parkour(free running) Lunar


New Member
I'm thinking of making a free runner/ Marshal artist Lunar npc for a Nexus game. I've have a good idea about stats and charms. Cast Changing Moon. High Dex and Stam. Good MA, Dodge and Ath. Charms/Knacks Warform, Dex movement, Lunar Style and a few social to round him out a bit. The totem animal is where I'm having the problem. Some kind of monkey or ape would be the obvious choice but I would like to use something else. Any ideas?
ha, I was thinking about doing a lunar like this too (although slightly different) so I'd be interested in charm reccomendations.

as for form reccomendations I can say pretty much any small furry mammal (rabbit, squirrel, chinchilla) various lizards for the "all terrain" aspect of le Parkour (Gecko, Basilisk), course there are your ground based birds for your more unique runner (ostrich etc) but I don't suppose they'd deal with obstacles well

and of course, your apes or monkeys

can't think of any insects but I'm sure there are some that can get a decent turn of ground based speed, a quick google search informs me the fastest ground based insect are "certain large tropical cockroaches of the family Dictyoptera", fleas might work too provided your ST allows emerald grasshopperat character creation to expand available totem forms
Most of that could be done with judicious stunting, and creative use of already existing Charms. That, and the urban nature of thing would point more to a Solar or DB sort, wouldn't it?

Unless you're talking about a Lunar who just likes to run the shit out of the jungle or canyons, and even then, you're looking at animals that are terrain specific.
First of all, I'd say full moon if you want a great runner/jumper.

Second, various totems can be cool, squirrel, monkey, lizard, suricat, rat, cat, even dog.

I thought the parkour was only known in France :lol:
Most of that could be done with judicious stunting' date=' and creative use of already existing Charms. That, and the urban nature of thing would point more to a Solar or DB sort, wouldn't it?specific.[/quote']
Most of it will be done with stunts and existing charms. I've seen it done with a Solar but I think the way Lunar charms work they could do it better.

As for charms: A Dex Excellency, Graceful Crane tree,G.T. Stance,Wind-Dancing Method, The Parts of the Dex Movement tree, Most of Lunar Hero style works well with it.
Well you know in DotFA there is a charm that beats every combination of lunar charms, a simple charms that launches all the athletics charms the solar possesses. That makes him the best at street running.
Parkour is know by some people here in the US but it's called free running over here.

Full Moon is better. I just came up with this idea while working on a changing moon it never go switched over. As for totems right now I am leaning toward squirrel or Gecko.
Jeez, dog killer squirrels... something Darwin would've liked !

Picture if they keep on lacking proteins and start attacking other animals, soon their morphology will evolve, they will hunt larger prey in packs and may soon hunt humans and we will all live in fear of the black flesh eating squirrels.

Squirrel sounds like a badass totem right now...
Bah. Squirrel has always been a bad ass totem. Of course, seeing someone use their Lunar in squirrel form to brutally beat down various animals in 1E may have given me this opinion. Lets just say squirrel Snake Style martial artists are scary AND funny. More so when they occasionally shapeshift into a River Dragon mid fight. The Strix wasn't expecting that...
I still needs must make my Beamklaive wielding squirrel totem Lunar. :P

Main issue is I have nowhere to play them. *pouts* Oh well...eventually I'll teach 'em all how to wield lightsabers so as to improve my celestial ranking... *g*

Oh, and dear, that was a monkey in Snake Style that squashed the strix by going river dragon. :) It was still funny though.
and oh yeah, these killer black squirrels? some muppet has introduced them to england, never mind the fact that the red squirrel population was decimated by the introduction of grey squirrels, now they go and get some even meaner black squirrels to add to the mix

where does it end I ask ya?

but that's a subject for another topic
To expand on it, based on my knowledge of what goes on in a traceur's (a practitioner of parkour) mind as they are moving; the idea is that they look at where they are trying to go and then look at all of the obstacles in their path not as obstacles but as a means to reaching the goal. Each leap, vault-over, wall-run, or slide-under is only another method to propel them further toward their destination. Personally, I would consider it a superior movement discipline, above other "traditional" forms of "acrobatic movement." Examples from both "District B13" and "Casino Royale (the beginning)" pretty much back up my claim.

Using Parkour as a specialization of athletics, the only thing I can see in regards to mechanics is that as long as a traceur can keep moving, then they have reduced penalties moving through hampered or restricted terrain. Allow each dot in Parkour to negate either a single "-2" or die penalty in any attempt at challenged movement through hampered terrain.

Combining that with stunts, then this would easily demonstrate a character's ability to move easily through a given terrain. However, it should be noted that while a traceur can easily negotiate any terrain, he should excel while moving through an urban environment. Having your traceur moving over the rooftops of a city should be a study in fluidity and grace.

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