Parker (Park) Lunes


[B] 1004 [A] Angel [P]
Name: Lunes, Parker / loo-nes / goes by Park

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


{Hair is slightly longer than shown}

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 105 lbs

Body type: Slim, slightly curved around waist and breasts, long legs

Hair color: Platinum Blonde

Eye color: Dark Hazel

Piercing/tattoos/scars/etc: Her ears are pierced, and she has an anchor tattoo on her wrist.


Personality: Park is a witty woman, often times preferring to use her brain over her physical strength or emotions. She tends to come off as extremely rude at first and is known to anger many of those who meet her with her 'informal attitude'. Park is a free spirit and cannot be holed up in one area for a long time, which made her reluctant to come onto the show. Because of her unsteady high school life, Park keeps an optimistic and humorous front, a distraction to keep others believing that she was the happiest person in the world. She is, in reality, a bit judgmental, antisocial, and apathetic. Unlike the self she portrays, she cannot bring herself the care for things she does not have interest in and is uncomfortable with social interactions. She has joined the show purely for a bit of recognition and tuition money, and is most likely to show little interest for the Prince.


+ Sweets

+ Modern Dance

+ Casual Walks

+ Julio (her turkish van cat)

+ Organizing (the only organized thing in her life)


- Bitter Foods

- Overcrowded Spaces

- Overexerting Activities (15 mile hikes)

- Spiders

- Dirt/Uncleanliness


+ Dance

+ Playing Cello

+ Singing


+ Extremely good in the fashion department

+ Fitting many things in a small space

Favorite color: Mint Green

History/Background: Park grew up a normal life until she traveled to South Korea to study abroad at the age of 8. While away, her parents went through a bitter divorce and she suffered a lack of human contact (side effect of rigorous studies), leading her to dislike social interactions. She returned at the age of 18 after completing her studies and is now working as a resident at a hospital aiding heart surgeries.

Why you are entering: To gain some needed recognition and to pay off her student debt.

Current occupation: Resident at Hospital

Other: She adores Macau Pudding. (give her some for brownie points).
Name: Lunes, Parker / loo-nes / goes by Park

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


{Hair is slightly longer than shown}

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 105 lbs

Body type: Slim, slightly curved around waist and breasts, long legs

Hair color: Platinum Blonde

Eye color: Dark Hazel

Piercing/tattoos/scars/etc: Her ears are pierced, and she has an anchor tattoo on her wrist.


Personality: Park is a witty woman, often times preferring to use her brain over her physical strength or emotions. She tends to come off as extremely rude at first and is known to anger many of those who meet her with her 'informal attitude'. Park is a free spirit and cannot be holed up in one area for a long time, which made her reluctant to come onto the show. Because of her unsteady high school life, Park keeps an optimistic and humorous front, a distraction to keep others believing that she was the happiest person in the world. She is, in reality, a bit judgmental, antisocial, and apathetic. Unlike the self she portrays, she cannot bring herself the care for things she does not have interest in and is uncomfortable with social interactions. She has joined the show purely for a bit of recognition and tuition money, and is most likely to show little interest for the Prince.


+ Sweets

+ Modern Dance

+ Casual Walks

+ Julio (her turkish van cat)

+ Organizing (the only organized thing in her life)


- Bitter Foods

- Overcrowded Spaces

- Overexerting Activities (15 mile hikes)

- Spiders

- Dirt/Uncleanliness


+ Dance

+ Playing Cello

+ Singing


+ Extremely good in the fashion department

+ Fitting many things in a small space

Favorite color: Mint Green

History/Background: Park grew up a normal life until she traveled to South Korea to study abroad at the age of 8. While away, her parents went through a bitter divorce and she suffered a lack of human contact (side effect of rigorous studies), leading her to dislike social interactions. She returned at the age of 18 after completing her studies and is now working as a resident at a hospital aiding heart surgeries.

Why you are entering: To gain some needed recognition and to pay off her student debt.

Current occupation: Resident at Hospital

Other: She adores Macau Pudding. (give her some for brownie points).
Macau Pudding? Done. Great character! (And finally someone who is there for the money) Will you be making another?

Yes I will! 

I'm glad you like my money-driven character ohoho
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