rough childhood, he was born when his mother was only Sixteen,

And they where both on the streets, Kai had always attempted to be there for his mother,

As they rested at a Homeless Shelter, Kai was coloring as his mother overdosed by drug use,

Kai never understood why his mother wouldn't wake up,

But shortly after the incident Kai was sent to a Foster home,

He didn't enjoy it, not due to abuse or anything, he felt no love.

Kai ran away when he was nine, and remained on the streets since,

Learning what he could, street wise.

Sexuality: Open Minded, Why limit yourself? Love is love dear.

Do you mind sharing a Dorm?: Not at all.

Do you want to share a Dorm?: Friends? Hell yeah.

Extra (At Least Three.):

Kai has a rather noticeable Stutter.

Kai hates cutting his hair.

Kai has boundry issues.

Kai loves to give hugs, The tighter the better.

Kai loves to Smoke, Cigarettes and Weed.

Kai loves to cuddle.
Ignore the SUPERNATURAL Part, please. Old form.

naмe: Oliver Daniel Hollows.

age: Eighteen.

gender: Male.

grade/year (ғreѕнмan: тн grade, ѕopнoмore: тн grade, jυnιor: тн grade, ѕenιor: тн grade.): Senior.

perѕonalιтy (мore тнen jυѕт тraιтѕ.):

Shy yet polite explains Oliver,

So does, Intelligent, Charming and Witty.

Oliver is rather gentle and observant Introvert,

Rarely does he talk, unless he's become comfortable around you,

He can be a rather large smart ass from time to time,

Though in the end, he's rather cheeky, and rather accepting.

Though his heart doesn't beat, Oliver had a rather large and accepting heart,

Still openly letting people into his life, though he can feel emotion,

Rarely does he show it, When I say that dear Oliver is Intelligent, I say,

He's already graduated, but something pulls him back to the college, and it has been for many years.

Oliver doesn't exactly see hate, yet he only despises the one who murdered him years ago.

Oliver is a a rather large hopeless romantic,

Growing easily attached he learns to Isolate himself,

Though when he falls for another, he never pushes them away,

Or wants to see them leave his life. Well.. You get the point.

appearance (no anιмe, тнree lιne deѕcrιpтιon) :

Meet The Beautiful Oliver.

Oliver stands about Five feet Seven Inches tall, a rather short height for a male.

With a rather
Pale and Slim Figure.

Long Black Hair that cascades down his Shoulders, just near his collarbone.

And simply gorgeous
Green Eyes. With a beautiful Smile.

Oliver is Beautiful.

Oliver does have quiet the amount of
Beautiful Tattoos.


+ Oliver loves to play his

+ Oliver loves

+ Oliver loves

+ Oliver loves to

+ Oliver loves to
Read, Edagr Allen Poe books.

+ Oliver loves the


+ Oliver doesn't like when people try to feel through him.

+ Oliver doesn't like returning to his grave.

+ Oliver doesn't like rejection.

+ Oliver doesn't like being hurt.

ѕeхυalιтy: Pansexual or Bisexual.

crυѕн: Nobody, yet.

eхтra(ѕ) (мore тнen jυѕт тнree.) :

+ Oliver is addicted to cigarettes.

+ Oliver has
Two Kittens, Named Luna and Roe.

+ Oliver suffers from PTSD.

+ Oliver struggles with Insomnia.

+ Oliver has terrible attachment Anxiety.

+ Oliver has terrible Bi Polar.Name: Jace Derek Morrison.

Age: Eighteen.

Grade or Year (9th Grade- Freshman, 10th Grade-Sophomore 11th-Grade-Junior, 12th Grade-Senior): Senior, Darling.

Personality (More then just Traits.):

Jace, hm. Well, where do we begin with this fellow?

Jace is a rather large Introvert, Rarely does he converse unless yet someone approaches him.

He tends to keep to himself,

Though rather Loyal, Jace has a hard time letting people get close and if they do, he tends to push them away.

Jace is also rather blunt, though quiet if he feel his need is to be spoken, he'll speak.

Jace is very protective, He'll put his life up to stand up for a friend,

Most find him scary after all so after he approaches a situation it also ends rather quickly.

Jace can be rather intimidating, with such a dark heart, he can be rather cold and easily become emotionless,

Though he does have indeed some emotion he'll never show it, Unless well of course he must.

Jace is very Poetic, and therefore it causes him to be a "Hopeless Romantic" For he has an beautiful way with words.

Jace can be very awkward, and rather childish, but rarely do you see this side of him, unless he is of course comfortable with you.

Appearance (Anything BUT ANIME is allowed):

Oh, Hello Jace.

The beautiful
Pale Skinned Jace,

With lovely
Long Raven Black Hair, that goes to his shoulders,

And a gorgeous breathtaking

Some Lovely Tattoos.

With a rather slim figure,

Jace is rather


Currently nobody.


^-^) Jace loves to watch
Old Horror Films.

^-^) Jace Loves Listening to Metal or Rock

^-^) Jace Loves To Research
Creepy Things.

^-^) Jace Loves To

^-^) Jace Loves To Attend

^-^) Jace loves To

^-^) Jace Loves To Listen to
Metal Bands.

Talent (Why you're here): Jace is a beautiful

Biography (Three lines or more!):

Sexuality: Straight.

Do you mind sharing a Dorm?: Not at all.

Do you want to share a Dorm?: Might as well.

Extra (At Least Three.):

^-^) Jace has two pet Hedgehogs named
Pipin and Lulu

^-^) Jace has odd Body Movements, from time to time.

^-^) Jace has ADHD.

^-^) Jace is Six feet Five Inches Tall.

^-^) Jace has a gothic Style

๑۩۞۩๑ ѕтυ∂єит fσям: ๑۩۞۩๑




Grade or Year (9th Grade- Freshman, 10th Grade-Sophomore 11th-Grade-Junior, 12th Grade-Senior):

Personality (More then just Traits.):

Appearance (Anything BUT ANIME is allowed):



Talent (Why you're here)

Biography (Three lines or more!):


Do you mind sharing a Dorm?:

Do you want to share a Dorm?:

Extra (At Least Three.):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/download.jpe.004aab933e64f8d24ed3f7715d0f1ed5.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/download.jpe.004aab933e64f8d24ed3f7715d0f1ed5.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • download.jpe
    10.2 KB · Views: 1
Your list of rules may have one me over. I quite enjoyed reading them, and I like what they cover.

How many players and characters will you be accepting? I have a character concept for a girl that is a deaf/mute that I am looking to create.

And for what it's worth, I do prefer anime pictures over RL. (The tastefully done ones, not clips of a show) however I perfectly understand the stigma against it, so I will hardly press the matter. Though it would be nice, if I may.
Arbella Smith


View attachment 235280

All about Ari


  • Name: Arbella Smith

  • Goes By: Ari

  • Faceclaim: Joanna kusha

  • Age: 17

  • Sex: Female

  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual

  • Relationship Status: single

  • Date/Place of Birth: Febuary 14th, 1997, Des monis, iwoa
  • doesnt mind sharing a dorm
  • 12th grade


  • Height & Weight: 5'2, 98

  • Hair & Eyes: ash blonde, blue


Positives Traits: Really sweet, generous, loving

Negatives Traits: anxious, insucure

Dreams/Ambitions: going to princeton,

Fears: not being good enough


Name: Benjamin Davis Jr.

Age: 17

Grade or Year: Senior

Personality: Probably the smartest 'pretty boy' you would ever meet. He can hold a deep conversation while still posing for a pic, which is a great skill to have, might I add. He's pretty well rounded, with great grades and a great personality, but Ben does have his downsides. For instance, his temper can go from 0-100 real quick. Anger issues is just something he's always had, along with his ADHD. Ben's ADD is not as bad as other people he knows of, he takes medication regularly and makes sure to maintain a healthy diet, but it's there and could be noticeable in situations. Other than that, he's a pretty cool guy. He's confident, but not too cocky to the point where it becomes annoying. And he only shows off on occasion.



Crush: No one


Working Out


Piano and Guitar


Talent: Art and Photography

Biography: A pretty hectic background for him, his mother and father were both involved in some illegal stuff, but Ben tries not to think of any of that. At the age of 5, he and his brother Elijah were put into the foster system, and bounced around for a few years until they found their forever family, the Nathans. They lived with them for a few weeks, but never really opened up fearing they would get taken away. But they didn't, they never did and things got better. Ben's ADHD was figured out then, in which their foster parents bought him his medicine. His brother, Elijah, had taken longer to open up, because unlike Ben, he couldn't just pretend like everything was okay, and he still can't. But things were getting better, and soon they were adopted. Ben and Eli both still sign their names as Davis, as it hasn't grown on them yet, but they'll start to switch it soon.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Do you mind sharing a Dorm?: No, it's fine if anyone rooms with him.

Do you want to share a Dorm?: No, but if he has to then it's fine.


Is excellent at the piano and guitar.

Can take amazing pictures.

Is a pretty good dancer when he actually tries.

Owns a Black Labrador named Sox.


Name: Elijah Davis

Age: 16

Grade or Year: Junior

Personality: Pretty much the same as his brother's, he gets good grades and has a pretty okay personality, except he's a lot more emotionally damaged than his brother. He wasn't as good as hiding his feelings, so from time to time he'd feel a bit down about his past. He's much more quiet and reserved, only trusting people after he's know them for a while. Eli suffers from PTSD and Anxiety, so there are moments when he'll feel like he's suffocating or he'll have a nightmare. But he takes medication regularly so he really has it under control.



Crush: No one






Working Out

Talent: Drums

Biography: Eli remembers more than his brother wants to. He remembers his brother getting physically and sexually abused by their father, while Eli was only physically abused by him. He also knows how mentally scarred Ben is, although he shows virtually no signs of it. Their histories are the same, they were taken away from their home while they were young and had to be pushed around until the Nathans decided to adopt them. It was harder for Eli to open up, but he did, and now he's happy.

Sexuality: No label

Do you mind sharing a Dorm?: No

Do you want to share a Dorm?: Doesn't care


Excellent at the drums.

Can draw very well.

Also dances but only when he's alone or with Ben.

Is left handed, and has slightly worst vision in his right eye.

KingHink said:
Your list of rules may have one me over. I quite enjoyed reading them, and I like what they cover.
How many players and characters will you be accepting? I have a character concept for a girl that is a deaf/mute that I am looking to create.

And for what it's worth, I do prefer anime pictures over RL. (The tastefully done ones, not clips of a show) however I perfectly understand the stigma against it, so I will hardly press the matter. Though it would be nice, if I may.
You may! And as many as you'd like. :3 I'm glad you liked them. c:
Carmen Powell



Grade or Year:

Personality: While a very studious girl, Carmen still loves nothing more than a good ol' fashioned adventure. Often at night, she would sneak out and simply walk around until she decided it was late enough and she should probably be asleep. Regardless of this, she still attempts to get good grades, but her lack of attention skills make it difficult for her to pay attention. In most situations, she is very calm and relaxed, she loves making jokes, as she is not very good in serious situations, and tends to get flustered easily when they come along.

Crush: Currently Nobody

Hobbies: Creative Writing]Singing (as long as nobody is around]Hiking]Being Outside]Acting

Creative Writing/Dramatic Readings

Biography: Carmens parents both worked late night jobs, because of this she didn't see much of them, except in the morning and during the summer. This lead her to explore her love of nature, and realize how much she didn't care about authority. She never stole anything, but she would often sneak into long closed amusement parks and hiking trails to look around. In school, she was a fairly good at it, averaging a B or C in most classes. Although she found it hard to concentrate in most classes except English, and public speaking course. Her she explored her love of story telling, via means of both writing and speaking.


Do you mind sharing a Dorm?:

Do you want to share a Dorm?: She would not care at all

Extra (At Least Three.):

  • She knows how to cook some basic meals, although she does not enjoy cooking,
  • She's very good at climbing things,
  • She does not care much for figures of authority and treats them as she would regular people


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Don't take life seriously, you never get out of it alive.
-Elbert Hubbard

Olivia Anne Morgan



Grade or Year (9th Grade- Freshman, 10th Grade-Sophomore 11th-Grade-Junior, 12th Grade-Senior):


Personality (More then just Traits.):

Olivia at first seems to be cheery, confident and laid back with strong wit for both jokes and sarcasm. Those who know her well enough, seems to think that nothing seems to bother her always appears positive and carrying a smile. She deals with issues calmly and never seems to get mad over anything. However people find her a little distance when it comes to her life. Truth is she keeps things bootled only letting things out in private which can be really strong.

Appearance (Anything BUT ANIME is allowed):








Talent (Why you're here)




Biography (Three lines or more!):

Born to what seemed a happy and loving middle class family wanting for nothing in her early years, getting on well with parents and younger sister. Her mother teaching her to cook and her father music the two pleasures she hold dear. However that changed when she found her sexuality, she revealed it to her parents without fear of reticule expecting acceptance. She was wrong, the reacted angrily even voliently seeing her as unholy. They forced her into camps to cure her and when that failed disowned her completely and without warning making her fend for herself on everything. She now lives in the school dorms and studying only due to the kindness of the school but still haa to work hard to earn her place and survive.



Do you mind sharing a Dorm?:


Do you want to share a Dorm?:


Extra (At Least Three.

A natural talent in cooking

Can sing pretty well

Struggles with depression and self harm

Horror film: Cabin in the woods
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Name:Edward (Ed) Edison

Age: 16

Grade or Year: Sophomore 11th-Grade-Junior

Personality: Ed is actually very smart and talented. But due to certain circumstances he does not show a lot of himself to others. He can be aggressive at times and wont back down from a fight. He is known to start half of them. Ed is full of sarcasm and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He tends to be straight forward with others, and can become very cocky. He is other wise rude and hates it when people butt into his personal life. It's not hard for him to have a conversation with people, but when it comes down to friends..... You could say he doesn't really have many. Some people might refer to him as somewhat arrogant. A spoiled little rich kid that got what ever he wanted.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Emo-boy-teen-hairstyle-cute-tattoos-hat.jpg.b31c16719b464824ef00ad75627c0511.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106796" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Emo-boy-teen-hairstyle-cute-tattoos-hat.jpg.b31c16719b464824ef00ad75627c0511.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush: None yet

Hobbies: Music, anything and everything dealing with music.

He can play guitar, bass, drums, sing and write.

But what he really wants is to produce music.

Talent (Why you're here)

Biography (Three lines or more!):

Ed's Family is extremely wealthy. His mother is a fashion designer who's clothing line happens to be the talk of central LA among the stars and such. His father on the other hand is a brilliant stock broker who currently lives in New York. His younger sister Mia also lives there due to his parents divorce so many years ago. Ed's background is very much secret to everyone but his immediate family. (mind you, when you read this next part... It is secret, Even the school board would not know about this due to medical law.) When Ed was eight years old and living happily in LA with his family, a simple doctors appointment turned his whole world in chaos. His parents thought Ed has asthma and brought him to the doctors, but when the results came back, they were not ready for.

It turns out that Ed has a weak heart. Thus the reason for Ed's lack of energy as a child and so forth. This kind of news broke his family into pieces. Both his mother and father are rich beyond rich, and yet they can't get him what he needs to survive.

His father drowned himself in other women soon ending a marriage. His mother took Ed and his father took Mia his younger sister. But that does not mean that his mother is always around. She too has a hard time being around Ed so she makes every excuse in the world to stay at work or out of the state.

Ed spent most of his life out in LA. He was always fond of music, he started out with drums and piano at a very young age, long before the discovery of his issues. As the years went by Ed's parents stopped trying to connect with their son and just got him what ever he wanted. Music lessons, instruments, anything he wanted was given to him. All he had to do was ask.

But due to recent events Ed had to move. His doctor was given a position at another hospital. His parents didn't feel comfortable with Ed getting a new doctor, so they moved him and his caretakers. His driver Kevin Brandy (Image will come later) and the house caretaker Casey Karn (Image will come later) were moved along with Ed.

Now within a new school, at least he's been there for a few months, he has fallen into his old habits. Ed will get into fights, talk back to teachers and other students, he will never turn in assignments, and literally shows that he doesn't give a shit. But thanks to his parents wealth, Ed would always get out of trouble. Maybe not detention or other forms of punishment, but the school wont kick him out. His parents are more then happy to just give the school money or donate things the school might need, just to keep Ed in school... In case of a miracle.

Sexuality: He doesn't put much thought into this.

Do you mind sharing a Dorm?: Ed can't live on the school grounds

Do you want to share a Dorm?: Answer above.


Ed tried to turn anything and everything into a joke.

He acts like he hates just about everything, but really he's just jealous.

And you will never see him cry. Ever since he was eight he stopped crying over things.

(Please let me know if I need to change anything. ( ^_^ ).... Also I have read the rules and noticed a few questions that you wished to be answered. I would have PMed you but I am still waiting on the 24 hour rule. )



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